trie: optimize memory allocation
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,32 +57,26 @@ func (c *committer) commit(path []byte, n node, parallel bool) node {
// Commit children, then parent, and remove the dirty flag.
switch cn := n.(type) {
case *shortNode:
// Commit child
collapsed := cn.copy()
// If the child is fullNode, recursively commit,
// otherwise it can only be hashNode or valueNode.
if _, ok := cn.Val.(*fullNode); ok {
collapsed.Val = c.commit(append(path, cn.Key...), cn.Val, false)
cn.Val = c.commit(append(path, cn.Key...), cn.Val, false)
// The key needs to be copied, since we're adding it to the
// modified nodeset.
collapsed.Key = hexToCompact(cn.Key)
hashedNode :=, collapsed)
cn.Key = hexToCompact(cn.Key)
hashedNode :=, cn)
if hn, ok := hashedNode.(hashNode); ok {
return hn
return collapsed
return cn
case *fullNode:
hashedKids := c.commitChildren(path, cn, parallel)
collapsed := cn.copy()
collapsed.Children = hashedKids
hashedNode :=, collapsed)
c.commitChildren(path, cn, parallel)
hashedNode :=, cn)
if hn, ok := hashedNode.(hashNode); ok {
return hn
return collapsed
return cn
case hashNode:
return cn
@ -92,11 +86,10 @@ func (c *committer) commit(path []byte, n node, parallel bool) node {
// commitChildren commits the children of the given fullnode
func (c *committer) commitChildren(path []byte, n *fullNode, parallel bool) [17]node {
func (c *committer) commitChildren(path []byte, n *fullNode, parallel bool) {
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
nodesMu sync.Mutex
children [17]node
wg sync.WaitGroup
nodesMu sync.Mutex
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
child := n.Children[i]
@ -106,22 +99,21 @@ func (c *committer) commitChildren(path []byte, n *fullNode, parallel bool) [17]
// If it's the hashed child, save the hash value directly.
// Note: it's impossible that the child in range [0, 15]
// is a valueNode.
if hn, ok := child.(hashNode); ok {
children[i] = hn
if _, ok := child.(hashNode); ok {
// Commit the child recursively and store the "hashed" value.
// Note the returned node can be some embedded nodes, so it's
// possible the type is not hashNode.
if !parallel {
children[i] = c.commit(append(path, byte(i)), child, false)
n.Children[i] = c.commit(append(path, byte(i)), child, false)
} else {
go func(index int) {
p := append(path, byte(index))
childSet := trienode.NewNodeSet(c.nodes.Owner)
childCommitter := newCommitter(childSet, c.tracer, c.collectLeaf)
children[index] = childCommitter.commit(p, child, false)
n.Children[index] = childCommitter.commit(p, child, false)
@ -132,11 +124,6 @@ func (c *committer) commitChildren(path []byte, n *fullNode, parallel bool) [17]
if parallel {
// For the 17th child, it's possible the type is valuenode.
if n.Children[16] != nil {
children[16] = n.Children[16]
return children
// store hashes the node n and adds it to the modified nodeset. If leaf collection
@ -55,60 +55,53 @@ func returnHasherToPool(h *hasher) {
// hash collapses a node down into a hash node, also returning a copy of the
// original node initialized with the computed hash to replace the original one.
func (h *hasher) hash(n node, force bool) (hashed node, cached node) {
func (h *hasher) hash(n node, force bool) node {
// Return the cached hash if it's available
if hash, _ := n.cache(); hash != nil {
return hash, n
return hash
// Trie not processed yet, walk the children
switch n := n.(type) {
case *shortNode:
collapsed, cached := h.hashShortNodeChildren(n)
collapsed := h.hashShortNodeChildren(n)
hashed := h.shortnodeToHash(collapsed, force)
// We need to retain the possibly _not_ hashed node, in case it was too
// small to be hashed
if hn, ok := hashed.(hashNode); ok {
cached.flags.hash = hn
n.flags.hash = hn
} else {
cached.flags.hash = nil
n.flags.hash = nil
return hashed, cached
return hashed
case *fullNode:
collapsed, cached := h.hashFullNodeChildren(n)
hashed = h.fullnodeToHash(collapsed, force)
collapsed := h.hashFullNodeChildren(n)
hashed := h.fullnodeToHash(collapsed, force)
if hn, ok := hashed.(hashNode); ok {
cached.flags.hash = hn
n.flags.hash = hn
} else {
cached.flags.hash = nil
n.flags.hash = nil
return hashed, cached
return hashed
// Value and hash nodes don't have children, so they're left as were
return n, n
return n
// hashShortNodeChildren collapses the short node. The returned collapsed node
// holds a live reference to the Key, and must not be modified.
func (h *hasher) hashShortNodeChildren(n *shortNode) (collapsed, cached *shortNode) {
// Hash the short node's child, caching the newly hashed subtree
collapsed, cached = n.copy(), n.copy()
// Previously, we did copy this one. We don't seem to need to actually
// do that, since we don't overwrite/reuse keys
// cached.Key = common.CopyBytes(n.Key)
func (h *hasher) hashShortNodeChildren(n *shortNode) *shortNode {
var collapsed shortNode
collapsed.Key = hexToCompact(n.Key)
// Unless the child is a valuenode or hashnode, hash it
switch n.Val.(type) {
case *fullNode, *shortNode:
collapsed.Val, cached.Val = h.hash(n.Val, false)
collapsed.Val = h.hash(n.Val, false)
collapsed.Val = n.Val
return collapsed, cached
return &collapsed
func (h *hasher) hashFullNodeChildren(n *fullNode) (collapsed *fullNode, cached *fullNode) {
// Hash the full node's children, caching the newly hashed subtrees
cached = n.copy()
collapsed = n.copy()
func (h *hasher) hashFullNodeChildren(n *fullNode) *fullNode {
var children [17]node
if h.parallel {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
@ -116,9 +109,9 @@ func (h *hasher) hashFullNodeChildren(n *fullNode) (collapsed *fullNode, cached
go func(i int) {
hasher := newHasher(false)
if child := n.Children[i]; child != nil {
collapsed.Children[i], cached.Children[i] = hasher.hash(child, false)
children[i] = hasher.hash(child, false)
} else {
collapsed.Children[i] = nilValueNode
children[i] = nilValueNode
@ -128,13 +121,16 @@ func (h *hasher) hashFullNodeChildren(n *fullNode) (collapsed *fullNode, cached
} else {
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
if child := n.Children[i]; child != nil {
collapsed.Children[i], cached.Children[i] = h.hash(child, false)
children[i] = h.hash(child, false)
} else {
collapsed.Children[i] = nilValueNode
children[i] = nilValueNode
return collapsed, cached
if n.Children[16] != nil {
children[16] = n.Children[16]
return &fullNode{flags: nodeFlag{}, Children: children}
// shortnodeToHash creates a hashNode from a shortNode. The supplied shortnode
@ -195,10 +191,10 @@ func (h *hasher) hashData(data []byte) hashNode {
func (h *hasher) proofHash(original node) (collapsed, hashed node) {
switch n := original.(type) {
case *shortNode:
sn, _ := h.hashShortNodeChildren(n)
sn := h.hashShortNodeChildren(n)
return sn, h.shortnodeToHash(sn, false)
case *fullNode:
fn, _ := h.hashFullNodeChildren(n)
fn := h.hashFullNodeChildren(n)
return fn, h.fullnodeToHash(fn, false)
// Value and hash nodes don't have children, so they're left as were
@ -58,15 +58,19 @@ func (n *fullNode) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
return eb.Flush()
func (n *fullNode) copy() *fullNode { copy := *n; return © }
func (n *shortNode) copy() *shortNode { copy := *n; return © }
// nodeFlag contains caching-related metadata about a node.
type nodeFlag struct {
hash hashNode // cached hash of the node (may be nil)
dirty bool // whether the node has changes that must be written to the database
func (n nodeFlag) copy() nodeFlag {
return nodeFlag{
hash: common.CopyBytes(n.hash),
dirty: n.dirty,
func (n *fullNode) cache() (hashNode, bool) { return n.flags.hash, n.flags.dirty }
func (n *shortNode) cache() (hashNode, bool) { return n.flags.hash, n.flags.dirty }
func (n hashNode) cache() (hashNode, bool) { return nil, true }
@ -219,7 +223,9 @@ func decodeRef(buf []byte) (node, []byte, error) {
err := fmt.Errorf("oversized embedded node (size is %d bytes, want size < %d)", size, hashLen)
return nil, buf, err
n, err := decodeNode(nil, buf)
// The buffer content has already been copied or is safe to use;
// no additional copy is required.
n, err := decodeNodeUnsafe(nil, buf)
return n, rest, err
case kind == rlp.String && len(val) == 0:
// empty node
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ import (
// Trie is a Merkle Patricia Trie. Use New to create a trie that sits on
// top of a database. Whenever trie performs a commit operation, the generated
// nodes will be gathered and returned in a set. Once the trie is committed,
// it's not usable anymore. Callers have to re-create the trie with new root
// based on the updated trie database.
// Trie represents a Merkle Patricia Trie. Use New to create a trie that operates
// on top of a node database. During a commit operation, the trie collects all
// modified nodes into a set for return. After committing, the trie becomes
// unusable, and callers must recreate it with the new root based on the updated
// trie database.
// Trie is not safe for concurrent use.
type Trie struct {
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ func (t *Trie) newFlag() nodeFlag {
// Copy returns a copy of Trie.
func (t *Trie) Copy() *Trie {
return &Trie{
root: t.root,
root: copyNode(t.root),
owner: t.owner,
committed: t.committed,
unhashed: t.unhashed,
uncommitted: t.uncommitted,
reader: t.reader,
tracer: t.tracer.copy(),
uncommitted: t.uncommitted,
unhashed: t.unhashed,
@ -169,14 +169,12 @@ func (t *Trie) get(origNode node, key []byte, pos int) (value []byte, newnode no
value, newnode, didResolve, err = t.get(n.Val, key, pos+len(n.Key))
if err == nil && didResolve {
n = n.copy()
n.Val = newnode
return value, n, didResolve, err
case *fullNode:
value, newnode, didResolve, err = t.get(n.Children[key[pos]], key, pos+1)
if err == nil && didResolve {
n = n.copy()
n.Children[key[pos]] = newnode
return value, n, didResolve, err
@ -257,7 +255,6 @@ func (t *Trie) getNode(origNode node, path []byte, pos int) (item []byte, newnod
item, newnode, resolved, err = t.getNode(n.Val, path, pos+len(n.Key))
if err == nil && resolved > 0 {
n = n.copy()
n.Val = newnode
return item, n, resolved, err
@ -265,7 +262,6 @@ func (t *Trie) getNode(origNode node, path []byte, pos int) (item []byte, newnod
case *fullNode:
item, newnode, resolved, err = t.getNode(n.Children[path[pos]], path, pos+1)
if err == nil && resolved > 0 {
n = n.copy()
n.Children[path[pos]] = newnode
return item, n, resolved, err
@ -375,7 +371,6 @@ func (t *Trie) insert(n node, prefix, key []byte, value node) (bool, node, error
if !dirty || err != nil {
return false, n, err
n = n.copy()
n.flags = t.newFlag()
n.Children[key[0]] = nn
return true, n, nil
@ -483,7 +478,6 @@ func (t *Trie) delete(n node, prefix, key []byte) (bool, node, error) {
if !dirty || err != nil {
return false, n, err
n = n.copy()
n.flags = t.newFlag()
n.Children[key[0]] = nn
@ -576,6 +570,36 @@ func concat(s1 []byte, s2 ...byte) []byte {
return r
// copyNode deep-copies the supplied node along with its children recursively.
func copyNode(n node) node {
switch n := (n).(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case valueNode:
return valueNode(common.CopyBytes(n))
case *shortNode:
return &shortNode{
flags: n.flags.copy(),
Key: common.CopyBytes(n.Key),
Val: copyNode(n.Val),
case *fullNode:
var children [17]node
for i, cn := range n.Children {
children[i] = copyNode(cn)
return &fullNode{
flags: n.flags.copy(),
Children: children,
case hashNode:
return n
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T: unknown node type", n))
func (t *Trie) resolve(n node, prefix []byte) (node, error) {
if n, ok := n.(hashNode); ok {
return t.resolveAndTrack(n, prefix)
@ -593,15 +617,16 @@ func (t *Trie) resolveAndTrack(n hashNode, prefix []byte) (node, error) {
return nil, err
t.tracer.onRead(prefix, blob)
return mustDecodeNode(n, blob), nil
// The returned node blob won't be changed afterward. No need to
// deep-copy the slice.
return decodeNodeUnsafe(n, blob)
// Hash returns the root hash of the trie. It does not write to the
// database and can be used even if the trie doesn't have one.
func (t *Trie) Hash() common.Hash {
hash, cached := t.hashRoot()
t.root = cached
return common.BytesToHash(hash.(hashNode))
return common.BytesToHash(t.hashRoot().(hashNode))
// Commit collects all dirty nodes in the trie and replaces them with the
@ -652,9 +677,9 @@ func (t *Trie) Commit(collectLeaf bool) (common.Hash, *trienode.NodeSet) {
// hashRoot calculates the root hash of the given trie
func (t *Trie) hashRoot() (node, node) {
func (t *Trie) hashRoot() node {
if t.root == nil {
return hashNode(types.EmptyRootHash.Bytes()), nil
return hashNode(types.EmptyRootHash.Bytes())
// If the number of changes is below 100, we let one thread handle it
h := newHasher(t.unhashed >= 100)
@ -662,8 +687,7 @@ func (t *Trie) hashRoot() (node, node) {
t.unhashed = 0
hashed, cached := h.hash(t.root, true)
return hashed, cached
return h.hash(t.root, true)
// Witness returns a set containing all trie nodes that have been accessed.
@ -1311,3 +1311,171 @@ func printSet(set *trienode.NodeSet) string {
return out.String()
func TestTrieCopy(t *testing.T) {
testTrieCopy(t, []kv{
{k: []byte("do"), v: []byte("verb")},
{k: []byte("ether"), v: []byte("wookiedoo")},
{k: []byte("horse"), v: []byte("stallion")},
{k: []byte("shaman"), v: []byte("horse")},
{k: []byte("doge"), v: []byte("coin")},
{k: []byte("dog"), v: []byte("puppy")},
var entries []kv
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
entries = append(entries, kv{k: testrand.Bytes(32), v: testrand.Bytes(32)})
testTrieCopy(t, entries)
func testTrieCopy(t *testing.T, entries []kv) {
tr := NewEmpty(nil)
for _, entry := range entries {
tr.Update(entry.k, entry.v)
trCpy := tr.Copy()
if tr.Hash() != trCpy.Hash() {
t.Errorf("Hash mismatch: old %v, copy %v", tr.Hash(), trCpy.Hash())
// Check iterator
it, _ := tr.NodeIterator(nil)
itCpy, _ := trCpy.NodeIterator(nil)
for it.Next(false) {
hasNext := itCpy.Next(false)
if !hasNext {
t.Fatal("Iterator is not matched")
if !bytes.Equal(it.Path(), itCpy.Path()) {
t.Fatal("Iterator is not matched")
if it.Leaf() != itCpy.Leaf() {
t.Fatal("Iterator is not matched")
if it.Leaf() && !bytes.Equal(it.LeafBlob(), itCpy.LeafBlob()) {
t.Fatal("Iterator is not matched")
// Check commit
root, nodes := tr.Commit(false)
rootCpy, nodesCpy := trCpy.Commit(false)
if root != rootCpy {
t.Fatal("root mismatch")
if len(nodes.Nodes) != len(nodesCpy.Nodes) {
t.Fatal("commit node mismatch")
for p, n := range nodes.Nodes {
nn, exists := nodesCpy.Nodes[p]
if !exists {
t.Fatalf("node not exists: %v", p)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(n, nn) {
t.Fatalf("node mismatch: %v", p)
func TestTrieCopyOldTrie(t *testing.T) {
testTrieCopyOldTrie(t, []kv{
{k: []byte("do"), v: []byte("verb")},
{k: []byte("ether"), v: []byte("wookiedoo")},
{k: []byte("horse"), v: []byte("stallion")},
{k: []byte("shaman"), v: []byte("horse")},
{k: []byte("doge"), v: []byte("coin")},
{k: []byte("dog"), v: []byte("puppy")},
var entries []kv
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
entries = append(entries, kv{k: testrand.Bytes(32), v: testrand.Bytes(32)})
testTrieCopyOldTrie(t, entries)
func testTrieCopyOldTrie(t *testing.T, entries []kv) {
tr := NewEmpty(nil)
for _, entry := range entries {
tr.Update(entry.k, entry.v)
hash := tr.Hash()
trCpy := tr.Copy()
for _, val := range entries {
if rand.Intn(2) == 0 {
} else {
trCpy.Update(val.k, testrand.Bytes(32))
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
trCpy.Update(testrand.Bytes(32), testrand.Bytes(32))
// Traverse the original tree, the changes made on the copy one shouldn't
// affect the old one
for _, entry := range entries {
d, _ := tr.Get(entry.k)
if !bytes.Equal(d, entry.v) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected data, key: %v, want: %v, got: %v", entry.k, entry.v, d)
if tr.Hash() != hash {
t.Errorf("Hash mismatch: old %v, new %v", hash, tr.Hash())
func TestTrieCopyNewTrie(t *testing.T) {
testTrieCopyNewTrie(t, []kv{
{k: []byte("do"), v: []byte("verb")},
{k: []byte("ether"), v: []byte("wookiedoo")},
{k: []byte("horse"), v: []byte("stallion")},
{k: []byte("shaman"), v: []byte("horse")},
{k: []byte("doge"), v: []byte("coin")},
{k: []byte("dog"), v: []byte("puppy")},
var entries []kv
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
entries = append(entries, kv{k: testrand.Bytes(32), v: testrand.Bytes(32)})
testTrieCopyNewTrie(t, entries)
func testTrieCopyNewTrie(t *testing.T, entries []kv) {
tr := NewEmpty(nil)
for _, entry := range entries {
tr.Update(entry.k, entry.v)
trCpy := tr.Copy()
hash := trCpy.Hash()
for _, val := range entries {
if rand.Intn(2) == 0 {
} else {
tr.Update(val.k, testrand.Bytes(32))
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
tr.Update(testrand.Bytes(32), testrand.Bytes(32))
// Traverse the original tree, the changes made on the copy one shouldn't
// affect the old one
for _, entry := range entries {
d, _ := trCpy.Get(entry.k)
if !bytes.Equal(d, entry.v) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected data, key: %v, want: %v, got: %v", entry.k, entry.v, d)
if trCpy.Hash() != hash {
t.Errorf("Hash mismatch: old %v, new %v", hash, tr.Hash())
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ type NodeReader interface {
// node path and the corresponding node hash. No error will be returned
// if the node is not found.
// The returned node content won't be changed after the call.
// Don't modify the returned byte slice since it's not deep-copied and
// still be referenced by database.
Node(owner common.Hash, path []byte, hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
Reference in New Issue