// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package params import ( "math/big" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" ) const ( GasLimitBoundDivisor uint64 = 1024 // The bound divisor of the gas limit, used in update calculations. MinGasLimit uint64 = 5000 // Minimum the gas limit may ever be. MaxGasLimit uint64 = 0x7fffffffffffffff // Maximum the gas limit (2^63-1). GenesisGasLimit uint64 = 4712388 // Gas limit of the Genesis block. MaximumExtraDataSize uint64 = 32 // Maximum size extra data may be after Genesis. ExpByteGas uint64 = 10 // Times ceil(log256(exponent)) for the EXP instruction. SloadGas uint64 = 50 // Multiplied by the number of 32-byte words that are copied (round up) for any *COPY operation and added. CallValueTransferGas uint64 = 9000 // Paid for CALL when the value transfer is non-zero. CallNewAccountGas uint64 = 25000 // Paid for CALL when the destination address didn't exist prior. TxGas uint64 = 21000 // Per transaction not creating a contract. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions. TxGasContractCreation uint64 = 53000 // Per transaction that creates a contract. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions. TxDataZeroGas uint64 = 4 // Per byte of data attached to a transaction that equals zero. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions. QuadCoeffDiv uint64 = 512 // Divisor for the quadratic particle of the memory cost equation. LogDataGas uint64 = 8 // Per byte in a LOG* operation's data. CallStipend uint64 = 2300 // Free gas given at beginning of call. Keccak256Gas uint64 = 30 // Once per KECCAK256 operation. Keccak256WordGas uint64 = 6 // Once per word of the KECCAK256 operation's data. InitCodeWordGas uint64 = 2 // Once per word of the init code when creating a contract. SstoreSetGas uint64 = 20000 // Once per SSTORE operation. SstoreResetGas uint64 = 5000 // Once per SSTORE operation if the zeroness changes from zero. SstoreClearGas uint64 = 5000 // Once per SSTORE operation if the zeroness doesn't change. SstoreRefundGas uint64 = 15000 // Once per SSTORE operation if the zeroness changes to zero. NetSstoreNoopGas uint64 = 200 // Once per SSTORE operation if the value doesn't change. NetSstoreInitGas uint64 = 20000 // Once per SSTORE operation from clean zero. NetSstoreCleanGas uint64 = 5000 // Once per SSTORE operation from clean non-zero. NetSstoreDirtyGas uint64 = 200 // Once per SSTORE operation from dirty. NetSstoreClearRefund uint64 = 15000 // Once per SSTORE operation for clearing an originally existing storage slot NetSstoreResetRefund uint64 = 4800 // Once per SSTORE operation for resetting to the original non-zero value NetSstoreResetClearRefund uint64 = 19800 // Once per SSTORE operation for resetting to the original zero value SstoreSentryGasEIP2200 uint64 = 2300 // Minimum gas required to be present for an SSTORE call, not consumed SstoreSetGasEIP2200 uint64 = 20000 // Once per SSTORE operation from clean zero to non-zero SstoreResetGasEIP2200 uint64 = 5000 // Once per SSTORE operation from clean non-zero to something else SstoreClearsScheduleRefundEIP2200 uint64 = 15000 // Once per SSTORE operation for clearing an originally existing storage slot ColdAccountAccessCostEIP2929 = uint64(2600) // COLD_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_COST ColdSloadCostEIP2929 = uint64(2100) // COLD_SLOAD_COST WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929 = uint64(100) // WARM_STORAGE_READ_COST // In EIP-2200: SstoreResetGas was 5000. // In EIP-2929: SstoreResetGas was changed to '5000 - COLD_SLOAD_COST'. // In EIP-3529: SSTORE_CLEARS_SCHEDULE is defined as SSTORE_RESET_GAS + ACCESS_LIST_STORAGE_KEY_COST // Which becomes: 5000 - 2100 + 1900 = 4800 SstoreClearsScheduleRefundEIP3529 uint64 = SstoreResetGasEIP2200 - ColdSloadCostEIP2929 + TxAccessListStorageKeyGas JumpdestGas uint64 = 1 // Once per JUMPDEST operation. EpochDuration uint64 = 30000 // Duration between proof-of-work epochs. CreateDataGas uint64 = 200 // CallCreateDepth uint64 = 1024 // Maximum depth of call/create stack. ExpGas uint64 = 10 // Once per EXP instruction LogGas uint64 = 375 // Per LOG* operation. CopyGas uint64 = 3 // StackLimit uint64 = 1024 // Maximum size of VM stack allowed. TierStepGas uint64 = 0 // Once per operation, for a selection of them. LogTopicGas uint64 = 375 // Multiplied by the * of the LOG*, per LOG transaction. e.g. LOG0 incurs 0 * c_txLogTopicGas, LOG4 incurs 4 * c_txLogTopicGas. CreateGas uint64 = 32000 // Once per CREATE operation & contract-creation transaction. Create2Gas uint64 = 32000 // Once per CREATE2 operation CreateNGasEip4762 uint64 = 1000 // Once per CREATEn operations post-verkle SelfdestructRefundGas uint64 = 24000 // Refunded following a selfdestruct operation. MemoryGas uint64 = 3 // Times the address of the (highest referenced byte in memory + 1). NOTE: referencing happens on read, write and in instructions such as RETURN and CALL. TxDataNonZeroGasFrontier uint64 = 68 // Per byte of data attached to a transaction that is not equal to zero. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions. TxDataNonZeroGasEIP2028 uint64 = 16 // Per byte of non zero data attached to a transaction after EIP 2028 (part in Istanbul) TxAccessListAddressGas uint64 = 2400 // Per address specified in EIP 2930 access list TxAccessListStorageKeyGas uint64 = 1900 // Per storage key specified in EIP 2930 access list TxAuthTupleGas uint64 = 12500 // Per auth tuple code specified in EIP-7702 // These have been changed during the course of the chain CallGasFrontier uint64 = 40 // Once per CALL operation & message call transaction. CallGasEIP150 uint64 = 700 // Static portion of gas for CALL-derivates after EIP 150 (Tangerine) BalanceGasFrontier uint64 = 20 // The cost of a BALANCE operation BalanceGasEIP150 uint64 = 400 // The cost of a BALANCE operation after Tangerine BalanceGasEIP1884 uint64 = 700 // The cost of a BALANCE operation after EIP 1884 (part of Istanbul) ExtcodeSizeGasFrontier uint64 = 20 // Cost of EXTCODESIZE before EIP 150 (Tangerine) ExtcodeSizeGasEIP150 uint64 = 700 // Cost of EXTCODESIZE after EIP 150 (Tangerine) SloadGasFrontier uint64 = 50 SloadGasEIP150 uint64 = 200 SloadGasEIP1884 uint64 = 800 // Cost of SLOAD after EIP 1884 (part of Istanbul) SloadGasEIP2200 uint64 = 800 // Cost of SLOAD after EIP 2200 (part of Istanbul) ExtcodeHashGasConstantinople uint64 = 400 // Cost of EXTCODEHASH (introduced in Constantinople) ExtcodeHashGasEIP1884 uint64 = 700 // Cost of EXTCODEHASH after EIP 1884 (part in Istanbul) SelfdestructGasEIP150 uint64 = 5000 // Cost of SELFDESTRUCT post EIP 150 (Tangerine) // EXP has a dynamic portion depending on the size of the exponent ExpByteFrontier uint64 = 10 // was set to 10 in Frontier ExpByteEIP158 uint64 = 50 // was raised to 50 during Eip158 (Spurious Dragon) // Extcodecopy has a dynamic AND a static cost. This represents only the // static portion of the gas. It was changed during EIP 150 (Tangerine) ExtcodeCopyBaseFrontier uint64 = 20 ExtcodeCopyBaseEIP150 uint64 = 700 // CreateBySelfdestructGas is used when the refunded account is one that does // not exist. This logic is similar to call. // Introduced in Tangerine Whistle (Eip 150) CreateBySelfdestructGas uint64 = 25000 DefaultBaseFeeChangeDenominator = 8 // Bounds the amount the base fee can change between blocks. DefaultElasticityMultiplier = 2 // Bounds the maximum gas limit an EIP-1559 block may have. InitialBaseFee = 1000000000 // Initial base fee for EIP-1559 blocks. MaxCodeSize = 24576 // Maximum bytecode to permit for a contract MaxInitCodeSize = 2 * MaxCodeSize // Maximum initcode to permit in a creation transaction and create instructions // Precompiled contract gas prices EcrecoverGas uint64 = 3000 // Elliptic curve sender recovery gas price Sha256BaseGas uint64 = 60 // Base price for a SHA256 operation Sha256PerWordGas uint64 = 12 // Per-word price for a SHA256 operation Ripemd160BaseGas uint64 = 600 // Base price for a RIPEMD160 operation Ripemd160PerWordGas uint64 = 120 // Per-word price for a RIPEMD160 operation IdentityBaseGas uint64 = 15 // Base price for a data copy operation IdentityPerWordGas uint64 = 3 // Per-work price for a data copy operation Bn256AddGasByzantium uint64 = 500 // Byzantium gas needed for an elliptic curve addition Bn256AddGasIstanbul uint64 = 150 // Gas needed for an elliptic curve addition Bn256ScalarMulGasByzantium uint64 = 40000 // Byzantium gas needed for an elliptic curve scalar multiplication Bn256ScalarMulGasIstanbul uint64 = 6000 // Gas needed for an elliptic curve scalar multiplication Bn256PairingBaseGasByzantium uint64 = 100000 // Byzantium base price for an elliptic curve pairing check Bn256PairingBaseGasIstanbul uint64 = 45000 // Base price for an elliptic curve pairing check Bn256PairingPerPointGasByzantium uint64 = 80000 // Byzantium per-point price for an elliptic curve pairing check Bn256PairingPerPointGasIstanbul uint64 = 34000 // Per-point price for an elliptic curve pairing check Bls12381G1AddGas uint64 = 500 // Price for BLS12-381 elliptic curve G1 point addition Bls12381G1MulGas uint64 = 12000 // Price for BLS12-381 elliptic curve G1 point scalar multiplication Bls12381G2AddGas uint64 = 800 // Price for BLS12-381 elliptic curve G2 point addition Bls12381G2MulGas uint64 = 45000 // Price for BLS12-381 elliptic curve G2 point scalar multiplication Bls12381PairingBaseGas uint64 = 65000 // Base gas price for BLS12-381 elliptic curve pairing check Bls12381PairingPerPairGas uint64 = 43000 // Per-point pair gas price for BLS12-381 elliptic curve pairing check Bls12381MapG1Gas uint64 = 5500 // Gas price for BLS12-381 mapping field element to G1 operation Bls12381MapG2Gas uint64 = 75000 // Gas price for BLS12-381 mapping field element to G2 operation // The Refund Quotient is the cap on how much of the used gas can be refunded. Before EIP-3529, // up to half the consumed gas could be refunded. Redefined as 1/5th in EIP-3529 RefundQuotient uint64 = 2 RefundQuotientEIP3529 uint64 = 5 BlobTxBytesPerFieldElement = 32 // Size in bytes of a field element BlobTxFieldElementsPerBlob = 4096 // Number of field elements stored in a single data blob BlobTxBlobGasPerBlob = 1 << 17 // Gas consumption of a single data blob (== blob byte size) BlobTxMinBlobGasprice = 1 // Minimum gas price for data blobs BlobTxBlobGaspriceUpdateFraction = 3338477 // Controls the maximum rate of change for blob gas price BlobTxPointEvaluationPrecompileGas = 50000 // Gas price for the point evaluation precompile. BlobTxTargetBlobGasPerBlock = 3 * BlobTxBlobGasPerBlob // Target consumable blob gas for data blobs per block (for 1559-like pricing) MaxBlobGasPerBlock = 6 * BlobTxBlobGasPerBlob // Maximum consumable blob gas for data blobs per block HistoryServeWindow = 8192 // Number of blocks to serve historical block hashes for, EIP-2935. ) // Bls12381MultiExpDiscountTable gas discount table for BLS12-381 G1 and G2 multi exponentiation operations var Bls12381MultiExpDiscountTable = [128]uint64{1200, 888, 764, 641, 594, 547, 500, 453, 438, 423, 408, 394, 379, 364, 349, 334, 330, 326, 322, 318, 314, 310, 306, 302, 298, 294, 289, 285, 281, 277, 273, 269, 268, 266, 265, 263, 262, 260, 259, 257, 256, 254, 253, 251, 250, 248, 247, 245, 244, 242, 241, 239, 238, 236, 235, 233, 232, 231, 229, 228, 226, 225, 223, 222, 221, 220, 219, 219, 218, 217, 216, 216, 215, 214, 213, 213, 212, 211, 211, 210, 209, 208, 208, 207, 206, 205, 205, 204, 203, 202, 202, 201, 200, 199, 199, 198, 197, 196, 196, 195, 194, 193, 193, 192, 191, 191, 190, 189, 188, 188, 187, 186, 185, 185, 184, 183, 182, 182, 181, 180, 179, 179, 178, 177, 176, 176, 175, 174} // Difficulty parameters. var ( DifficultyBoundDivisor = big.NewInt(2048) // The bound divisor of the difficulty, used in the update calculations. GenesisDifficulty = big.NewInt(131072) // Difficulty of the Genesis block. MinimumDifficulty = big.NewInt(131072) // The minimum that the difficulty may ever be. DurationLimit = big.NewInt(13) // The decision boundary on the blocktime duration used to determine whether difficulty should go up or not. ) // System contracts. var ( // SystemAddress is where the system-transaction is sent from as per EIP-4788 SystemAddress = common.HexToAddress("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe") // EIP-4788 - Beacon block root in the EVM BeaconRootsAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x000F3df6D732807Ef1319fB7B8bB8522d0Beac02") BeaconRootsCode = common.FromHex("3373fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe14604d57602036146024575f5ffd5b5f35801560495762001fff810690815414603c575f5ffd5b62001fff01545f5260205ff35b5f5ffd5b62001fff42064281555f359062001fff015500") // EIP-2935 - Serve historical block hashes from state HistoryStorageAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x0F792be4B0c0cb4DAE440Ef133E90C0eCD48CCCC") HistoryStorageCode = common.FromHex("3373fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe14604657602036036042575f35600143038111604257611fff81430311604257611fff9006545f5260205ff35b5f5ffd5b5f35611fff60014303065500") // EIP-7002 - Execution layer triggerable withdrawals WithdrawalQueueAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x0c15F14308530b7CDB8460094BbB9cC28b9AaaAA") WithdrawalQueueCode = common.FromHex("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") // EIP-7251 - Increase the MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE ConsolidationQueueAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x00431F263cE400f4455c2dCf564e53007Ca4bbBb") ConsolidationQueueCode = common.FromHex("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") )