package xeth

import (


func toHex(b []byte) string {
	return "0x" + ethutil.Bytes2Hex(b)
func fromHex(s string) []byte {
	if len(s) > 1 {
		if s[0:2] == "0x" {
			s = s[2:]
		return ethutil.Hex2Bytes(s)
	return nil

type Object struct {

func NewObject(state *state.StateObject) *Object {
	return &Object{state}

func (self *Object) StorageString(str string) *ethutil.Value {
	if ethutil.IsHex(str) {
	} else {
		return[]byte(str), 32))

func (self *Object) StorageValue(addr *ethutil.Value) *ethutil.Value {

func (self *Object) storage(addr []byte) *ethutil.Value {
	return self.StateObject.GetStorage(ethutil.BigD(addr))

func (self *Object) Storage() (storage map[string]string) {
	storage = make(map[string]string)

	it := self.StateObject.Trie().Iterator()
	for it.Next() {
		var data []byte
		rlp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(it.Value), &data)
		storage[toHex(it.Key)] = toHex(data)


// Block interface exposed to QML
type Block struct {
	//Transactions string `json:"transactions"`
	ref          *types.Block
	Size         string        `json:"size"`
	Number       int           `json:"number"`
	Hash         string        `json:"hash"`
	Transactions *ethutil.List `json:"transactions"`
	Uncles       *ethutil.List `json:"uncles"`
	Time         int64         `json:"time"`
	Coinbase     string        `json:"coinbase"`
	Name         string        `json:"name"`
	GasLimit     string        `json:"gasLimit"`
	GasUsed      string        `json:"gasUsed"`
	PrevHash     string        `json:"prevHash"`
	Bloom        string        `json:"bloom"`
	Raw          string        `json:"raw"`

// Creates a new QML Block from a chain block
func NewBlock(block *types.Block) *Block {
	if block == nil {
		return &Block{}

	ptxs := make([]*Transaction, len(block.Transactions()))
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		ptxs[i] = NewTx(tx)
	txlist := ethutil.NewList(ptxs)

	puncles := make([]*Block, len(block.Uncles()))
	for i, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
		puncles[i] = NewBlock(types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncle))
	ulist := ethutil.NewList(puncles)

	return &Block{
		ref: block, Size: block.Size().String(),
		Number: int(block.NumberU64()), GasUsed: block.GasUsed().String(),
		GasLimit: block.GasLimit().String(), Hash: toHex(block.Hash()),
		Transactions: txlist, Uncles: ulist,
		Time:     block.Time(),
		Coinbase: toHex(block.Coinbase()),
		PrevHash: toHex(block.ParentHash()),
		Bloom:    toHex(block.Bloom()),
		Raw:      block.String(),

func (self *Block) ToString() string {
	if self.ref != nil {
		return self.ref.String()

	return ""

func (self *Block) GetTransaction(hash string) *Transaction {
	tx := self.ref.Transaction(fromHex(hash))
	if tx == nil {
		return nil

	return NewTx(tx)

type Transaction struct {
	ref *types.Transaction

	Value           string `json:"value"`
	Gas             string `json:"gas"`
	GasPrice        string `json:"gasPrice"`
	Hash            string `json:"hash"`
	Address         string `json:"address"`
	Sender          string `json:"sender"`
	RawData         string `json:"rawData"`
	Data            string `json:"data"`
	Contract        bool   `json:"isContract"`
	CreatesContract bool   `json:"createsContract"`
	Confirmations   int    `json:"confirmations"`

func NewTx(tx *types.Transaction) *Transaction {
	hash := toHex(tx.Hash())
	receiver := toHex(tx.To())
	if len(receiver) == 0 {
		receiver = toHex(core.AddressFromMessage(tx))
	sender := toHex(tx.From())
	createsContract := core.MessageCreatesContract(tx)

	var data string
	if createsContract {
		data = strings.Join(core.Disassemble(tx.Data()), "\n")
	} else {
		data = toHex(tx.Data())

	return &Transaction{ref: tx, Hash: hash, Value: ethutil.CurrencyToString(tx.Value()), Address: receiver, Contract: createsContract, Gas: tx.Gas().String(), GasPrice: tx.GasPrice().String(), Data: data, Sender: sender, CreatesContract: createsContract, RawData: toHex(tx.Data())}

func (self *Transaction) ToString() string {
	return self.ref.String()

type Key struct {
	Address    string `json:"address"`
	PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
	PublicKey  string `json:"publicKey"`

func NewKey(key *crypto.KeyPair) *Key {
	return &Key{toHex(key.Address()), toHex(key.PrivateKey), toHex(key.PublicKey)}

type PReceipt struct {
	CreatedContract bool   `json:"createdContract"`
	Address         string `json:"address"`
	Hash            string `json:"hash"`
	Sender          string `json:"sender"`

func NewPReciept(contractCreation bool, creationAddress, hash, address []byte) *PReceipt {
	return &PReceipt{

// Peer interface exposed to QML

type Peer struct {
	ref     *p2p.Peer
	Ip      string `json:"ip"`
	Version string `json:"version"`
	Caps    string `json:"caps"`

func NewPeer(peer *p2p.Peer) *Peer {
	var caps []string
	for _, cap := range peer.Caps() {
		caps = append(caps, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", cap.Name, cap.Version))

	return &Peer{
		ref:     peer,
		Ip:      fmt.Sprintf("%v", peer.RemoteAddr()),
		Version: fmt.Sprintf("%v", peer.ID()),
		Caps:    fmt.Sprintf("%v", caps),

type Receipt struct {
	CreatedContract bool   `json:"createdContract"`
	Address         string `json:"address"`
	Hash            string `json:"hash"`
	Sender          string `json:"sender"`

func NewReciept(contractCreation bool, creationAddress, hash, address []byte) *Receipt {
	return &Receipt{