@ -1036,6 +1036,18 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) WriteBlockWithState(block *types.Block, receipts []*types.
return status, nil
// addFutureBlock checks if the block is within the max allowed window to get
// accepted for future processing, and returns an error if the block is too far
// ahead and was not added.
func (bc *BlockChain) addFutureBlock(block *types.Block) error {
max := big.NewInt(time.Now().Unix() + maxTimeFutureBlocks)
if block.Time().Cmp(max) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("future block timestamp %v > allowed %v", block.Time(), max)
bc.futureBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)
return nil
// InsertChain attempts to insert the given batch of blocks in to the canonical
// chain or, otherwise, create a fork. If an error is returned it will return
// the index number of the failing block as well an error describing what went
@ -1043,18 +1055,9 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) WriteBlockWithState(block *types.Block, receipts []*types.
// After insertion is done, all accumulated events will be fired.
func (bc *BlockChain) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
n, events, logs, err := bc.insertChain(chain)
bc.PostChainEvents(events, logs)
return n, err
// insertChain will execute the actual chain insertion and event aggregation. The
// only reason this method exists as a separate one is to make locking cleaner
// with deferred statements.
func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, []interface{}, []*types.Log, error) {
// Sanity check that we have something meaningful to import
if len(chain) == 0 {
return 0, nil, nil, nil
return 0, nil
// Do a sanity check that the provided chain is actually ordered and linked
for i := 1; i < len(chain); i++ {
@ -1063,16 +1066,36 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, []interface{}, []*ty
log.Error("Non contiguous block insert", "number", chain[i].Number(), "hash", chain[i].Hash(),
"parent", chain[i].ParentHash(), "prevnumber", chain[i-1].Number(), "prevhash", chain[i-1].Hash())
return 0, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("non contiguous insert: item %d is #%d [%x…], item %d is #%d [%x…] (parent [%x…])", i-1, chain[i-1].NumberU64(),
return 0, fmt.Errorf("non contiguous insert: item %d is #%d [%x…], item %d is #%d [%x…] (parent [%x…])", i-1, chain[i-1].NumberU64(),
chain[i-1].Hash().Bytes()[:4], i, chain[i].NumberU64(), chain[i].Hash().Bytes()[:4], chain[i].ParentHash().Bytes()[:4])
// Pre-checks passed, start the full block imports
defer bc.wg.Done()
defer bc.chainmu.Unlock()
n, events, logs, err := bc.insertChain(chain, true)
bc.PostChainEvents(events, logs)
return n, err
// insertChain is the internal implementation of insertChain, which assumes that
// 1) chains are contiguous, and 2) The chain mutex is held.
// This method is split out so that import batches that require re-injecting
// historical blocks can do so without releasing the lock, which could lead to
// racey behaviour. If a sidechain import is in progress, and the historic state
// is imported, but then new canon-head is added before the actual sidechain
// completes, then the historic state could be pruned again
func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks, verifySeals bool) (int, []interface{}, []*types.Log, error) {
// If the chain is terminating, don't even bother starting u
if atomic.LoadInt32(&bc.procInterrupt) == 1 {
return 0, nil, nil, nil
// Start a parallel signature recovery (signer will fluke on fork transition, minimal perf loss)
senderCacher.recoverFromBlocks(types.MakeSigner(bc.chainConfig, chain[0].Number()), chain)
// A queued approach to delivering events. This is generally
// faster than direct delivery and requires much less mutex
@ -1089,16 +1112,56 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, []interface{}, []*ty
for i, block := range chain {
headers[i] = block.Header()
seals[i] = true
seals[i] = verifySeals
abort, results := bc.engine.VerifyHeaders(bc, headers, seals)
defer close(abort)
// Start a parallel signature recovery (signer will fluke on fork transition, minimal perf loss)
senderCacher.recoverFromBlocks(types.MakeSigner(bc.chainConfig, chain[0].Number()), chain)
// Peek the error for the first block to decide the directing import logic
it := newInsertIterator(chain, results, bc.Validator())
// Iterate over the blocks and insert when the verifier permits
for i, block := range chain {
block, err := it.next()
switch {
// First block is pruned, insert as sidechain and reorg only if TD grows enough
case err == consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor:
return bc.insertSidechain(it)
// First block is future, shove it (and all children) to the future queue (unknown ancestor)
case err == consensus.ErrFutureBlock || (err == consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor && bc.futureBlocks.Contains(it.first().ParentHash())):
for block != nil && (it.index == 0 || err == consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor) {
if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil {
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
block, err = it.next()
stats.queued += it.processed()
stats.ignored += it.remaining()
// If there are any still remaining, mark as ignored
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
// First block (and state) is known
// 1. We did a roll-back, and should now do a re-import
// 2. The block is stored as a sidechain, and is lying about it's stateroot, and passes a stateroot
// from the canonical chain, which has not been verified.
case err == ErrKnownBlock:
// Skip all known blocks that behind us
current := bc.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
for block != nil && err == ErrKnownBlock && current >= block.NumberU64() {
block, err = it.next()
// Falls through to the block import
// Some other error occurred, abort
case err != nil:
stats.ignored += len(it.chain)
bc.reportBlock(block, nil, err)
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
// No validation errors for the first block (or chain prefix skipped)
for ; block != nil && err == nil; block, err = it.next() {
// If the chain is terminating, stop processing blocks
if atomic.LoadInt32(&bc.procInterrupt) == 1 {
log.Debug("Premature abort during blocks processing")
@ -1107,115 +1170,45 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, []interface{}, []*ty
// If the header is a banned one, straight out abort
if BadHashes[block.Hash()] {
bc.reportBlock(block, nil, ErrBlacklistedHash)
return i, events, coalescedLogs, ErrBlacklistedHash
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, ErrBlacklistedHash
// Wait for the block's verification to complete
bstart := time.Now()
// Retrieve the parent block and it's state to execute on top
start := time.Now()
err := <-results
if err == nil {
err = bc.Validator().ValidateBody(block)
switch {
case err == ErrKnownBlock:
// Block and state both already known. However if the current block is below
// this number we did a rollback and we should reimport it nonetheless.
if bc.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() >= block.NumberU64() {
case err == consensus.ErrFutureBlock:
// Allow up to MaxFuture second in the future blocks. If this limit is exceeded
// the chain is discarded and processed at a later time if given.
max := big.NewInt(time.Now().Unix() + maxTimeFutureBlocks)
if block.Time().Cmp(max) > 0 {
return i, events, coalescedLogs, fmt.Errorf("future block: %v > %v", block.Time(), max)
bc.futureBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)
case err == consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor && bc.futureBlocks.Contains(block.ParentHash()):
bc.futureBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)
case err == consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor:
// Block competing with the canonical chain, store in the db, but don't process
// until the competitor TD goes above the canonical TD
currentBlock := bc.CurrentBlock()
localTd := bc.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64())
externTd := new(big.Int).Add(bc.GetTd(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1), block.Difficulty())
if localTd.Cmp(externTd) > 0 {
if err = bc.WriteBlockWithoutState(block, externTd); err != nil {
return i, events, coalescedLogs, err
// Competitor chain beat canonical, gather all blocks from the common ancestor
var winner []*types.Block
parent := bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1)
for !bc.HasState(parent.Root()) {
winner = append(winner, parent)
parent = bc.GetBlock(parent.ParentHash(), parent.NumberU64()-1)
for j := 0; j < len(winner)/2; j++ {
winner[j], winner[len(winner)-1-j] = winner[len(winner)-1-j], winner[j]
// Import all the pruned blocks to make the state available
_, evs, logs, err := bc.insertChain(winner)
events, coalescedLogs = evs, logs
if err != nil {
return i, events, coalescedLogs, err
case err != nil:
bc.reportBlock(block, nil, err)
return i, events, coalescedLogs, err
// Create a new statedb using the parent block and report an
// error if it fails.
var parent *types.Block
if i == 0 {
parent := it.previous()
if parent == nil {
parent = bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1)
} else {
parent = chain[i-1]
state, err := state.New(parent.Root(), bc.stateCache)
if err != nil {
return i, events, coalescedLogs, err
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
// Process block using the parent state as reference point.
receipts, logs, usedGas, err := bc.processor.Process(block, state, bc.vmConfig)
if err != nil {
bc.reportBlock(block, receipts, err)
return i, events, coalescedLogs, err
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
// Validate the state using the default validator
err = bc.Validator().ValidateState(block, parent, state, receipts, usedGas)
if err != nil {
if err := bc.Validator().ValidateState(block, parent, state, receipts, usedGas); err != nil {
bc.reportBlock(block, receipts, err)
return i, events, coalescedLogs, err
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
proctime := time.Since(bstart)
proctime := time.Since(start)
// Write the block to the chain and get the status.
status, err := bc.WriteBlockWithState(block, receipts, state)
if err != nil {
return i, events, coalescedLogs, err
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
switch status {
case CanonStatTy:
log.Debug("Inserted new block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", block.Hash(), "uncles", len(block.Uncles()),
"txs", len(block.Transactions()), "gas", block.GasUsed(), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(bstart)))
log.Debug("Inserted new block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", block.Hash(),
"uncles", len(block.Uncles()), "txs", len(block.Transactions()), "gas", block.GasUsed(),
"elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)),
"root", block.Root())
coalescedLogs = append(coalescedLogs, logs...)
events = append(events, ChainEvent{block, block.Hash(), logs})
lastCanon = block
@ -1223,78 +1216,153 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, []interface{}, []*ty
bc.gcproc += proctime
case SideStatTy:
log.Debug("Inserted forked block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", block.Hash(), "diff", block.Difficulty(), "elapsed",
common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(bstart)), "txs", len(block.Transactions()), "gas", block.GasUsed(), "uncles", len(block.Uncles()))
log.Debug("Inserted forked block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", block.Hash(),
"diff", block.Difficulty(), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)),
"txs", len(block.Transactions()), "gas", block.GasUsed(), "uncles", len(block.Uncles()),
"root", block.Root())
events = append(events, ChainSideEvent{block})
stats.usedGas += usedGas
cache, _ := bc.stateCache.TrieDB().Size()
stats.report(chain, i, cache)
stats.report(chain, it.index, cache)
// Any blocks remaining here? The only ones we care about are the future ones
if block != nil && err == consensus.ErrFutureBlock {
if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil {
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
block, err = it.next()
for ; block != nil && err == consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor; block, err = it.next() {
if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil {
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
stats.ignored += it.remaining()
// Append a single chain head event if we've progressed the chain
if lastCanon != nil && bc.CurrentBlock().Hash() == lastCanon.Hash() {
events = append(events, ChainHeadEvent{lastCanon})
return 0, events, coalescedLogs, nil
return it.index, events, coalescedLogs, err
// insertStats tracks and reports on block insertion.
type insertStats struct {
queued, processed, ignored int
usedGas uint64
lastIndex int
startTime mclock.AbsTime
// statsReportLimit is the time limit during import and export after which we
// always print out progress. This avoids the user wondering what's going on.
const statsReportLimit = 8 * time.Second
// report prints statistics if some number of blocks have been processed
// or more than a few seconds have passed since the last message.
func (st *insertStats) report(chain []*types.Block, index int, cache common.StorageSize) {
// Fetch the timings for the batch
// insertSidechain is called when an import batch hits upon a pruned ancestor
// error, which happens when a sidechain with a sufficiently old fork-block is
// found.
// The method writes all (header-and-body-valid) blocks to disk, then tries to
// switch over to the new chain if the TD exceeded the current chain.
func (bc *BlockChain) insertSidechain(it *insertIterator) (int, []interface{}, []*types.Log, error) {
var (
now = mclock.Now()
elapsed = time.Duration(now) - time.Duration(st.startTime)
externTd *big.Int
current = bc.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
// If we're at the last block of the batch or report period reached, log
if index == len(chain)-1 || elapsed >= statsReportLimit {
var (
end = chain[index]
txs = countTransactions(chain[st.lastIndex : index+1])
context := []interface{}{
"blocks", st.processed, "txs", txs, "mgas", float64(st.usedGas) / 1000000,
"elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(elapsed), "mgasps", float64(st.usedGas) * 1000 / float64(elapsed),
"number", end.Number(), "hash", end.Hash(),
if timestamp := time.Unix(end.Time().Int64(), 0); time.Since(timestamp) > time.Minute {
context = append(context, []interface{}{"age", common.PrettyAge(timestamp)}...)
context = append(context, []interface{}{"cache", cache}...)
// The first sidechain block error is already verified to be ErrPrunedAncestor.
// Since we don't import them here, we expect ErrUnknownAncestor for the remaining
// ones. Any other errors means that the block is invalid, and should not be written
// to disk.
block, err := it.current(), consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor
for ; block != nil && (err == consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor); block, err = it.next() {
// Check the canonical state root for that number
if number := block.NumberU64(); current >= number {
if canonical := bc.GetBlockByNumber(number); canonical != nil && canonical.Root() == block.Root() {
// This is most likely a shadow-state attack. When a fork is imported into the
// database, and it eventually reaches a block height which is not pruned, we
// just found that the state already exist! This means that the sidechain block
// refers to a state which already exists in our canon chain.
// If left unchecked, we would now proceed importing the blocks, without actually
// having verified the state of the previous blocks.
log.Warn("Sidechain ghost-state attack detected", "number", block.NumberU64(), "sideroot", block.Root(), "canonroot", canonical.Root())
if st.queued > 0 {
context = append(context, []interface{}{"queued", st.queued}...)
// If someone legitimately side-mines blocks, they would still be imported as usual. However,
// we cannot risk writing unverified blocks to disk when they obviously target the pruning
// mechanism.
return it.index, nil, nil, errors.New("sidechain ghost-state attack")
if st.ignored > 0 {
context = append(context, []interface{}{"ignored", st.ignored}...)
if externTd == nil {
externTd = bc.GetTd(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1)
log.Info("Imported new chain segment", context...)
externTd = new(big.Int).Add(externTd, block.Difficulty())
*st = insertStats{startTime: now, lastIndex: index + 1}
if !bc.HasBlock(block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()) {
start := time.Now()
if err := bc.WriteBlockWithoutState(block, externTd); err != nil {
return it.index, nil, nil, err
log.Debug("Inserted sidechain block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", block.Hash(),
"diff", block.Difficulty(), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)),
"txs", len(block.Transactions()), "gas", block.GasUsed(), "uncles", len(block.Uncles()),
"root", block.Root())
func countTransactions(chain []*types.Block) (c int) {
for _, b := range chain {
c += len(b.Transactions())
// At this point, we've written all sidechain blocks to database. Loop ended
// either on some other error or all were processed. If there was some other
// error, we can ignore the rest of those blocks.
// If the externTd was larger than our local TD, we now need to reimport the previous
// blocks to regenerate the required state
localTd := bc.GetTd(bc.CurrentBlock().Hash(), current)
if localTd.Cmp(externTd) > 0 {
log.Info("Sidechain written to disk", "start", it.first().NumberU64(), "end", it.previous().NumberU64(), "sidetd", externTd, "localtd", localTd)
return it.index, nil, nil, err
return c
// Gather all the sidechain hashes (full blocks may be memory heavy)
var (
hashes []common.Hash
numbers []uint64
parent := bc.GetHeader(it.previous().Hash(), it.previous().NumberU64())
for parent != nil && !bc.HasState(parent.Root) {
hashes = append(hashes, parent.Hash())
numbers = append(numbers, parent.Number.Uint64())
parent = bc.GetHeader(parent.ParentHash, parent.Number.Uint64()-1)
if parent == nil {
return it.index, nil, nil, errors.New("missing parent")
// Import all the pruned blocks to make the state available
var (
blocks []*types.Block
memory common.StorageSize
for i := len(hashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// Append the next block to our batch
block := bc.GetBlock(hashes[i], numbers[i])
blocks = append(blocks, block)
memory += block.Size()
// If memory use grew too large, import and continue. Sadly we need to discard
// all raised events and logs from notifications since we're too heavy on the
// memory here.
if len(blocks) >= 2048 || memory > 64*1024*1024 {
log.Info("Importing heavy sidechain segment", "blocks", len(blocks), "start", blocks[0].NumberU64(), "end", block.NumberU64())
if _, _, _, err := bc.insertChain(blocks, false); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
blocks, memory = blocks[:0], 0
// If the chain is terminating, stop processing blocks
if atomic.LoadInt32(&bc.procInterrupt) == 1 {
log.Debug("Premature abort during blocks processing")
return 0, nil, nil, nil
if len(blocks) > 0 {
log.Info("Importing sidechain segment", "start", blocks[0].NumberU64(), "end", blocks[len(blocks)-1].NumberU64())
return bc.insertChain(blocks, false)
return 0, nil, nil, nil
// reorgs takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the blocks and inserts them