fix merge conflict

This commit is contained in:
Sina Mahmoodi 2023-07-27 14:41:47 +02:00
commit b2b32e6ff6
291 changed files with 7941 additions and 15428 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import (
var (
// ErrNoCode is returned by call and transact operations for which the requested
// recipient contract to operate on does not exist in the state db or does not
// have any code associated with it (i.e. suicided).
// have any code associated with it (i.e. self-destructed).
ErrNoCode = errors.New("no contract code at given address")
// ErrNoPendingState is raised when attempting to perform a pending state action

View File

@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ func TestAdjustTime(t *testing.T) {
func TestNewAdjustTimeFail(t *testing.T) {
testAddr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(testKey.PublicKey)
sim := simTestBackend(testAddr)
defer sim.blockchain.Stop()
// Create tx and send
head, _ := sim.HeaderByNumber(context.Background(), nil) // Should be child's, good enough

View File

@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ func (t Type) pack(v reflect.Value) ([]byte, error) {
// requireLengthPrefix returns whether the type requires any sort of length
// requiresLengthPrefix returns whether the type requires any sort of length
// prefixing.
func (t Type) requiresLengthPrefix() bool {
return t.T == StringTy || t.T == BytesTy || t.T == SliceTy

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import (
// Minimum amount of time between cache reloads. This limit applies if the platform does
@ -38,11 +39,10 @@ import (
// exist yet, the code will attempt to create a watcher at most this often.
const minReloadInterval = 2 * time.Second
type accountsByURL []accounts.Account
func (s accountsByURL) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s accountsByURL) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].URL.Cmp(s[j].URL) < 0 }
func (s accountsByURL) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
// byURL defines the sorting order for accounts.
func byURL(a, b accounts.Account) bool {
return a.URL.Cmp(b.URL) < 0
// AmbiguousAddrError is returned when attempting to unlock
// an address for which more than one file exists.
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type accountCache struct {
keydir string
watcher *watcher
mu sync.Mutex
all accountsByURL
all []accounts.Account
byAddr map[common.Address][]accounts.Account
throttle *time.Timer
notify chan struct{}
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ func (ac *accountCache) find(a accounts.Account) (accounts.Account, error) {
err := &AmbiguousAddrError{Addr: a.Address, Matches: make([]accounts.Account, len(matches))}
copy(err.Matches, matches)
slices.SortFunc(err.Matches, byURL)
return accounts.Account{}, err

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import (
@ -31,6 +30,7 @@ import (
var (
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func TestCacheAddDeleteOrder(t *testing.T) {
// Check that the account list is sorted by filename.
wantAccounts := make([]accounts.Account, len(accs))
copy(wantAccounts, accs)
slices.SortFunc(wantAccounts, byURL)
list := cache.accounts()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(list, wantAccounts) {
t.Fatalf("got accounts: %s\nwant %s", spew.Sdump(accs), spew.Sdump(wantAccounts))

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
@ -31,6 +30,7 @@ import (
var testSigData = make([]byte, 32)
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ func checkAccounts(t *testing.T, live map[common.Address]accounts.Account, walle
for _, account := range live {
liveList = append(liveList, account)
slices.SortFunc(liveList, byURL)
for j, wallet := range wallets {
if accs := wallet.Accounts(); len(accs) != 1 {
t.Errorf("wallet %d: contains invalid number of accounts: have %d, want 1", j, len(accs))

View File

@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ func (w *wallet) SignTx(account accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID
return signed, nil
// SignHashWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, however signing arbitrary
// SignTextWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, however signing arbitrary
// data is not supported for Ledger wallets, so this method will always return
// an error.
func (w *wallet) SignTextWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ func (e ExecutableData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
BlockHash common.Hash `json:"blockHash" gencodec:"required"`
Transactions []hexutil.Bytes `json:"transactions" gencodec:"required"`
Withdrawals []*types.Withdrawal `json:"withdrawals"`
DataGasUsed *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"dataGasUsed"`
ExcessDataGas *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"excessDataGas"`
var enc ExecutableData
enc.ParentHash = e.ParentHash
@ -54,6 +56,8 @@ func (e ExecutableData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
enc.Withdrawals = e.Withdrawals
enc.DataGasUsed = (*hexutil.Uint64)(e.DataGasUsed)
enc.ExcessDataGas = (*hexutil.Uint64)(e.ExcessDataGas)
return json.Marshal(&enc)
@ -75,6 +79,8 @@ func (e *ExecutableData) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
BlockHash *common.Hash `json:"blockHash" gencodec:"required"`
Transactions []hexutil.Bytes `json:"transactions" gencodec:"required"`
Withdrawals []*types.Withdrawal `json:"withdrawals"`
DataGasUsed *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"dataGasUsed"`
ExcessDataGas *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"excessDataGas"`
var dec ExecutableData
if err := json.Unmarshal(input, &dec); err != nil {
@ -142,5 +148,11 @@ func (e *ExecutableData) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
if dec.Withdrawals != nil {
e.Withdrawals = dec.Withdrawals
if dec.DataGasUsed != nil {
e.DataGasUsed = (*uint64)(dec.DataGasUsed)
if dec.ExcessDataGas != nil {
e.ExcessDataGas = (*uint64)(dec.ExcessDataGas)
return nil

View File

@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ func (e ExecutionPayloadEnvelope) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type ExecutionPayloadEnvelope struct {
ExecutionPayload *ExecutableData `json:"executionPayload" gencodec:"required"`
BlockValue *hexutil.Big `json:"blockValue" gencodec:"required"`
BlobsBundle *BlobsBundleV1 `json:"blobsBundle"`
var enc ExecutionPayloadEnvelope
enc.ExecutionPayload = e.ExecutionPayload
enc.BlockValue = (*hexutil.Big)(e.BlockValue)
enc.BlobsBundle = e.BlobsBundle
return json.Marshal(&enc)
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ func (e *ExecutionPayloadEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
type ExecutionPayloadEnvelope struct {
ExecutionPayload *ExecutableData `json:"executionPayload" gencodec:"required"`
BlockValue *hexutil.Big `json:"blockValue" gencodec:"required"`
BlobsBundle *BlobsBundleV1 `json:"blobsBundle"`
var dec ExecutionPayloadEnvelope
if err := json.Unmarshal(input, &dec); err != nil {
@ -42,5 +45,8 @@ func (e *ExecutionPayloadEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
return errors.New("missing required field 'blockValue' for ExecutionPayloadEnvelope")
e.BlockValue = (*big.Int)(dec.BlockValue)
if dec.BlobsBundle != nil {
e.BlobsBundle = dec.BlobsBundle
return nil

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ type ExecutableData struct {
BlockHash common.Hash `json:"blockHash" gencodec:"required"`
Transactions [][]byte `json:"transactions" gencodec:"required"`
Withdrawals []*types.Withdrawal `json:"withdrawals"`
DataGasUsed *uint64 `json:"dataGasUsed"`
ExcessDataGas *uint64 `json:"excessDataGas"`
// JSON type overrides for executableData.
@ -73,6 +76,8 @@ type executableDataMarshaling struct {
ExtraData hexutil.Bytes
LogsBloom hexutil.Bytes
Transactions []hexutil.Bytes
DataGasUsed *hexutil.Uint64
ExcessDataGas *hexutil.Uint64
//go:generate go run -type ExecutionPayloadEnvelope -field-override executionPayloadEnvelopeMarshaling -out gen_epe.go
@ -80,6 +85,13 @@ type executableDataMarshaling struct {
type ExecutionPayloadEnvelope struct {
ExecutionPayload *ExecutableData `json:"executionPayload" gencodec:"required"`
BlockValue *big.Int `json:"blockValue" gencodec:"required"`
BlobsBundle *BlobsBundleV1 `json:"blobsBundle"`
type BlobsBundleV1 struct {
Commitments []hexutil.Bytes `json:"commitments"`
Proofs []hexutil.Bytes `json:"proofs"`
Blobs []hexutil.Bytes `json:"blobs"`
// JSON type overrides for ExecutionPayloadEnvelope.
@ -152,14 +164,15 @@ func decodeTransactions(enc [][]byte) ([]*types.Transaction, error) {
// ExecutableDataToBlock constructs a block from executable data.
// It verifies that the following fields:
// len(extraData) <= 32
// uncleHash = emptyUncleHash
// difficulty = 0
// len(extraData) <= 32
// uncleHash = emptyUncleHash
// difficulty = 0
// if versionedHashes != nil, versionedHashes match to blob transactions
// and that the blockhash of the constructed block matches the parameters. Nil
// Withdrawals value will propagate through the returned block. Empty
// Withdrawals value must be passed via non-nil, length 0 value in params.
func ExecutableDataToBlock(params ExecutableData) (*types.Block, error) {
func ExecutableDataToBlock(params ExecutableData, versionedHashes []common.Hash) (*types.Block, error) {
txs, err := decodeTransactions(params.Transactions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -174,6 +187,18 @@ func ExecutableDataToBlock(params ExecutableData) (*types.Block, error) {
if params.BaseFeePerGas != nil && (params.BaseFeePerGas.Sign() == -1 || params.BaseFeePerGas.BitLen() > 256) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid baseFeePerGas: %v", params.BaseFeePerGas)
var blobHashes []common.Hash
for _, tx := range txs {
blobHashes = append(blobHashes, tx.BlobHashes()...)
if len(blobHashes) != len(versionedHashes) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of versionedHashes: %v blobHashes: %v", versionedHashes, blobHashes)
for i := 0; i < len(blobHashes); i++ {
if blobHashes[i] != versionedHashes[i] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid versionedHash at %v: %v blobHashes: %v", i, versionedHashes, blobHashes)
// Only set withdrawalsRoot if it is non-nil. This allows CLs to use
// ExecutableData before withdrawals are enabled by marshaling
// Withdrawals as the json null value.
@ -199,6 +224,8 @@ func ExecutableDataToBlock(params ExecutableData) (*types.Block, error) {
Extra: params.ExtraData,
MixDigest: params.Random,
WithdrawalsHash: withdrawalsRoot,
ExcessDataGas: params.ExcessDataGas,
DataGasUsed: params.DataGasUsed,
block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header).WithBody(txs, nil /* uncles */).WithWithdrawals(params.Withdrawals)
if block.Hash() != params.BlockHash {
@ -209,7 +236,7 @@ func ExecutableDataToBlock(params ExecutableData) (*types.Block, error) {
// BlockToExecutableData constructs the ExecutableData structure by filling the
// fields from the given block. It assumes the given block is post-merge block.
func BlockToExecutableData(block *types.Block, fees *big.Int) *ExecutionPayloadEnvelope {
func BlockToExecutableData(block *types.Block, fees *big.Int, blobs []kzg4844.Blob, commitments []kzg4844.Commitment, proofs []kzg4844.Proof) *ExecutionPayloadEnvelope {
data := &ExecutableData{
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
ParentHash: block.ParentHash(),
@ -226,8 +253,20 @@ func BlockToExecutableData(block *types.Block, fees *big.Int) *ExecutionPayloadE
Random: block.MixDigest(),
ExtraData: block.Extra(),
Withdrawals: block.Withdrawals(),
DataGasUsed: block.DataGasUsed(),
ExcessDataGas: block.ExcessDataGas(),
return &ExecutionPayloadEnvelope{ExecutionPayload: data, BlockValue: fees}
blobsBundle := BlobsBundleV1{
Commitments: make([]hexutil.Bytes, 0),
Blobs: make([]hexutil.Bytes, 0),
Proofs: make([]hexutil.Bytes, 0),
for i := range blobs {
blobsBundle.Blobs = append(blobsBundle.Blobs, hexutil.Bytes(blobs[i][:]))
blobsBundle.Commitments = append(blobsBundle.Commitments, hexutil.Bytes(commitments[i][:]))
blobsBundle.Proofs = append(blobsBundle.Proofs, hexutil.Bytes(proofs[i][:]))
return &ExecutionPayloadEnvelope{ExecutionPayload: data, BlockValue: fees, BlobsBundle: &blobsBundle}
// ExecutionPayloadBodyV1 is used in the response to GetPayloadBodiesByHashV1 and GetPayloadBodiesByRangeV1

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# This file contains sha256 checksums of optional build dependencies.
e447b498cde50215c4f7619e5124b0fc4e25fb5d16ea47271c47f278e7aa763a go1.20.3.src.tar.gz
c1e1161d6d859deb576e6cfabeb40e3d042ceb1c6f444f617c3c9d76269c3565 go1.20.3.darwin-amd64.tar.gz
86b0ed0f2b2df50fa8036eea875d1cf2d76cefdacf247c44639a1464b7e36b95 go1.20.3.darwin-arm64.tar.gz
340e80abd047c597fdc0f50a6cc59617f06c297d62f7fc77f4a0164e2da6f7aa go1.20.3.freebsd-386.tar.gz
2169fcd8b6c94c5fbe07c0b470ccfb6001d343f6548ad49f3d9ab78e3b5753c7 go1.20.3.freebsd-amd64.tar.gz
e12384311403f1389d14cc1c1295bfb4e0dd5ab919403b80da429f671a223507 go1.20.3.linux-386.tar.gz
979694c2c25c735755bf26f4f45e19e64e4811d661dd07b8c010f7a8e18adfca go1.20.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
eb186529f13f901e7a2c4438a05c2cd90d74706aaa0a888469b2a4a617b6ee54 go1.20.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz
b421e90469a83671641f81b6e20df6500f033e9523e89cbe7b7223704dd1035c go1.20.3.linux-armv6l.tar.gz
943c89aa1624ea544a022b31e3d6e16a037200e436370bdd5fd67f3fa60be282 go1.20.3.linux-ppc64le.tar.gz
126cf823a5634ef2544b866db107b9d351d3ea70d9e240b0bdcfb46f4dcae54b go1.20.3.linux-s390x.tar.gz
62ee5bc6fb55b8bae8f705e0cb8df86d6453626b4ecf93279e2867092e0b7f70 go1.20.6.src.tar.gz
98a09c085b4c385abae7d35b9155195d5e584d14988347ac7f18e4cbe3b5ef3d go1.20.6.darwin-amd64.tar.gz
1163be1998835a13f00dfc869a8e3cdebf86984ad41ff2fff43e35ac2a0d8344 go1.20.6.darwin-arm64.tar.gz
3e6801d33a52a599af9c5258e8626e368d6c7ba958e1b6a468a9a3eecad25d8b go1.20.6.freebsd-386.tar.gz
e0d35bb22fa792448b675368189519ca636dedd7af7f8a2fafca344e497eb70e go1.20.6.freebsd-amd64.tar.gz
2e27c9db1defbf4d58e907f9843bf60a1ce229688f8463bf24d6a0a19dc949de go1.20.6.linux-386.tar.gz
b945ae2bb5db01a0fb4786afde64e6fbab50b67f6fa0eb6cfa4924f16a7ff1eb go1.20.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
4e15ab37556e979181a1a1cc60f6d796932223a0f5351d7c83768b356f84429b go1.20.6.linux-arm64.tar.gz
669902f5c8efefbd5d5fd078db01e34355af3693e48659b89593da7db367c488 go1.20.6.linux-armv6l.tar.gz
a1b91a42a40bba54bfd5c96c23d72250e0c424038d0d2b5c7950b828b4905822 go1.20.6.linux-ppc64le.tar.gz
c5ec315cc57edd646f66d7079b51d3717db5bbeae4c83a771b709761db73688d go1.20.6.linux-s390x.tar.gz
fba08acc4027f69f07cef48fbff70b8a7ecdfaa1c2aba9ad3fb31d60d9f5d4bc golangci-lint-1.51.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
75b8f0ff3a4e68147156be4161a49d4576f1be37a0b506473f8c482140c1e7f2 golangci-lint-1.51.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ var (
// This is the version of Go that will be downloaded by
// go run ci.go install -dlgo
dlgoVersion = "1.20.3"
dlgoVersion = "1.20.6"
// This is the version of Go that will be used to bootstrap the PPA builder.

View File

@ -46,12 +46,13 @@ import (
var (
@ -152,13 +153,6 @@ func (i info) gpl() bool {
return false
// authors implements the sort.Interface for strings in case-insensitive mode.
type authors []string
func (as authors) Len() int { return len(as) }
func (as authors) Less(i, j int) bool { return strings.ToLower(as[i]) < strings.ToLower(as[j]) }
func (as authors) Swap(i, j int) { as[i], as[j] = as[j], as[i] }
func main() {
var (
files = getFiles()
@ -299,7 +293,9 @@ func writeAuthors(files []string) {
// Write sorted list of authors back to the file.
slices.SortFunc(list, func(a, b string) bool {
return strings.ToLower(a) < strings.ToLower(b)
content := new(bytes.Buffer)
for _, a := range list {

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
@ -108,20 +109,18 @@ func main() {
utils.Fatalf("-ListenUDP: %v", err)
realaddr := conn.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
if natm != nil {
if !realaddr.IP.IsLoopback() {
go nat.Map(natm, nil, "udp", realaddr.Port, realaddr.Port, "ethereum discovery")
if ext, err := natm.ExternalIP(); err == nil {
realaddr = &net.UDPAddr{IP: ext, Port: realaddr.Port}
db, _ := enode.OpenDB("")
ln := enode.NewLocalNode(db, nodeKey)
listenerAddr := conn.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
if natm != nil && !listenerAddr.IP.IsLoopback() {
natAddr := doPortMapping(natm, ln, listenerAddr)
if natAddr != nil {
listenerAddr = natAddr
printNotice(&nodeKey.PublicKey, *realaddr)
db, _ := enode.OpenDB("")
ln := enode.NewLocalNode(db, nodeKey)
printNotice(&nodeKey.PublicKey, *listenerAddr)
cfg := discover.Config{
PrivateKey: nodeKey,
NetRestrict: restrictList,
@ -148,3 +147,60 @@ func printNotice(nodeKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, addr net.UDPAddr) {
fmt.Println("Note: you're using cmd/bootnode, a developer tool.")
fmt.Println("We recommend using a regular node as bootstrap node for production deployments.")
func doPortMapping(natm nat.Interface, ln *enode.LocalNode, addr *net.UDPAddr) *net.UDPAddr {
const (
protocol = "udp"
name = "ethereum discovery"
newLogger := func(external int, internal int) log.Logger {
return log.New("proto", protocol, "extport", external, "intport", internal, "interface", natm)
var (
intport = addr.Port
extaddr = &net.UDPAddr{IP: addr.IP, Port: addr.Port}
mapTimeout = nat.DefaultMapTimeout
log = newLogger(addr.Port, intport)
addMapping := func() {
// Get the external address.
var err error
extaddr.IP, err = natm.ExternalIP()
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Couldn't get external IP", "err", err)
// Create the mapping.
p, err := natm.AddMapping(protocol, extaddr.Port, intport, name, mapTimeout)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Couldn't add port mapping", "err", err)
if p != uint16(extaddr.Port) {
extaddr.Port = int(p)
log = newLogger(extaddr.Port, intport)
log.Info("NAT mapped alternative port")
} else {
log.Info("NAT mapped port")
// Update IP/port information of the local node.
// Perform mapping once, synchronously.
log.Info("Attempting port mapping")
// Refresh the mapping periodically.
go func() {
refresh := time.NewTimer(mapTimeout)
for range refresh.C {
return extaddr

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
@ -743,7 +744,7 @@ func signer(c *cli.Context) error {
port := c.Int(rpcPortFlag.Name)
// start http server
httpEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.String(utils.HTTPListenAddrFlag.Name), port)
httpEndpoint := net.JoinHostPort(c.String(utils.HTTPListenAddrFlag.Name), fmt.Sprintf("%d", port))
httpServer, addr, err := node.StartHTTPEndpoint(httpEndpoint, rpc.DefaultHTTPTimeouts, handler)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Could not start RPC api: %v", err)

View File

@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ func (c *crawler) run(timeout time.Duration, nthreads int) nodeSet {
go c.runIterator(doneCh, it)
var (
added uint64
updated uint64
skipped uint64
recent uint64
removed uint64
added atomic.Uint64
updated atomic.Uint64
skipped atomic.Uint64
recent atomic.Uint64
removed atomic.Uint64
wg sync.WaitGroup
@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ func (c *crawler) run(timeout time.Duration, nthreads int) nodeSet {
case n := <
switch c.updateNode(n) {
case nodeSkipIncompat:
atomic.AddUint64(&skipped, 1)
case nodeSkipRecent:
atomic.AddUint64(&recent, 1)
case nodeRemoved:
atomic.AddUint64(&removed, 1)
case nodeAdded:
atomic.AddUint64(&added, 1)
atomic.AddUint64(&updated, 1)
case <-c.closed:
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ loop:
break loop
case <-statusTicker.C:
log.Info("Crawling in progress",
"added", atomic.LoadUint64(&added),
"updated", atomic.LoadUint64(&updated),
"removed", atomic.LoadUint64(&removed),
"ignored(recent)", atomic.LoadUint64(&recent),
"ignored(incompatible)", atomic.LoadUint64(&skipped))
"added", added.Load(),
"updated", updated.Load(),
"removed", removed.Load(),
"ignored(recent)", recent.Load(),
"ignored(incompatible)", skipped.Load())

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
@ -33,6 +32,7 @@ import (
const (
@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ func makeDeletionChanges(records map[string]recordSet, keep map[string]string) [
// sortChanges ensures DNS changes are in leaf-added -> root-changed -> leaf-deleted order.
func sortChanges(changes []types.Change) {
score := map[string]int{"CREATE": 1, "UPSERT": 2, "DELETE": 3}
sort.Slice(changes, func(i, j int) bool {
if changes[i].Action == changes[j].Action {
return *changes[i].ResourceRecordSet.Name < *changes[j].ResourceRecordSet.Name
slices.SortFunc(changes, func(a, b types.Change) bool {
if a.Action == b.Action {
return *a.ResourceRecordSet.Name < *b.ResourceRecordSet.Name
return score[string(changes[i].Action)] < score[string(changes[j].Action)]
return score[string(a.Action)] < score[string(b.Action)]

View File

@ -109,15 +109,13 @@ func setupGeth(stack *node.Node) error {
backend, err := eth.New(stack, &ethconfig.Config{
Genesis: &chain.genesis,
NetworkId: chain.genesis.Config.ChainID.Uint64(), // 19763
DatabaseCache: 10,
TrieCleanCache: 10,
TrieCleanCacheJournal: "",
TrieCleanCacheRejournal: 60 * time.Minute,
TrieDirtyCache: 16,
TrieTimeout: 60 * time.Minute,
SnapshotCache: 10,
Genesis: &chain.genesis,
NetworkId: chain.genesis.Config.ChainID.Uint64(), // 19763
DatabaseCache: 10,
TrieCleanCache: 10,
TrieDirtyCache: 16,
TrieTimeout: 60 * time.Minute,
SnapshotCache: 10,
if err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ import (
const jsonIndent = " "
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ func (ns nodeSet) nodes() []*enode.Node {
result = append(result, n.N)
// Sort by ID.
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(result[i].ID().Bytes(), result[j].ID().Bytes()) < 0
slices.SortFunc(result, func(a, b *enode.Node) bool {
return bytes.Compare(a.ID().Bytes(), b.ID().Bytes()) < 0
return result
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ func (ns nodeSet) topN(n int) nodeSet {
for _, v := range ns {
byscore = append(byscore, v)
sort.Slice(byscore, func(i, j int) bool {
return byscore[i].Score >= byscore[j].Score
slices.SortFunc(byscore, func(a, b nodeJSON) bool {
return a.Score >= b.Score
result := make(nodeSet, n)
for _, v := range byscore[:n] {

View File

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ func readInput(ctx *cli.Context) (*bbInput, error) {
return inputData, nil
// dispatchOutput writes the output data to either stderr or stdout, or to the specified
// dispatchBlock writes the output data to either stderr or stdout, or to the specified
// files
func dispatchBlock(ctx *cli.Context, baseDir string, block *types.Block) error {
raw, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(block)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package t8ntool
import (
@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ func (pre *Prestate) Apply(vmConfig vm.Config, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig,
if miningReward >= 0 {
// Add mining reward. The mining reward may be `0`, which only makes a difference in the cases
// where
// - the coinbase suicided, or
// - the coinbase self-destructed, or
// - there are only 'bad' transactions, which aren't executed. In those cases,
// the coinbase gets no txfee, so isn't created, and thus needs to be touched
var (
@ -270,9 +269,8 @@ func (pre *Prestate) Apply(vmConfig vm.Config, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig,
statedb.AddBalance(w.Address, amount, state.BalanceChangeWithdrawal)
// Commit block
root, err := statedb.Commit(chainConfig.IsEIP158(vmContext.BlockNumber))
root, err := statedb.Commit(vmContext.BlockNumber.Uint64(), chainConfig.IsEIP158(vmContext.BlockNumber))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Could not commit state: %v", err)
return nil, nil, NewError(ErrorEVM, fmt.Errorf("could not commit state: %v", err))
execRs := &ExecutionResult{
@ -291,6 +289,12 @@ func (pre *Prestate) Apply(vmConfig vm.Config, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig,
h := types.DeriveSha(types.Withdrawals(pre.Env.Withdrawals), trie.NewStackTrie(nil))
execRs.WithdrawalsRoot = &h
// Re-create statedb instance with new root upon the updated database
// for accessing latest states.
statedb, err = state.New(root, statedb.Database(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, NewError(ErrorEVM, fmt.Errorf("could not reopen state: %v", err))
return statedb, execRs, nil
@ -306,7 +310,7 @@ func MakePreState(db ethdb.Database, accounts core.GenesisAlloc) *state.StateDB
// Commit and re-open to start with a clean state.
root, _ := statedb.Commit(false)
root, _ := statedb.Commit(0, false)
statedb, _ = state.New(root, sdb, nil)
return statedb

View File

@ -280,8 +280,7 @@ func runCmd(ctx *cli.Context) error {
output, leftOverGas, stats, err := timedExec(bench, execFunc)
if ctx.Bool(DumpFlag.Name) {
statedb.Commit(genesisConfig.Number, true)

View File

@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ func runStateTest(fname string, cfg vm.Config, jsonOut, dump bool) error {
// Test failed, mark as so and dump any state to aid debugging
result.Pass, result.Error = false, err.Error()
if dump && s != nil {
s, _ = state.New(*result.Root, s.Database(), nil)
dump := s.RawDump(nil)
result.State = &dump

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## Input transactions in RLP form
This testdata folder is used to examplify how transaction input can be provided in rlp form.
This testdata folder is used to exemplify how transaction input can be provided in rlp form.
Please see the README in `evm` folder for how this is performed.

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
These files examplify a selfdestruct to the `0`-address.
These files exemplify a selfdestruct to the `0`-address.

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
These files examplify how to sign a transaction using the pre-EIP155 scheme.
These files exemplify how to sign a transaction using the pre-EIP155 scheme.

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
These files examplify a transition where a transaction (excuted on block 5) requests
These files exemplify a transition where a transaction (executed on block 5) requests
the blockhash for block `1`.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
These files examplify a transition where a transaction (excuted on block 5) requests
These files exemplify a transition where a transaction (executed on block 5) requests
the blockhash for block `4`, but where the hash for that block is missing.
It's expected that executing these should cause `exit` with errorcode `4`.

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
These files examplify a transition where there are no transcations, two ommers, at block `N-1` (delta 1) and `N-2` (delta 2).
These files exemplify a transition where there are no transactions, two ommers, at block `N-1` (delta 1) and `N-2` (delta 2).

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ This test contains testcases for EIP-2930, which uses transactions with access l
The alloc portion contains one contract (`0x000000000000000000000000000000000000aaaa`), containing the
following code: `0x5854505854`: `PC ;SLOAD; POP; PC; SLOAD`.
Essentialy, this contract does `SLOAD(0)` and `SLOAD(3)`.
Essentially, this contract does `SLOAD(0)` and `SLOAD(3)`.
The alloc also contains some funds on `0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b`.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ This test contains testcases for EIP-1559, which uses an new transaction type an
The alloc portion contains one contract (`0x000000000000000000000000000000000000aaaa`), containing the
following code: `0x58585454`: `PC; PC; SLOAD; SLOAD`.
Essentialy, this contract does `SLOAD(0)` and `SLOAD(1)`.
Essentially, this contract does `SLOAD(0)` and `SLOAD(1)`.
The alloc also contains some funds on `0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b`.

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func TestRemoteDbWithHeaders(t *testing.T) {
func testReceiveHeaders(t *testing.T, ln net.Listener, gethArgs ...string) {
var ok uint32
var ok atomic.Uint32
server := &http.Server{
Addr: "localhost:0",
Handler: &testHandler{func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ func testReceiveHeaders(t *testing.T, ln net.Listener, gethArgs ...string) {
if have, want := r.Header.Get("second"), "two"; have != want {
t.Fatalf("missing header, have %v want %v", have, want)
atomic.StoreUint32(&ok, 1)
go server.Serve(ln)
defer server.Close()
runGeth(t, gethArgs...).WaitExit()
if atomic.LoadUint32(&ok) != 1 {
if ok.Load() != 1 {
t.Fatal("Test fail, expected invocation to succeed")

View File

@ -262,16 +262,16 @@ func importChain(ctx *cli.Context) error {
defer db.Close()
// Start periodically gathering memory profiles
var peakMemAlloc, peakMemSys uint64
var peakMemAlloc, peakMemSys atomic.Uint64
go func() {
stats := new(runtime.MemStats)
for {
if atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemAlloc) < stats.Alloc {
atomic.StoreUint64(&peakMemAlloc, stats.Alloc)
if peakMemAlloc.Load() < stats.Alloc {
if atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemSys) < stats.Sys {
atomic.StoreUint64(&peakMemSys, stats.Sys)
if peakMemSys.Load() < stats.Sys {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ func importChain(ctx *cli.Context) error {
mem := new(runtime.MemStats)
fmt.Printf("Object memory: %.3f MB current, %.3f MB peak\n", float64(mem.Alloc)/1024/1024, float64(atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemAlloc))/1024/1024)
fmt.Printf("System memory: %.3f MB current, %.3f MB peak\n", float64(mem.Sys)/1024/1024, float64(atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemSys))/1024/1024)
fmt.Printf("Object memory: %.3f MB current, %.3f MB peak\n", float64(mem.Alloc)/1024/1024, float64(peakMemAlloc.Load())/1024/1024)
fmt.Printf("System memory: %.3f MB current, %.3f MB peak\n", float64(mem.Sys)/1024/1024, float64(peakMemSys.Load())/1024/1024)
fmt.Printf("Allocations: %.3f million\n", float64(mem.Mallocs)/1000000)
fmt.Printf("GC pause: %v\n\n", time.Duration(mem.PauseTotalNs))

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ import (
ethcatalyst ""
@ -170,6 +172,10 @@ func makeFullNode(ctx *cli.Context) (*node.Node, ethapi.Backend) {
v := ctx.Uint64(utils.OverrideCancun.Name)
cfg.Eth.OverrideCancun = &v
if ctx.IsSet(utils.OverrideVerkle.Name) {
v := ctx.Uint64(utils.OverrideVerkle.Name)
cfg.Eth.OverrideVerkle = &v
backend, eth := utils.RegisterEthService(stack, &cfg.Eth)
// Configure log filter RPC API.
@ -189,6 +195,22 @@ func makeFullNode(ctx *cli.Context) (*node.Node, ethapi.Backend) {
if ctx.IsSet(utils.SyncTargetFlag.Name) && cfg.Eth.SyncMode == downloader.FullSync {
utils.RegisterFullSyncTester(stack, eth, ctx.Path(utils.SyncTargetFlag.Name))
// Start the dev mode if requested, or launch the engine API for
// interacting with external consensus client.
if ctx.IsSet(utils.DeveloperFlag.Name) {
simBeacon, err := catalyst.NewSimulatedBeacon(ctx.Uint64(utils.DeveloperPeriodFlag.Name), eth)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("failed to register dev mode catalyst service: %v", err)
catalyst.RegisterSimulatedBeaconAPIs(stack, simBeacon)
} else if cfg.Eth.SyncMode != downloader.LightSync {
err := ethcatalyst.Register(stack, eth)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("failed to register catalyst service: %v", err)
return stack, backend
@ -272,6 +294,10 @@ func deprecated(field string) bool {
return true
case "ethconfig.Config.EWASMInterpreter":
return true
case "ethconfig.Config.TrieCleanCacheJournal":
return true
case "ethconfig.Config.TrieCleanCacheRejournal":
return true
return false

View File

@ -519,8 +519,12 @@ func dbDumpTrie(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil {
return err
trieIt, err := theTrie.NodeIterator(start)
if err != nil {
return err
var count int64
it := trie.NewIterator(theTrie.NodeIterator(start))
it := trie.NewIterator(trieIt)
for it.Next() {
if max > 0 && count == max {
fmt.Printf("Exiting after %d values\n", count)

View File

@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ func ipcEndpoint(ipcPath, datadir string) string {
// but windows require pipes to sit in "\\.\pipe\". Therefore, to run several
// nodes simultaneously, we need to distinguish between them, which we do by
// the pipe filename instead of folder.
var nextIPC = uint32(0)
var nextIPC atomic.Uint32
func startGethWithIpc(t *testing.T, name string, args ...string) *gethrpc {
ipcName := fmt.Sprintf("geth-%d.ipc", atomic.AddUint32(&nextIPC, 1))
ipcName := fmt.Sprintf("geth-%d.ipc", nextIPC.Add(1))
args = append([]string{"--networkid=42", "--port=0", "--authrpc.port", "0", "--ipcpath", ipcName}, args...)
t.Logf("Starting %v with rpc: %v", name, args)
@ -146,13 +146,13 @@ func startLightServer(t *testing.T) *gethrpc {
t.Logf("Importing keys to geth")
runGeth(t, "account", "import", "--datadir", datadir, "--password", "./testdata/password.txt", "--lightkdf", "./testdata/key.prv").WaitExit()
account := "0x02f0d131f1f97aef08aec6e3291b957d9efe7105"
server := startGethWithIpc(t, "lightserver", "--allow-insecure-unlock", "--datadir", datadir, "--password", "./testdata/password.txt", "--unlock", account, "--miner.etherbase=0x02f0d131f1f97aef08aec6e3291b957d9efe7105", "--mine", "--light.serve=100", "--light.maxpeers=1", "--nodiscover", "--nat=extip:", "--verbosity=4")
server := startGethWithIpc(t, "lightserver", "--allow-insecure-unlock", "--datadir", datadir, "--password", "./testdata/password.txt", "--unlock", account, "--miner.etherbase=0x02f0d131f1f97aef08aec6e3291b957d9efe7105", "--mine", "--light.serve=100", "--light.maxpeers=1", "--discv4=false", "--nat=extip:", "--verbosity=4")
return server
func startClient(t *testing.T, name string) *gethrpc {
datadir := initGeth(t)
return startGethWithIpc(t, name, "--datadir", datadir, "--nodiscover", "--syncmode=light", "--nat=extip:", "--verbosity=4")
return startGethWithIpc(t, name, "--datadir", datadir, "--discv4=false", "--syncmode=light", "--nat=extip:", "--verbosity=4")
func TestPriorityClient(t *testing.T) {

View File

@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ import (
_ ""
_ ""
// Automatically set GOMAXPROCS to match Linux container CPU quota.
_ ""
@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ var (
@ -89,9 +93,6 @@ var (
@ -121,14 +122,16 @@ var (
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ func startNode(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, backend ethapi.Backend, isCon
// Start auxiliary services if enabled
if ctx.Bool(utils.MiningEnabledFlag.Name) || ctx.Bool(utils.DeveloperFlag.Name) {
if ctx.Bool(utils.MiningEnabledFlag.Name) {
// Mining only makes sense if a full Ethereum node is running
if ctx.String(utils.SyncModeFlag.Name) == "light" {
utils.Fatalf("Light clients do not support mining")

View File

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ var (
ArgsUsage: "<root>",
Action: pruneState,
Flags: flags.Merge([]cli.Flag{
}, utils.NetworkFlags, utils.DatabasePathFlags),
Description: `
@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ block is used.
// Deprecation: this command should be deprecated once the hash-based
// scheme is deprecated.
func pruneState(ctx *cli.Context) error {
stack, config := makeConfigNode(ctx)
stack, _ := makeConfigNode(ctx)
defer stack.Close()
chaindb := utils.MakeChainDatabase(ctx, stack, false)
@ -168,7 +167,6 @@ func pruneState(ctx *cli.Context) error {
prunerconfig := pruner.Config{
Datadir: stack.ResolvePath(""),
Cachedir: stack.ResolvePath(config.Eth.TrieCleanCacheJournal),
BloomSize: ctx.Uint64(utils.BloomFilterSizeFlag.Name),
pruner, err := pruner.NewPruner(chaindb, prunerconfig)
@ -292,7 +290,12 @@ func traverseState(ctx *cli.Context) error {
lastReport time.Time
start = time.Now()
accIter := trie.NewIterator(t.NodeIterator(nil))
acctIt, err := t.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to open iterator", "root", root, "err", err)
return err
accIter := trie.NewIterator(acctIt)
for accIter.Next() {
accounts += 1
var acc types.StateAccount
@ -307,7 +310,12 @@ func traverseState(ctx *cli.Context) error {
log.Error("Failed to open storage trie", "root", acc.Root, "err", err)
return err
storageIter := trie.NewIterator(storageTrie.NodeIterator(nil))
storageIt, err := storageTrie.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to open storage iterator", "root", acc.Root, "err", err)
return err
storageIter := trie.NewIterator(storageIt)
for storageIter.Next() {
slots += 1
@ -385,7 +393,11 @@ func traverseRawState(ctx *cli.Context) error {
hasher = crypto.NewKeccakState()
got = make([]byte, 32)
accIter := t.NodeIterator(nil)
accIter, err := t.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to open iterator", "root", root, "err", err)
return err
for accIter.Next(true) {
nodes += 1
node := accIter.Hash()
@ -422,7 +434,11 @@ func traverseRawState(ctx *cli.Context) error {
log.Error("Failed to open storage trie", "root", acc.Root, "err", err)
return errors.New("missing storage trie")
storageIter := storageTrie.NodeIterator(nil)
storageIter, err := storageTrie.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to open storage iterator", "root", acc.Root, "err", err)
return err
for storageIter.Next(true) {
nodes += 1
node := storageIter.Hash()

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func checkChildren(root verkle.VerkleNode, resolver verkle.NodeResolverFn) error
switch node := root.(type) {
case *verkle.InternalNode:
for i, child := range node.Children() {
childC := child.ComputeCommitment().Bytes()
childC := child.Commit().Bytes()
childS, err := resolver(childC[:])
if bytes.Equal(childC[:], zero[:]) {
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func checkChildren(root verkle.VerkleNode, resolver verkle.NodeResolverFn) error
// depth is set to 0, the tree isn't rebuilt so it's not a problem
childN, err := verkle.ParseNode(childS, 0, childC[:])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decode error child %x in db: %w", child.ComputeCommitment().Bytes(), err)
return fmt.Errorf("decode error child %x in db: %w", child.Commitment().Bytes(), err)
if err := checkChildren(childN, resolver); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%x%w", i, err) // write the path to the erroring node
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func checkChildren(root verkle.VerkleNode, resolver verkle.NodeResolverFn) error
return nil
return errors.New("Both balance and nonce are 0")
return errors.New("both balance and nonce are 0")
case verkle.Empty:
// nothing to do

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ import (
@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ import (
lescatalyst ""
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ var (
Usage: "Ephemeral proof-of-authority network with a pre-funded developer account, mining enabled",
Category: flags.DevCategory,
DeveloperPeriodFlag = &cli.IntFlag{
DeveloperPeriodFlag = &cli.Uint64Flag{
Name: "dev.period",
Usage: "Block period to use in developer mode (0 = mine only if transaction pending)",
Category: flags.DevCategory,
@ -252,11 +252,6 @@ var (
Usage: "Comma separated block number-to-hash mappings to require for peering (<number>=<hash>)",
Category: flags.EthCategory,
LegacyWhitelistFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "whitelist",
Usage: "Comma separated block number-to-hash mappings to enforce (<number>=<hash>) (deprecated in favor of --eth.requiredblocks)",
Category: flags.DeprecatedCategory,
BloomFilterSizeFlag = &cli.Uint64Flag{
Name: "bloomfilter.size",
Usage: "Megabytes of memory allocated to bloom-filter for pruning",
@ -268,6 +263,11 @@ var (
Usage: "Manually specify the Cancun fork timestamp, overriding the bundled setting",
Category: flags.EthCategory,
OverrideVerkle = &cli.Uint64Flag{
Name: "override.verkle",
Usage: "Manually specify the Verkle fork timestamp, overriding the bundled setting",
Category: flags.EthCategory,
// Light server and client settings
LightServeFlag = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "light.serve",
@ -293,23 +293,6 @@ var (
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.LightPeers,
Category: flags.LightCategory,
UltraLightServersFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "ulc.servers",
Usage: "List of trusted ultra-light servers",
Value: strings.Join(ethconfig.Defaults.UltraLightServers, ","),
Category: flags.LightCategory,
UltraLightFractionFlag = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "ulc.fraction",
Usage: "Minimum % of trusted ultra-light servers required to announce a new head",
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.UltraLightFraction,
Category: flags.LightCategory,
UltraLightOnlyAnnounceFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "ulc.onlyannounce",
Usage: "Ultra light server sends announcements only",
Category: flags.LightCategory,
LightNoPruneFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "light.nopruning",
Usage: "Disable ancient light chain data pruning",
@ -334,18 +317,18 @@ var (
TxPoolJournalFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "txpool.journal",
Usage: "Disk journal for local transaction to survive node restarts",
Value: txpool.DefaultConfig.Journal,
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.Journal,
Category: flags.TxPoolCategory,
TxPoolRejournalFlag = &cli.DurationFlag{
Name: "txpool.rejournal",
Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal",
Value: txpool.DefaultConfig.Rejournal,
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.Rejournal,
Category: flags.TxPoolCategory,
TxPoolPriceLimitFlag = &cli.Uint64Flag{
Name: "txpool.pricelimit",
Usage: "Minimum gas price limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool",
Usage: "Minimum gas price tip to enforce for acceptance into the pool",
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.PriceLimit,
Category: flags.TxPoolCategory,
@ -385,7 +368,6 @@ var (
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TxPool.Lifetime,
Category: flags.TxPoolCategory,
// Performance tuning settings
CacheFlag = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "cache",
@ -405,18 +387,6 @@ var (
Value: 15,
Category: flags.PerfCategory,
CacheTrieJournalFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "cache.trie.journal",
Usage: "Disk journal directory for trie cache to survive node restarts",
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TrieCleanCacheJournal,
Category: flags.PerfCategory,
CacheTrieRejournalFlag = &cli.DurationFlag{
Name: "cache.trie.rejournal",
Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the trie cache journal",
Value: ethconfig.Defaults.TrieCleanCacheRejournal,
Category: flags.PerfCategory,
CacheGCFlag = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "cache.gc",
Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for trie pruning (default = 25% full mode, 0% archive mode)",
@ -782,8 +752,16 @@ var (
Usage: "Disables the peer discovery mechanism (manual peer addition)",
Category: flags.NetworkingCategory,
DiscoveryV4Flag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "discovery.v4",
Aliases: []string{"discv4"},
Usage: "Enables the V4 discovery mechanism",
Category: flags.NetworkingCategory,
Value: true,
DiscoveryV5Flag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "v5disc",
Name: "discovery.v5",
Aliases: []string{"discv5"},
Usage: "Enables the experimental RLPx V5 (Topic Discovery) mechanism",
Category: flags.NetworkingCategory,
@ -1220,19 +1198,6 @@ func setLes(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
if ctx.IsSet(LightMaxPeersFlag.Name) {
cfg.LightPeers = ctx.Int(LightMaxPeersFlag.Name)
if ctx.IsSet(UltraLightServersFlag.Name) {
cfg.UltraLightServers = strings.Split(ctx.String(UltraLightServersFlag.Name), ",")
if ctx.IsSet(UltraLightFractionFlag.Name) {
cfg.UltraLightFraction = ctx.Int(UltraLightFractionFlag.Name)
if cfg.UltraLightFraction <= 0 && cfg.UltraLightFraction > 100 {
log.Error("Ultra light fraction is invalid", "had", cfg.UltraLightFraction, "updated", ethconfig.Defaults.UltraLightFraction)
cfg.UltraLightFraction = ethconfig.Defaults.UltraLightFraction
if ctx.IsSet(UltraLightOnlyAnnounceFlag.Name) {
cfg.UltraLightOnlyAnnounce = ctx.Bool(UltraLightOnlyAnnounceFlag.Name)
if ctx.IsSet(LightNoPruneFlag.Name) {
cfg.LightNoPrune = ctx.Bool(LightNoPruneFlag.Name)
@ -1373,13 +1338,17 @@ func SetP2PConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *p2p.Config) {
cfg.NoDiscovery = true
// if we're running a light client or server, force enable the v5 peer discovery
// unless it is explicitly disabled with --nodiscover note that explicitly specifying
// --v5disc overrides --nodiscover, in which case the later only disables v4 discovery
forceV5Discovery := (lightClient || lightServer) && !ctx.Bool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name)
if ctx.IsSet(DiscoveryV5Flag.Name) {
cfg.DiscoveryV5 = ctx.Bool(DiscoveryV5Flag.Name)
} else if forceV5Discovery {
// Disallow --nodiscover when used in conjunction with light mode.
if (lightClient || lightServer) && ctx.Bool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name) {
Fatalf("Cannot use --" + NoDiscoverFlag.Name + " in light client or light server mode")
CheckExclusive(ctx, DiscoveryV4Flag, NoDiscoverFlag)
CheckExclusive(ctx, DiscoveryV5Flag, NoDiscoverFlag)
cfg.DiscoveryV4 = ctx.Bool(DiscoveryV4Flag.Name)
cfg.DiscoveryV5 = ctx.Bool(DiscoveryV5Flag.Name)
// If we're running a light client or server, force enable the v5 peer discovery.
if lightClient || lightServer {
cfg.DiscoveryV5 = true
@ -1505,7 +1474,7 @@ func setGPO(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *gasprice.Config, light bool) {
func setTxPool(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *txpool.Config) {
func setTxPool(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *legacypool.Config) {
if ctx.IsSet(TxPoolLocalsFlag.Name) {
locals := strings.Split(ctx.String(TxPoolLocalsFlag.Name), ",")
for _, account := range locals {
@ -1710,12 +1679,6 @@ func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
if ctx.IsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.IsSet(CacheTrieFlag.Name) {
cfg.TrieCleanCache = ctx.Int(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.Int(CacheTrieFlag.Name) / 100
if ctx.IsSet(CacheTrieJournalFlag.Name) {
cfg.TrieCleanCacheJournal = ctx.String(CacheTrieJournalFlag.Name)
if ctx.IsSet(CacheTrieRejournalFlag.Name) {
cfg.TrieCleanCacheRejournal = ctx.Duration(CacheTrieRejournalFlag.Name)
if ctx.IsSet(CacheFlag.Name) || ctx.IsSet(CacheGCFlag.Name) {
cfg.TrieDirtyCache = ctx.Int(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.Int(CacheGCFlag.Name) / 100
@ -1838,7 +1801,7 @@ func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config) {
log.Info("Using developer account", "address", developer.Address)
// Create a new developer genesis block or reuse existing one
cfg.Genesis = core.DeveloperGenesisBlock(uint64(ctx.Int(DeveloperPeriodFlag.Name)), ctx.Uint64(DeveloperGasLimitFlag.Name), developer.Address)
cfg.Genesis = core.DeveloperGenesisBlock(ctx.Uint64(DeveloperGasLimitFlag.Name), developer.Address)
if ctx.IsSet(DataDirFlag.Name) {
// If datadir doesn't exist we need to open db in write-mode
// so leveldb can create files.
@ -1898,9 +1861,6 @@ func RegisterEthService(stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config) (ethapi.Backend
Fatalf("Failed to register the Ethereum service: %v", err)
if err := lescatalyst.Register(stack, backend); err != nil {
Fatalf("Failed to register the Engine API service: %v", err)
return backend.ApiBackend, nil
backend, err := eth.New(stack, cfg)
@ -1913,9 +1873,6 @@ func RegisterEthService(stack *node.Node, cfg *ethconfig.Config) (ethapi.Backend
Fatalf("Failed to create the LES server: %v", err)
if err := ethcatalyst.Register(stack, backend); err != nil {
Fatalf("Failed to register the Engine API service: %v", err)
return backend.APIBackend, backend
@ -2018,7 +1975,7 @@ func SetupMetrics(ctx *cli.Context) {
if ctx.IsSet(MetricsHTTPFlag.Name) {
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ctx.String(MetricsHTTPFlag.Name), ctx.Int(MetricsPortFlag.Name))
address := net.JoinHostPort(ctx.String(MetricsHTTPFlag.Name), fmt.Sprintf("%d", ctx.Int(MetricsPortFlag.Name)))
log.Info("Enabling stand-alone metrics HTTP endpoint", "address", address)
} else if ctx.IsSet(MetricsPortFlag.Name) {

View File

@ -33,15 +33,41 @@ var ShowDeprecated = &cli.Command{
var DeprecatedFlags = []cli.Flag{
var (
// (Deprecated May 2020, shown in aliased flags section)
// Deprecated May 2020, shown in aliased flags section
NoUSBFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "nousb",
Usage: "Disables monitoring for and managing USB hardware wallets (deprecated)",
Category: flags.DeprecatedCategory,
// Deprecated March 2022
LegacyWhitelistFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "whitelist",
Usage: "Comma separated block number-to-hash mappings to enforce (<number>=<hash>) (deprecated in favor of --eth.requiredblocks)",
Category: flags.DeprecatedCategory,
// Deprecated July 2023
CacheTrieJournalFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "cache.trie.journal",
Usage: "Disk journal directory for trie cache to survive node restarts",
Category: flags.DeprecatedCategory,
CacheTrieRejournalFlag = &cli.DurationFlag{
Name: "cache.trie.rejournal",
Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the trie cache journal",
Category: flags.DeprecatedCategory,
LegacyDiscoveryV5Flag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "v5disc",
Usage: "Enables the experimental RLPx V5 (Topic Discovery) mechanism (deprecated, use --discv5 instead)",
Category: flags.DeprecatedCategory,
// showDeprecated displays deprecated flags that will be soon removed from the codebase.

View File

@ -170,6 +170,20 @@ func TestBasicLRUContains(t *testing.T) {
// Test that Peek doesn't update recent-ness
func TestBasicLRUPeek(t *testing.T) {
cache := NewBasicLRU[int, int](2)
cache.Add(1, 1)
cache.Add(2, 2)
if v, ok := cache.Peek(1); !ok || v != 1 {
t.Errorf("1 should be set to 1")
cache.Add(3, 3)
if cache.Contains(1) {
t.Errorf("should not have updated recent-ness of 1")
func BenchmarkLRU(b *testing.B) {
var (
capacity = 1000

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func (i *HexOrDecimal256) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
// it however accepts either "0x"-prefixed (hex encoded) or non-prefixed (decimal)
type Decimal256 big.Int
// NewHexOrDecimal256 creates a new Decimal256
// NewDecimal256 creates a new Decimal256
func NewDecimal256(x int64) *Decimal256 {
b := big.NewInt(x)
d := Decimal256(*b)

View File

@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ func BigToHash(b *big.Int) Hash { return BytesToHash(b.Bytes()) }
// If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func HexToHash(s string) Hash { return BytesToHash(FromHex(s)) }
// Less compares two hashes.
func (h Hash) Less(other Hash) bool {
return bytes.Compare(h[:], other[:]) < 0
// Bytes gets the byte representation of the underlying hash.
func (h Hash) Bytes() []byte { return h[:] }
@ -226,6 +231,11 @@ func IsHexAddress(s string) bool {
return len(s) == 2*AddressLength && isHex(s)
// Less compares two addresses.
func (a Address) Less(other Address) bool {
return bytes.Compare(a[:], other[:]) < 0
// Bytes gets the string representation of the underlying address.
func (a Address) Bytes() []byte { return a[:] }

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ func (sb *blockNumberOrHashOrRLP) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// GetSigner returns the signer for a specific clique block.
// Can be called with either a blocknumber, blockhash or an rlp encoded blob.
// Can be called with a block number, a block hash or a rlp encoded blob.
// The RLP encoded blob can either be a block or a header.
func (api *API) GetSigner(rlpOrBlockNr *blockNumberOrHashOrRLP) (common.Address, error) {
if len(rlpOrBlockNr.RLP) == 0 {

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package clique
import (
@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ import (
// Vote represents a single vote that an authorized signer made to modify the
@ -62,13 +62,6 @@ type Snapshot struct {
Tally map[common.Address]Tally `json:"tally"` // Current vote tally to avoid recalculating
// signersAscending implements the sort interface to allow sorting a list of addresses
type signersAscending []common.Address
func (s signersAscending) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s signersAscending) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(s[i][:], s[j][:]) < 0 }
func (s signersAscending) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
// newSnapshot creates a new snapshot with the specified startup parameters. This
// method does not initialize the set of recent signers, so only ever use if for
// the genesis block.
@ -315,7 +308,7 @@ func (s *Snapshot) signers() []common.Address {
for sig := range s.Signers {
sigs = append(sigs, sig)
slices.SortFunc(sigs, common.Address.Less)
return sigs

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import (
@ -31,6 +30,7 @@ import (
// testerAccountPool is a pool to maintain currently active tester accounts,
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (ap *testerAccountPool) checkpoint(header *types.Header, signers []string)
for i, signer := range signers {
auths[i] = ap.address(signer)
slices.SortFunc(auths, common.Address.Less)
for i, auth := range auths {
copy(header.Extra[extraVanity+i*common.AddressLength:], auth.Bytes())

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func newTester(t *testing.T, confOverride func(*ethconfig.Config)) *tester {
t.Fatalf("failed to create node: %v", err)
ethConf := &ethconfig.Config{
Genesis: core.DeveloperGenesisBlock(15, 11_500_000, common.Address{}),
Genesis: core.DeveloperGenesisBlock(11_500_000, common.Address{}),
Miner: miner.Config{
Etherbase: common.HexToAddress(testAddress),
@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ func newTester(t *testing.T, confOverride func(*ethconfig.Config)) *tester {
t.Fatalf("failed to start test stack: %v", err)
client := stack.Attach()
t.Cleanup(func() {
prompter := &hookedPrompter{scheduler: make(chan string)}
printer := new(bytes.Buffer)

View File

@ -86,18 +86,8 @@ func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateBody(block *types.Block) error {
for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
// Count the number of blobs to validate against the header's dataGasUsed
blobs += len(tx.BlobHashes())
// Validate the data blobs individually too
if tx.Type() == types.BlobTxType {
if len(tx.BlobHashes()) == 0 {
return errors.New("no-blob blob transaction present in block body")
for _, hash := range tx.BlobHashes() {
if hash[0] != params.BlobTxHashVersion {
return fmt.Errorf("blob hash version mismatch (have %d, supported %d)", hash[0], params.BlobTxHashVersion)
// The individual checks for blob validity (version-check + not empty)
// happens in the state_transition check.
if header.DataGasUsed != nil {
if want := *header.DataGasUsed / params.BlobTxDataGasPerBlob; uint64(blobs) != want { // div because the header is surely good vs the body might be bloated

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package core
import (
@ -235,118 +234,6 @@ func testHeaderVerificationForMerging(t *testing.T, isClique bool) {
// Tests that concurrent header verification works, for both good and bad blocks.
func TestHeaderConcurrentVerification2(t *testing.T) { testHeaderConcurrentVerification(t, 2) }
func TestHeaderConcurrentVerification8(t *testing.T) { testHeaderConcurrentVerification(t, 8) }
func TestHeaderConcurrentVerification32(t *testing.T) { testHeaderConcurrentVerification(t, 32) }
func testHeaderConcurrentVerification(t *testing.T, threads int) {
// Create a simple chain to verify
var (
gspec = &Genesis{Config: params.TestChainConfig}
_, blocks, _ = GenerateChainWithGenesis(gspec, ethash.NewFaker(), 8, nil)
headers := make([]*types.Header, len(blocks))
for i, block := range blocks {
headers[i] = block.Header()
// Set the number of threads to verify on
old := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(threads)
defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(old)
// Run the header checker for the entire block chain at once both for a valid and
// also an invalid chain (enough if one arbitrary block is invalid).
for i, valid := range []bool{true, false} {
var results <-chan error
if valid {
chain, _ := NewBlockChain(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase(), nil, gspec, nil, ethash.NewFaker(), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
_, results = chain.engine.VerifyHeaders(chain, headers)
} else {
chain, _ := NewBlockChain(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase(), nil, gspec, nil, ethash.NewFakeFailer(uint64(len(headers)-1)), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
_, results = chain.engine.VerifyHeaders(chain, headers)
// Wait for all the verification results
checks := make(map[int]error)
for j := 0; j < len(blocks); j++ {
select {
case result := <-results:
checks[j] = result
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("test %d.%d: verification timeout", i, j)
// Check nonce check validity
for j := 0; j < len(blocks); j++ {
want := valid || (j < len(blocks)-2) // We chose the last-but-one nonce in the chain to fail
if (checks[j] == nil) != want {
t.Errorf("test %d.%d: validity mismatch: have %v, want %v", i, j, checks[j], want)
if !want {
// A few blocks after the first error may pass verification due to concurrent
// workers. We don't care about those in this test, just that the correct block
// errors out.
// Make sure no more data is returned
select {
case result := <-results:
t.Fatalf("test %d: unexpected result returned: %v", i, result)
case <-time.After(25 * time.Millisecond):
// Tests that aborting a header validation indeed prevents further checks from being
// run, as well as checks that no left-over goroutines are leaked.
func TestHeaderConcurrentAbortion2(t *testing.T) { testHeaderConcurrentAbortion(t, 2) }
func TestHeaderConcurrentAbortion8(t *testing.T) { testHeaderConcurrentAbortion(t, 8) }
func TestHeaderConcurrentAbortion32(t *testing.T) { testHeaderConcurrentAbortion(t, 32) }
func testHeaderConcurrentAbortion(t *testing.T, threads int) {
// Create a simple chain to verify
var (
gspec = &Genesis{Config: params.TestChainConfig}
_, blocks, _ = GenerateChainWithGenesis(gspec, ethash.NewFaker(), 1024, nil)
headers := make([]*types.Header, len(blocks))
for i, block := range blocks {
headers[i] = block.Header()
// Set the number of threads to verify on
old := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(threads)
defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(old)
// Start the verifications and immediately abort
chain, _ := NewBlockChain(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase(), nil, gspec, nil, ethash.NewFakeDelayer(time.Millisecond), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
defer chain.Stop()
abort, results := chain.engine.VerifyHeaders(chain, headers)
// Deplete the results channel
verified := 0
for depleted := false; !depleted; {
select {
case result := <-results:
if result != nil {
t.Errorf("header %d: validation failed: %v", verified, result)
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
depleted = true
// Check that abortion was honored by not processing too many POWs
if verified > 2*threads {
t.Errorf("verification count too large: have %d, want below %d", verified, 2*threads)
func TestCalcGasLimit(t *testing.T) {
for i, tc := range []struct {
pGasLimit uint64

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import (
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@ import (
var (
@ -130,8 +130,6 @@ const (
// that's resident in a blockchain.
type CacheConfig struct {
TrieCleanLimit int // Memory allowance (MB) to use for caching trie nodes in memory
TrieCleanJournal string // Disk journal for saving clean cache entries.
TrieCleanRejournal time.Duration // Time interval to dump clean cache to disk periodically
TrieCleanNoPrefetch bool // Whether to disable heuristic state prefetching for followup blocks
TrieDirtyLimit int // Memory limit (MB) at which to start flushing dirty trie nodes to disk
TrieDirtyDisabled bool // Whether to disable trie write caching and GC altogether (archive node)
@ -251,7 +249,6 @@ func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, genesis *Genesis
// Open trie database with provided config
triedb := trie.NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{
Cache: cacheConfig.TrieCleanLimit,
Journal: cacheConfig.TrieCleanJournal,
Preimages: cacheConfig.Preimages,
var logger BlockchainLogger
@ -370,7 +367,7 @@ func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, genesis *Genesis
needRewind = true
low = fullBlock.Number.Uint64()
// In fast sync, it may happen that ancient data has been written to the
// In snap sync, it may happen that ancient data has been written to the
// ancient store, but the LastFastBlock has not been updated, truncate the
// extra data here.
snapBlock := bc.CurrentSnapBlock()
@ -434,18 +431,6 @@ func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, genesis *Genesis
go bc.updateFutureBlocks()
// If periodic cache journal is required, spin it up.
if bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal > 0 {
if bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal < time.Minute {
log.Warn("Sanitizing invalid trie cache journal time", "provided", bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal, "updated", time.Minute)
bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal = time.Minute
go func() {
defer bc.wg.Done()
bc.triedb.SaveCachePeriodically(bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanJournal, bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal, bc.quit)
// Rewind the chain in case of an incompatible config upgrade.
if compat, ok := genesisErr.(*params.ConfigCompatError); ok {
log.Warn("Rewinding chain to upgrade configuration", "err", compat)
@ -510,7 +495,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) loadLastState() error {
// Restore the last known head fast block
// Restore the last known head snap block
@ -545,21 +530,21 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) loadLastState() error {
log.Info("Loaded most recent local block", "number", headBlock.Number(), "hash", headBlock.Hash(), "td", blockTd, "age", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(headBlock.Time()), 0)))
if headBlock.Hash() != currentSnapBlock.Hash() {
fastTd := bc.GetTd(currentSnapBlock.Hash(), currentSnapBlock.Number.Uint64())
log.Info("Loaded most recent local snap block", "number", currentSnapBlock.Number, "hash", currentSnapBlock.Hash(), "td", fastTd, "age", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentSnapBlock.Time), 0)))
snapTd := bc.GetTd(currentSnapBlock.Hash(), currentSnapBlock.Number.Uint64())
log.Info("Loaded most recent local snap block", "number", currentSnapBlock.Number, "hash", currentSnapBlock.Hash(), "td", snapTd, "age", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentSnapBlock.Time), 0)))
if currentFinalBlock != nil {
finalTd := bc.GetTd(currentFinalBlock.Hash(), currentFinalBlock.Number.Uint64())
log.Info("Loaded most recent local finalized block", "number", currentFinalBlock.Number, "hash", currentFinalBlock.Hash(), "td", finalTd, "age", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentFinalBlock.Time), 0)))
if pivot := rawdb.ReadLastPivotNumber(bc.db); pivot != nil {
log.Info("Loaded last fast-sync pivot marker", "number", *pivot)
log.Info("Loaded last snap-sync pivot marker", "number", *pivot)
return nil
// SetHead rewinds the local chain to a new head. Depending on whether the node
// was fast synced or full synced and in which state, the method will try to
// was snap synced or full synced and in which state, the method will try to
// delete minimal data from disk whilst retaining chain consistency.
func (bc *BlockChain) SetHead(head uint64) error {
if _, err := bc.setHeadBeyondRoot(head, 0, common.Hash{}, false); err != nil {
@ -580,7 +565,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) SetHead(head uint64) error {
// SetHeadWithTimestamp rewinds the local chain to a new head that has at max
// the given timestamp. Depending on whether the node was fast synced or full
// the given timestamp. Depending on whether the node was snap synced or full
// synced and in which state, the method will try to delete minimal data from
// disk whilst retaining chain consistency.
func (bc *BlockChain) SetHeadWithTimestamp(timestamp uint64) error {
@ -626,7 +611,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) SetSafe(header *types.Header) {
// setHeadBeyondRoot rewinds the local chain to a new head with the extra condition
// that the rewind must pass the specified state root. This method is meant to be
// used when rewinding with snapshots enabled to ensure that we go back further than
// persistent disk layer. Depending on whether the node was fast synced or full, and
// persistent disk layer. Depending on whether the node was snap synced or full, and
// in which state, the method will try to delete minimal data from disk whilst
// retaining chain consistency.
@ -714,7 +699,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) setHeadBeyondRoot(head uint64, time uint64, root common.Ha
// Rewind the fast block in a simpleton way to the target head
// Rewind the snap block in a simpleton way to the target head
if currentSnapBlock := bc.CurrentSnapBlock(); currentSnapBlock != nil && header.Number.Uint64() < currentSnapBlock.Number.Uint64() {
newHeadSnapBlock := bc.GetBlock(header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64())
// If either blocks reached nil, reset to the genesis state
@ -772,7 +757,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) setHeadBeyondRoot(head uint64, time uint64, root common.Ha
} else {
// Rewind the chain to the requested head and keep going backwards until a
// block with a state is found or fast sync pivot is passed
// block with a state is found or snap sync pivot is passed
if time > 0 {
log.Warn("Rewinding blockchain to timestamp", "target", time)
bc.hc.SetHeadWithTimestamp(time, updateFn, delFn)
@ -906,7 +891,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) ExportN(w io.Writer, first uint64, last uint64) error {
// writeHeadBlock injects a new head block into the current block chain. This method
// assumes that the block is indeed a true head. It will also reset the head
// header and the head fast sync block to this very same block if they are older
// header and the head snap sync block to this very same block if they are older
// or if they are on a different side chain.
// Note, this function assumes that the `mu` mutex is held!
@ -1010,11 +995,6 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) Stop() {
if err := bc.stateCache.TrieDB().Close(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to close trie db", "err", err)
// Ensure all live cached entries be saved into disk, so that we can skip
// cache warmup when node restarts.
if bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanJournal != "" {
log.Info("Blockchain stopped")
@ -1038,8 +1018,8 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) procFutureBlocks() {
if len(blocks) > 0 {
sort.Slice(blocks, func(i, j int) bool {
return blocks[i].NumberU64() < blocks[j].NumberU64()
slices.SortFunc(blocks, func(a, b *types.Block) bool {
return a.NumberU64() < b.NumberU64()
// Insert one by one as chain insertion needs contiguous ancestry between blocks
for i := range blocks {
@ -1092,7 +1072,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) InsertReceiptChain(blockChain types.Blocks, receiptChain [
size = int64(0)
// updateHead updates the head fast sync block if the inserted blocks are better
// updateHead updates the head snap sync block if the inserted blocks are better
// and returns an indicator whether the inserted blocks are canonical.
updateHead := func(head *types.Block) bool {
if !bc.chainmu.TryLock() {
@ -1191,7 +1171,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) InsertReceiptChain(blockChain types.Blocks, receiptChain [
if err := bc.db.Sync(); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Update the current fast block because all block data is now present in DB.
// Update the current snap block because all block data is now present in DB.
previousSnapBlock := bc.CurrentSnapBlock().Number.Uint64()
if !updateHead(blockChain[len(blockChain)-1]) {
// We end up here if the header chain has reorg'ed, and the blocks/receipts
@ -1379,7 +1359,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) writeBlockWithState(block *types.Block, receipts []*types.
log.Crit("Failed to write block into disk", "err", err)
// Commit all cached state changes into underlying memory database.
root, err := state.Commit(bc.chainConfig.IsEIP158(block.Number()))
root, err := state.Commit(block.NumberU64(), bc.chainConfig.IsEIP158(block.Number()))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1621,11 +1601,11 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks, setHead bool) (int, error)
block, err =
// The remaining blocks are still known blocks, the only scenario here is:
// During the fast sync, the pivot point is already submitted but rollback
// During the snap sync, the pivot point is already submitted but rollback
// happens. Then node resets the head full block to a lower height via `rollback`
// and leaves a few known blocks in the database.
// When node runs a fast sync again, it can re-import a batch of known blocks via
// When node runs a snap sync again, it can re-import a batch of known blocks via
// `insertChain` while a part of them have higher total difficulty than current
// head full block(new pivot point).
for block != nil && bc.skipBlock(err, it) {
@ -2092,7 +2072,9 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) recoverAncestors(block *types.Block) (common.Hash, error)
// the processing of a block. These logs are later announced as deleted or reborn.
func (bc *BlockChain) collectLogs(b *types.Block, removed bool) []*types.Log {
receipts := rawdb.ReadRawReceipts(bc.db, b.Hash(), b.NumberU64())
receipts.DeriveFields(bc.chainConfig, b.Hash(), b.NumberU64(), b.Time(), b.BaseFee(), b.Transactions())
if err := receipts.DeriveFields(bc.chainConfig, b.Hash(), b.NumberU64(), b.Time(), b.BaseFee(), b.Transactions()); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to derive block receipts fields", "hash", b.Hash(), "number", b.NumberU64(), "err", err)
var logs []*types.Log
for _, receipt := range receipts {

View File

@ -306,9 +306,11 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
// new code scheme.
func (bc *BlockChain) ContractCodeWithPrefix(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
type codeReader interface {
ContractCodeWithPrefix(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
ContractCodeWithPrefix(address common.Address, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
return bc.stateCache.(codeReader).ContractCodeWithPrefix(common.Hash{}, hash)
// TODO(rjl493456442) The associated account address is also required
// in Verkle scheme. Fix it once snap-sync is supported for Verkle.
return bc.stateCache.(codeReader).ContractCodeWithPrefix(common.Address{}, hash)
// State returns a new mutable state based on the current HEAD block.

View File

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ func testBlockChainImport(chain types.Blocks, blockchain *BlockChain) error {
rawdb.WriteTd(blockchain.db, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), new(big.Int).Add(block.Difficulty(), blockchain.GetTd(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1)))
rawdb.WriteBlock(blockchain.db, block)
statedb.Commit(block.NumberU64(), false)
return nil
@ -4129,6 +4129,7 @@ func testCreateThenDelete(t *testing.T, config *params.ChainConfig) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create tester chain: %v", err)
defer chain.Stop()
// Import the blocks
for _, block := range blocks {
if _, err := chain.InsertChain([]*types.Block{block}); err != nil {
@ -4215,6 +4216,7 @@ func TestTransientStorageReset(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create tester chain: %v", err)
defer chain.Stop()
// Import the blocks
if _, err := chain.InsertChain(blocks); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to insert into chain: %v", err)
@ -4309,6 +4311,7 @@ func TestEIP3651(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create tester chain: %v", err)
defer chain.Stop()
if n, err := chain.InsertChain(blocks); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("block %d: failed to insert into chain: %v", n, err)

View File

@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ func GenerateChain(config *params.ChainConfig, parent *types.Block, engine conse
// Write state changes to db
root, err := statedb.Commit(config.IsEIP158(b.header.Number))
root, err := statedb.Commit(b.header.Number.Uint64(), config.IsEIP158(b.header.Number))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("state write error: %v", err))

View File

@ -100,4 +100,8 @@ var (
// ErrSenderNoEOA is returned if the sender of a transaction is a contract.
ErrSenderNoEOA = errors.New("sender not an eoa")
// ErrBlobFeeCapTooLow is returned if the transaction fee cap is less than the
// data gas fee of the block.
ErrBlobFeeCapTooLow = errors.New("max fee per data gas less than block data gas fee")

View File

@ -57,16 +57,17 @@ func NewEVMBlockContext(header *types.Header, chain ChainContext, author *common
random = &header.MixDigest
return vm.BlockContext{
CanTransfer: CanTransfer,
Transfer: Transfer,
GetHash: GetHashFn(header, chain),
Coinbase: beneficiary,
BlockNumber: new(big.Int).Set(header.Number),
Time: header.Time,
Difficulty: new(big.Int).Set(header.Difficulty),
BaseFee: baseFee,
GasLimit: header.GasLimit,
Random: random,
CanTransfer: CanTransfer,
Transfer: Transfer,
GetHash: GetHashFn(header, chain),
Coinbase: beneficiary,
BlockNumber: new(big.Int).Set(header.Number),
Time: header.Time,
Difficulty: new(big.Int).Set(header.Difficulty),
BaseFee: baseFee,
GasLimit: header.GasLimit,
Random: random,
ExcessDataGas: header.ExcessDataGas,

View File

@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ import (
var (
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ func gatherForks(config *params.ChainConfig) ([]uint64, []uint64) {
sort.Slice(forksByBlock, func(i, j int) bool { return forksByBlock[i] < forksByBlock[j] })
sort.Slice(forksByTime, func(i, j int) bool { return forksByTime[i] < forksByTime[j] })
// Deduplicate fork identifiers applying multiple forks
for i := 1; i < len(forksByBlock); i++ {

View File

@ -18,19 +18,21 @@ var _ = (*genesisSpecMarshaling)(nil)
// MarshalJSON marshals as JSON.
func (g Genesis) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type Genesis struct {
Config *params.ChainConfig `json:"config"`
Nonce math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"nonce"`
Timestamp math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"timestamp"`
ExtraData hexutil.Bytes `json:"extraData"`
GasLimit math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasLimit" gencodec:"required"`
Difficulty *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"difficulty" gencodec:"required"`
Mixhash common.Hash `json:"mixHash"`
Coinbase common.Address `json:"coinbase"`
Alloc map[common.UnprefixedAddress]GenesisAccount `json:"alloc" gencodec:"required"`
Number math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"number"`
GasUsed math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasUsed"`
ParentHash common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
BaseFee *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
Config *params.ChainConfig `json:"config"`
Nonce math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"nonce"`
Timestamp math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"timestamp"`
ExtraData hexutil.Bytes `json:"extraData"`
GasLimit math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasLimit" gencodec:"required"`
Difficulty *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"difficulty" gencodec:"required"`
Mixhash common.Hash `json:"mixHash"`
Coinbase common.Address `json:"coinbase"`
Alloc map[common.UnprefixedAddress]GenesisAccount `json:"alloc" gencodec:"required"`
Number math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"number"`
GasUsed math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasUsed"`
ParentHash common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
BaseFee *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
ExcessDataGas *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"excessDataGas"`
DataGasUsed *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"dataGasUsed"`
var enc Genesis
enc.Config = g.Config
@ -51,25 +53,29 @@ func (g Genesis) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
enc.GasUsed = math.HexOrDecimal64(g.GasUsed)
enc.ParentHash = g.ParentHash
enc.BaseFee = (*math.HexOrDecimal256)(g.BaseFee)
enc.ExcessDataGas = (*math.HexOrDecimal64)(g.ExcessDataGas)
enc.DataGasUsed = (*math.HexOrDecimal64)(g.DataGasUsed)
return json.Marshal(&enc)
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.
func (g *Genesis) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
type Genesis struct {
Config *params.ChainConfig `json:"config"`
Nonce *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"nonce"`
Timestamp *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"timestamp"`
ExtraData *hexutil.Bytes `json:"extraData"`
GasLimit *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasLimit" gencodec:"required"`
Difficulty *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"difficulty" gencodec:"required"`
Mixhash *common.Hash `json:"mixHash"`
Coinbase *common.Address `json:"coinbase"`
Alloc map[common.UnprefixedAddress]GenesisAccount `json:"alloc" gencodec:"required"`
Number *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"number"`
GasUsed *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasUsed"`
ParentHash *common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
BaseFee *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
Config *params.ChainConfig `json:"config"`
Nonce *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"nonce"`
Timestamp *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"timestamp"`
ExtraData *hexutil.Bytes `json:"extraData"`
GasLimit *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasLimit" gencodec:"required"`
Difficulty *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"difficulty" gencodec:"required"`
Mixhash *common.Hash `json:"mixHash"`
Coinbase *common.Address `json:"coinbase"`
Alloc map[common.UnprefixedAddress]GenesisAccount `json:"alloc" gencodec:"required"`
Number *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"number"`
GasUsed *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"gasUsed"`
ParentHash *common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
BaseFee *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
ExcessDataGas *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"excessDataGas"`
DataGasUsed *math.HexOrDecimal64 `json:"dataGasUsed"`
var dec Genesis
if err := json.Unmarshal(input, &dec); err != nil {
@ -120,5 +126,11 @@ func (g *Genesis) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
if dec.BaseFee != nil {
g.BaseFee = (*big.Int)(dec.BaseFee)
if dec.ExcessDataGas != nil {
g.ExcessDataGas = (*uint64)(dec.ExcessDataGas)
if dec.DataGasUsed != nil {
g.DataGasUsed = (*uint64)(dec.DataGasUsed)
return nil

View File

@ -59,10 +59,12 @@ type Genesis struct {
// These fields are used for consensus tests. Please don't use them
// in actual genesis blocks.
Number uint64 `json:"number"`
GasUsed uint64 `json:"gasUsed"`
ParentHash common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
BaseFee *big.Int `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
Number uint64 `json:"number"`
GasUsed uint64 `json:"gasUsed"`
ParentHash common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
BaseFee *big.Int `json:"baseFeePerGas"` // EIP-1559
ExcessDataGas *uint64 `json:"excessDataGas"` // EIP-4844
DataGasUsed *uint64 `json:"dataGasUsed"` // EIP-4844
func ReadGenesis(db ethdb.Database) (*Genesis, error) {
@ -96,6 +98,9 @@ func ReadGenesis(db ethdb.Database) (*Genesis, error) {
genesis.Difficulty = genesisHeader.Difficulty
genesis.Mixhash = genesisHeader.MixDigest
genesis.Coinbase = genesisHeader.Coinbase
genesis.BaseFee = genesisHeader.BaseFee
genesis.ExcessDataGas = genesisHeader.ExcessDataGas
genesis.DataGasUsed = genesisHeader.DataGasUsed
return &genesis, nil
@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ func (ga *GenesisAlloc) deriveHash() (common.Hash, error) {
statedb.SetState(addr, key, value)
return statedb.Commit(false)
return statedb.Commit(0, false)
// flush is very similar with deriveHash, but the main difference is
@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ func (ga *GenesisAlloc) flush(db ethdb.Database, triedb *trie.Database, blockhas
statedb.SetState(addr, key, value)
root, err := statedb.Commit(false)
root, err := statedb.Commit(0, false)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -215,15 +220,17 @@ type GenesisAccount struct {
// field type overrides for gencodec
type genesisSpecMarshaling struct {
Nonce math.HexOrDecimal64
Timestamp math.HexOrDecimal64
ExtraData hexutil.Bytes
GasLimit math.HexOrDecimal64
GasUsed math.HexOrDecimal64
Number math.HexOrDecimal64
Difficulty *math.HexOrDecimal256
BaseFee *math.HexOrDecimal256
Alloc map[common.UnprefixedAddress]GenesisAccount
Nonce math.HexOrDecimal64
Timestamp math.HexOrDecimal64
ExtraData hexutil.Bytes
GasLimit math.HexOrDecimal64
GasUsed math.HexOrDecimal64
Number math.HexOrDecimal64
Difficulty *math.HexOrDecimal256
Alloc map[common.UnprefixedAddress]GenesisAccount
BaseFee *math.HexOrDecimal256
ExcessDataGas *math.HexOrDecimal64
DataGasUsed *math.HexOrDecimal64
type genesisAccountMarshaling struct {
@ -267,6 +274,7 @@ func (e *GenesisMismatchError) Error() string {
// ChainOverrides contains the changes to chain config.
type ChainOverrides struct {
OverrideCancun *uint64
OverrideVerkle *uint64
// SetupGenesisBlock writes or updates the genesis block in db.
@ -295,6 +303,9 @@ func SetupGenesisBlockWithOverride(db ethdb.Database, triedb *trie.Database, gen
if overrides != nil && overrides.OverrideCancun != nil {
config.CancunTime = overrides.OverrideCancun
if overrides != nil && overrides.OverrideVerkle != nil {
config.VerkleTime = overrides.OverrideVerkle
// Just commit the new block if there is no stored genesis block.
@ -460,9 +471,22 @@ func (g *Genesis) ToBlock() *types.Block {
var withdrawals []*types.Withdrawal
if g.Config != nil && g.Config.IsShanghai(big.NewInt(int64(g.Number)), g.Timestamp) {
head.WithdrawalsHash = &types.EmptyWithdrawalsHash
withdrawals = make([]*types.Withdrawal, 0)
if conf := g.Config; conf != nil {
num := big.NewInt(int64(g.Number))
if conf.IsShanghai(num, g.Timestamp) {
head.WithdrawalsHash = &types.EmptyWithdrawalsHash
withdrawals = make([]*types.Withdrawal, 0)
if conf.IsCancun(num, g.Timestamp) {
head.ExcessDataGas = g.ExcessDataGas
head.DataGasUsed = g.DataGasUsed
if head.ExcessDataGas == nil {
head.ExcessDataGas = new(uint64)
if head.DataGasUsed == nil {
head.DataGasUsed = new(uint64)
return types.NewBlock(head, nil, nil, nil, trie.NewStackTrie(nil)).WithWithdrawals(withdrawals)
@ -554,21 +578,16 @@ func DefaultSepoliaGenesisBlock() *Genesis {
// DeveloperGenesisBlock returns the 'geth --dev' genesis block.
func DeveloperGenesisBlock(period uint64, gasLimit uint64, faucet common.Address) *Genesis {
func DeveloperGenesisBlock(gasLimit uint64, faucet common.Address) *Genesis {
// Override the default period to the user requested one
config := *params.AllCliqueProtocolChanges
config.Clique = &params.CliqueConfig{
Period: period,
Epoch: config.Clique.Epoch,
config := *params.AllDevChainProtocolChanges
// Assemble and return the genesis with the precompiles and faucet pre-funded
return &Genesis{
Config: &config,
ExtraData: append(append(make([]byte, 32), faucet[:]...), make([]byte, crypto.SignatureLength)...),
GasLimit: gasLimit,
BaseFee: big.NewInt(params.InitialBaseFee),
Difficulty: big.NewInt(1),
Difficulty: big.NewInt(0),
Alloc: map[common.Address]GenesisAccount{
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1}): {Balance: big.NewInt(1)}, // ECRecover
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2}): {Balance: big.NewInt(1)}, // SHA256

View File

@ -30,32 +30,28 @@ import (
type allocItem struct{ Addr, Balance *big.Int }
type allocList []allocItem
func (a allocList) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a allocList) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Addr.Cmp(a[j].Addr) < 0 }
func (a allocList) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func makelist(g *core.Genesis) allocList {
a := make(allocList, 0, len(g.Alloc))
func makelist(g *core.Genesis) []allocItem {
items := make([]allocItem, 0, len(g.Alloc))
for addr, account := range g.Alloc {
if len(account.Storage) > 0 || len(account.Code) > 0 || account.Nonce != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't encode account %x", addr))
bigAddr := new(big.Int).SetBytes(addr.Bytes())
a = append(a, allocItem{bigAddr, account.Balance})
items = append(items, allocItem{bigAddr, account.Balance})
return a
slices.SortFunc(items, func(a, b allocItem) bool {
return a.Addr.Cmp(b.Addr) < 0
return items
func makealloc(g *core.Genesis) string {

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import (
@ -31,6 +30,7 @@ import (
// ReadCanonicalHash retrieves the hash assigned to a canonical block number.
@ -836,23 +836,13 @@ type badBlock struct {
Body *types.Body
// badBlockList implements the sort interface to allow sorting a list of
// bad blocks by their number in the reverse order.
type badBlockList []*badBlock
func (s badBlockList) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s badBlockList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].Header.Number.Uint64() < s[j].Header.Number.Uint64()
func (s badBlockList) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
// ReadBadBlock retrieves the bad block with the corresponding block hash.
func ReadBadBlock(db ethdb.Reader, hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
blob, err := db.Get(badBlockKey)
if err != nil {
return nil
var badBlocks badBlockList
var badBlocks []*badBlock
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(blob, &badBlocks); err != nil {
return nil
@ -871,7 +861,7 @@ func ReadAllBadBlocks(db ethdb.Reader) []*types.Block {
if err != nil {
return nil
var badBlocks badBlockList
var badBlocks []*badBlock
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(blob, &badBlocks); err != nil {
return nil
@ -889,7 +879,7 @@ func WriteBadBlock(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, block *types.Block) {
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to load old bad blocks", "error", err)
var badBlocks badBlockList
var badBlocks []*badBlock
if len(blob) > 0 {
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(blob, &badBlocks); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to decode old bad blocks", "error", err)
@ -905,7 +895,10 @@ func WriteBadBlock(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, block *types.Block) {
Header: block.Header(),
Body: block.Body(),
slices.SortFunc(badBlocks, func(a, b *badBlock) bool {
// Note: sorting in descending number order.
return a.Header.Number.Uint64() >= b.Header.Number.Uint64()
if len(badBlocks) > badBlockToKeep {
badBlocks = badBlocks[:badBlockToKeep]

View File

@ -18,42 +18,18 @@ package rawdb
import (
// testHasher is the helper tool for transaction/receipt list hashing.
// The original hasher is trie, in order to get rid of import cycle,
// use the testing hasher instead.
type testHasher struct {
hasher hash.Hash
func newHasher() *testHasher {
return &testHasher{hasher: sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()}
func (h *testHasher) Reset() {
func (h *testHasher) Update(key, val []byte) error {
return nil
func (h *testHasher) Hash() common.Hash {
return common.BytesToHash(h.hasher.Sum(nil))
var newHasher = blocktest.NewHasher
// Tests that positional lookup metadata can be stored and retrieved.
func TestLookupStorage(t *testing.T) {

View File

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ package rawdb
import (
func TestChainIterator(t *testing.T) {
@ -92,9 +92,11 @@ func TestChainIterator(t *testing.T) {
if !c.reverse {
} else {
slices.SortFunc(numbers, func(a, b int) bool {
return a > b // Sort descending
if !reflect.DeepEqual(numbers, c.expect) {
t.Fatalf("Case %d failed, visit element mismatch, want %v, got %v", i, c.expect, numbers)

View File

@ -197,9 +197,10 @@ func (f *Freezer) Ancient(kind string, number uint64) ([]byte, error) {
// AncientRange retrieves multiple items in sequence, starting from the index 'start'.
// It will return
// - at most 'max' items,
// - at least 1 item (even if exceeding the maxByteSize), but will otherwise
// return as many items as fit into maxByteSize.
// - at most 'count' items,
// - if maxBytes is specified: at least 1 item (even if exceeding the maxByteSize),
// but will otherwise return as many items as fit into maxByteSize.
// - if maxBytes is not specified, 'count' items will be returned if they are present.
func (f *Freezer) AncientRange(kind string, start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([][]byte, error) {
if table := f.tables[kind]; table != nil {
return table.RetrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes)

View File

@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ func (t *freezerTable) RetrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([][]byte, e
if !t.noCompression {
decompressedSize, _ = snappy.DecodedLen(item)
if i > 0 && uint64(outputSize+decompressedSize) > maxBytes {
if i > 0 && maxBytes != 0 && uint64(outputSize+decompressedSize) > maxBytes {
if !t.noCompression {
@ -730,8 +730,10 @@ func (t *freezerTable) RetrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([][]byte, e
// retrieveItems reads up to 'count' items from the table. It reads at least
// one item, but otherwise avoids reading more than maxBytes bytes.
// It returns the (potentially compressed) data, and the sizes.
// one item, but otherwise avoids reading more than maxBytes bytes. Freezer
// will ignore the size limitation and continuously allocate memory to store
// data if maxBytes is 0. It returns the (potentially compressed) data, and
// the sizes.
func (t *freezerTable) retrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([]byte, []int, error) {
defer t.lock.RUnlock()
@ -752,25 +754,22 @@ func (t *freezerTable) retrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([]byte, []i
if start+count > items {
count = items - start
var (
output = make([]byte, maxBytes) // Buffer to read data into
outputSize int // Used size of that buffer
var output []byte // Buffer to read data into
if maxBytes != 0 {
output = make([]byte, 0, maxBytes)
} else {
output = make([]byte, 0, 1024) // initial buffer cap
// readData is a helper method to read a single data item from disk.
readData := func(fileId, start uint32, length int) error {
// In case a small limit is used, and the elements are large, may need to
// realloc the read-buffer when reading the first (and only) item.
if len(output) < length {
output = make([]byte, length)
output = grow(output, length)
dataFile, exist := t.files[fileId]
if !exist {
return fmt.Errorf("missing data file %d", fileId)
if _, err := dataFile.ReadAt(output[outputSize:outputSize+length], int64(start)); err != nil {
if _, err := dataFile.ReadAt(output[len(output)-length:], int64(start)); err != nil {
return err
outputSize += length
return nil
// Read all the indexes in one go
@ -801,7 +800,7 @@ func (t *freezerTable) retrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([]byte, []i
readStart = 0
if i > 0 && uint64(totalSize+size) > maxBytes {
if i > 0 && uint64(totalSize+size) > maxBytes && maxBytes != 0 {
// About to break out due to byte limit being exceeded. We don't
// read this last item, but we need to do the deferred reads now.
if unreadSize > 0 {
@ -815,7 +814,7 @@ func (t *freezerTable) retrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([]byte, []i
unreadSize += size
totalSize += size
sizes = append(sizes, size)
if i == len(indices)-2 || uint64(totalSize) > maxBytes {
if i == len(indices)-2 || (uint64(totalSize) > maxBytes && maxBytes != 0) {
// Last item, need to do the read now
if err := readData(secondIndex.filenum, readStart, unreadSize); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
@ -826,7 +825,7 @@ func (t *freezerTable) retrieveItems(start, count, maxBytes uint64) ([]byte, []i
// Update metrics.
return output[:outputSize], sizes, nil
return output, sizes, nil
// has returns an indicator whether the specified number data is still accessible

View File

@ -994,6 +994,52 @@ func TestSequentialReadByteLimit(t *testing.T) {
// TestSequentialReadNoByteLimit tests the batch-read if maxBytes is not specified.
// Freezer should return the requested items regardless the size limitation.
func TestSequentialReadNoByteLimit(t *testing.T) {
rm, wm, sg := metrics.NewMeter(), metrics.NewMeter(), metrics.NewGauge()
fname := fmt.Sprintf("batchread-3-%d", rand.Uint64())
{ // Fill table
f, err := newTable(os.TempDir(), fname, rm, wm, sg, 100, true, false)
if err != nil {
// Write 10 bytes 30 times,
// Splitting it at every 100 bytes (10 items)
writeChunks(t, f, 30, 10)
for i, tc := range []struct {
items uint64
want int
{1, 1},
{30, 30},
{31, 30},
} {
f, err := newTable(os.TempDir(), fname, rm, wm, sg, 100, true, false)
if err != nil {
items, err := f.RetrieveItems(0, tc.items, 0)
if err != nil {
if have, want := len(items), tc.want; have != want {
t.Fatalf("test %d: want %d items, have %d ", i, want, have)
for ii, have := range items {
want := getChunk(10, ii)
if !bytes.Equal(want, have) {
t.Fatalf("test %d: data corruption item %d: have\n%x\n, want \n%x\n", i, ii, have, want)
func TestFreezerReadonly(t *testing.T) {
tmpdir := os.TempDir()
// Case 1: Check it fails on non-existent file.

View File

@ -117,3 +117,19 @@ func truncateFreezerFile(file *os.File, size int64) error {
return nil
// grow prepares the slice space for new item, and doubles the slice capacity
// if space is not enough.
func grow(buf []byte, n int) []byte {
if cap(buf)-len(buf) < n {
newcap := 2 * cap(buf)
if newcap-len(buf) < n {
newcap = len(buf) + n
nbuf := make([]byte, len(buf), newcap)
copy(nbuf, buf)
buf = nbuf
buf = buf[:len(buf)+n]
return buf

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
@ -43,16 +44,16 @@ type Database interface {
OpenTrie(root common.Hash) (Trie, error)
// OpenStorageTrie opens the storage trie of an account.
OpenStorageTrie(stateRoot common.Hash, addrHash, root common.Hash) (Trie, error)
OpenStorageTrie(stateRoot common.Hash, address common.Address, root common.Hash) (Trie, error)
// CopyTrie returns an independent copy of the given trie.
CopyTrie(Trie) Trie
// ContractCode retrieves a particular contract's code.
ContractCode(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
ContractCode(addr common.Address, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
// ContractCodeSize retrieves a particular contracts code's size.
ContractCodeSize(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) (int, error)
ContractCodeSize(addr common.Address, codeHash common.Hash) (int, error)
// DiskDB returns the underlying key-value disk database.
DiskDB() ethdb.KeyValueStore
@ -93,6 +94,10 @@ type Trie interface {
// in the trie with provided address.
UpdateAccount(address common.Address, account *types.StateAccount) error
// UpdateContractCode abstracts code write to the trie. It is expected
// to be moved to the stateWriter interface when the latter is ready.
UpdateContractCode(address common.Address, codeHash common.Hash, code []byte) error
// DeleteStorage removes any existing value for key from the trie. If a node
// was not found in the database, a trie.MissingNodeError is returned.
DeleteStorage(addr common.Address, key []byte) error
@ -110,11 +115,12 @@ type Trie interface {
// The returned nodeset can be nil if the trie is clean(nothing to commit).
// Once the trie is committed, it's not usable anymore. A new trie must
// be created with new root and updated trie database for following usage
Commit(collectLeaf bool) (common.Hash, *trienode.NodeSet)
Commit(collectLeaf bool) (common.Hash, *trienode.NodeSet, error)
// NodeIterator returns an iterator that returns nodes of the trie. Iteration
// starts at the key after the given start key.
NodeIterator(startKey []byte) trie.NodeIterator
// starts at the key after the given start key. And error will be returned
// if fails to create node iterator.
NodeIterator(startKey []byte) (trie.NodeIterator, error)
// Prove constructs a Merkle proof for key. The result contains all encoded nodes
// on the path to the value at key. The value itself is also included in the last
@ -123,7 +129,7 @@ type Trie interface {
// If the trie does not contain a value for key, the returned proof contains all
// nodes of the longest existing prefix of the key (at least the root), ending
// with the node that proves the absence of the key.
Prove(key []byte, fromLevel uint, proofDb ethdb.KeyValueWriter) error
Prove(key []byte, proofDb ethdb.KeyValueWriter) error
// NewDatabase creates a backing store for state. The returned database is safe for
@ -172,8 +178,8 @@ func (db *cachingDB) OpenTrie(root common.Hash) (Trie, error) {
// OpenStorageTrie opens the storage trie of an account.
func (db *cachingDB) OpenStorageTrie(stateRoot common.Hash, addrHash, root common.Hash) (Trie, error) {
tr, err := trie.NewStateTrie(trie.StorageTrieID(stateRoot, addrHash, root), db.triedb)
func (db *cachingDB) OpenStorageTrie(stateRoot common.Hash, address common.Address, root common.Hash) (Trie, error) {
tr, err := trie.NewStateTrie(trie.StorageTrieID(stateRoot, crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes()), root), db.triedb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ func (db *cachingDB) CopyTrie(t Trie) Trie {
// ContractCode retrieves a particular contract's code.
func (db *cachingDB) ContractCode(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
func (db *cachingDB) ContractCode(address common.Address, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
code, _ := db.codeCache.Get(codeHash)
if len(code) > 0 {
return code, nil
@ -208,7 +214,7 @@ func (db *cachingDB) ContractCode(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error
// ContractCodeWithPrefix retrieves a particular contract's code. If the
// code can't be found in the cache, then check the existence with **new**
// db scheme.
func (db *cachingDB) ContractCodeWithPrefix(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
func (db *cachingDB) ContractCodeWithPrefix(address common.Address, codeHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
code, _ := db.codeCache.Get(codeHash)
if len(code) > 0 {
return code, nil
@ -223,11 +229,11 @@ func (db *cachingDB) ContractCodeWithPrefix(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) ([]b
// ContractCodeSize retrieves a particular contracts code's size.
func (db *cachingDB) ContractCodeSize(addrHash, codeHash common.Hash) (int, error) {
func (db *cachingDB) ContractCodeSize(addr common.Address, codeHash common.Hash) (int, error) {
if cached, ok := db.codeSizeCache.Get(codeHash); ok {
return cached, nil
code, err := db.ContractCode(addrHash, codeHash)
code, err := db.ContractCode(addr, codeHash)
return len(code), err

View File

@ -140,7 +140,11 @@ func (s *StateDB) DumpToCollector(c DumpCollector, conf *DumpConfig) (nextKey []
log.Info("Trie dumping started", "root", s.trie.Hash())
it := trie.NewIterator(s.trie.NodeIterator(conf.Start))
trieIt, err := s.trie.NodeIterator(conf.Start)
if err != nil {
return nil
it := trie.NewIterator(trieIt)
for it.Next() {
var data types.StateAccount
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(it.Value, &data); err != nil {
@ -167,18 +171,23 @@ func (s *StateDB) DumpToCollector(c DumpCollector, conf *DumpConfig) (nextKey []
} else {
address = &addr
obj := newObject(s, addr, data)
obj := newObject(s, addr, &data)
if !conf.SkipCode {
account.Code = obj.Code(s.db)
account.Code = obj.Code()
if !conf.SkipStorage {
account.Storage = make(map[common.Hash]string)
tr, err := obj.getTrie(s.db)
tr, err := obj.getTrie()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to load storage trie", "err", err)
storageIt := trie.NewIterator(tr.NodeIterator(nil))
trieIt, err := tr.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to create trie iterator", "err", err)
storageIt := trie.NewIterator(trieIt)
for storageIt.Next() {
_, content, _, err := rlp.Split(storageIt.Value)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package state
import (
@ -27,7 +28,8 @@ import (
// nodeIterator is an iterator to traverse the entire state trie post-order,
// including all of the contract code and contract state tries.
// including all of the contract code and contract state tries. Preimage is
// required in order to resolve the contract address.
type nodeIterator struct {
state *StateDB // State being iterated
@ -74,8 +76,12 @@ func (it *nodeIterator) step() error {
return nil
// Initialize the iterator if we've just started
var err error
if it.stateIt == nil {
it.stateIt = it.state.trie.NodeIterator(nil)
it.stateIt, err = it.state.trie.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// If we had data nodes previously, we surely have at least state nodes
if it.dataIt != nil {
@ -109,18 +115,28 @@ func (it *nodeIterator) step() error {
if err := rlp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(it.stateIt.LeafBlob()), &account); err != nil {
return err
dataTrie, err := it.state.db.OpenStorageTrie(it.state.originalRoot, common.BytesToHash(it.stateIt.LeafKey()), account.Root)
// Lookup the preimage of account hash
preimage := it.state.trie.GetKey(it.stateIt.LeafKey())
if preimage == nil {
return errors.New("account address is not available")
address := common.BytesToAddress(preimage)
// Traverse the storage slots belong to the account
dataTrie, err := it.state.db.OpenStorageTrie(it.state.originalRoot, address, account.Root)
if err != nil {
return err
it.dataIt, err = dataTrie.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
it.dataIt = dataTrie.NodeIterator(nil)
if !it.dataIt.Next(true) {
it.dataIt = nil
if !bytes.Equal(account.CodeHash, types.EmptyCodeHash.Bytes()) {
it.codeHash = common.BytesToHash(account.CodeHash)
addrHash := common.BytesToHash(it.stateIt.LeafKey())
it.code, err = it.state.db.ContractCode(addrHash, common.BytesToHash(account.CodeHash))
it.code, err = it.state.db.ContractCode(address, common.BytesToHash(account.CodeHash))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("code %x: %v", account.CodeHash, err)

View File

@ -95,10 +95,14 @@ type (
prevdestruct bool
prevAccount []byte
prevStorage map[common.Hash][]byte
prevAccountOriginExist bool
prevAccountOrigin []byte
prevStorageOrigin map[common.Hash][]byte
suicideChange struct {
selfDestructChange struct {
account *common.Address
prev bool // whether account had already suicided
prev bool // whether account had already self-destructed
prevbalance *big.Int
@ -163,10 +167,16 @@ func (ch resetObjectChange) revert(s *StateDB) {
delete(s.stateObjectsDestruct, ch.prev.address)
if ch.prevAccount != nil {
s.snapAccounts[ch.prev.addrHash] = ch.prevAccount
s.accounts[ch.prev.addrHash] = ch.prevAccount
if ch.prevStorage != nil {
s.snapStorage[ch.prev.addrHash] = ch.prevStorage
s.storages[ch.prev.addrHash] = ch.prevStorage
if ch.prevAccountOriginExist {
s.accountsOrigin[ch.prev.addrHash] = ch.prevAccountOrigin
if ch.prevStorageOrigin != nil {
s.storagesOrigin[ch.prev.addrHash] = ch.prevStorageOrigin
@ -174,15 +184,15 @@ func (ch resetObjectChange) dirtied() *common.Address {
return ch.account
func (ch suicideChange) revert(s *StateDB) {
func (ch selfDestructChange) revert(s *StateDB) {
obj := s.getStateObject(*ch.account)
if obj != nil {
obj.suicided = ch.prev
obj.selfDestructed = ch.prev
func (ch suicideChange) dirtied() *common.Address {
func (ch selfDestructChange) dirtied() *common.Address {
return ch.account

View File

@ -27,4 +27,11 @@ var (
storageTriesUpdatedMeter = metrics.NewRegisteredMeter("state/update/storagenodes", nil)
accountTrieDeletedMeter = metrics.NewRegisteredMeter("state/delete/accountnodes", nil)
storageTriesDeletedMeter = metrics.NewRegisteredMeter("state/delete/storagenodes", nil)
slotDeletionMaxCount = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("state/delete/storage/max/slot", nil)
slotDeletionMaxSize = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("state/delete/storage/max/size", nil)
slotDeletionTimer = metrics.NewRegisteredResettingTimer("state/delete/storage/timer", nil)
slotDeletionCount = metrics.NewRegisteredMeter("state/delete/storage/slot", nil)
slotDeletionSize = metrics.NewRegisteredMeter("state/delete/storage/size", nil)
slotDeletionSkip = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("state/delete/storage/skip", nil)

View File

@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ const (
// Config includes all the configurations for pruning.
type Config struct {
Datadir string // The directory of the state database
Cachedir string // The directory of state clean cache
BloomSize uint64 // The Megabytes of memory allocated to bloom-filter
@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ func (p *Pruner) Prune(root common.Hash) error {
return err
if stateBloomRoot != (common.Hash{}) {
return RecoverPruning(p.config.Datadir, p.db, p.config.Cachedir)
return RecoverPruning(p.config.Datadir, p.db)
// If the target state root is not specified, use the HEAD-127 as the
// target. The reason for picking it is:
@ -299,12 +298,6 @@ func (p *Pruner) Prune(root common.Hash) error {
log.Info("Selecting user-specified state as the pruning target", "root", root)
// Before start the pruning, delete the clean trie cache first.
// It's necessary otherwise in the next restart we will hit the
// deleted state root in the "clean cache" so that the incomplete
// state is picked for usage.
// All the state roots of the middle layer should be forcibly pruned,
// otherwise the dangling state will be left.
middleRoots := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
@ -342,7 +335,7 @@ func (p *Pruner) Prune(root common.Hash) error {
// pruning can be resumed. What's more if the bloom filter is constructed, the
// pruning **has to be resumed**. Otherwise a lot of dangling nodes may be left
// in the disk.
func RecoverPruning(datadir string, db ethdb.Database, trieCachePath string) error {
func RecoverPruning(datadir string, db ethdb.Database) error {
stateBloomPath, stateBloomRoot, err := findBloomFilter(datadir)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -378,12 +371,6 @@ func RecoverPruning(datadir string, db ethdb.Database, trieCachePath string) err
log.Info("Loaded state bloom filter", "path", stateBloomPath)
// Before start the pruning, delete the clean trie cache first.
// It's necessary otherwise in the next restart we will hit the
// deleted state root in the "clean cache" so that the incomplete
// state is picked for usage.
// All the state roots of the middle layers should be forcibly pruned,
// otherwise the dangling state will be left.
var (
@ -420,7 +407,10 @@ func extractGenesis(db ethdb.Database, stateBloom *stateBloom) error {
if err != nil {
return err
accIter := t.NodeIterator(nil)
accIter, err := t.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
for accIter.Next(true) {
hash := accIter.Hash()
@ -441,7 +431,10 @@ func extractGenesis(db ethdb.Database, stateBloom *stateBloom) error {
if err != nil {
return err
storageIter := storageTrie.NodeIterator(nil)
storageIter, err := storageTrie.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
for storageIter.Next(true) {
hash := storageIter.Hash()
if hash != (common.Hash{}) {
@ -491,23 +484,3 @@ func findBloomFilter(datadir string) (string, common.Hash, error) {
return stateBloomPath, stateBloomRoot, nil
const warningLog = `
The clean trie cache is not found. Please delete it by yourself after the
pruning. Remember don't start the Geth without deleting the clean trie cache
otherwise the entire database may be damaged!
Check the command description "geth snapshot prune-state --help" for more details.
func deleteCleanTrieCache(path string) {
if !common.FileExist(path) {
log.Info("Deleted trie clean cache", "path", path)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import (
@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ import (
bloomfilter ""
var (
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ func (dl *diffLayer) AccountList() []common.Hash {
dl.accountList = append(dl.accountList, hash)
slices.SortFunc(dl.accountList, common.Hash.Less)
dl.memory += uint64(len(dl.accountList) * common.HashLength)
return dl.accountList
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ func (dl *diffLayer) StorageList(accountHash common.Hash) ([]common.Hash, bool)
for k := range storageMap {
storageList = append(storageList, k)
slices.SortFunc(storageList, common.Hash.Less)
dl.storageList[accountHash] = storageList
dl.memory += uint64(len(dl.storageList)*common.HashLength + common.HashLength)
return storageList, destructed

View File

@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) proveRange(ctx *generatorContext, trieId *trie.ID, prefix [
if origin == nil {
origin = common.Hash{}.Bytes()
if err := tr.Prove(origin, 0, proof); err != nil {
if err := tr.Prove(origin, proof); err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to prove range", "kind", kind, "origin", origin, "err", err)
return &proofResult{
keys: keys,
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) proveRange(ctx *generatorContext, trieId *trie.ID, prefix [
}, nil
if last != nil {
if err := tr.Prove(last, 0, proof); err != nil {
if err := tr.Prove(last, proof); err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to prove range", "kind", kind, "last", last, "err", err)
return &proofResult{
keys: keys,
@ -361,9 +361,12 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) generateRange(ctx *generatorContext, trieId *trie.ID, prefi
for i, key := range result.keys {
snapTrie.Update(key, result.vals[i])
root, nodes := snapTrie.Commit(false)
root, nodes, err := snapTrie.Commit(false)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if nodes != nil {
tdb.Update(root, types.EmptyRootHash, trienode.NewWithNodeSet(nodes))
tdb.Update(root, types.EmptyRootHash, 0, trienode.NewWithNodeSet(nodes), nil)
tdb.Commit(root, false)
resolver = func(owner common.Hash, path []byte, hash common.Hash) []byte {
@ -382,8 +385,6 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) generateRange(ctx *generatorContext, trieId *trie.ID, prefi
var (
trieMore bool
nodeIt = tr.NodeIterator(origin)
iter = trie.NewIterator(nodeIt)
kvkeys, kvvals = result.keys, result.vals
// counters
@ -397,7 +398,12 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) generateRange(ctx *generatorContext, trieId *trie.ID, prefi
start = time.Now()
internal time.Duration
nodeIt, err := tr.NodeIterator(origin)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
iter := trie.NewIterator(nodeIt)
for iter.Next() {
if last != nil && bytes.Compare(iter.Key, last) > 0 {

View File

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ func (t *testHelper) makeStorageTrie(owner common.Hash, keys []string, vals []st
if !commit {
return stTrie.Hash()
root, nodes := stTrie.Commit(false)
root, nodes, _ := stTrie.Commit(false)
if nodes != nil {
@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ func (t *testHelper) makeStorageTrie(owner common.Hash, keys []string, vals []st
func (t *testHelper) Commit() common.Hash {
root, nodes := t.accTrie.Commit(true)
root, nodes, _ := t.accTrie.Commit(true)
if nodes != nil {
t.triedb.Update(root, types.EmptyRootHash, t.nodes)
t.triedb.Update(root, types.EmptyRootHash, 0, t.nodes, nil)
t.triedb.Commit(root, false)
return root

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
// weightedIterator is a iterator with an assigned weight. It is used to prioritise
@ -32,18 +33,10 @@ type weightedIterator struct {
priority int
// weightedIterators is a set of iterators implementing the sort.Interface.
type weightedIterators []*weightedIterator
// Len implements sort.Interface, returning the number of active iterators.
func (its weightedIterators) Len() int { return len(its) }
// Less implements sort.Interface, returning which of two iterators in the stack
// is before the other.
func (its weightedIterators) Less(i, j int) bool {
func (it *weightedIterator) Less(other *weightedIterator) bool {
// Order the iterators primarily by the account hashes
hashI := its[i].it.Hash()
hashJ := its[j].it.Hash()
hashI :=
hashJ :=
switch bytes.Compare(hashI[:], hashJ[:]) {
case -1:
@ -52,12 +45,7 @@ func (its weightedIterators) Less(i, j int) bool {
return false
// Same account/storage-slot in multiple layers, split by priority
return its[i].priority < its[j].priority
// Swap implements sort.Interface, swapping two entries in the iterator stack.
func (its weightedIterators) Swap(i, j int) {
its[i], its[j] = its[j], its[i]
return it.priority < other.priority
// fastIterator is a more optimized multi-layer iterator which maintains a
@ -69,7 +57,7 @@ type fastIterator struct {
curAccount []byte
curSlot []byte
iterators weightedIterators
iterators []*weightedIterator
initiated bool
account bool
fail error
@ -167,7 +155,9 @@ func (fi *fastIterator) init() {
// Re-sort the entire list
slices.SortFunc(fi.iterators, func(a, b *weightedIterator) bool {
return a.Less(b)
fi.initiated = false

View File

@ -79,29 +79,38 @@ const (
// stateObject represents an Ethereum account which is being modified.
// The usage pattern is as follows:
// First you need to obtain a state object.
// Account values can be accessed and modified through the object.
// Finally, call commitTrie to write the modified storage trie into a database.
// - First you need to obtain a state object.
// - Account values as well as storages can be accessed and modified through the object.
// - Finally, call commit to return the changes of storage trie and update account data.
type stateObject struct {
address common.Address
addrHash common.Hash // hash of ethereum address of the account
data types.StateAccount
db *StateDB
address common.Address // address of ethereum account
addrHash common.Hash // hash of ethereum address of the account
origin *types.StateAccount // Account original data without any change applied, nil means it was not existent
data types.StateAccount // Account data with all mutations applied in the scope of block
// Write caches.
trie Trie // storage trie, which becomes non-nil on first access
code Code // contract bytecode, which gets set when code is loaded
originStorage Storage // Storage cache of original entries to dedup rewrites, reset for every transaction
originStorage Storage // Storage cache of original entries to dedup rewrites
pendingStorage Storage // Storage entries that need to be flushed to disk, at the end of an entire block
dirtyStorage Storage // Storage entries that have been modified in the current transaction execution
dirtyStorage Storage // Storage entries that have been modified in the current transaction execution, reset for every transaction
// Cache flags.
// When an object is marked suicided it will be deleted from the trie
// during the "update" phase of the state transition.
dirtyCode bool // true if the code was updated
suicided bool
deleted bool
// Flag whether the account was marked as self-destructed. The self-destructed account
// is still accessible in the scope of same transaction.
selfDestructed bool
// Flag whether the account was marked as deleted. A self-destructed account
// or an account that is considered as empty will be marked as deleted at
// the end of transaction and no longer accessible anymore.
deleted bool
// Flag whether the object was created in the current transaction
created bool
// empty returns whether the account is considered empty.
@ -110,21 +119,17 @@ func (s *stateObject) empty() bool {
// newObject creates a state object.
func newObject(db *StateDB, address common.Address, data types.StateAccount) *stateObject {
if data.Balance == nil {
data.Balance = new(big.Int)
if data.CodeHash == nil {
data.CodeHash = types.EmptyCodeHash.Bytes()
if data.Root == (common.Hash{}) {
data.Root = types.EmptyRootHash
func newObject(db *StateDB, address common.Address, acct *types.StateAccount) *stateObject {
origin := acct
if acct == nil {
acct = types.NewEmptyStateAccount()
return &stateObject{
db: db,
address: address,
addrHash: crypto.Keccak256Hash(address[:]),
data: data,
origin: origin,
data: *acct,
originStorage: make(Storage),
pendingStorage: make(Storage),
dirtyStorage: make(Storage),
@ -136,8 +141,8 @@ func (s *stateObject) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
return rlp.Encode(w, &
func (s *stateObject) markSuicided() {
s.suicided = true
func (s *stateObject) markSelfdestructed() {
s.selfDestructed = true
func (s *stateObject) touch() {
@ -154,17 +159,15 @@ func (s *stateObject) touch() {
// getTrie returns the associated storage trie. The trie will be opened
// if it's not loaded previously. An error will be returned if trie can't
// be loaded.
func (s *stateObject) getTrie(db Database) (Trie, error) {
func (s *stateObject) getTrie() (Trie, error) {
if s.trie == nil {
// Try fetching from prefetcher first
// We don't prefetch empty tries
if != types.EmptyRootHash && s.db.prefetcher != nil {
// When the miner is creating the pending state, there is no
// prefetcher
// When the miner is creating the pending state, there is no prefetcher
s.trie = s.db.prefetcher.trie(s.addrHash,
if s.trie == nil {
tr, err := db.OpenStorageTrie(s.db.originalRoot, s.addrHash,
tr, err := s.db.db.OpenStorageTrie(s.db.originalRoot, s.address,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -175,18 +178,18 @@ func (s *stateObject) getTrie(db Database) (Trie, error) {
// GetState retrieves a value from the account storage trie.
func (s *stateObject) GetState(db Database, key common.Hash) common.Hash {
func (s *stateObject) GetState(key common.Hash) common.Hash {
// If we have a dirty value for this state entry, return it
value, dirty := s.dirtyStorage[key]
if dirty {
return value
// Otherwise return the entry's original value
return s.GetCommittedState(db, key)
return s.GetCommittedState(key)
// GetCommittedState retrieves a value from the committed account storage trie.
func (s *stateObject) GetCommittedState(db Database, key common.Hash) common.Hash {
func (s *stateObject) GetCommittedState(key common.Hash) common.Hash {
// If we have a pending write or clean cached, return that
if value, pending := s.pendingStorage[key]; pending {
return value
@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ func (s *stateObject) GetCommittedState(db Database, key common.Hash) common.Has
// If the snapshot is unavailable or reading from it fails, load from the database.
if s.db.snap == nil || err != nil {
start := time.Now()
tr, err := s.getTrie(db)
tr, err := s.getTrie()
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}
@ -246,9 +249,9 @@ func (s *stateObject) GetCommittedState(db Database, key common.Hash) common.Has
// SetState updates a value in account storage.
func (s *stateObject) SetState(db Database, key, value common.Hash) {
func (s *stateObject) SetState(key, value common.Hash) {
// If the new value is the same as old, don't set
prev := s.GetState(db, key)
prev := s.GetState(key)
if prev == value {
@ -289,7 +292,7 @@ func (s *stateObject) finalise(prefetch bool) {
// updateTrie writes cached storage modifications into the object's storage trie.
// It will return nil if the trie has not been loaded and no changes have been
// made. An error will be returned if the trie can't be loaded/updated correctly.
func (s *stateObject) updateTrie(db Database) (Trie, error) {
func (s *stateObject) updateTrie() (Trie, error) {
// Make sure all dirty slots are finalized into the pending storage area
s.finalise(false) // Don't prefetch anymore, pull directly if need be
if len(s.pendingStorage) == 0 {
@ -302,9 +305,10 @@ func (s *stateObject) updateTrie(db Database) (Trie, error) {
// The snapshot storage map for the object
var (
storage map[common.Hash][]byte
origin map[common.Hash][]byte
hasher = s.db.hasher
tr, err := s.getTrie(db)
tr, err := s.getTrie()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -316,6 +320,7 @@ func (s *stateObject) updateTrie(db Database) (Trie, error) {
if value == s.originStorage[key] {
prev := s.originStorage[key]
s.originStorage[key] = value
// rlp-encoded value to be used by the snapshot
@ -336,17 +341,34 @@ func (s *stateObject) updateTrie(db Database) (Trie, error) {
s.db.StorageUpdated += 1
// If state snapshotting is active, cache the data til commit
if s.db.snap != nil {
if storage == nil {
// Retrieve the old storage map, if available, create a new one otherwise
if storage = s.db.snapStorage[s.addrHash]; storage == nil {
storage = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
s.db.snapStorage[s.addrHash] = storage
// Cache the mutated storage slots until commit
if storage == nil {
if storage = s.db.storages[s.addrHash]; storage == nil {
storage = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
s.db.storages[s.addrHash] = storage
storage[crypto.HashData(hasher, key[:])] = snapshotVal // will be nil if it's deleted
khash := crypto.HashData(hasher, key[:])
storage[khash] = snapshotVal // snapshotVal will be nil if it's deleted
// Cache the original value of mutated storage slots
if origin == nil {
if origin = s.db.storagesOrigin[s.addrHash]; origin == nil {
origin = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
s.db.storagesOrigin[s.addrHash] = origin
// Track the original value of slot only if it's mutated first time
if _, ok := origin[khash]; !ok {
if prev == (common.Hash{}) {
origin[khash] = nil // nil if it was not present previously
} else {
// Encoding []byte cannot fail, ok to ignore the error.
b, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(common.TrimLeftZeroes(prev[:]))
origin[khash] = b
// Cache the items for preloading
usedStorage = append(usedStorage, common.CopyBytes(key[:])) // Copy needed for closure
if s.db.prefetcher != nil {
@ -360,8 +382,8 @@ func (s *stateObject) updateTrie(db Database) (Trie, error) {
// UpdateRoot sets the trie root to the current root hash of. An error
// will be returned if trie root hash is not computed correctly.
func (s *stateObject) updateRoot(db Database) {
tr, err := s.updateTrie(db)
func (s *stateObject) updateRoot() {
tr, err := s.updateTrie()
if err != nil {
@ -376,23 +398,29 @@ func (s *stateObject) updateRoot(db Database) { = tr.Hash()
// commitTrie submits the storage changes into the storage trie and re-computes
// the root. Besides, all trie changes will be collected in a nodeset and returned.
func (s *stateObject) commitTrie(db Database) (*trienode.NodeSet, error) {
tr, err := s.updateTrie(db)
// commit returns the changes made in storage trie and updates the account data.
func (s *stateObject) commit() (*trienode.NodeSet, error) {
tr, err := s.updateTrie()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If nothing changed, don't bother with committing anything
if tr == nil {
s.origin =
return nil, nil
// Track the amount of time wasted on committing the storage trie
if metrics.EnabledExpensive {
defer func(start time.Time) { s.db.StorageCommits += time.Since(start) }(time.Now())
root, nodes := tr.Commit(false)
root, nodes, err := tr.Commit(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = root
// Update original account data after commit
s.origin =
return nodes, nil
@ -435,18 +463,24 @@ func (s *stateObject) setBalance(amount *big.Int) {
func (s *stateObject) deepCopy(db *StateDB) *stateObject {
stateObject := newObject(db, s.address,
if s.trie != nil {
stateObject.trie = db.db.CopyTrie(s.trie)
obj := &stateObject{
db: db,
address: s.address,
addrHash: s.addrHash,
origin: s.origin,
stateObject.code = s.code
stateObject.dirtyStorage = s.dirtyStorage.Copy()
stateObject.originStorage = s.originStorage.Copy()
stateObject.pendingStorage = s.pendingStorage.Copy()
stateObject.suicided = s.suicided
stateObject.dirtyCode = s.dirtyCode
stateObject.deleted = s.deleted
return stateObject
if s.trie != nil {
obj.trie = db.db.CopyTrie(s.trie)
obj.code = s.code
obj.dirtyStorage = s.dirtyStorage.Copy()
obj.originStorage = s.originStorage.Copy()
obj.pendingStorage = s.pendingStorage.Copy()
obj.selfDestructed = s.selfDestructed
obj.dirtyCode = s.dirtyCode
obj.deleted = s.deleted
return obj
@ -459,14 +493,14 @@ func (s *stateObject) Address() common.Address {
// Code returns the contract code associated with this object, if any.
func (s *stateObject) Code(db Database) []byte {
func (s *stateObject) Code() []byte {
if s.code != nil {
return s.code
if bytes.Equal(s.CodeHash(), types.EmptyCodeHash.Bytes()) {
return nil
code, err := db.ContractCode(s.addrHash, common.BytesToHash(s.CodeHash()))
code, err := s.db.db.ContractCode(s.address, common.BytesToHash(s.CodeHash()))
if err != nil {
s.db.setError(fmt.Errorf("can't load code hash %x: %v", s.CodeHash(), err))
@ -477,14 +511,14 @@ func (s *stateObject) Code(db Database) []byte {
// CodeSize returns the size of the contract code associated with this object,
// or zero if none. This method is an almost mirror of Code, but uses a cache
// inside the database to avoid loading codes seen recently.
func (s *stateObject) CodeSize(db Database) int {
func (s *stateObject) CodeSize() int {
if s.code != nil {
return len(s.code)
if bytes.Equal(s.CodeHash(), types.EmptyCodeHash.Bytes()) {
return 0
size, err := db.ContractCodeSize(s.addrHash, common.BytesToHash(s.CodeHash()))
size, err := s.db.db.ContractCodeSize(s.address, common.BytesToHash(s.CodeHash()))
if err != nil {
s.db.setError(fmt.Errorf("can't load code size %x: %v", s.CodeHash(), err))
@ -492,7 +526,7 @@ func (s *stateObject) CodeSize(db Database) int {
func (s *stateObject) SetCode(codeHash common.Hash, code []byte) {
prevcode := s.Code(s.db.db)
prevcode := s.Code()
account: &s.address,
prevhash: s.CodeHash(),

View File

@ -30,21 +30,22 @@ import (
type stateTest struct {
type stateEnv struct {
db ethdb.Database
state *StateDB
func newStateTest() *stateTest {
func newStateEnv() *stateEnv {
db := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
sdb, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, NewDatabase(db), nil)
return &stateTest{db: db, state: sdb}
return &stateEnv{db: db, state: sdb}
func TestDump(t *testing.T) {
db := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
sdb, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{Preimages: true}), nil)
s := &stateTest{db: db, state: sdb}
tdb := NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{Preimages: true})
sdb, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, tdb, nil)
s := &stateEnv{db: db, state: sdb}
// generate a few entries
obj1 := s.state.GetOrNewStateObject(common.BytesToAddress([]byte{0x01}))
@ -57,9 +58,10 @@ func TestDump(t *testing.T) {
// write some of them to the trie
root, _ := s.state.Commit(0, false)
// check that DumpToCollector contains the state objects that are in trie
s.state, _ = New(root, tdb, nil)
got := string(s.state.Dump(nil))
want := `{
"root": "71edff0130dd2385947095001c73d9e28d862fc286fca2b922ca6f6f3cddfdd2",
@ -95,8 +97,9 @@ func TestDump(t *testing.T) {
func TestIterativeDump(t *testing.T) {
db := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
sdb, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{Preimages: true}), nil)
s := &stateTest{db: db, state: sdb}
tdb := NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{Preimages: true})
sdb, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, tdb, nil)
s := &stateEnv{db: db, state: sdb}
// generate a few entries
obj1 := s.state.GetOrNewStateObject(common.BytesToAddress([]byte{0x01}))
@ -111,7 +114,8 @@ func TestIterativeDump(t *testing.T) {
// write some of them to the trie
root, _ := s.state.Commit(0, false)
s.state, _ = New(root, tdb, nil)
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
s.state.IterativeDump(nil, json.NewEncoder(b))
@ -129,14 +133,14 @@ func TestIterativeDump(t *testing.T) {
func TestNull(t *testing.T) {
s := newStateTest()
s := newStateEnv()
address := common.HexToAddress("0x823140710bf13990e4500136726d8b55")
//value := common.FromHex("0x823140710bf13990e4500136726d8b55")
var value common.Hash
s.state.SetState(address, common.Hash{}, value)
s.state.Commit(0, false)
if value := s.state.GetState(address, common.Hash{}); value != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Errorf("expected empty current value, got %x", value)
@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ func TestSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
var storageaddr common.Hash
data1 := common.BytesToHash([]byte{42})
data2 := common.BytesToHash([]byte{43})
s := newStateTest()
s := newStateEnv()
// snapshot the genesis state
genesis := s.state.Snapshot()
@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ func TestSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
func TestSnapshotEmpty(t *testing.T) {
s := newStateTest()
s := newStateEnv()
@ -204,11 +208,11 @@ func TestSnapshot2(t *testing.T) {
so0.SetBalance(big.NewInt(42), 0x0)
so0.SetCode(crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte{'c', 'a', 'f', 'e'}), []byte{'c', 'a', 'f', 'e'})
so0.suicided = false
so0.selfDestructed = false
so0.deleted = false
root, _ := state.Commit(false)
root, _ := state.Commit(0, false)
state, _ = New(root, state.db, state.snaps)
// and one with deleted == true
@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ func TestSnapshot2(t *testing.T) {
so1.SetBalance(big.NewInt(52), 0x0)
so1.SetCode(crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte{'c', 'a', 'f', 'e', '2'}), []byte{'c', 'a', 'f', 'e', '2'})
so1.suicided = true
so1.selfDestructed = true
so1.deleted = true
@ -230,8 +234,8 @@ func TestSnapshot2(t *testing.T) {
so0Restored := state.getStateObject(stateobjaddr0)
// Update lazily-loaded values before comparing.
so0Restored.GetState(state.db, storageaddr)
// non-deleted is equal (restored)
compareStateObjects(so0Restored, so0, t)

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import (
type revision struct {
@ -69,29 +70,40 @@ type StateLogger interface {
// StateDB structs within the ethereum protocol are used to store anything
// within the merkle trie. StateDBs take care of caching and storing
// nested states. It's the general query interface to retrieve:
// * Contracts
// * Accounts
// Once the state is committed, tries cached in stateDB (including account
// trie, storage tries) will no longer be functional. A new state instance
// must be created with new root and updated database for accessing post-
// commit states.
type StateDB struct {
db Database
prefetcher *triePrefetcher
trie Trie
hasher crypto.KeccakState
logger StateLogger
snaps *snapshot.Tree // Nil if snapshot is not available
snap snapshot.Snapshot // Nil if snapshot is not available
// originalRoot is the pre-state root, before any changes were made.
// It will be updated when the Commit is called.
originalRoot common.Hash
snaps *snapshot.Tree
snap snapshot.Snapshot
snapAccounts map[common.Hash][]byte
snapStorage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte
// These maps hold the state changes (including the corresponding
// original value) that occurred in this **block**.
accounts map[common.Hash][]byte // The mutated accounts in 'slim RLP' encoding
storages map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte // The mutated slots in prefix-zero trimmed rlp format
accountsOrigin map[common.Hash][]byte // The original value of mutated accounts in 'slim RLP' encoding
storagesOrigin map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte // The original value of mutated slots in prefix-zero trimmed rlp format
// This map holds 'live' objects, which will get modified while processing a state transition.
// This map holds 'live' objects, which will get modified while processing
// a state transition.
stateObjects map[common.Address]*stateObject
stateObjectsPending map[common.Address]struct{} // State objects finalized but not yet written to the trie
stateObjectsDirty map[common.Address]struct{} // State objects modified in the current execution
stateObjectsDestruct map[common.Address]struct{} // State objects destructed in the block
stateObjectsPending map[common.Address]struct{} // State objects finalized but not yet written to the trie
stateObjectsDirty map[common.Address]struct{} // State objects modified in the current execution
stateObjectsDestruct map[common.Address]*types.StateAccount // State objects destructed in the block along with its previous value
// DB error.
// State objects are used by the consensus core and VM which are
@ -105,11 +117,13 @@ type StateDB struct {
// The refund counter, also used by state transitioning.
refund uint64
// The tx context and all occurred logs in the scope of transaction.
thash common.Hash
txIndex int
logs map[common.Hash][]*types.Log
logSize uint
// Preimages occurred seen by VM in the scope of block.
preimages map[common.Hash][]byte
// Per-transaction access list
@ -155,10 +169,14 @@ func New(root common.Hash, db Database, snaps *snapshot.Tree) (*StateDB, error)
trie: tr,
originalRoot: root,
snaps: snaps,
accounts: make(map[common.Hash][]byte),
storages: make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte),
accountsOrigin: make(map[common.Hash][]byte),
storagesOrigin: make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte),
stateObjects: make(map[common.Address]*stateObject),
stateObjectsPending: make(map[common.Address]struct{}),
stateObjectsDirty: make(map[common.Address]struct{}),
stateObjectsDestruct: make(map[common.Address]struct{}),
stateObjectsDestruct: make(map[common.Address]*types.StateAccount),
logs: make(map[common.Hash][]*types.Log),
preimages: make(map[common.Hash][]byte),
journal: newJournal(),
@ -167,10 +185,7 @@ func New(root common.Hash, db Database, snaps *snapshot.Tree) (*StateDB, error)
hasher: crypto.NewKeccakState(),
if sdb.snaps != nil {
if sdb.snap = sdb.snaps.Snapshot(root); sdb.snap != nil {
sdb.snapAccounts = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
sdb.snapStorage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
sdb.snap = sdb.snaps.Snapshot(root)
return sdb, nil
@ -278,7 +293,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) SubRefund(gas uint64) {
// Exist reports whether the given account address exists in the state.
// Notably this also returns true for suicided accounts.
// Notably this also returns true for self-destructed accounts.
func (s *StateDB) Exist(addr common.Address) bool {
return s.getStateObject(addr) != nil
@ -316,7 +331,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) TxIndex() int {
func (s *StateDB) GetCode(addr common.Address) []byte {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
if stateObject != nil {
return stateObject.Code(s.db)
return stateObject.Code()
return nil
@ -324,7 +339,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetCode(addr common.Address) []byte {
func (s *StateDB) GetCodeSize(addr common.Address) int {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
if stateObject != nil {
return stateObject.CodeSize(s.db)
return stateObject.CodeSize()
return 0
@ -341,7 +356,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetCodeHash(addr common.Address) common.Hash {
func (s *StateDB) GetState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
if stateObject != nil {
return stateObject.GetState(s.db, hash)
return stateObject.GetState(hash)
return common.Hash{}
@ -354,7 +369,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetProof(addr common.Address) ([][]byte, error) {
// GetProofByHash returns the Merkle proof for a given account.
func (s *StateDB) GetProofByHash(addrHash common.Hash) ([][]byte, error) {
var proof proofList
err := s.trie.Prove(addrHash[:], 0, &proof)
err := s.trie.Prove(addrHash[:], &proof)
return proof, err
@ -368,7 +383,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetStorageProof(a common.Address, key common.Hash) ([][]byte,
return nil, errors.New("storage trie for requested address does not exist")
var proof proofList
err = trie.Prove(crypto.Keccak256(key.Bytes()), 0, &proof)
err = trie.Prove(crypto.Keccak256(key.Bytes()), &proof)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -379,7 +394,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetStorageProof(a common.Address, key common.Hash) ([][]byte,
func (s *StateDB) GetCommittedState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
if stateObject != nil {
return stateObject.GetCommittedState(s.db, hash)
return stateObject.GetCommittedState(hash)
return common.Hash{}
@ -398,16 +413,16 @@ func (s *StateDB) StorageTrie(addr common.Address) (Trie, error) {
return nil, nil
cpy := stateObject.deepCopy(s)
if _, err := cpy.updateTrie(s.db); err != nil {
if _, err := cpy.updateTrie(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cpy.getTrie(s.db)
return cpy.getTrie()
func (s *StateDB) HasSuicided(addr common.Address) bool {
func (s *StateDB) HasSelfDestructed(addr common.Address) bool {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
if stateObject != nil {
return stateObject.suicided
return stateObject.selfDestructed
return false
@ -456,44 +471,59 @@ func (s *StateDB) SetCode(addr common.Address, code []byte) {
func (s *StateDB) SetState(addr common.Address, key, value common.Hash) {
stateObject := s.GetOrNewStateObject(addr)
if stateObject != nil {
stateObject.SetState(s.db, key, value)
stateObject.SetState(key, value)
// SetStorage replaces the entire storage for the specified account with given
// storage. This function should only be used for debugging.
// storage. This function should only be used for debugging and the mutations
// must be discarded afterwards.
func (s *StateDB) SetStorage(addr common.Address, storage map[common.Hash]common.Hash) {
// SetStorage needs to wipe existing storage. We achieve this by pretending
// that the account self-destructed earlier in this block, by flagging
// it in stateObjectsDestruct. The effect of doing so is that storage lookups
// will not hit disk, since it is assumed that the disk-data is belonging
// to a previous incarnation of the object.
s.stateObjectsDestruct[addr] = struct{}{}
// TODO(rjl493456442) this function should only be supported by 'unwritable'
// state and all mutations made should all be discarded afterwards.
if _, ok := s.stateObjectsDestruct[addr]; !ok {
s.stateObjectsDestruct[addr] = nil
stateObject := s.GetOrNewStateObject(addr)
for k, v := range storage {
stateObject.SetState(s.db, k, v)
stateObject.SetState(k, v)
// Suicide marks the given account as suicided.
// SelfDestruct marks the given account as selfdestructed.
// This clears the account balance.
// The account's state object is still available until the state is committed,
// getStateObject will return a non-nil account after Suicide.
func (s *StateDB) Suicide(addr common.Address) bool {
// getStateObject will return a non-nil account after SelfDestruct.
func (s *StateDB) SelfDestruct(addr common.Address) {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
if stateObject == nil {
return false
account: &addr,
prev: stateObject.suicided,
prev: stateObject.selfDestructed,
prevbalance: new(big.Int).Set(stateObject.Balance()),
stateObject.markSelfdestructed() = new(big.Int)
return true
func (s *StateDB) Selfdestruct6780(addr common.Address) {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
if stateObject == nil {
if stateObject.created {
// SetTransientState sets transient storage for a given account. It
@ -538,13 +568,21 @@ func (s *StateDB) updateStateObject(obj *stateObject) {
if err := s.trie.UpdateAccount(addr, &; err != nil {
s.setError(fmt.Errorf("updateStateObject (%x) error: %v", addr[:], err))
// Cache the data until commit. Note, this update mechanism is not symmetric
// to the deletion, because whereas it is enough to track account updates
// at commit time, deletions need tracking at transaction boundary level to
// ensure we capture state clearing.
s.accounts[obj.addrHash] = types.SlimAccountRLP(
// If state snapshotting is active, cache the data til commit. Note, this
// update mechanism is not symmetric to the deletion, because whereas it is
// enough to track account updates at commit time, deletions need tracking
// at transaction boundary level to ensure we capture state clearing.
if s.snap != nil {
s.snapAccounts[obj.addrHash] = types.SlimAccountRLP(
// Track the original value of mutated account, nil means it was not present.
// Skip if it has been tracked (because updateStateObject may be called
// multiple times in a block).
if _, ok := s.accountsOrigin[obj.addrHash]; !ok {
if obj.origin == nil {
s.accountsOrigin[obj.addrHash] = nil
} else {
s.accountsOrigin[obj.addrHash] = types.SlimAccountRLP(*obj.origin)
@ -623,7 +661,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) getDeletedStateObject(addr common.Address) *stateObject {
// Insert into the live set
obj := newObject(s, addr, *data)
obj := newObject(s, addr, data)
return obj
@ -645,7 +683,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetOrNewStateObject(addr common.Address) *stateObject {
// the given address, it is overwritten and returned as the second return value.
func (s *StateDB) createObject(addr common.Address) (newobj, prev *stateObject) {
prev = s.getDeletedStateObject(addr) // Note, prev might have been deleted, we need that!
newobj = newObject(s, addr, types.StateAccount{})
newobj = newObject(s, addr, nil)
if prev == nil {
s.journal.append(createObjectChange{account: &addr})
// TODO: add isPrecompile check
@ -655,34 +693,34 @@ func (s *StateDB) createObject(addr common.Address) (newobj, prev *stateObject)
} else {
// The original account should be marked as destructed and all cached
// account and storage data should be cleared as well. Note, it must
// be done here, otherwise the destruction event of original one will
// be lost.
// be done here, otherwise the destruction event of "original account"
// will be lost.
_, prevdestruct := s.stateObjectsDestruct[prev.address]
if !prevdestruct {
s.stateObjectsDestruct[prev.address] = struct{}{}
s.stateObjectsDestruct[prev.address] = prev.origin
var (
account []byte
storage map[common.Hash][]byte
// There may be some cached account/storage data already since IntermediateRoot
// will be called for each transaction before byzantium fork which will always
// cache the latest account/storage data.
if s.snap != nil {
account = s.snapAccounts[prev.addrHash]
storage = s.snapStorage[prev.addrHash]
delete(s.snapAccounts, prev.addrHash)
delete(s.snapStorage, prev.addrHash)
prevAccount, ok := s.accountsOrigin[prev.addrHash]
account: &addr,
prev: prev,
prevdestruct: prevdestruct,
prevAccount: account,
prevStorage: storage,
account: &addr,
prev: prev,
prevdestruct: prevdestruct,
prevAccount: s.accounts[prev.addrHash],
prevStorage: s.storages[prev.addrHash],
prevAccountOriginExist: ok,
prevAccountOrigin: prevAccount,
prevStorageOrigin: s.storagesOrigin[prev.addrHash],
delete(s.accounts, prev.addrHash)
delete(s.storages, prev.addrHash)
delete(s.accountsOrigin, prev.addrHash)
delete(s.storagesOrigin, prev.addrHash)
newobj.created = true
if prev != nil && !prev.deleted {
return newobj, prev
@ -707,19 +745,23 @@ func (s *StateDB) CreateAccount(addr common.Address) {
func (db *StateDB) ForEachStorage(addr common.Address, cb func(key, value common.Hash) bool) error {
so := db.getStateObject(addr)
func (s *StateDB) ForEachStorage(addr common.Address, cb func(key, value common.Hash) bool) error {
so := s.getStateObject(addr)
if so == nil {
return nil
tr, err := so.getTrie(db.db)
tr, err := so.getTrie()
if err != nil {
return err
it := trie.NewIterator(tr.NodeIterator(nil))
trieIt, err := tr.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
it := trie.NewIterator(trieIt)
for it.Next() {
key := common.BytesToHash(db.trie.GetKey(it.Key))
key := common.BytesToHash(s.trie.GetKey(it.Key))
if value, dirty := so.dirtyStorage[key]; dirty {
if !cb(key, value) {
return nil
@ -748,16 +790,27 @@ func (s *StateDB) Copy() *StateDB {
db: s.db,
trie: s.db.CopyTrie(s.trie),
originalRoot: s.originalRoot,
accounts: make(map[common.Hash][]byte),
storages: make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte),
accountsOrigin: make(map[common.Hash][]byte),
storagesOrigin: make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte),
stateObjects: make(map[common.Address]*stateObject, len(s.journal.dirties)),
stateObjectsPending: make(map[common.Address]struct{}, len(s.stateObjectsPending)),
stateObjectsDirty: make(map[common.Address]struct{}, len(s.journal.dirties)),
stateObjectsDestruct: make(map[common.Address]struct{}, len(s.stateObjectsDestruct)),
stateObjectsDestruct: make(map[common.Address]*types.StateAccount, len(s.stateObjectsDestruct)),
refund: s.refund,
logs: make(map[common.Hash][]*types.Log, len(s.logs)),
logSize: s.logSize,
preimages: make(map[common.Hash][]byte, len(s.preimages)),
journal: newJournal(),
hasher: crypto.NewKeccakState(),
// In order for the block producer to be able to use and make additions
// to the snapshot tree, we need to copy that as well. Otherwise, any
// block mined by ourselves will cause gaps in the tree, and force the
// miner to operate trie-backed only.
snaps: s.snaps,
snap: s.snap,
// Copy the dirty states, logs, and preimages
for addr := range s.journal.dirties {
@ -791,10 +844,18 @@ func (s *StateDB) Copy() *StateDB {
state.stateObjectsDirty[addr] = struct{}{}
// Deep copy the destruction flag.
for addr := range s.stateObjectsDestruct {
state.stateObjectsDestruct[addr] = struct{}{}
// Deep copy the destruction markers.
for addr, value := range s.stateObjectsDestruct {
state.stateObjectsDestruct[addr] = value
// Deep copy the state changes made in the scope of block
// along with their original values.
state.accounts = copyAccounts(s.accounts)
state.storages = copyStorages(s.storages)
state.accountsOrigin = copyAccounts(state.accountsOrigin)
state.storagesOrigin = copyStorages(state.storagesOrigin)
// Deep copy the logs occurred in the scope of block
for hash, logs := range s.logs {
cpy := make([]*types.Log, len(logs))
for i, l := range logs {
@ -803,6 +864,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) Copy() *StateDB {
state.logs[hash] = cpy
// Deep copy the preimages occurred in the scope of block
for hash, preimage := range s.preimages {
state.preimages[hash] = preimage
@ -821,28 +883,6 @@ func (s *StateDB) Copy() *StateDB {
if s.prefetcher != nil {
state.prefetcher = s.prefetcher.copy()
if s.snaps != nil {
// In order for the miner to be able to use and make additions
// to the snapshot tree, we need to copy that as well.
// Otherwise, any block mined by ourselves will cause gaps in the tree,
// and force the miner to operate trie-backed only
state.snaps = s.snaps
state.snap = s.snap
// deep copy needed
state.snapAccounts = make(map[common.Hash][]byte, len(s.snapAccounts))
for k, v := range s.snapAccounts {
state.snapAccounts[k] = v
state.snapStorage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte, len(s.snapStorage))
for k, v := range s.snapStorage {
temp := make(map[common.Hash][]byte, len(v))
for kk, vv := range v {
temp[kk] = vv
state.snapStorage[k] = temp
return state
@ -891,24 +931,26 @@ func (s *StateDB) Finalise(deleteEmptyObjects bool) {
// Thus, we can safely ignore it here
if obj.suicided || (deleteEmptyObjects && obj.empty()) {
if obj.selfDestructed || (deleteEmptyObjects && obj.empty()) {
obj.deleted = true
// We need to maintain account deletions explicitly (will remain
// set indefinitely).
s.stateObjectsDestruct[obj.address] = struct{}{}
// If state snapshotting is active, also mark the destruction there.
// set indefinitely). Note only the first occurred self-destruct
// event is tracked.
if _, ok := s.stateObjectsDestruct[obj.address]; !ok {
s.stateObjectsDestruct[obj.address] = obj.origin
// Note, we can't do this only at the end of a block because multiple
// transactions within the same block might self destruct and then
// resurrect an account; but the snapshotter needs both events.
if s.snap != nil {
delete(s.snapAccounts, obj.addrHash) // Clear out any previously updated account data (may be recreated via a resurrect)
delete(s.snapStorage, obj.addrHash) // Clear out any previously updated storage data (may be recreated via a resurrect)
delete(s.accounts, obj.addrHash) // Clear out any previously updated account data (may be recreated via a resurrect)
delete(s.storages, obj.addrHash) // Clear out any previously updated storage data (may be recreated via a resurrect)
delete(s.accountsOrigin, obj.addrHash) // Clear out any previously updated account data (may be recreated via a resurrect)
delete(s.storagesOrigin, obj.addrHash) // Clear out any previously updated storage data (may be recreated via a resurrect)
} else {
obj.finalise(true) // Prefetch slots in the background
obj.created = false
s.stateObjectsPending[addr] = struct{}{}
s.stateObjectsDirty[addr] = struct{}{}
@ -952,7 +994,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) IntermediateRoot(deleteEmptyObjects bool) common.Hash {
// to pull useful data from disk.
for addr := range s.stateObjectsPending {
if obj := s.stateObjects[addr]; !obj.deleted {
// Now we're about to start to write changes to the trie. The trie is so far
@ -1003,8 +1045,146 @@ func (s *StateDB) clearJournalAndRefund() {
s.validRevisions = s.validRevisions[:0] // Snapshots can be created without journal entries
// deleteStorage iterates the storage trie belongs to the account and mark all
// slots inside as deleted.
func (s *StateDB) deleteStorage(addr common.Address, addrHash common.Hash, root common.Hash) (bool, map[common.Hash][]byte, *trienode.NodeSet, error) {
start := time.Now()
tr, err := s.db.OpenStorageTrie(s.originalRoot, addr, root)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open storage trie, err: %w", err)
it, err := tr.NodeIterator(nil)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open storage iterator, err: %w", err)
var (
set = trienode.NewNodeSet(addrHash)
slots = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
stateSize common.StorageSize
nodeSize common.StorageSize
for it.Next(true) {
// arbitrary stateSize limit, make it configurable
if stateSize+nodeSize > 512*1024*1024 {
log.Info("Skip large storage deletion", "address", addr.Hex(), "states", stateSize, "nodes", nodeSize)
if metrics.EnabledExpensive {
return true, nil, nil, nil
if it.Leaf() {
slots[common.BytesToHash(it.LeafKey())] = common.CopyBytes(it.LeafBlob())
stateSize += common.StorageSize(common.HashLength + len(it.LeafBlob()))
if it.Hash() == (common.Hash{}) {
nodeSize += common.StorageSize(len(it.Path()) + len(it.NodeBlob()))
set.AddNode(it.Path(), trienode.NewWithPrev(common.Hash{}, nil, it.NodeBlob()))
if err := it.Error(); err != nil {
return false, nil, nil, err
if metrics.EnabledExpensive {
if int64(len(slots)) > slotDeletionMaxCount.Value() {
if int64(stateSize+nodeSize) > slotDeletionMaxSize.Value() {
slotDeletionMaxSize.Update(int64(stateSize + nodeSize))
slotDeletionSize.Mark(int64(stateSize + nodeSize))
return false, slots, set, nil
// handleDestruction processes all destruction markers and deletes the account
// and associated storage slots if necessary. There are four possible situations
// here:
// - the account was not existent and be marked as destructed
// - the account was not existent and be marked as destructed,
// however, it's resurrected later in the same block.
// - the account was existent and be marked as destructed
// - the account was existent and be marked as destructed,
// however it's resurrected later in the same block.
// In case (a), nothing needs be deleted, nil to nil transition can be ignored.
// In case (b), nothing needs be deleted, nil is used as the original value for
// newly created account and storages
// In case (c), **original** account along with its storages should be deleted,
// with their values be tracked as original value.
// In case (d), **original** account along with its storages should be deleted,
// with their values be tracked as original value.
func (s *StateDB) handleDestruction(nodes *trienode.MergedNodeSet) (map[common.Hash]struct{}, error) {
incomplete := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
for addr, prev := range s.stateObjectsDestruct {
// The original account was non-existing, and it's marked as destructed
// in the scope of block. It can be case (a) or (b).
// - for (a), skip it without doing anything.
// - for (b), track account's original value as nil. It may overwrite
// the data cached in s.accountsOrigin set by 'updateStateObject'.
addrHash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(addr[:])
if prev == nil {
if _, ok := s.accounts[addrHash]; ok {
s.accountsOrigin[addrHash] = nil // case (b)
// It can overwrite the data in s.accountsOrigin set by 'updateStateObject'.
s.accountsOrigin[addrHash] = types.SlimAccountRLP(*prev) // case (c) or (d)
// Short circuit if the storage was empty.
if prev.Root == types.EmptyRootHash {
// Remove storage slots belong to the account.
aborted, slots, set, err := s.deleteStorage(addr, addrHash, prev.Root)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to delete storage, err: %w", err)
// The storage is too huge to handle, skip it but mark as incomplete.
// For case (d), the account is resurrected might with a few slots
// created. In this case, wipe the entire storage state diff because
// of aborted deletion.
if aborted {
incomplete[addrHash] = struct{}{}
delete(s.storagesOrigin, addrHash)
if s.storagesOrigin[addrHash] == nil {
s.storagesOrigin[addrHash] = slots
} else {
// It can overwrite the data in s.storagesOrigin[addrHash] set by
// 'object.updateTrie'.
for key, val := range slots {
s.storagesOrigin[addrHash][key] = val
if err := nodes.Merge(set); err != nil {
return nil, err
return incomplete, nil
// Commit writes the state to the underlying in-memory trie database.
func (s *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
// Once the state is committed, tries cached in stateDB (including account
// trie, storage tries) will no longer be functional. A new state instance
// must be created with new root and updated database for accessing post-
// commit states.
// The associated block number of the state transition is also provided
// for more chain context.
func (s *StateDB) Commit(block uint64, deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
// Short circuit in case any database failure occurred earlier.
if s.dbErr != nil {
return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("commit aborted due to earlier error: %v", s.dbErr)
@ -1021,37 +1201,39 @@ func (s *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
nodes = trienode.NewMergedNodeSet()
codeWriter = s.db.DiskDB().NewBatch()
// Handle all state deletions first
incomplete, err := s.handleDestruction(nodes)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Handle all state updates afterwards
for addr := range s.stateObjectsDirty {
if obj := s.stateObjects[addr]; !obj.deleted {
// Write any contract code associated with the state object
if obj.code != nil && obj.dirtyCode {
rawdb.WriteCode(codeWriter, common.BytesToHash(obj.CodeHash()), obj.code)
obj.dirtyCode = false
// Write any storage changes in the state object to its storage trie
set, err := obj.commitTrie(s.db)
if err != nil {
obj := s.stateObjects[addr]
if obj.deleted {
// Write any contract code associated with the state object
if obj.code != nil && obj.dirtyCode {
rawdb.WriteCode(codeWriter, common.BytesToHash(obj.CodeHash()), obj.code)
s.trie.UpdateContractCode(obj.Address(), common.BytesToHash(obj.CodeHash()), obj.code)
obj.dirtyCode = false
// Write any storage changes in the state object to its storage trie
set, err := obj.commit()
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Merge the dirty nodes of storage trie into global set. It is possible
// that the account was destructed and then resurrected in the same block.
// In this case, the node set is shared by both accounts.
if set != nil {
if err := nodes.Merge(set); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Merge the dirty nodes of storage trie into global set.
if set != nil {
if err := nodes.Merge(set); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
updates, deleted := set.Size()
storageTrieNodesUpdated += updates
storageTrieNodesDeleted += deleted
updates, deleted := set.Size()
storageTrieNodesUpdated += updates
storageTrieNodesDeleted += deleted
// If the contract is destructed, the storage is still left in the
// database as dangling data. Theoretically it's should be wiped from
// database as well, but in hash-based-scheme it's extremely hard to
// determine that if the trie nodes are also referenced by other storage,
// and in path-based-scheme some technical challenges are still unsolved.
// Although it won't affect the correctness but please fix it TODO(rjl493456442).
if len(s.stateObjectsDirty) > 0 {
s.stateObjectsDirty = make(map[common.Address]struct{})
if codeWriter.ValueSize() > 0 {
if err := codeWriter.Write(); err != nil {
@ -1063,7 +1245,10 @@ func (s *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
if metrics.EnabledExpensive {
start = time.Now()
root, set := s.trie.Commit(true)
root, set, err := s.trie.Commit(true)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Merge the dirty nodes of account trie into global set
if set != nil {
if err := nodes.Merge(set); err != nil {
@ -1090,7 +1275,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
start := time.Now()
// Only update if there's a state transition (skip empty Clique blocks)
if parent := s.snap.Root(); parent != root {
if err := s.snaps.Update(root, parent, s.convertAccountSet(s.stateObjectsDestruct), s.snapAccounts, s.snapStorage); err != nil {
if err := s.snaps.Update(root, parent, s.convertAccountSet(s.stateObjectsDestruct), s.accounts, s.storages); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to update snapshot tree", "from", parent, "to", root, "err", err)
// Keep 128 diff layers in the memory, persistent layer is 129th.
@ -1104,10 +1289,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
if metrics.EnabledExpensive {
s.SnapshotCommits += time.Since(start)
s.snap, s.snapAccounts, s.snapStorage = nil, nil, nil
if len(s.stateObjectsDestruct) > 0 {
s.stateObjectsDestruct = make(map[common.Address]struct{})
s.snap = nil
if root == (common.Hash{}) {
root = types.EmptyRootHash
@ -1118,7 +1300,12 @@ func (s *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
if root != origin {
start := time.Now()
if err := s.db.TrieDB().Update(root, origin, nodes); err != nil {
set := &triestate.Set{
Accounts: s.accountsOrigin,
Storages: s.storagesOrigin,
Incomplete: incomplete,
if err := s.db.TrieDB().Update(root, origin, block, nodes, set); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
s.originalRoot = root
@ -1126,6 +1313,13 @@ func (s *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error) {
s.TrieDBCommits += time.Since(start)
// Clear all internal flags at the end of commit operation.
s.accounts = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
s.storages = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
s.accountsOrigin = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
s.storagesOrigin = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
s.stateObjectsDirty = make(map[common.Address]struct{})
s.stateObjectsDestruct = make(map[common.Address]*types.StateAccount)
return root, nil
@ -1206,7 +1400,7 @@ func (s *StateDB) SlotInAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) (addre
// convertAccountSet converts a provided account set from address keyed to hash keyed.
func (s *StateDB) convertAccountSet(set map[common.Address]struct{}) map[common.Hash]struct{} {
func (s *StateDB) convertAccountSet(set map[common.Address]*types.StateAccount) map[common.Hash]struct{} {
ret := make(map[common.Hash]struct{}, len(set))
for addr := range set {
obj, exist := s.stateObjects[addr]
@ -1218,3 +1412,24 @@ func (s *StateDB) convertAccountSet(set map[common.Address]struct{}) map[common.
return ret
// copyAccounts returns a deep-copied account set of the provided one.
func copyAccounts(set map[common.Hash][]byte) map[common.Hash][]byte {
copied := make(map[common.Hash][]byte, len(set))
for key, val := range set {
copied[key] = common.CopyBytes(val)
return copied
// copyStorages returns a deep-copied storage set of the provided one.
func copyStorages(set map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte {
copied := make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte, len(set))
for addr, subset := range set {
copied[addr] = make(map[common.Hash][]byte, len(subset))
for key, val := range subset {
copied[addr][key] = common.CopyBytes(val)
return copied

View File

@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
// Copyright 2023 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>
package state
import (
// A stateTest checks that the state changes are correctly captured. Instances
// of this test with pseudorandom content are created by Generate.
// The test works as follows:
// A list of states are created by applying actions. The state changes between
// each state instance are tracked and be verified.
type stateTest struct {
addrs []common.Address // all account addresses
actions [][]testAction // modifications to the state, grouped by block
chunk int // The number of actions per chunk
err error // failure details are reported through this field
// newStateTestAction creates a random action that changes state.
func newStateTestAction(addr common.Address, r *rand.Rand, index int) testAction {
actions := []testAction{
name: "SetBalance",
fn: func(a testAction, s *StateDB) {
s.SetBalance(addr, big.NewInt(a.args[0]), 0)
args: make([]int64, 1),
name: "SetNonce",
fn: func(a testAction, s *StateDB) {
s.SetNonce(addr, uint64(a.args[0]))
args: make([]int64, 1),
name: "SetState",
fn: func(a testAction, s *StateDB) {
var key, val common.Hash
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(key[:], uint16(a.args[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(val[:], uint16(a.args[1]))
s.SetState(addr, key, val)
args: make([]int64, 2),
name: "SetCode",
fn: func(a testAction, s *StateDB) {
code := make([]byte, 16)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(code, uint64(a.args[0]))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(code[8:], uint64(a.args[1]))
s.SetCode(addr, code)
args: make([]int64, 2),
name: "CreateAccount",
fn: func(a testAction, s *StateDB) {
name: "Selfdestruct",
fn: func(a testAction, s *StateDB) {
var nonRandom = index != -1
if index == -1 {
index = r.Intn(len(actions))
action := actions[index]
var names []string
if !action.noAddr {
names = append(names, addr.Hex())
for i := range action.args {
if nonRandom {
action.args[i] = rand.Int63n(10000) + 1 // set balance to non-zero
} else {
action.args[i] = rand.Int63n(10000)
names = append(names, fmt.Sprint(action.args[i]))
} += " " + strings.Join(names, ", ")
return action
// Generate returns a new snapshot test of the given size. All randomness is
// derived from r.
func (*stateTest) Generate(r *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
addrs := make([]common.Address, 5)
for i := range addrs {
addrs[i][0] = byte(i)
actions := make([][]testAction, rand.Intn(5)+1)
for i := 0; i < len(actions); i++ {
actions[i] = make([]testAction, size)
for j := range actions[i] {
if j == 0 {
// Always include a set balance action to make sure
// the state changes are not empty.
actions[i][j] = newStateTestAction(common.HexToAddress("0xdeadbeef"), r, 0)
actions[i][j] = newStateTestAction(addrs[r.Intn(len(addrs))], r, -1)
chunk := int(math.Sqrt(float64(size)))
if size > 0 && chunk == 0 {
chunk = 1
return reflect.ValueOf(&stateTest{
addrs: addrs,
actions: actions,
chunk: chunk,
func (test *stateTest) String() string {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i, actions := range test.actions {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "---- block %d ----\n", i)
for j, action := range actions {
if j%test.chunk == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "---- transaction %d ----\n", j/test.chunk)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%4d: %s\n", j%test.chunk,
return out.String()
func (test *stateTest) run() bool {
var (
roots []common.Hash
accountList []map[common.Hash][]byte
storageList []map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte
onCommit = func(states *triestate.Set) {
accountList = append(accountList, copyAccounts(states.Accounts))
storageList = append(storageList, copyStorages(states.Storages))
disk = rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
tdb = trie.NewDatabaseWithConfig(disk, &trie.Config{OnCommit: onCommit})
sdb = NewDatabaseWithNodeDB(disk, tdb)
byzantium = rand.Intn(2) == 0
for i, actions := range test.actions {
root := types.EmptyRootHash
if i != 0 {
root = roots[len(roots)-1]
state, err := New(root, sdb, nil)
if err != nil {
for i, action := range actions {
if i%test.chunk == 0 && i != 0 {
if byzantium {
state.Finalise(true) // call finalise at the transaction boundary
} else {
state.IntermediateRoot(true) // call intermediateRoot at the transaction boundary
action.fn(action, state)
if byzantium {
state.Finalise(true) // call finalise at the transaction boundary
} else {
state.IntermediateRoot(true) // call intermediateRoot at the transaction boundary
nroot, err := state.Commit(0, true) // call commit at the block boundary
if err != nil {
if nroot == root {
return true // filter out non-change state transition
roots = append(roots, nroot)
for i := 0; i < len(test.actions); i++ {
root := types.EmptyRootHash
if i != 0 {
root = roots[i-1]
test.err = test.verify(root, roots[i], tdb, accountList[i], storageList[i])
if test.err != nil {
return false
return true
// verifyAccountCreation this function is called once the state diff says that
// specific account was not present. A serial of checks will be performed to
// ensure the state diff is correct, includes:
// - the account was indeed not present in trie
// - the account is present in new trie, nil->nil is regarded as invalid
// - the slots transition is correct
func (test *stateTest) verifyAccountCreation(next common.Hash, db *trie.Database, otr, ntr *trie.Trie, addrHash common.Hash, slots map[common.Hash][]byte) error {
// Verify account change
oBlob, err := otr.Get(addrHash.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
nBlob, err := ntr.Get(addrHash.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if len(oBlob) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected account in old trie, %x", addrHash)
if len(nBlob) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("missing account in new trie, %x", addrHash)
// Verify storage changes
var nAcct types.StateAccount
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(nBlob, &nAcct); err != nil {
return err
// Account has no slot, empty slot set is expected
if nAcct.Root == types.EmptyRootHash {
if len(slots) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected slot changes %x", addrHash)
return nil
// Account has slots, ensure all new slots are contained
st, err := trie.New(trie.StorageTrieID(next, addrHash, nAcct.Root), db)
if err != nil {
return err
for key, val := range slots {
st.Update(key.Bytes(), val)
if st.Hash() != types.EmptyRootHash {
return errors.New("invalid slot changes")
return nil
// verifyAccountUpdate this function is called once the state diff says that
// specific account was present. A serial of checks will be performed to
// ensure the state diff is correct, includes:
// - the account was indeed present in trie
// - the account in old trie matches the provided value
// - the slots transition is correct
func (test *stateTest) verifyAccountUpdate(next common.Hash, db *trie.Database, otr, ntr *trie.Trie, addrHash common.Hash, origin []byte, slots map[common.Hash][]byte) error {
// Verify account change
oBlob, err := otr.Get(addrHash.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
nBlob, err := ntr.Get(addrHash.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if len(oBlob) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("missing account in old trie, %x", addrHash)
full, err := types.FullAccountRLP(origin)
if err != nil {
return err
if !bytes.Equal(full, oBlob) {
return fmt.Errorf("account value is not matched, %x", addrHash)
// Decode accounts
var (
oAcct types.StateAccount
nAcct types.StateAccount
nRoot common.Hash
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(oBlob, &oAcct); err != nil {
return err
if len(nBlob) == 0 {
nRoot = types.EmptyRootHash
} else {
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(nBlob, &nAcct); err != nil {
return err
nRoot = nAcct.Root
// Verify storage
st, err := trie.New(trie.StorageTrieID(next, addrHash, nRoot), db)
if err != nil {
return err
for key, val := range slots {
st.Update(key.Bytes(), val)
if st.Hash() != oAcct.Root {
return errors.New("invalid slot changes")
return nil
func (test *stateTest) verify(root common.Hash, next common.Hash, db *trie.Database, accountsOrigin map[common.Hash][]byte, storagesOrigin map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) error {
otr, err := trie.New(trie.StateTrieID(root), db)
if err != nil {
return err
ntr, err := trie.New(trie.StateTrieID(next), db)
if err != nil {
return err
for addrHash, account := range accountsOrigin {
var err error
if len(account) == 0 {
err = test.verifyAccountCreation(next, db, otr, ntr, addrHash, storagesOrigin[addrHash])
} else {
err = test.verifyAccountUpdate(next, db, otr, ntr, addrHash, accountsOrigin[addrHash], storagesOrigin[addrHash])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func TestStateChanges(t *testing.T) {
config := &quick.Config{MaxCount: 1000}
err := quick.Check((*stateTest).run, config)
if cerr, ok := err.(*quick.CheckError); ok {
test := cerr.In[0].(*stateTest)
t.Errorf("%v:\n%s", test.err, test)
} else if err != nil {

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package state
import (
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ func TestIntermediateLeaks(t *testing.T) {
// Commit and cross check the databases.
transRoot, err := transState.Commit(false)
transRoot, err := transState.Commit(0, false)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit transition state: %v", err)
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ func TestIntermediateLeaks(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("can not commit trie %v to persistent database", transRoot.Hex())
finalRoot, err := finalState.Commit(false)
finalRoot, err := finalState.Commit(0, false)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit final state: %v", err)
@ -300,9 +301,9 @@ func newTestAction(addr common.Address, r *rand.Rand) testAction {
name: "Suicide",
name: "SelfDestruct",
fn: func(a testAction, s *StateDB) {
@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ func (test *snapshotTest) checkEqual(state, checkstate *StateDB) error {
// Check basic accessor methods.
checkeq("Exist", state.Exist(addr), checkstate.Exist(addr))
checkeq("HasSuicided", state.HasSuicided(addr), checkstate.HasSuicided(addr))
checkeq("HasSelfdestructed", state.HasSelfDestructed(addr), checkstate.HasSelfDestructed(addr))
checkeq("GetBalance", state.GetBalance(addr), checkstate.GetBalance(addr))
checkeq("GetNonce", state.GetNonce(addr), checkstate.GetNonce(addr))
checkeq("GetCode", state.GetCode(addr), checkstate.GetCode(addr))
@ -484,9 +485,9 @@ func (test *snapshotTest) checkEqual(state, checkstate *StateDB) error {
func TestTouchDelete(t *testing.T) {
s := newStateTest()
s := newStateEnv()
root, _ := s.state.Commit(false)
root, _ := s.state.Commit(0, false)
s.state, _ = New(root, s.state.db, s.state.snaps)
snapshot := s.state.Snapshot()
@ -521,7 +522,8 @@ func TestCopyOfCopy(t *testing.T) {
// See
func TestCopyCommitCopy(t *testing.T) {
state, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
tdb := NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase())
state, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, tdb, nil)
// Create an account and check if the retrieved balance is correct
addr := common.HexToAddress("0xaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffe")
@ -558,20 +560,6 @@ func TestCopyCommitCopy(t *testing.T) {
if val := copyOne.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Fatalf("first copy pre-commit committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, common.Hash{})
if balance := copyOne.GetBalance(addr); balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(42)) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("first copy post-commit balance mismatch: have %v, want %v", balance, 42)
if code := copyOne.GetCode(addr); !bytes.Equal(code, []byte("hello")) {
t.Fatalf("first copy post-commit code mismatch: have %x, want %x", code, []byte("hello"))
if val := copyOne.GetState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("first copy post-commit non-committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
if val := copyOne.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("first copy post-commit committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
// Copy the copy and check the balance once more
copyTwo := copyOne.Copy()
if balance := copyTwo.GetBalance(addr); balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(42)) != 0 {
@ -583,8 +571,23 @@ func TestCopyCommitCopy(t *testing.T) {
if val := copyTwo.GetState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("second copy non-committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
if val := copyTwo.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("second copy post-commit committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
if val := copyTwo.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Fatalf("second copy committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
// Commit state, ensure states can be loaded from disk
root, _ := state.Commit(0, false)
state, _ = New(root, tdb, nil)
if balance := state.GetBalance(addr); balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(42)) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("state post-commit balance mismatch: have %v, want %v", balance, 42)
if code := state.GetCode(addr); !bytes.Equal(code, []byte("hello")) {
t.Fatalf("state post-commit code mismatch: have %x, want %x", code, []byte("hello"))
if val := state.GetState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("state post-commit non-committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
if val := state.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("state post-commit committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
@ -644,19 +647,6 @@ func TestCopyCopyCommitCopy(t *testing.T) {
if val := copyTwo.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Fatalf("second copy pre-commit committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, common.Hash{})
if balance := copyTwo.GetBalance(addr); balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(42)) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("second copy post-commit balance mismatch: have %v, want %v", balance, 42)
if code := copyTwo.GetCode(addr); !bytes.Equal(code, []byte("hello")) {
t.Fatalf("second copy post-commit code mismatch: have %x, want %x", code, []byte("hello"))
if val := copyTwo.GetState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("second copy post-commit non-committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
if val := copyTwo.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("second copy post-commit committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
// Copy the copy-copy and check the balance once more
copyThree := copyTwo.Copy()
if balance := copyThree.GetBalance(addr); balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(42)) != 0 {
@ -668,11 +658,56 @@ func TestCopyCopyCommitCopy(t *testing.T) {
if val := copyThree.GetState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("third copy non-committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
if val := copyThree.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != sval {
if val := copyThree.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Fatalf("third copy committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
// TestCommitCopy tests the copy from a committed state is not functional.
func TestCommitCopy(t *testing.T) {
state, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
// Create an account and check if the retrieved balance is correct
addr := common.HexToAddress("0xaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffe")
skey := common.HexToHash("aaa")
sval := common.HexToHash("bbb")
state.SetBalance(addr, big.NewInt(42), 0) // Change the account trie
state.SetCode(addr, []byte("hello")) // Change an external metadata
state.SetState(addr, skey, sval) // Change the storage trie
if balance := state.GetBalance(addr); balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(42)) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("initial balance mismatch: have %v, want %v", balance, 42)
if code := state.GetCode(addr); !bytes.Equal(code, []byte("hello")) {
t.Fatalf("initial code mismatch: have %x, want %x", code, []byte("hello"))
if val := state.GetState(addr, skey); val != sval {
t.Fatalf("initial non-committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, sval)
if val := state.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Fatalf("initial committed storage slot mismatch: have %x, want %x", val, common.Hash{})
// Copy the committed state database, the copied one is not functional.
state.Commit(0, true)
copied := state.Copy()
if balance := copied.GetBalance(addr); balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected balance: have %v", balance)
if code := copied.GetCode(addr); code != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected code: have %x", code)
if val := copied.GetState(addr, skey); val != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected storage slot: have %x", val)
if val := copied.GetCommittedState(addr, skey); val != (common.Hash{}) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected storage slot: have %x", val)
if !errors.Is(copied.Error(), trie.ErrCommitted) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected state error, %v", copied.Error())
// TestDeleteCreateRevert tests a weird state transition corner case that we hit
// while changing the internals of StateDB. The workflow is that a contract is
// self-destructed, then in a follow-up transaction (but same block) it's created
@ -688,11 +723,11 @@ func TestDeleteCreateRevert(t *testing.T) {
addr := common.BytesToAddress([]byte("so"))
state.SetBalance(addr, big.NewInt(1), 0x0)
root, _ := state.Commit(false)
root, _ := state.Commit(0, false)
state, _ = New(root, state.db, state.snaps)
// Simulate self-destructing in one transaction, then create-reverting in another
id := state.Snapshot()
@ -700,7 +735,7 @@ func TestDeleteCreateRevert(t *testing.T) {
// Commit the entire state and make sure we don't crash and have the correct state
root, _ = state.Commit(true)
root, _ = state.Commit(0, true)
state, _ = New(root, state.db, state.snaps)
if state.getStateObject(addr) != nil {
@ -724,7 +759,7 @@ func TestMissingTrieNodes(t *testing.T) {
a2 := common.BytesToAddress([]byte("another"))
state.SetBalance(a2, big.NewInt(100), 0x0)
state.SetCode(a2, []byte{1, 2, 4})
root, _ = state.Commit(false)
root, _ = state.Commit(0, false)
t.Logf("root: %x", root)
// force-flush
@ -748,7 +783,7 @@ func TestMissingTrieNodes(t *testing.T) {
// Modify the state
state.SetBalance(addr, big.NewInt(2), 0x0)
root, err := state.Commit(false)
root, err := state.Commit(0, false)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error, got root :%x", root)
@ -943,7 +978,7 @@ func TestFlushOrderDataLoss(t *testing.T) {
state.SetState(common.Address{a}, common.Hash{a, s}, common.Hash{a, s})
root, err := state.Commit(false)
root, err := state.Commit(0, false)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit state trie: %v", err)
@ -1022,7 +1057,7 @@ func TestResetObject(t *testing.T) {
state.SetBalance(addr, big.NewInt(2), 0x0)
state.SetState(addr, slotB, common.BytesToHash([]byte{0x2}))
root, _ := state.Commit(true)
root, _ := state.Commit(0, true)
// Ensure the original account is wiped properly
snap := snaps.Snapshot(root)

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ type testAccount struct {
func makeTestState() (ethdb.Database, Database, common.Hash, []*testAccount) {
// Create an empty state
db := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
sdb := NewDatabase(db)
sdb := NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{Preimages: true})
state, _ := New(types.EmptyRootHash, sdb, nil)
// Fill it with some arbitrary data
@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ func makeTestState() (ethdb.Database, Database, common.Hash, []*testAccount) {
if i%5 == 0 {
for j := byte(0); j < 5; j++ {
hash := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte{i, i, i, i, i, j, j})
obj.SetState(sdb, hash, hash)
obj.SetState(hash, hash)
accounts = append(accounts, acc)
root, _ := state.Commit(false)
root, _ := state.Commit(0, false)
// Return the generated state
return db, sdb, root, accounts
@ -100,28 +100,9 @@ func checkStateAccounts(t *testing.T, db ethdb.Database, root common.Hash, accou
// checkTrieConsistency checks that all nodes in a (sub-)trie are indeed present.
func checkTrieConsistency(db ethdb.Database, root common.Hash) error {
if v, _ := db.Get(root[:]); v == nil {
return nil // Consider a non existent state consistent.
trie, err := trie.New(trie.StateTrieID(root), trie.NewDatabase(db))
if err != nil {
return err
it := trie.NodeIterator(nil)
for it.Next(true) {
return it.Error()
// checkStateConsistency checks that all data of a state root is present.
func checkStateConsistency(db ethdb.Database, root common.Hash) error {
// Create and iterate a state trie rooted in a sub-node
if _, err := db.Get(root.Bytes()); err != nil {
return nil // Consider a non existent state consistent.
state, err := New(root, NewDatabase(db), nil)
state, err := New(root, NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{Preimages: true}), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -171,7 +152,7 @@ type stateElement struct {
func testIterativeStateSync(t *testing.T, count int, commit bool, bypath bool) {
// Create a random state to copy
_, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
srcDisk, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
if commit {
srcDb.TrieDB().Commit(srcRoot, false)
@ -204,7 +185,7 @@ func testIterativeStateSync(t *testing.T, count int, commit bool, bypath bool) {
codeResults = make([]trie.CodeSyncResult, len(codeElements))
for i, element := range codeElements {
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Hash{}, element.code)
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Address{}, element.code)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve contract bytecode for hash %x", element.code)
@ -274,6 +255,10 @@ func testIterativeStateSync(t *testing.T, count int, commit bool, bypath bool) {
// Copy the preimages from source db in order to traverse the state.
copyPreimages(srcDisk, dstDb)
// Cross check that the two states are in sync
checkStateAccounts(t, dstDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts)
@ -282,7 +267,7 @@ func testIterativeStateSync(t *testing.T, count int, commit bool, bypath bool) {
// partial results are returned, and the others sent only later.
func TestIterativeDelayedStateSync(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random state to copy
_, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
srcDisk, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
// Create a destination state and sync with the scheduler
dstDb := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
@ -312,7 +297,7 @@ func TestIterativeDelayedStateSync(t *testing.T) {
if len(codeElements) > 0 {
codeResults := make([]trie.CodeSyncResult, len(codeElements)/2+1)
for i, element := range codeElements[:len(codeResults)] {
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Hash{}, element.code)
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Address{}, element.code)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve contract bytecode for %x", element.code)
@ -363,6 +348,10 @@ func TestIterativeDelayedStateSync(t *testing.T) {
// Copy the preimages from source db in order to traverse the state.
copyPreimages(srcDisk, dstDb)
// Cross check that the two states are in sync
checkStateAccounts(t, dstDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts)
@ -375,7 +364,7 @@ func TestIterativeRandomStateSyncBatched(t *testing.T) { testIterativeRandomS
func testIterativeRandomStateSync(t *testing.T, count int) {
// Create a random state to copy
_, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
srcDisk, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
// Create a destination state and sync with the scheduler
dstDb := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
@ -399,7 +388,7 @@ func testIterativeRandomStateSync(t *testing.T, count int) {
if len(codeQueue) > 0 {
results := make([]trie.CodeSyncResult, 0, len(codeQueue))
for hash := range codeQueue {
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Hash{}, hash)
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Address{}, hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x", hash)
@ -447,6 +436,10 @@ func testIterativeRandomStateSync(t *testing.T, count int) {
codeQueue[hash] = struct{}{}
// Copy the preimages from source db in order to traverse the state.
copyPreimages(srcDisk, dstDb)
// Cross check that the two states are in sync
checkStateAccounts(t, dstDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts)
@ -455,7 +448,7 @@ func testIterativeRandomStateSync(t *testing.T, count int) {
// partial results are returned (Even those randomly), others sent only later.
func TestIterativeRandomDelayedStateSync(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random state to copy
_, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
srcDisk, srcDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts := makeTestState()
// Create a destination state and sync with the scheduler
dstDb := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
@ -481,7 +474,7 @@ func TestIterativeRandomDelayedStateSync(t *testing.T) {
for hash := range codeQueue {
delete(codeQueue, hash)
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Hash{}, hash)
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Address{}, hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x", hash)
@ -537,6 +530,10 @@ func TestIterativeRandomDelayedStateSync(t *testing.T) {
codeQueue[hash] = struct{}{}
// Copy the preimages from source db in order to traverse the state.
copyPreimages(srcDisk, dstDb)
// Cross check that the two states are in sync
checkStateAccounts(t, dstDb, srcRoot, srcAccounts)
@ -555,7 +552,6 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
isCode[types.EmptyCodeHash] = struct{}{}
checkTrieConsistency(db, srcRoot)
// Create a destination state and sync with the scheduler
dstDb := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
@ -566,6 +562,10 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
addedPaths []string
addedHashes []common.Hash
reader, err := srcDb.TrieDB().Reader(srcRoot)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("state is not available %x", srcRoot)
nodeQueue := make(map[string]stateElement)
codeQueue := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
paths, nodes, codes := sched.Missing(1)
@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
if len(codeQueue) > 0 {
results := make([]trie.CodeSyncResult, 0, len(codeQueue))
for hash := range codeQueue {
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Hash{}, hash)
data, err := srcDb.ContractCode(common.Address{}, hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x", hash)
@ -598,12 +598,11 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
var nodehashes []common.Hash
if len(nodeQueue) > 0 {
results := make([]trie.NodeSyncResult, 0, len(nodeQueue))
for path, element := range nodeQueue {
owner, inner := trie.ResolvePath([]byte(element.path))
data, err := srcDb.TrieDB().Reader(srcRoot).Node(owner, inner, element.hash)
data, err := reader.Node(owner, inner, element.hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x", element.hash)
@ -613,7 +612,6 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
addedPaths = append(addedPaths, element.path)
addedHashes = append(addedHashes, element.hash)
nodehashes = append(nodehashes, element.hash)
// Process each of the state nodes
for _, result := range results {
@ -628,13 +626,6 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
for _, root := range nodehashes {
// Can't use checkStateConsistency here because subtrie keys may have odd
// length and crash in LeafKey.
if err := checkTrieConsistency(dstDb, root); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("state inconsistent: %v", err)
// Fetch the next batch to retrieve
nodeQueue = make(map[string]stateElement)
codeQueue = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
@ -650,6 +641,10 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
codeQueue[hash] = struct{}{}
// Copy the preimages from source db in order to traverse the state.
copyPreimages(db, dstDb)
// Sanity check that removing any node from the database is detected
for _, node := range addedCodes {
val := rawdb.ReadCode(dstDb, node)
@ -674,3 +669,15 @@ func TestIncompleteStateSync(t *testing.T) {
rawdb.WriteTrieNode(dstDb, owner, inner, hash, val, scheme)
func copyPreimages(srcDb, dstDb ethdb.Database) {
it := srcDb.NewIterator(rawdb.PreimagePrefix, nil)
defer it.Release()
preimages := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for it.Next() {
hash := it.Key()[len(rawdb.PreimagePrefix):]
preimages[common.BytesToHash(hash)] = common.CopyBytes(it.Value())
rawdb.WritePreimages(dstDb, preimages)

View File

@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ func (sf *subfetcher) loop() {
sf.trie = trie
} else {
trie, err := sf.db.OpenStorageTrie(sf.state, sf.owner, sf.root)
trie, err := sf.db.OpenStorageTrie(sf.state, sf.addr, sf.root)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Trie prefetcher failed opening trie", "root", sf.root, "err", err)

View File

@ -173,6 +173,6 @@ func ApplyTransaction(config *params.ChainConfig, bc ChainContext, author *commo
// Create a new context to be used in the EVM environment
blockContext := NewEVMBlockContext(header, bc, author)
vmenv := vm.NewEVM(blockContext, vm.TxContext{}, statedb, config, cfg)
vmenv := vm.NewEVM(blockContext, vm.TxContext{BlobHashes: tx.BlobHashes()}, statedb, config, cfg)
return applyTransaction(msg, config, gp, statedb, header.Number, header.Hash(), tx, usedGas, vmenv)

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import (
@ -45,19 +46,23 @@ func u64(val uint64) *uint64 { return &val }
func TestStateProcessorErrors(t *testing.T) {
var (
config = &params.ChainConfig{
ChainID: big.NewInt(1),
HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP155Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP158Block: big.NewInt(0),
ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(0),
ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(0),
IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(0),
MuirGlacierBlock: big.NewInt(0),
BerlinBlock: big.NewInt(0),
LondonBlock: big.NewInt(0),
Ethash: new(params.EthashConfig),
ChainID: big.NewInt(1),
HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP155Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP158Block: big.NewInt(0),
ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(0),
ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(0),
IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(0),
MuirGlacierBlock: big.NewInt(0),
BerlinBlock: big.NewInt(0),
LondonBlock: big.NewInt(0),
Ethash: new(params.EthashConfig),
TerminalTotalDifficulty: big.NewInt(0),
TerminalTotalDifficultyPassed: true,
ShanghaiTime: new(uint64),
CancunTime: new(uint64),
signer = types.LatestSigner(config)
key1, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
@ -89,6 +94,22 @@ func TestStateProcessorErrors(t *testing.T) {
}), signer, key1)
return tx
var mkBlobTx = func(nonce uint64, to common.Address, gasLimit uint64, gasTipCap, gasFeeCap *big.Int, hashes []common.Hash) *types.Transaction {
tx, err := types.SignTx(types.NewTx(&types.BlobTx{
Nonce: nonce,
GasTipCap: uint256.MustFromBig(gasTipCap),
GasFeeCap: uint256.MustFromBig(gasFeeCap),
Gas: gasLimit,
To: to,
BlobHashes: hashes,
Value: new(uint256.Int),
}), signer, key1)
if err != nil {
return tx
{ // Tests against a 'recent' chain definition
var (
db = rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
@ -105,8 +126,10 @@ func TestStateProcessorErrors(t *testing.T) {
blockchain, _ = NewBlockChain(db, nil, gspec, nil, ethash.NewFaker(), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
blockchain, _ = NewBlockChain(db, nil, gspec, nil, beacon.New(ethash.NewFaker()), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
tooBigInitCode = [params.MaxInitCodeSize + 1]byte{}
defer blockchain.Stop()
bigNumber := new(big.Int).SetBytes(common.FromHex("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"))
tooBigNumber := new(big.Int).Set(bigNumber)
@ -209,8 +232,26 @@ func TestStateProcessorErrors(t *testing.T) {
want: "could not apply tx 0 [0xd82a0c2519acfeac9a948258c47e784acd20651d9d80f9a1c67b4137651c3a24]: insufficient funds for gas * price + value: address 0x71562b71999873DB5b286dF957af199Ec94617F7 have 1000000000000000000 want 2431633873983640103894990685182446064918669677978451844828609264166175722438635000",
{ // ErrMaxInitCodeSizeExceeded
txs: []*types.Transaction{
mkDynamicCreationTx(0, 500000, common.Big0, big.NewInt(params.InitialBaseFee), tooBigInitCode[:]),
want: "could not apply tx 0 [0xd491405f06c92d118dd3208376fcee18a57c54bc52063ee4a26b1cf296857c25]: max initcode size exceeded: code size 49153 limit 49152",
{ // ErrIntrinsicGas: Not enough gas to cover init code
txs: []*types.Transaction{
mkDynamicCreationTx(0, 54299, common.Big0, big.NewInt(params.InitialBaseFee), make([]byte, 320)),
want: "could not apply tx 0 [0xfd49536a9b323769d8472fcb3ebb3689b707a349379baee3e2ee3fe7baae06a1]: intrinsic gas too low: have 54299, want 54300",
{ // ErrBlobFeeCapTooLow
txs: []*types.Transaction{
mkBlobTx(0, common.Address{}, params.TxGas, big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(1), []common.Hash{(common.Hash{1})}),
want: "could not apply tx 0 [0x6c11015985ce82db691d7b2d017acda296db88b811c3c60dc71449c76256c716]: max fee per gas less than block base fee: address 0x71562b71999873DB5b286dF957af199Ec94617F7, maxFeePerGas: 1 baseFee: 875000000",
} {
block := GenerateBadBlock(gspec.ToBlock(), ethash.NewFaker(), tt.txs, gspec.Config)
block := GenerateBadBlock(gspec.ToBlock(), beacon.New(ethash.NewFaker()), tt.txs, gspec.Config)
_, err := blockchain.InsertChain(types.Blocks{block})
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("block imported without errors")
@ -284,7 +325,7 @@ func TestStateProcessorErrors(t *testing.T) {
blockchain, _ = NewBlockChain(db, nil, gspec, nil, ethash.NewFaker(), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
blockchain, _ = NewBlockChain(db, nil, gspec, nil, beacon.New(ethash.NewFaker()), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
defer blockchain.Stop()
for i, tt := range []struct {
@ -298,73 +339,7 @@ func TestStateProcessorErrors(t *testing.T) {
want: "could not apply tx 0 [0x88626ac0d53cb65308f2416103c62bb1f18b805573d4f96a3640bbbfff13c14f]: sender not an eoa: address 0x71562b71999873DB5b286dF957af199Ec94617F7, codehash: 0x9280914443471259d4570a8661015ae4a5b80186dbc619658fb494bebc3da3d1",
} {
block := GenerateBadBlock(gspec.ToBlock(), ethash.NewFaker(), tt.txs, gspec.Config)
_, err := blockchain.InsertChain(types.Blocks{block})
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("block imported without errors")
if have, want := err.Error(), tt.want; have != want {
t.Errorf("test %d:\nhave \"%v\"\nwant \"%v\"\n", i, have, want)
// ErrMaxInitCodeSizeExceeded, for this we need extra Shanghai (EIP-3860) enabled.
var (
db = rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
gspec = &Genesis{
Config: &params.ChainConfig{
ChainID: big.NewInt(1),
HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP155Block: big.NewInt(0),
EIP158Block: big.NewInt(0),
ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(0),
ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(0),
IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(0),
MuirGlacierBlock: big.NewInt(0),
BerlinBlock: big.NewInt(0),
LondonBlock: big.NewInt(0),
ArrowGlacierBlock: big.NewInt(0),
GrayGlacierBlock: big.NewInt(0),
MergeNetsplitBlock: big.NewInt(0),
TerminalTotalDifficulty: big.NewInt(0),
TerminalTotalDifficultyPassed: true,
ShanghaiTime: u64(0),
Alloc: GenesisAlloc{
common.HexToAddress("0x71562b71999873DB5b286dF957af199Ec94617F7"): GenesisAccount{
Balance: big.NewInt(1000000000000000000), // 1 ether
Nonce: 0,
genesis = gspec.MustCommit(db)
blockchain, _ = NewBlockChain(db, nil, gspec, nil, beacon.New(ethash.NewFaker()), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
tooBigInitCode = [params.MaxInitCodeSize + 1]byte{}
smallInitCode = [320]byte{}
defer blockchain.Stop()
for i, tt := range []struct {
txs []*types.Transaction
want string
{ // ErrMaxInitCodeSizeExceeded
txs: []*types.Transaction{
mkDynamicCreationTx(0, 500000, common.Big0, misc.CalcBaseFee(config, genesis.Header()), tooBigInitCode[:]),
want: "could not apply tx 0 [0x832b54a6c3359474a9f504b1003b2cc1b6fcaa18e4ef369eb45b5d40dad6378f]: max initcode size exceeded: code size 49153 limit 49152",
{ // ErrIntrinsicGas: Not enough gas to cover init code
txs: []*types.Transaction{
mkDynamicCreationTx(0, 54299, common.Big0, misc.CalcBaseFee(config, genesis.Header()), smallInitCode[:]),
want: "could not apply tx 0 [0x39b7436cb432d3662a25626474282c5c4c1a213326fd87e4e18a91477bae98b2]: intrinsic gas too low: have 54299, want 54300",
} {
block := GenerateBadBlock(genesis, beacon.New(ethash.NewFaker()), tt.txs, gspec.Config)
block := GenerateBadBlock(gspec.ToBlock(), beacon.New(ethash.NewFaker()), tt.txs, gspec.Config)
_, err := blockchain.InsertChain(types.Blocks{block})
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("block imported without errors")
@ -412,6 +387,7 @@ func GenerateBadBlock(parent *types.Block, engine consensus.Engine, txs types.Tr
hasher := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
var cumulativeGas uint64
var nBlobs int
for _, tx := range txs {
txh := tx.Hash()
@ -420,8 +396,20 @@ func GenerateBadBlock(parent *types.Block, engine consensus.Engine, txs types.Tr
receipt.GasUsed = tx.Gas()
receipts = append(receipts, receipt)
cumulativeGas += tx.Gas()
nBlobs += len(tx.BlobHashes())
header.Root = common.BytesToHash(hasher.Sum(nil))
if config.IsCancun(header.Number, header.Time) {
var pExcess, pUsed = uint64(0), uint64(0)
if parent.ExcessDataGas() != nil {
pExcess = *parent.ExcessDataGas()
pUsed = *parent.DataGasUsed()
excess := misc.CalcExcessDataGas(pExcess, pUsed)
used := uint64(nBlobs * params.BlobTxDataGasPerBlob)
header.ExcessDataGas = &excess
header.DataGasUsed = &used
// Assemble and return the final block for sealing
if config.IsShanghai(header.Number, header.Time) {
return types.NewBlockWithWithdrawals(header, txs, nil, receipts, []*types.Withdrawal{}, trie.NewStackTrie(nil))

View File

@ -17,12 +17,14 @@
package core
import (
cmath ""
@ -126,17 +128,18 @@ func toWordSize(size uint64) uint64 {
// A Message contains the data derived from a single transaction that is relevant to state
// processing.
type Message struct {
To *common.Address
From common.Address
Nonce uint64
Value *big.Int
GasLimit uint64
GasPrice *big.Int
GasFeeCap *big.Int
GasTipCap *big.Int
Data []byte
AccessList types.AccessList
BlobHashes []common.Hash
To *common.Address
From common.Address
Nonce uint64
Value *big.Int
GasLimit uint64
GasPrice *big.Int
GasFeeCap *big.Int
GasTipCap *big.Int
Data []byte
AccessList types.AccessList
BlobGasFeeCap *big.Int
BlobHashes []common.Hash
// When SkipAccountChecks is true, the message nonce is not checked against the
// account nonce in state. It also disables checking that the sender is an EOA.
@ -158,6 +161,7 @@ func TransactionToMessage(tx *types.Transaction, s types.Signer, baseFee *big.In
AccessList: tx.AccessList(),
SkipAccountChecks: false,
BlobHashes: tx.BlobHashes(),
BlobGasFeeCap: tx.BlobGasFeeCap(),
// If baseFee provided, set gasPrice to effectiveGasPrice.
if baseFee != nil {
@ -231,12 +235,28 @@ func (st *StateTransition) to() common.Address {
func (st *StateTransition) buyGas() error {
mgval := new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.msg.GasLimit)
mgval = mgval.Mul(mgval, st.msg.GasPrice)
balanceCheck := mgval
balanceCheck := new(big.Int).Set(mgval)
if st.msg.GasFeeCap != nil {
balanceCheck = new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.msg.GasLimit)
balanceCheck = balanceCheck.Mul(balanceCheck, st.msg.GasFeeCap)
balanceCheck.Add(balanceCheck, st.msg.Value)
if st.evm.ChainConfig().IsCancun(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber, st.evm.Context.Time) {
if dataGas := st.dataGasUsed(); dataGas > 0 {
if st.evm.Context.ExcessDataGas == nil {
// programming error
panic("missing field excess data gas")
// Check that the user has enough funds to cover dataGasUsed * tx.BlobGasFeeCap
blobBalanceCheck := new(big.Int).SetUint64(dataGas)
blobBalanceCheck.Mul(blobBalanceCheck, st.msg.BlobGasFeeCap)
balanceCheck.Add(balanceCheck, blobBalanceCheck)
// Pay for dataGasUsed * actual blob fee
blobFee := new(big.Int).SetUint64(dataGas)
blobFee.Mul(blobFee, misc.CalcBlobFee(*st.evm.Context.ExcessDataGas))
mgval.Add(mgval, blobFee)
if have, want := st.state.GetBalance(st.msg.From), balanceCheck; have.Cmp(want) < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v have %v want %v", ErrInsufficientFunds, st.msg.From.Hex(), have, want)
@ -298,6 +318,28 @@ func (st *StateTransition) preCheck() error {
// Check the blob version validity
if msg.BlobHashes != nil {
if len(msg.BlobHashes) == 0 {
return errors.New("blob transaction missing blob hashes")
for i, hash := range msg.BlobHashes {
if hash[0] != params.BlobTxHashVersion {
return fmt.Errorf("blob %d hash version mismatch (have %d, supported %d)",
i, hash[0], params.BlobTxHashVersion)
if st.evm.ChainConfig().IsCancun(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber, st.evm.Context.Time) {
if st.dataGasUsed() > 0 {
// Check that the user is paying at least the current blob fee
if have, want := st.msg.BlobGasFeeCap, misc.CalcBlobFee(*st.evm.Context.ExcessDataGas); have.Cmp(want) < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v have %v want %v", ErrBlobFeeCapTooLow, st.msg.From.Hex(), have, want)
return st.buyGas()
@ -424,3 +466,8 @@ func (st *StateTransition) refundGas(refundQuotient uint64) {
func (st *StateTransition) gasUsed() uint64 {
return st.initialGas - st.gasRemaining
// dataGasUsed returns the amount of data gas used by the message.
func (st *StateTransition) dataGasUsed() uint64 {
return uint64(len(st.msg.BlobHashes) * params.BlobTxDataGasPerBlob)

core/txpool/errors.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package txpool
import "errors"
var (
// ErrAlreadyKnown is returned if the transactions is already contained
// within the pool.
ErrAlreadyKnown = errors.New("already known")
// ErrInvalidSender is returned if the transaction contains an invalid signature.
ErrInvalidSender = errors.New("invalid sender")
// ErrUnderpriced is returned if a transaction's gas price is below the minimum
// configured for the transaction pool.
ErrUnderpriced = errors.New("transaction underpriced")
// ErrReplaceUnderpriced is returned if a transaction is attempted to be replaced
// with a different one without the required price bump.
ErrReplaceUnderpriced = errors.New("replacement transaction underpriced")
// ErrGasLimit is returned if a transaction's requested gas limit exceeds the
// maximum allowance of the current block.
ErrGasLimit = errors.New("exceeds block gas limit")
// ErrNegativeValue is a sanity error to ensure no one is able to specify a
// transaction with a negative value.
ErrNegativeValue = errors.New("negative value")
// ErrOversizedData is returned if the input data of a transaction is greater
// than some meaningful limit a user might use. This is not a consensus error
// making the transaction invalid, rather a DOS protection.
ErrOversizedData = errors.New("oversized data")
// ErrFutureReplacePending is returned if a future transaction replaces a pending
// transaction. Future transactions should only be able to replace other future transactions.
ErrFutureReplacePending = errors.New("future transaction tries to replace pending")

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package txpool
package legacypool
import (

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package txpool
package legacypool
import (
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func pricedValuedTransaction(nonce uint64, value int64, gaslimit uint64, gaspric
return tx
func count(t *testing.T, pool *TxPool) (pending int, queued int) {
func count(t *testing.T, pool *LegacyPool) (pending int, queued int) {
pending, queued = pool.stats()
if err := validatePoolInternals(pool); err != nil {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func count(t *testing.T, pool *TxPool) (pending int, queued int) {
return pending, queued
func fillPool(t testing.TB, pool *TxPool) {
func fillPool(t testing.TB, pool *LegacyPool) {
// Create a number of test accounts, fund them and make transactions
executableTxs := types.Transactions{}
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ func fillPool(t testing.TB, pool *TxPool) {
// Import the batch and verify that limits have been enforced
pending, queued := pool.Stats()
slots := pool.all.Slots()
// sanity-check that the test prerequisites are ok (pending full)
@ -79,12 +79,13 @@ func TestTransactionFutureAttack(t *testing.T) {
// Create the pool to test the limit enforcement with
statedb, _ := state.New(types.EmptyRootHash, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(eip1559Config, 1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
config := testTxPoolConfig
config.GlobalQueue = 100
config.GlobalSlots = 100
pool := New(config, eip1559Config, blockchain)
defer pool.Stop()
pool := New(config, blockchain)
pool.Init(new(big.Int).SetUint64(config.PriceLimit), blockchain.CurrentBlock())
defer pool.Close()
fillPool(t, pool)
pending, _ := pool.Stats()
// Now, future transaction attack starts, let's add a bunch of expensive non-executables, and see if the pending-count drops
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ func TestTransactionFutureAttack(t *testing.T) {
futureTxs = append(futureTxs, pricedTransaction(1000+uint64(j), 100000, big.NewInt(500), key))
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
newPending, newQueued := count(t, pool)
t.Logf("pending: %d queued: %d, all: %d\n", newPending, newQueued, pool.all.Slots())
@ -115,9 +116,10 @@ func TestTransactionFuture1559(t *testing.T) {
// Create the pool to test the pricing enforcement with
statedb, _ := state.New(types.EmptyRootHash, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
pool := New(testTxPoolConfig, eip1559Config, blockchain)
defer pool.Stop()
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(eip1559Config, 1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
pool := New(testTxPoolConfig, blockchain)
pool.Init(new(big.Int).SetUint64(testTxPoolConfig.PriceLimit), blockchain.CurrentBlock())
defer pool.Close()
// Create a number of test accounts, fund them and make transactions
fillPool(t, pool)
@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ func TestTransactionFuture1559(t *testing.T) {
for j := 0; j < int(pool.config.GlobalSlots+pool.config.GlobalQueue); j++ {
futureTxs = append(futureTxs, dynamicFeeTx(1000+uint64(j), 100000, big.NewInt(200), big.NewInt(101), key))
newPending, _ := pool.Stats()
// Pending should not have been touched
@ -147,9 +149,10 @@ func TestTransactionZAttack(t *testing.T) {
// Create the pool to test the pricing enforcement with
statedb, _ := state.New(types.EmptyRootHash, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
pool := New(testTxPoolConfig, eip1559Config, blockchain)
defer pool.Stop()
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(eip1559Config, 1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
pool := New(testTxPoolConfig, blockchain)
pool.Init(new(big.Int).SetUint64(testTxPoolConfig.PriceLimit), blockchain.CurrentBlock())
defer pool.Close()
// Create a number of test accounts, fund them and make transactions
fillPool(t, pool)
@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ func TestTransactionZAttack(t *testing.T) {
key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
pool.currentState.AddBalance(crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key.PublicKey), big.NewInt(100000000000), 0x0)
futureTxs = append(futureTxs, pricedTransaction(1000+uint64(j), 21000, big.NewInt(500), key))
overDraftTxs := types.Transactions{}
@ -192,11 +195,11 @@ func TestTransactionZAttack(t *testing.T) {
overDraftTxs = append(overDraftTxs, pricedValuedTransaction(uint64(j), 600000000000, 21000, big.NewInt(500), key))
newPending, newQueued := count(t, pool)
newIvPending := countInvalidPending()
@ -214,12 +217,13 @@ func TestTransactionZAttack(t *testing.T) {
func BenchmarkFutureAttack(b *testing.B) {
// Create the pool to test the limit enforcement with
statedb, _ := state.New(types.EmptyRootHash, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
blockchain := newTestBlockChain(eip1559Config, 1000000, statedb, new(event.Feed))
config := testTxPoolConfig
config.GlobalQueue = 100
config.GlobalSlots = 100
pool := New(config, eip1559Config, blockchain)
defer pool.Stop()
pool := New(config, blockchain)
pool.Init(new(big.Int).SetUint64(testTxPoolConfig.PriceLimit), blockchain.CurrentBlock())
defer pool.Close()
fillPool(b, pool)
key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
@ -231,6 +235,6 @@ func BenchmarkFutureAttack(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package txpool
package legacypool
import (
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ func (l *pricedList) underpricedFor(h *priceHeap, tx *types.Transaction) bool {
func (l *pricedList) Discard(slots int, force bool) (types.Transactions, bool) {
drop := make(types.Transactions, 0, slots) // Remote underpriced transactions to drop
for slots > 0 {
if len(l.urgent.list)*floatingRatio > len(l.floating.list)*urgentRatio || floatingRatio == 0 {
if len(l.urgent.list)*floatingRatio > len(l.floating.list)*urgentRatio {
// Discard stale transactions if found during cleanup
tx := heap.Pop(&l.urgent).(*types.Transaction)
if l.all.GetRemote(tx.Hash()) == nil { // Removed or migrated

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package txpool
package legacypool
import (

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package txpool
package legacypool
import (

core/txpool/subpool.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// Copyright 2023 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package txpool
import (
// Transaction is a helper struct to group together a canonical transaction with
// satellite data items that are needed by the pool but are not part of the chain.
type Transaction struct {
Tx *types.Transaction // Canonical transaction
BlobTxBlobs []kzg4844.Blob // Blobs needed by the blob pool
BlobTxCommits []kzg4844.Commitment // Commitments needed by the blob pool
BlobTxProofs []kzg4844.Proof // Proofs needed by the blob pool
// SubPool represents a specialized transaction pool that lives on its own (e.g.
// blob pool). Since independent of how many specialized pools we have, they do
// need to be updated in lockstep and assemble into one coherent view for block
// production, this interface defines the common methods that allow the primary
// transaction pool to manage the subpools.
type SubPool interface {
// Filter is a selector used to decide whether a transaction whould be added
// to this particular subpool.
Filter(tx *types.Transaction) bool
// Init sets the base parameters of the subpool, allowing it to load any saved
// transactions from disk and also permitting internal maintenance routines to
// start up.
// These should not be passed as a constructor argument - nor should the pools
// start by themselves - in order to keep multiple subpools in lockstep with
// one another.
Init(gasTip *big.Int, head *types.Header) error
// Close terminates any background processing threads and releases any held
// resources.
Close() error
// Reset retrieves the current state of the blockchain and ensures the content
// of the transaction pool is valid with regard to the chain state.
Reset(oldHead, newHead *types.Header)
// SetGasTip updates the minimum price required by the subpool for a new
// transaction, and drops all transactions below this threshold.
SetGasTip(tip *big.Int)
// Has returns an indicator whether subpool has a transaction cached with the
// given hash.
Has(hash common.Hash) bool
// Get returns a transaction if it is contained in the pool, or nil otherwise.
Get(hash common.Hash) *Transaction
// Add enqueues a batch of transactions into the pool if they are valid. Due
// to the large transaction churn, add may postpone fully integrating the tx
// to a later point to batch multiple ones together.
Add(txs []*Transaction, local bool, sync bool) []error
// Pending retrieves all currently processable transactions, grouped by origin
// account and sorted by nonce.
Pending(enforceTips bool) map[common.Address][]*types.Transaction
// SubscribeTransactions subscribes to new transaction events.
SubscribeTransactions(ch chan<- core.NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription
// Nonce returns the next nonce of an account, with all transactions executable
// by the pool already applied on top.
Nonce(addr common.Address) uint64
// Stats retrieves the current pool stats, namely the number of pending and the
// number of queued (non-executable) transactions.
Stats() (int, int)
// Content retrieves the data content of the transaction pool, returning all the
// pending as well as queued transactions, grouped by account and sorted by nonce.
Content() (map[common.Address][]*types.Transaction, map[common.Address][]*types.Transaction)
// ContentFrom retrieves the data content of the transaction pool, returning the
// pending as well as queued transactions of this address, grouped by nonce.
ContentFrom(addr common.Address) ([]*types.Transaction, []*types.Transaction)
// Locals retrieves the accounts currently considered local by the pool.
Locals() []common.Address
// Status returns the known status (unknown/pending/queued) of a transaction
// identified by their hashes.
Status(hash common.Hash) TxStatus

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package types
import (
@ -26,9 +25,9 @@ import (
// from bcValidBlockTest.json, "SimpleTx"
@ -217,31 +216,6 @@ func BenchmarkEncodeBlock(b *testing.B) {
// testHasher is the helper tool for transaction/receipt list hashing.
// The original hasher is trie, in order to get rid of import cycle,
// use the testing hasher instead.
type testHasher struct {
hasher hash.Hash
func newHasher() *testHasher {
return &testHasher{hasher: sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()}
func (h *testHasher) Reset() {
func (h *testHasher) Update(key, val []byte) error {
return nil
func (h *testHasher) Hash() common.Hash {
return common.BytesToHash(h.hasher.Sum(nil))
func makeBenchBlock() *Block {
var (
key, _ = crypto.GenerateKey()
@ -280,7 +254,7 @@ func makeBenchBlock() *Block {
Extra: []byte("benchmark uncle"),
return NewBlock(header, txs, uncles, receipts, newHasher())
return NewBlock(header, txs, uncles, receipts, blocktest.NewHasher())
func TestRlpDecodeParentHash(t *testing.T) {

View File

@ -35,6 +35,29 @@ type StateAccount struct {
CodeHash []byte
// NewEmptyStateAccount constructs an empty state account.
func NewEmptyStateAccount() *StateAccount {
return &StateAccount{
Balance: new(big.Int),
Root: EmptyRootHash,
CodeHash: EmptyCodeHash.Bytes(),
// Copy returns a deep-copied state account object.
func (acct *StateAccount) Copy() *StateAccount {
var balance *big.Int
if acct.Balance != nil {
balance = new(big.Int).Set(acct.Balance)
return &StateAccount{
Nonce: acct.Nonce,
Balance: balance,
Root: acct.Root,
CodeHash: common.CopyBytes(acct.CodeHash),
// SlimAccount is a modified version of an Account, where the root is replaced
// with a byte slice. This format can be used to represent full-consensus format
// or slim format which replaces the empty root and code hash as nil byte slice.

View File

@ -555,10 +555,10 @@ func (s *TxByPriceAndTime) Pop() interface{} {
// transactions in a profit-maximizing sorted order, while supporting removing
// entire batches of transactions for non-executable accounts.
type TransactionsByPriceAndNonce struct {
txs map[common.Address]Transactions // Per account nonce-sorted list of transactions
heads TxByPriceAndTime // Next transaction for each unique account (price heap)
signer Signer // Signer for the set of transactions
baseFee *big.Int // Current base fee
txs map[common.Address][]*Transaction // Per account nonce-sorted list of transactions
heads TxByPriceAndTime // Next transaction for each unique account (price heap)
signer Signer // Signer for the set of transactions
baseFee *big.Int // Current base fee
// NewTransactionsByPriceAndNonce creates a transaction set that can retrieve
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ type TransactionsByPriceAndNonce struct {
// Note, the input map is reowned so the caller should not interact any more with
// if after providing it to the constructor.
func NewTransactionsByPriceAndNonce(signer Signer, txs map[common.Address]Transactions, baseFee *big.Int) *TransactionsByPriceAndNonce {
func NewTransactionsByPriceAndNonce(signer Signer, txs map[common.Address][]*Transaction, baseFee *big.Int) *TransactionsByPriceAndNonce {
// Initialize a price and received time based heap with the head transactions
heads := make(TxByPriceAndTime, 0, len(txs))
for from, accTxs := range txs {

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More