JitVM: the EVM JIT bridge
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,3 +15,5 @@
@ -172,47 +172,47 @@ func RunVmTest(p string, t *testing.T) {
// I've created a new function for each tests so it's easier to identify where the problem lies if any of them fail.
func TestVMArithmetic(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmArithmeticTest.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmArithmeticTest.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestBitwiseLogicOperation(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmBitwiseLogicOperationTest.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmBitwiseLogicOperationTest.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestBlockInfo(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmBlockInfoTest.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmBlockInfoTest.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestEnvironmentalInfo(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmEnvironmentalInfoTest.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmEnvironmentalInfoTest.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestFlowOperation(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmIOandFlowOperationsTest.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmIOandFlowOperationsTest.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestPushDupSwap(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmPushDupSwapTest.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmPushDupSwapTest.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestVMSha3(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmSha3Test.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmSha3Test.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestVm(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmtests.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmtests.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
func TestVmLog(t *testing.T) {
const fn = "../files/vmtests/vmLogTest.json"
const fn = "../files/VMTests/vmLogTest.json"
RunVmTest(fn, t)
@ -1,31 +1,376 @@
// +build evmjit
package vm
import "math/big"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct evmjit_result
int32_t returnCode;
uint64_t returnDataSize;
void* returnData;
struct evmjit_result evmjit_run(void* _data, void* _env);
#cgo LDFLAGS: -levmjit
import "C"
import (
type JitVm struct {
env Environment
backup *Vm
me ContextRef
callerAddr []byte
price *big.Int
data RuntimeData
type i256 [32]byte
const (
Gas = iota
ReturnDataOffset = CallValue // Reuse 2 fields for return data reference
ReturnDataSize = CallDataSize
SuicideDestAddress = address ///< Suicide balance destination address
type RuntimeData struct {
elems [_size]i256
callData *byte
code *byte
func hash2llvm(h []byte) i256 {
var m i256
copy(m[len(m)-len(h):], h) // right aligned copy
return m
func llvm2hash(m *i256) []byte {
if len(m) != 32 {
panic("I don't know Go!")
return C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(m), 32)
func address2llvm(addr []byte) i256 {
n := hash2llvm(addr)
return n
func bswap(m *i256) *i256 {
for i, l := 0, len(m); i < l/2; i++ {
m[i], m[l-i-1] = m[l-i-1], m[i]
return m
func trim(m []byte) []byte {
skip := 0
for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ {
if m[i] == 0 {
} else {
return m[skip:]
func getDataPtr(m []byte) *byte {
var p *byte
if len(m) > 0 {
p = &m[0]
return p
func big2llvm(n *big.Int) i256 {
m := hash2llvm(n.Bytes())
return m
func llvm2big(m *i256) *big.Int {
n := big.NewInt(0)
for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ {
b := big.NewInt(int64(m[i]))
b.Lsh(b, uint(i)*8)
n.Add(n, b)
return n
func llvm2bytes(data *byte, length uint64) []byte {
if length == 0 {
return nil
if data == nil {
panic("llvm2bytes: nil pointer to data")
return (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(data))[:length:length]
func untested(condition bool, message string) {
if condition {
panic("Condition `" + message + "` tested. Remove assert.")
func assert(condition bool, message string) {
if !condition {
panic("Assert `" + message + "` failed!")
func NewJitVm(env Environment) *JitVm {
backupVm := New(env)
return &JitVm{env: env, backup: backupVm}
return &JitVm{env: env}
func (self *JitVm) Run(me, caller ContextRef, code []byte, value, gas, price *big.Int, callData []byte) (ret []byte, err error) {
return self.backup.Run(me, caller, code, value, gas, price, callData)
self.env.SetDepth(self.env.Depth() + 1)
if Precompiled[string(me.Address())] != nil {
// if it's address of precopiled contract
// fallback to standard VM
stdVm := New(self.env)
return stdVm.Run(me, caller, code, value, gas, price, callData)
self.me = me // FIXME: Make sure Run() is not used more than once
self.callerAddr = caller.Address()
self.price = price
self.data.elems[Gas] = big2llvm(gas)
self.data.elems[address] = address2llvm(self.me.Address())
self.data.elems[Caller] = address2llvm(caller.Address())
self.data.elems[Origin] = address2llvm(self.env.Origin())
self.data.elems[CallValue] = big2llvm(value)
self.data.elems[CallDataSize] = big2llvm(big.NewInt(int64(len(callData)))) // TODO: Keep call data size as i64
self.data.elems[GasPrice] = big2llvm(price)
self.data.elems[CoinBase] = address2llvm(self.env.Coinbase())
self.data.elems[TimeStamp] = big2llvm(big.NewInt(self.env.Time())) // TODO: Keep timestamp as i64
self.data.elems[Number] = big2llvm(self.env.BlockNumber())
self.data.elems[Difficulty] = big2llvm(self.env.Difficulty())
self.data.elems[GasLimit] = big2llvm(self.env.GasLimit())
self.data.elems[CodeSize] = big2llvm(big.NewInt(int64(len(code)))) // TODO: Keep code size as i64
self.data.callData = getDataPtr(callData)
self.data.code = getDataPtr(code)
result := C.evmjit_run(unsafe.Pointer(&self.data), unsafe.Pointer(self))
//fmt.Printf("JIT result: %d\n", r)
if result.returnCode >= 100 {
err = errors.New("OOG from JIT")
gas.SetInt64(0) // Set gas to 0, JIT does not bother
} else {
gasLeft := llvm2big(&self.data.elems[Gas]) // TODO: Set value directly to gas instance
if result.returnCode == 1 { // RETURN
ret = C.GoBytes(result.returnData, C.int(result.returnDataSize))
} else if result.returnCode == 2 { // SUICIDE
state := self.Env().State()
receiverAddr := llvm2hash(bswap(&self.data.elems[address]))
receiverAddr = trim(receiverAddr) // TODO: trim all zeros or subslice 160bits?
receiver := state.GetOrNewStateObject(receiverAddr)
balance := state.GetBalance(me.Address())
func (self *JitVm) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) VirtualMachine {
return self.backup.Printf(format, v)
return self
func (self *JitVm) Endl() VirtualMachine {
return self.backup.Endl()
return self
func (self *JitVm) Env() Environment {
return self.env
//go is nice
//export env_sha3
func env_sha3(dataPtr unsafe.Pointer, length uint64, resultPtr unsafe.Pointer) {
data := C.GoBytes(dataPtr, C.int(length))
hash := crypto.Sha3(data)
result := (*i256)(resultPtr)
*result = hash2llvm(hash)
//export env_sstore
func env_sstore(vmPtr unsafe.Pointer, indexPtr unsafe.Pointer, valuePtr unsafe.Pointer) {
vm := (*JitVm)(vmPtr)
index := llvm2hash(bswap((*i256)(indexPtr)))
value := llvm2hash(bswap((*i256)(valuePtr)))
value = trim(value)
if len(value) == 0 {
prevValue := vm.env.State().GetState(vm.me.Address(), index)
if len(prevValue) != 0 {
vm.Env().State().Refund(vm.callerAddr, GasSStoreRefund)
vm.env.State().SetState(vm.me.Address(), index, value)
//export env_sload
func env_sload(vmPtr unsafe.Pointer, indexPtr unsafe.Pointer, resultPtr unsafe.Pointer) {
vm := (*JitVm)(vmPtr)
index := llvm2hash(bswap((*i256)(indexPtr)))
value := vm.env.State().GetState(vm.me.Address(), index)
result := (*i256)(resultPtr)
*result = hash2llvm(value)
//export env_balance
func env_balance(_vm unsafe.Pointer, _addr unsafe.Pointer, _result unsafe.Pointer) {
vm := (*JitVm)(_vm)
addr := llvm2hash((*i256)(_addr))
balance := vm.Env().State().GetBalance(addr)
result := (*i256)(_result)
*result = big2llvm(balance)
//export env_blockhash
func env_blockhash(_vm unsafe.Pointer, _number unsafe.Pointer, _result unsafe.Pointer) {
vm := (*JitVm)(_vm)
number := llvm2big((*i256)(_number))
result := (*i256)(_result)
currNumber := vm.Env().BlockNumber()
limit := big.NewInt(0).Sub(currNumber, big.NewInt(256))
if number.Cmp(limit) >= 0 && number.Cmp(currNumber) < 0 {
hash := vm.Env().GetHash(uint64(number.Int64()))
*result = hash2llvm(hash)
} else {
*result = i256{}
//export env_call
func env_call(_vm unsafe.Pointer, _gas unsafe.Pointer, _receiveAddr unsafe.Pointer, _value unsafe.Pointer, inDataPtr unsafe.Pointer, inDataLen uint64, outDataPtr *byte, outDataLen uint64, _codeAddr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
vm := (*JitVm)(_vm)
//fmt.Printf("env_call (depth %d)\n", vm.Env().Depth())
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Printf("Recovered in env_call (depth %d, out %p %d): %s\n", vm.Env().Depth(), outDataPtr, outDataLen, r)
balance := vm.Env().State().GetBalance(vm.me.Address())
value := llvm2big((*i256)(_value))
if balance.Cmp(value) >= 0 {
receiveAddr := llvm2hash((*i256)(_receiveAddr))
inData := C.GoBytes(inDataPtr, C.int(inDataLen))
outData := llvm2bytes(outDataPtr, outDataLen)
codeAddr := llvm2hash((*i256)(_codeAddr))
llvmGas := (*i256)(_gas)
gas := llvm2big(llvmGas)
var out []byte
var err error
if bytes.Equal(codeAddr, receiveAddr) {
out, err = vm.env.Call(vm.me, codeAddr, inData, gas, vm.price, value)
} else {
out, err = vm.env.CallCode(vm.me, codeAddr, inData, gas, vm.price, value)
*llvmGas = big2llvm(gas)
if err == nil {
copy(outData, out)
return true
return false
//export env_create
func env_create(_vm unsafe.Pointer, _gas unsafe.Pointer, _value unsafe.Pointer, initDataPtr unsafe.Pointer, initDataLen uint64, _result unsafe.Pointer) {
vm := (*JitVm)(_vm)
value := llvm2big((*i256)(_value))
initData := C.GoBytes(initDataPtr, C.int(initDataLen)) // TODO: Unnecessary if low balance
result := (*i256)(_result)
*result = i256{}
llvmGas := (*i256)(_gas)
gas := llvm2big(llvmGas)
ret, suberr, ref := vm.env.Create(vm.me, nil, initData, gas, vm.price, value)
if suberr == nil {
dataGas := big.NewInt(int64(len(ret))) // TODO: Nto the best design. env.Create can do it, it has the reference to gas counter
dataGas.Mul(dataGas, GasCreateByte)
gas.Sub(gas, dataGas)
*result = hash2llvm(ref.Address())
*llvmGas = big2llvm(gas)
//export env_log
func env_log(_vm unsafe.Pointer, dataPtr unsafe.Pointer, dataLen uint64, _topic1 unsafe.Pointer, _topic2 unsafe.Pointer, _topic3 unsafe.Pointer, _topic4 unsafe.Pointer) {
vm := (*JitVm)(_vm)
data := C.GoBytes(dataPtr, C.int(dataLen))
topics := make([][]byte, 0, 4)
if _topic1 != nil {
topics = append(topics, llvm2hash((*i256)(_topic1)))
if _topic2 != nil {
topics = append(topics, llvm2hash((*i256)(_topic2)))
if _topic3 != nil {
topics = append(topics, llvm2hash((*i256)(_topic3)))
if _topic4 != nil {
topics = append(topics, llvm2hash((*i256)(_topic4)))
vm.Env().AddLog(state.NewLog(vm.me.Address(), topics, data))
//export env_extcode
func env_extcode(_vm unsafe.Pointer, _addr unsafe.Pointer, o_size *uint64) *byte {
vm := (*JitVm)(_vm)
addr := llvm2hash((*i256)(_addr))
code := vm.Env().State().GetCode(addr)
*o_size = uint64(len(code))
return getDataPtr(code)
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// +build !evmjit
package vm
import "fmt"
func NewJitVm(env Environment) VirtualMachine {
fmt.Printf("Warning! EVM JIT not enabled.\n")
return New(env)
Reference in New Issue