// Copyright 2021 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package core

import (


// CurrentHeader retrieves the current head header of the canonical chain. The
// header is retrieved from the HeaderChain's internal cache.
func (bc *BlockChain) CurrentHeader() *types.Header {
	return bc.hc.CurrentHeader()

// CurrentBlock retrieves the current head block of the canonical chain. The
// block is retrieved from the blockchain's internal cache.
func (bc *BlockChain) CurrentBlock() *types.Block {
	return bc.currentBlock.Load().(*types.Block)

// CurrentFastBlock retrieves the current fast-sync head block of the canonical
// chain. The block is retrieved from the blockchain's internal cache.
func (bc *BlockChain) CurrentFastBlock() *types.Block {
	return bc.currentFastBlock.Load().(*types.Block)

// CurrentFinalizedBlock retrieves the current finalized block of the canonical
// chain. The block is retrieved from the blockchain's internal cache.
func (bc *BlockChain) CurrentFinalizedBlock() *types.Block {
	return bc.currentFinalizedBlock.Load().(*types.Block)

// CurrentSafeBlock retrieves the current safe block of the canonical
// chain. The block is retrieved from the blockchain's internal cache.
func (bc *BlockChain) CurrentSafeBlock() *types.Block {
	return bc.currentSafeBlock.Load().(*types.Block)

// HasHeader checks if a block header is present in the database or not, caching
// it if present.
func (bc *BlockChain) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
	return bc.hc.HasHeader(hash, number)

// GetHeader retrieves a block header from the database by hash and number,
// caching it if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Header {
	return bc.hc.GetHeader(hash, number)

// GetHeaderByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if
// found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Header {
	return bc.hc.GetHeaderByHash(hash)

// GetHeaderByNumber retrieves a block header from the database by number,
// caching it (associated with its hash) if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *types.Header {
	return bc.hc.GetHeaderByNumber(number)

// GetHeadersFrom returns a contiguous segment of headers, in rlp-form, going
// backwards from the given number.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetHeadersFrom(number, count uint64) []rlp.RawValue {
	return bc.hc.GetHeadersFrom(number, count)

// GetBody retrieves a block body (transactions and uncles) from the database by
// hash, caching it if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBody(hash common.Hash) *types.Body {
	// Short circuit if the body's already in the cache, retrieve otherwise
	if cached, ok := bc.bodyCache.Get(hash); ok {
		body := cached.(*types.Body)
		return body
	number := bc.hc.GetBlockNumber(hash)
	if number == nil {
		return nil
	body := rawdb.ReadBody(bc.db, hash, *number)
	if body == nil {
		return nil
	// Cache the found body for next time and return
	bc.bodyCache.Add(hash, body)
	return body

// GetBodyRLP retrieves a block body in RLP encoding from the database by hash,
// caching it if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBodyRLP(hash common.Hash) rlp.RawValue {
	// Short circuit if the body's already in the cache, retrieve otherwise
	if cached, ok := bc.bodyRLPCache.Get(hash); ok {
		return cached.(rlp.RawValue)
	number := bc.hc.GetBlockNumber(hash)
	if number == nil {
		return nil
	body := rawdb.ReadBodyRLP(bc.db, hash, *number)
	if len(body) == 0 {
		return nil
	// Cache the found body for next time and return
	bc.bodyRLPCache.Add(hash, body)
	return body

// HasBlock checks if a block is fully present in the database or not.
func (bc *BlockChain) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
	if bc.blockCache.Contains(hash) {
		return true
	if !bc.HasHeader(hash, number) {
		return false
	return rawdb.HasBody(bc.db, hash, number)

// HasFastBlock checks if a fast block is fully present in the database or not.
func (bc *BlockChain) HasFastBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
	if !bc.HasBlock(hash, number) {
		return false
	if bc.receiptsCache.Contains(hash) {
		return true
	return rawdb.HasReceipts(bc.db, hash, number)

// GetBlock retrieves a block from the database by hash and number,
// caching it if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Block {
	// Short circuit if the block's already in the cache, retrieve otherwise
	if block, ok := bc.blockCache.Get(hash); ok {
		return block.(*types.Block)
	block := rawdb.ReadBlock(bc.db, hash, number)
	if block == nil {
		return nil
	// Cache the found block for next time and return
	bc.blockCache.Add(block.Hash(), block)
	return block

// GetBlockByHash retrieves a block from the database by hash, caching it if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
	number := bc.hc.GetBlockNumber(hash)
	if number == nil {
		return nil
	return bc.GetBlock(hash, *number)

// GetBlockByNumber retrieves a block from the database by number, caching it
// (associated with its hash) if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.Block {
	hash := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(bc.db, number)
	if hash == (common.Hash{}) {
		return nil
	return bc.GetBlock(hash, number)

// GetBlocksFromHash returns the block corresponding to hash and up to n-1 ancestors.
// [deprecated by eth/62]
func (bc *BlockChain) GetBlocksFromHash(hash common.Hash, n int) (blocks []*types.Block) {
	number := bc.hc.GetBlockNumber(hash)
	if number == nil {
		return nil
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		block := bc.GetBlock(hash, *number)
		if block == nil {
		blocks = append(blocks, block)
		hash = block.ParentHash()

// GetReceiptsByHash retrieves the receipts for all transactions in a given block.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetReceiptsByHash(hash common.Hash) types.Receipts {
	if receipts, ok := bc.receiptsCache.Get(hash); ok {
		return receipts.(types.Receipts)
	number := rawdb.ReadHeaderNumber(bc.db, hash)
	if number == nil {
		return nil
	receipts := rawdb.ReadReceipts(bc.db, hash, *number, bc.chainConfig)
	if receipts == nil {
		return nil
	bc.receiptsCache.Add(hash, receipts)
	return receipts

// GetUnclesInChain retrieves all the uncles from a given block backwards until
// a specific distance is reached.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetUnclesInChain(block *types.Block, length int) []*types.Header {
	uncles := []*types.Header{}
	for i := 0; block != nil && i < length; i++ {
		uncles = append(uncles, block.Uncles()...)
		block = bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1)
	return uncles

// GetCanonicalHash returns the canonical hash for a given block number
func (bc *BlockChain) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash {
	return bc.hc.GetCanonicalHash(number)

// GetAncestor retrieves the Nth ancestor of a given block. It assumes that either the given block or
// a close ancestor of it is canonical. maxNonCanonical points to a downwards counter limiting the
// number of blocks to be individually checked before we reach the canonical chain.
// Note: ancestor == 0 returns the same block, 1 returns its parent and so on.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64) {
	return bc.hc.GetAncestor(hash, number, ancestor, maxNonCanonical)

// GetTransactionLookup retrieves the lookup associate with the given transaction
// hash from the cache or database.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetTransactionLookup(hash common.Hash) *rawdb.LegacyTxLookupEntry {
	// Short circuit if the txlookup already in the cache, retrieve otherwise
	if lookup, exist := bc.txLookupCache.Get(hash); exist {
		return lookup.(*rawdb.LegacyTxLookupEntry)
	tx, blockHash, blockNumber, txIndex := rawdb.ReadTransaction(bc.db, hash)
	if tx == nil {
		return nil
	lookup := &rawdb.LegacyTxLookupEntry{BlockHash: blockHash, BlockIndex: blockNumber, Index: txIndex}
	bc.txLookupCache.Add(hash, lookup)
	return lookup

// GetTd retrieves a block's total difficulty in the canonical chain from the
// database by hash and number, caching it if found.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetTd(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *big.Int {
	return bc.hc.GetTd(hash, number)

// HasState checks if state trie is fully present in the database or not.
func (bc *BlockChain) HasState(hash common.Hash) bool {
	_, err := bc.stateCache.OpenTrie(hash)
	return err == nil

// HasBlockAndState checks if a block and associated state trie is fully present
// in the database or not, caching it if present.
func (bc *BlockChain) HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
	// Check first that the block itself is known
	block := bc.GetBlock(hash, number)
	if block == nil {
		return false
	return bc.HasState(block.Root())

// TrieNode retrieves a blob of data associated with a trie node
// either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.
func (bc *BlockChain) TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
	return bc.stateCache.TrieDB().Node(hash)

// ContractCode retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract hash
// either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.
func (bc *BlockChain) ContractCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
	return bc.stateCache.ContractCode(common.Hash{}, hash)

// ContractCodeWithPrefix retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract
// hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.
// If the code doesn't exist in the in-memory cache, check the storage with
// new code scheme.
func (bc *BlockChain) ContractCodeWithPrefix(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
	type codeReader interface {
		ContractCodeWithPrefix(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
	return bc.stateCache.(codeReader).ContractCodeWithPrefix(common.Hash{}, hash)

// State returns a new mutable state based on the current HEAD block.
func (bc *BlockChain) State() (*state.StateDB, error) {
	return bc.StateAt(bc.CurrentBlock().Root())

// StateAt returns a new mutable state based on a particular point in time.
func (bc *BlockChain) StateAt(root common.Hash) (*state.StateDB, error) {
	return state.New(root, bc.stateCache, bc.snaps)

// Config retrieves the chain's fork configuration.
func (bc *BlockChain) Config() *params.ChainConfig { return bc.chainConfig }

// Engine retrieves the blockchain's consensus engine.
func (bc *BlockChain) Engine() consensus.Engine { return bc.engine }

// Snapshots returns the blockchain snapshot tree.
func (bc *BlockChain) Snapshots() *snapshot.Tree {
	return bc.snaps

// Validator returns the current validator.
func (bc *BlockChain) Validator() Validator {
	return bc.validator

// Processor returns the current processor.
func (bc *BlockChain) Processor() Processor {
	return bc.processor

// StateCache returns the caching database underpinning the blockchain instance.
func (bc *BlockChain) StateCache() state.Database {
	return bc.stateCache

// GasLimit returns the gas limit of the current HEAD block.
func (bc *BlockChain) GasLimit() uint64 {
	return bc.CurrentBlock().GasLimit()

// Genesis retrieves the chain's genesis block.
func (bc *BlockChain) Genesis() *types.Block {
	return bc.genesisBlock

// GetVMConfig returns the block chain VM config.
func (bc *BlockChain) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config {
	return &bc.vmConfig

// SetTxLookupLimit is responsible for updating the txlookup limit to the
// original one stored in db if the new mismatches with the old one.
func (bc *BlockChain) SetTxLookupLimit(limit uint64) {
	bc.txLookupLimit = limit

// TxLookupLimit retrieves the txlookup limit used by blockchain to prune
// stale transaction indices.
func (bc *BlockChain) TxLookupLimit() uint64 {
	return bc.txLookupLimit

// SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent registers a subscription of RemovedLogsEvent.
func (bc *BlockChain) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription {
	return bc.scope.Track(bc.rmLogsFeed.Subscribe(ch))

// SubscribeChainEvent registers a subscription of ChainEvent.
func (bc *BlockChain) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription {
	return bc.scope.Track(bc.chainFeed.Subscribe(ch))

// SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of ChainHeadEvent.
func (bc *BlockChain) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription {
	return bc.scope.Track(bc.chainHeadFeed.Subscribe(ch))

// SubscribeChainSideEvent registers a subscription of ChainSideEvent.
func (bc *BlockChain) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription {
	return bc.scope.Track(bc.chainSideFeed.Subscribe(ch))

// SubscribeLogsEvent registers a subscription of []*types.Log.
func (bc *BlockChain) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription {
	return bc.scope.Track(bc.logsFeed.Subscribe(ch))

// SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent registers a subscription of bool where true means
// block processing has started while false means it has stopped.
func (bc *BlockChain) SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent(ch chan<- bool) event.Subscription {
	return bc.scope.Track(bc.blockProcFeed.Subscribe(ch))