// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package network

import (



Taking the proximity order relative to a fix point x classifies the points in
the space (n byte long byte sequences) into bins. Items in each are at
most half as distant from x as items in the previous bin. Given a sample of
uniformly distributed items (a hash function over arbitrary sequence) the
proximity scale maps onto series of subsets with cardinalities on a negative
exponential scale.

It also has the property that any two item belonging to the same bin are at
most half as distant from each other as they are from x.

If we think of random sample of items in the bins as connections in a network of
interconnected nodes then relative proximity can serve as the basis for local
decisions for graph traversal where the task is to find a route between two
points. Since in every hop, the finite distance halves, there is
a guaranteed constant maximum limit on the number of hops needed to reach one
node from the other.

var pof = pot.DefaultPof(256)

// KadParams holds the config params for Kademlia
type KadParams struct {
	// adjustable parameters
	MaxProxDisplay int   // number of rows the table shows
	MinProxBinSize int   // nearest neighbour core minimum cardinality
	MinBinSize     int   // minimum number of peers in a row
	MaxBinSize     int   // maximum number of peers in a row before pruning
	RetryInterval  int64 // initial interval before a peer is first redialed
	RetryExponent  int   // exponent to multiply retry intervals with
	MaxRetries     int   // maximum number of redial attempts
	// function to sanction or prevent suggesting a peer
	Reachable func(*BzzAddr) bool

// NewKadParams returns a params struct with default values
func NewKadParams() *KadParams {
	return &KadParams{
		MaxProxDisplay: 16,
		MinProxBinSize: 2,
		MinBinSize:     2,
		MaxBinSize:     4,
		RetryInterval:  4200000000, // 4.2 sec
		MaxRetries:     42,
		RetryExponent:  2,

// Kademlia is a table of live peers and a db of known peers (node records)
type Kademlia struct {
	lock       sync.RWMutex
	*KadParams                                         // Kademlia configuration parameters
	base       []byte                                  // immutable baseaddress of the table
	addrs      *pot.Pot                                // pots container for known peer addresses
	conns      *pot.Pot                                // pots container for live peer connections
	depth      uint8                                   // stores the last current depth of saturation
	nDepth     int                                     // stores the last neighbourhood depth
	nDepthC    chan int                                // returned by DepthC function to signal neighbourhood depth change
	addrCountC chan int                                // returned by AddrCountC function to signal peer count change
	Pof        func(pot.Val, pot.Val, int) (int, bool) // function for calculating kademlia routing distance between two addresses

// NewKademlia creates a Kademlia table for base address addr
// with parameters as in params
// if params is nil, it uses default values
func NewKademlia(addr []byte, params *KadParams) *Kademlia {
	if params == nil {
		params = NewKadParams()
	return &Kademlia{
		base:      addr,
		KadParams: params,
		addrs:     pot.NewPot(nil, 0),
		conns:     pot.NewPot(nil, 0),
		Pof:       pof,

// entry represents a Kademlia table entry (an extension of BzzAddr)
type entry struct {
	conn    *Peer
	seenAt  time.Time
	retries int

// newEntry creates a kademlia peer from a *Peer
func newEntry(p *BzzAddr) *entry {
	return &entry{
		BzzAddr: p,
		seenAt:  time.Now(),

// Label is a short tag for the entry for debug
func Label(e *entry) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", e.Hex()[:4], e.retries)

// Hex is the hexadecimal serialisation of the entry address
func (e *entry) Hex() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%x", e.Address())

// Register enters each address as kademlia peer record into the
// database of known peer addresses
func (k *Kademlia) Register(peers ...*BzzAddr) error {
	defer k.lock.Unlock()
	var known, size int
	for _, p := range peers {
		// error if self received, peer should know better
		// and should be punished for this
		if bytes.Equal(p.Address(), k.base) {
			return fmt.Errorf("add peers: %x is self", k.base)
		var found bool
		k.addrs, _, found, _ = pot.Swap(k.addrs, p, pof, func(v pot.Val) pot.Val {
			// if not found
			if v == nil {
				// insert new offline peer into conns
				return newEntry(p)
			// found among known peers, do nothing
			return v
		if found {
	// send new address count value only if there are new addresses
	if k.addrCountC != nil && size-known > 0 {
		k.addrCountC <- k.addrs.Size()

	return nil

// SuggestPeer returns a known peer for the lowest proximity bin for the
// lowest bincount below depth
// naturally if there is an empty row it returns a peer for that
func (k *Kademlia) SuggestPeer() (a *BzzAddr, o int, want bool) {
	defer k.lock.Unlock()
	minsize := k.MinBinSize
	depth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)
	// if there is a callable neighbour within the current proxBin, connect
	// this makes sure nearest neighbour set is fully connected
	var ppo int
	k.addrs.EachNeighbour(k.base, pof, func(val pot.Val, po int) bool {
		if po < depth {
			return false
		e := val.(*entry)
		c := k.callable(e)
		if c {
			a = e.BzzAddr
		ppo = po
		return !c
	if a != nil {
		log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x candidate nearest neighbour found: %v (%v)", k.BaseAddr()[:4], a, ppo))
		return a, 0, false

	var bpo []int
	prev := -1
	k.conns.EachBin(k.base, pof, 0, func(po, size int, f func(func(val pot.Val, i int) bool) bool) bool {
		for ; prev < po; prev++ {
			bpo = append(bpo, prev)
			minsize = 0
		if size < minsize {
			bpo = append(bpo, po)
			minsize = size
		return size > 0 && po < depth
	// all buckets are full, ie., minsize == k.MinBinSize
	if len(bpo) == 0 {
		return nil, 0, false
	// as long as we got candidate peers to connect to
	// dont ask for new peers (want = false)
	// try to select a candidate peer
	// find the first callable peer
	nxt := bpo[0]
	k.addrs.EachBin(k.base, pof, nxt, func(po, _ int, f func(func(pot.Val, int) bool) bool) bool {
		// for each bin (up until depth) we find callable candidate peers
		if po >= depth {
			return false
		return f(func(val pot.Val, _ int) bool {
			e := val.(*entry)
			c := k.callable(e)
			if c {
				a = e.BzzAddr
			return !c
	// found a candidate
	if a != nil {
		return a, 0, false
	// no candidate peer found, request for the short bin
	var changed bool
	if uint8(nxt) < k.depth {
		k.depth = uint8(nxt)
		changed = true
	return a, nxt, changed

// On inserts the peer as a kademlia peer into the live peers
func (k *Kademlia) On(p *Peer) (uint8, bool) {
	defer k.lock.Unlock()
	var ins bool
	k.conns, _, _, _ = pot.Swap(k.conns, p, pof, func(v pot.Val) pot.Val {
		// if not found live
		if v == nil {
			ins = true
			// insert new online peer into conns
			return p
		// found among live peers, do nothing
		return v
	if ins && !p.BzzPeer.LightNode {
		a := newEntry(p.BzzAddr)
		a.conn = p
		// insert new online peer into addrs
		k.addrs, _, _, _ = pot.Swap(k.addrs, p, pof, func(v pot.Val) pot.Val {
			return a
		// send new address count value only if the peer is inserted
		if k.addrCountC != nil {
			k.addrCountC <- k.addrs.Size()
	// calculate if depth of saturation changed
	depth := uint8(k.saturation(k.MinBinSize))
	var changed bool
	if depth != k.depth {
		changed = true
		k.depth = depth
	return k.depth, changed

// NeighbourhoodDepthC returns the channel that sends a new kademlia
// neighbourhood depth on each change.
// Not receiving from the returned channel will block On function
// when the neighbourhood depth is changed.
// TODO: Why is this exported, and if it should be; why can't we have more subscribers than one?
func (k *Kademlia) NeighbourhoodDepthC() <-chan int {
	defer k.lock.Unlock()
	if k.nDepthC == nil {
		k.nDepthC = make(chan int)
	return k.nDepthC

// sendNeighbourhoodDepthChange sends new neighbourhood depth to k.nDepth channel
// if it is initialized.
func (k *Kademlia) sendNeighbourhoodDepthChange() {
	// nDepthC is initialized when NeighbourhoodDepthC is called and returned by it.
	// It provides signaling of neighbourhood depth change.
	// This part of the code is sending new neighbourhood depth to nDepthC if that condition is met.
	if k.nDepthC != nil {
		nDepth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)
		if nDepth != k.nDepth {
			k.nDepth = nDepth
			k.nDepthC <- nDepth

// AddrCountC returns the channel that sends a new
// address count value on each change.
// Not receiving from the returned channel will block Register function
// when address count value changes.
func (k *Kademlia) AddrCountC() <-chan int {
	if k.addrCountC == nil {
		k.addrCountC = make(chan int)
	return k.addrCountC

// Off removes a peer from among live peers
func (k *Kademlia) Off(p *Peer) {
	defer k.lock.Unlock()
	var del bool
	if !p.BzzPeer.LightNode {
		k.addrs, _, _, _ = pot.Swap(k.addrs, p, pof, func(v pot.Val) pot.Val {
			// v cannot be nil, must check otherwise we overwrite entry
			if v == nil {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("connected peer not found %v", p))
			del = true
			return newEntry(p.BzzAddr)
	} else {
		del = true

	if del {
		k.conns, _, _, _ = pot.Swap(k.conns, p, pof, func(_ pot.Val) pot.Val {
			// v cannot be nil, but no need to check
			return nil
		// send new address count value only if the peer is deleted
		if k.addrCountC != nil {
			k.addrCountC <- k.addrs.Size()

func (k *Kademlia) EachBin(base []byte, pof pot.Pof, o int, eachBinFunc func(conn *Peer, po int) bool) {
	defer k.lock.RUnlock()

	var startPo int
	var endPo int
	kadDepth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)

	k.conns.EachBin(base, pof, o, func(po, size int, f func(func(val pot.Val, i int) bool) bool) bool {
		if startPo > 0 && endPo != k.MaxProxDisplay {
			startPo = endPo + 1
		if po < kadDepth {
			endPo = po
		} else {
			endPo = k.MaxProxDisplay

		for bin := startPo; bin <= endPo; bin++ {
			f(func(val pot.Val, _ int) bool {
				return eachBinFunc(val.(*Peer), bin)
		return true

// EachConn is an iterator with args (base, po, f) applies f to each live peer
// that has proximity order po or less as measured from the base
// if base is nil, kademlia base address is used
func (k *Kademlia) EachConn(base []byte, o int, f func(*Peer, int, bool) bool) {
	defer k.lock.RUnlock()
	k.eachConn(base, o, f)

func (k *Kademlia) eachConn(base []byte, o int, f func(*Peer, int, bool) bool) {
	if len(base) == 0 {
		base = k.base
	depth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)
	k.conns.EachNeighbour(base, pof, func(val pot.Val, po int) bool {
		if po > o {
			return true
		return f(val.(*Peer), po, po >= depth)

// EachAddr called with (base, po, f) is an iterator applying f to each known peer
// that has proximity order po or less as measured from the base
// if base is nil, kademlia base address is used
func (k *Kademlia) EachAddr(base []byte, o int, f func(*BzzAddr, int, bool) bool) {
	defer k.lock.RUnlock()
	k.eachAddr(base, o, f)

func (k *Kademlia) eachAddr(base []byte, o int, f func(*BzzAddr, int, bool) bool) {
	if len(base) == 0 {
		base = k.base
	depth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)
	k.addrs.EachNeighbour(base, pof, func(val pot.Val, po int) bool {
		if po > o {
			return true
		return f(val.(*entry).BzzAddr, po, po >= depth)

func (k *Kademlia) NeighbourhoodDepth() (depth int) {
	defer k.lock.RUnlock()
	return depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)

// depthForPot returns the proximity order that defines the distance of
// the nearest neighbour set with cardinality >= MinProxBinSize
// if there is altogether less than MinProxBinSize peers it returns 0
// caller must hold the lock
func depthForPot(p *pot.Pot, minProxBinSize int, pivotAddr []byte) (depth int) {
	if p.Size() <= minProxBinSize {
		return 0

	// total number of peers in iteration
	var size int

	// true if iteration has all prox peers
	var b bool

	// last po recorded in iteration
	var lastPo int

	f := func(v pot.Val, i int) bool {
		// po == 256 means that addr is the pivot address(self)
		if i == 256 {
			return true

		// this means we have all nn-peers.
		// depth is by default set to the bin of the farthest nn-peer
		if size == minProxBinSize {
			b = true
			depth = i
			return true

		// if there are empty bins between farthest nn and current node,
		// the depth should recalculated to be
		// the farthest of those empty bins
		// 0   abac ccde
		// 1   2a2a
		// 2   589f       <--- nearest non-nn
		// ============ DEPTH 3  ===========
		// 3              <--- don't count as empty bins
		// 4              <--- don't count as empty bins
		// 5  cbcb cdcd    <---- furthest nn
		// 6  a1a2 b3c4
		if b && i < depth {
			depth = i + 1
			lastPo = i
			return false
		lastPo = i
		return true
	p.EachNeighbour(pivotAddr, pof, f)

	// cover edge case where more than one farthest nn
	// AND we only have nn-peers
	if lastPo == depth {
		depth = 0
	return depth

// callable decides if an address entry represents a callable peer
func (k *Kademlia) callable(e *entry) bool {
	// not callable if peer is live or exceeded maxRetries
	if e.conn != nil || e.retries > k.MaxRetries {
		return false
	// calculate the allowed number of retries based on time lapsed since last seen
	timeAgo := int64(time.Since(e.seenAt))
	div := int64(k.RetryExponent)
	div += (150000 - rand.Int63n(300000)) * div / 1000000
	var retries int
	for delta := timeAgo; delta > k.RetryInterval; delta /= div {
	// this is never called concurrently, so safe to increment
	// peer can be retried again
	if retries < e.retries {
		log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x: %v long time since last try (at %v) needed before retry %v, wait only warrants %v", k.BaseAddr()[:4], e, timeAgo, e.retries, retries))
		return false
	// function to sanction or prevent suggesting a peer
	if k.Reachable != nil && !k.Reachable(e.BzzAddr) {
		log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x: peer %v is temporarily not callable", k.BaseAddr()[:4], e))
		return false
	log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x: peer %v is callable", k.BaseAddr()[:4], e))

	return true

// BaseAddr return the kademlia base address
func (k *Kademlia) BaseAddr() []byte {
	return k.base

// String returns kademlia table + kaddb table displayed with ascii
func (k *Kademlia) String() string {
	defer k.lock.RUnlock()
	return k.string()

// string returns kademlia table + kaddb table displayed with ascii
// caller must hold the lock
func (k *Kademlia) string() string {
	wsrow := "                          "
	var rows []string

	rows = append(rows, "=========================================================================")
	rows = append(rows, fmt.Sprintf("%v KΛÐΞMLIΛ hive: queen's address: %x", time.Now().UTC().Format(time.UnixDate), k.BaseAddr()[:3]))
	rows = append(rows, fmt.Sprintf("population: %d (%d), MinProxBinSize: %d, MinBinSize: %d, MaxBinSize: %d", k.conns.Size(), k.addrs.Size(), k.MinProxBinSize, k.MinBinSize, k.MaxBinSize))

	liverows := make([]string, k.MaxProxDisplay)
	peersrows := make([]string, k.MaxProxDisplay)

	depth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)
	rest := k.conns.Size()
	k.conns.EachBin(k.base, pof, 0, func(po, size int, f func(func(val pot.Val, i int) bool) bool) bool {
		var rowlen int
		if po >= k.MaxProxDisplay {
			po = k.MaxProxDisplay - 1
		row := []string{fmt.Sprintf("%2d", size)}
		rest -= size
		f(func(val pot.Val, vpo int) bool {
			e := val.(*Peer)
			row = append(row, fmt.Sprintf("%x", e.Address()[:2]))
			return rowlen < 4
		r := strings.Join(row, " ")
		r = r + wsrow
		liverows[po] = r[:31]
		return true

	k.addrs.EachBin(k.base, pof, 0, func(po, size int, f func(func(val pot.Val, i int) bool) bool) bool {
		var rowlen int
		if po >= k.MaxProxDisplay {
			po = k.MaxProxDisplay - 1
		if size < 0 {
		row := []string{fmt.Sprintf("%2d", size)}
		// we are displaying live peers too
		f(func(val pot.Val, vpo int) bool {
			e := val.(*entry)
			row = append(row, Label(e))
			return rowlen < 4
		peersrows[po] = strings.Join(row, " ")
		return true

	for i := 0; i < k.MaxProxDisplay; i++ {
		if i == depth {
			rows = append(rows, fmt.Sprintf("============ DEPTH: %d ==========================================", i))
		left := liverows[i]
		right := peersrows[i]
		if len(left) == 0 {
			left = " 0                             "
		if len(right) == 0 {
			right = " 0"
		rows = append(rows, fmt.Sprintf("%03d %v | %v", i, left, right))
	rows = append(rows, "=========================================================================")
	return "\n" + strings.Join(rows, "\n")

// PeerPot keeps info about expected nearest neighbours and empty bins
// used for testing only
type PeerPot struct {
	NNSet     [][]byte
	EmptyBins []int

// NewPeerPotMap creates a map of pot record of *BzzAddr with keys
// as hexadecimal representations of the address.
// used for testing only
func NewPeerPotMap(kadMinProxSize int, addrs [][]byte) map[string]*PeerPot {

	// create a table of all nodes for health check
	np := pot.NewPot(nil, 0)
	for _, addr := range addrs {
		np, _, _ = pot.Add(np, addr, pof)
	ppmap := make(map[string]*PeerPot)

	for i, a := range addrs {

		// actual kademlia depth
		depth := depthForPot(np, kadMinProxSize, a)

		// upon entering a new iteration
		// this will hold the value the po should be
		// if it's one higher than the po in the last iteration
		prevPo := 256

		// all empty bins which are outside neighbourhood depth
		var emptyBins []int

		// all nn-peers
		var nns [][]byte

		np.EachNeighbour(a, pof, func(val pot.Val, po int) bool {
			addr := val.([]byte)
			// po == 256 means that addr is the pivot address(self)
			if po == 256 {
				return true

			// iterate through the neighbours, going from the closest to the farthest
			// we calculate the nearest neighbours that should be in the set
			// depth in this case equates to:
			// 1.  Within all bins that are higher or equal than depth there are
			//     at least minProxBinSize peers connected
			// 2.  depth-1 bin is not empty
			if po >= depth {
				nns = append(nns, addr)
				prevPo = depth - 1
				return true
			for j := prevPo; j > po; j-- {
				emptyBins = append(emptyBins, j)
			prevPo = po - 1
			return true

		log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%x NNS: %s, emptyBins: %s", addrs[i][:4], LogAddrs(nns), logEmptyBins(emptyBins)))
		ppmap[common.Bytes2Hex(a)] = &PeerPot{nns, emptyBins}
	return ppmap

// saturation returns the lowest proximity order that the bin for that order
// has less than n peers
// It is used in Healthy function for testing only
func (k *Kademlia) saturation(n int) int {
	prev := -1
	k.addrs.EachBin(k.base, pof, 0, func(po, size int, f func(func(val pot.Val, i int) bool) bool) bool {
		return prev == po && size >= n
	depth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)
	if depth < prev {
		return depth
	return prev

// full returns true if all required bins have connected peers.
// It is used in Healthy function for testing only
func (k *Kademlia) full(emptyBins []int) (full bool) {
	prev := 0
	e := len(emptyBins)
	ok := true
	depth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.MinProxBinSize, k.base)
	k.conns.EachBin(k.base, pof, 0, func(po, _ int, _ func(func(val pot.Val, i int) bool) bool) bool {
		if po >= depth {
			return false
		if prev == depth+1 {
			return true
		for i := prev; i < po; i++ {
			if e < 0 {
				ok = false
				return false
			if emptyBins[e] != i {
				log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x po: %d, i: %d, e: %d, emptybins: %v", k.BaseAddr()[:4], po, i, e, logEmptyBins(emptyBins)))
				if emptyBins[e] < i {
					panic("incorrect peerpot")
				ok = false
				return false
		prev = po + 1
		return true
	if !ok {
		return false
	return e == 0

// knowNearestNeighbours tests if all known nearest neighbours given as arguments
// are found in the addressbook
// It is used in Healthy function for testing only
func (k *Kademlia) knowNearestNeighbours(peers [][]byte) bool {
	pm := make(map[string]bool)

	k.eachAddr(nil, 255, func(p *BzzAddr, po int, nn bool) bool {
		if !nn {
			return false
		pk := fmt.Sprintf("%x", p.Address())
		pm[pk] = true
		return true
	for _, p := range peers {
		pk := fmt.Sprintf("%x", p)
		if !pm[pk] {
			log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x: known nearest neighbour %s not found", k.BaseAddr()[:4], pk[:8]))
			return false
	return true

// gotNearestNeighbours tests if all known nearest neighbours given as arguments
// are connected peers
// It is used in Healthy function for testing only
func (k *Kademlia) gotNearestNeighbours(peers [][]byte) (got bool, n int, missing [][]byte) {
	pm := make(map[string]bool)

	k.eachConn(nil, 255, func(p *Peer, po int, nn bool) bool {
		if !nn {
			return false
		pk := fmt.Sprintf("%x", p.Address())
		pm[pk] = true
		return true
	var gots int
	var culprits [][]byte
	for _, p := range peers {
		pk := fmt.Sprintf("%x", p)
		if pm[pk] {
		} else {
			log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x: ExpNN: %s not found", k.BaseAddr()[:4], pk[:8]))
			culprits = append(culprits, p)
	return gots == len(peers), gots, culprits

// Health state of the Kademlia
// used for testing only
type Health struct {
	KnowNN     bool     // whether node knows all its nearest neighbours
	GotNN      bool     // whether node is connected to all its nearest neighbours
	CountNN    int      // amount of nearest neighbors connected to
	CulpritsNN [][]byte // which known NNs are missing
	Full       bool     // whether node has a peer in each kademlia bin (where there is such a peer)
	Hive       string

// Healthy reports the health state of the kademlia connectivity
// returns a Health struct
// used for testing only
func (k *Kademlia) Healthy(pp *PeerPot) *Health {
	defer k.lock.RUnlock()
	gotnn, countnn, culpritsnn := k.gotNearestNeighbours(pp.NNSet)
	knownn := k.knowNearestNeighbours(pp.NNSet)
	full := k.full(pp.EmptyBins)
	log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%08x: healthy: knowNNs: %v, gotNNs: %v, full: %v\n", k.BaseAddr()[:4], knownn, gotnn, full))
	return &Health{knownn, gotnn, countnn, culpritsnn, full, k.string()}

func logEmptyBins(ebs []int) string {
	var ebss []string
	for _, eb := range ebs {
		ebss = append(ebss, fmt.Sprintf("%d", eb))
	return strings.Join(ebss, ", ")