cmd/geth: added counters to the geth inspect report (#21495)

* database: added counters

* Improved stats for ancient db

* Small improvement

* Better message and added percentage while counting receipts

* Fast counting for receipts

* added info message

* Show both receips itemscount  from ancient db and counted receipts

* Fixed default case

* Removed counter for receipts in ancient store

* Removed counting of receipts present in leveldb
This commit is contained in:
Giuseppe Bertone 2020-09-17 10:23:56 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent faba018b29
commit 07751c3d26
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 121 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -238,6 +238,36 @@ func NewLevelDBDatabaseWithFreezer(file string, cache int, handles int, freezer
return frdb, nil
type counter uint64
func (c counter) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", c)
func (c counter) Percentage(current uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", current*100/uint64(c))
// stat stores sizes and count for a parameter
type stat struct {
size common.StorageSize
count counter
// Add size to the stat and increase the counter by 1
func (s *stat) Add(size common.StorageSize) {
s.size += size
func (s *stat) Size() string {
return s.size.String()
func (s *stat) Count() string {
return s.count.String()
// InspectDatabase traverses the entire database and checks the size
// of all different categories of data.
func InspectDatabase(db ethdb.Database) error {
@ -250,36 +280,38 @@ func InspectDatabase(db ethdb.Database) error {
logged = time.Now()
// Key-value store statistics
total common.StorageSize
headerSize common.StorageSize
bodySize common.StorageSize
receiptSize common.StorageSize
tdSize common.StorageSize
numHashPairing common.StorageSize
hashNumPairing common.StorageSize
trieSize common.StorageSize
codeSize common.StorageSize
txlookupSize common.StorageSize
accountSnapSize common.StorageSize
storageSnapSize common.StorageSize
preimageSize common.StorageSize
bloomBitsSize common.StorageSize
cliqueSnapsSize common.StorageSize
headers stat
bodies stat
receipts stat
tds stat
numHashPairings stat
hashNumPairings stat
tries stat
codes stat
txLookups stat
accountSnaps stat
storageSnaps stat
preimages stat
bloomBits stat
cliqueSnaps stat
// Ancient store statistics
ancientHeaders common.StorageSize
ancientBodies common.StorageSize
ancientReceipts common.StorageSize
ancientHashes common.StorageSize
ancientTds common.StorageSize
ancientHeadersSize common.StorageSize
ancientBodiesSize common.StorageSize
ancientReceiptsSize common.StorageSize
ancientTdsSize common.StorageSize
ancientHashesSize common.StorageSize
// Les statistic
chtTrieNodes common.StorageSize
bloomTrieNodes common.StorageSize
chtTrieNodes stat
bloomTrieNodes stat
// Meta- and unaccounted data
metadata common.StorageSize
unaccounted common.StorageSize
metadata stat
unaccounted stat
// Totals
total common.StorageSize
// Inspect key-value database first.
for it.Next() {
@ -289,98 +321,104 @@ func InspectDatabase(db ethdb.Database) error {
total += size
switch {
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, headerPrefix) && bytes.HasSuffix(key, headerTDSuffix):
tdSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, headerPrefix) && bytes.HasSuffix(key, headerHashSuffix):
numHashPairing += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, headerPrefix) && len(key) == (len(headerPrefix)+8+common.HashLength):
headerSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, headerNumberPrefix) && len(key) == (len(headerNumberPrefix)+common.HashLength):
hashNumPairing += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, blockBodyPrefix) && len(key) == (len(blockBodyPrefix)+8+common.HashLength):
bodySize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, blockReceiptsPrefix) && len(key) == (len(blockReceiptsPrefix)+8+common.HashLength):
receiptSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, txLookupPrefix) && len(key) == (len(txLookupPrefix)+common.HashLength):
txlookupSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, SnapshotAccountPrefix) && len(key) == (len(SnapshotAccountPrefix)+common.HashLength):
accountSnapSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, SnapshotStoragePrefix) && len(key) == (len(SnapshotStoragePrefix)+2*common.HashLength):
storageSnapSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, preimagePrefix) && len(key) == (len(preimagePrefix)+common.HashLength):
preimageSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, bloomBitsPrefix) && len(key) == (len(bloomBitsPrefix)+10+common.HashLength):
bloomBitsSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("clique-")) && len(key) == 7+common.HashLength:
cliqueSnapsSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("cht-")) && len(key) == 4+common.HashLength:
chtTrieNodes += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("blt-")) && len(key) == 4+common.HashLength:
bloomTrieNodes += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, codePrefix) && len(key) == len(codePrefix)+common.HashLength:
codeSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, headerPrefix) && bytes.HasSuffix(key, headerTDSuffix):
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, headerPrefix) && bytes.HasSuffix(key, headerHashSuffix):
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, headerNumberPrefix) && len(key) == (len(headerNumberPrefix)+common.HashLength):
case len(key) == common.HashLength:
trieSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, codePrefix) && len(key) == len(codePrefix)+common.HashLength:
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, txLookupPrefix) && len(key) == (len(txLookupPrefix)+common.HashLength):
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, SnapshotAccountPrefix) && len(key) == (len(SnapshotAccountPrefix)+common.HashLength):
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, SnapshotStoragePrefix) && len(key) == (len(SnapshotStoragePrefix)+2*common.HashLength):
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, preimagePrefix) && len(key) == (len(preimagePrefix)+common.HashLength):
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, bloomBitsPrefix) && len(key) == (len(bloomBitsPrefix)+10+common.HashLength):
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("clique-")) && len(key) == 7+common.HashLength:
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("cht-")) && len(key) == 4+common.HashLength:
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("blt-")) && len(key) == 4+common.HashLength:
var accounted bool
for _, meta := range [][]byte{databaseVerisionKey, headHeaderKey, headBlockKey, headFastBlockKey, fastTrieProgressKey} {
if bytes.Equal(key, meta) {
metadata += size
accounted = true
if !accounted {
unaccounted += size
count += 1
if count%1000 == 0 && time.Since(logged) > 8*time.Second {
log.Info("Inspecting database", "count", count, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logged = time.Now()
// Inspect append-only file store then.
ancients := []*common.StorageSize{&ancientHeaders, &ancientBodies, &ancientReceipts, &ancientHashes, &ancientTds}
ancientSizes := []*common.StorageSize{&ancientHeadersSize, &ancientBodiesSize, &ancientReceiptsSize, &ancientHashesSize, &ancientTdsSize}
for i, category := range []string{freezerHeaderTable, freezerBodiesTable, freezerReceiptTable, freezerHashTable, freezerDifficultyTable} {
if size, err := db.AncientSize(category); err == nil {
*ancients[i] += common.StorageSize(size)
*ancientSizes[i] += common.StorageSize(size)
total += common.StorageSize(size)
// Get number of ancient rows inside the freezer
ancients := counter(0)
if count, err := db.Ancients(); err == nil {
ancients = counter(count)
// Display the database statistic.
stats := [][]string{
{"Key-Value store", "Headers", headerSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Bodies", bodySize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Receipts", receiptSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Difficulties", tdSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Block number->hash", numHashPairing.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Block hash->number", hashNumPairing.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Transaction index", txlookupSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Bloombit index", bloomBitsSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Contract codes", codeSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Trie nodes", trieSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Trie preimages", preimageSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Account snapshot", accountSnapSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Storage snapshot", storageSnapSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Clique snapshots", cliqueSnapsSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Singleton metadata", metadata.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Headers", ancientHeaders.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Bodies", ancientBodies.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Receipts", ancientReceipts.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Difficulties", ancientTds.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Block number->hash", ancientHashes.String()},
{"Light client", "CHT trie nodes", chtTrieNodes.String()},
{"Light client", "Bloom trie nodes", bloomTrieNodes.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Headers", headers.Size(), headers.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Bodies", bodies.Size(), bodies.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Receipt lists", receipts.Size(), receipts.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Difficulties", tds.Size(), tds.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Block number->hash", numHashPairings.Size(), numHashPairings.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Block hash->number", hashNumPairings.Size(), hashNumPairings.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Transaction index", txLookups.Size(), txLookups.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Bloombit index", bloomBits.Size(), bloomBits.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Contract codes", codes.Size(), codes.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Trie nodes", tries.Size(), tries.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Trie preimages", preimages.Size(), preimages.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Account snapshot", accountSnaps.Size(), accountSnaps.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Storage snapshot", storageSnaps.Size(), storageSnaps.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Clique snapshots", cliqueSnaps.Size(), cliqueSnaps.Count()},
{"Key-Value store", "Singleton metadata", metadata.Size(), metadata.Count()},
{"Ancient store", "Headers", ancientHeadersSize.String(), ancients.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Bodies", ancientBodiesSize.String(), ancients.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Receipt lists", ancientReceiptsSize.String(), ancients.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Difficulties", ancientTdsSize.String(), ancients.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Block number->hash", ancientHashesSize.String(), ancients.String()},
{"Light client", "CHT trie nodes", chtTrieNodes.Size(), chtTrieNodes.Count()},
{"Light client", "Bloom trie nodes", bloomTrieNodes.Size(), bloomTrieNodes.Count()},
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{"Database", "Category", "Size"})
table.SetFooter([]string{"", "Total", total.String()})
table.SetHeader([]string{"Database", "Category", "Size", "Items"})
table.SetFooter([]string{"", "Total", total.String(), " "})
if unaccounted > 0 {
log.Error("Database contains unaccounted data", "size", unaccounted)
if unaccounted.size > 0 {
log.Error("Database contains unaccounted data", "size", unaccounted.size, "count", unaccounted.count)
return nil