// Copyright 2022 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package main

import (

// typeReflectKind gives the reflect.Kind that represents typ.
func typeReflectKind(typ types.Type) reflect.Kind {
	switch typ := typ.(type) {
	case *types.Basic:
		k := typ.Kind()
		if k >= types.Bool && k <= types.Complex128 {
			// value order matches for Bool..Complex128
			return reflect.Bool + reflect.Kind(k-types.Bool)
		if k == types.String {
			return reflect.String
		if k == types.UnsafePointer {
			return reflect.UnsafePointer
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled BasicKind %v", k))
	case *types.Array:
		return reflect.Array
	case *types.Chan:
		return reflect.Chan
	case *types.Interface:
		return reflect.Interface
	case *types.Map:
		return reflect.Map
	case *types.Pointer:
		return reflect.Ptr
	case *types.Signature:
		return reflect.Func
	case *types.Slice:
		return reflect.Slice
	case *types.Struct:
		return reflect.Struct
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled type %T", typ))

// nonZeroCheck returns the expression that checks whether 'v' is a non-zero value of type 'vtyp'.
func nonZeroCheck(v string, vtyp types.Type, qualify types.Qualifier) string {
	// Resolve type name.
	typ := resolveUnderlying(vtyp)
	switch typ := typ.(type) {
	case *types.Basic:
		k := typ.Kind()
		switch {
		case k == types.Bool:
			return v
		case k >= types.Uint && k <= types.Complex128:
			return fmt.Sprintf("%s != 0", v)
		case k == types.String:
			return fmt.Sprintf(`%s != ""`, v)
			panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled BasicKind %v", k))
	case *types.Array, *types.Struct:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s != (%s{})", v, types.TypeString(vtyp, qualify))
	case *types.Interface, *types.Pointer, *types.Signature:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s != nil", v)
	case *types.Slice, *types.Map:
		return fmt.Sprintf("len(%s) > 0", v)
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled type %T", typ))

// isBigInt checks whether 'typ' is "math/big".Int.
func isBigInt(typ types.Type) bool {
	named, ok := typ.(*types.Named)
	if !ok {
		return false
	name := named.Obj()
	return name.Pkg().Path() == "math/big" && name.Name() == "Int"

// isUint256 checks whether 'typ' is "github.com/holiman/uint256".Int.
func isUint256(typ types.Type) bool {
	named, ok := typ.(*types.Named)
	if !ok {
		return false
	name := named.Obj()
	return name.Pkg().Path() == "github.com/holiman/uint256" && name.Name() == "Int"

// isByte checks whether the underlying type of 'typ' is uint8.
func isByte(typ types.Type) bool {
	basic, ok := resolveUnderlying(typ).(*types.Basic)
	return ok && basic.Kind() == types.Uint8

func resolveUnderlying(typ types.Type) types.Type {
	for {
		t := typ.Underlying()
		if t == typ {
			return t
		typ = t