2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package kademlia
import (
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
type NodeData interface {
json . Marshaler
json . Unmarshaler
// allow inactive peers under
type NodeRecord struct {
Addr Address // address of node
Url string // Url, used to connect to node
After time . Time // next call after time
Seen time . Time // last connected at time
Meta * json . RawMessage // arbitrary metadata saved for a peer
node Node
func ( self * NodeRecord ) setSeen ( ) {
t := time . Now ( )
self . Seen = t
self . After = t
func ( self * NodeRecord ) String ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "<%v>" , self . Addr )
// persisted node record database ()
type KadDb struct {
Address Address
Nodes [ ] [ ] * NodeRecord
index map [ Address ] * NodeRecord
cursors [ ] int
lock sync . RWMutex
purgeInterval time . Duration
initialRetryInterval time . Duration
connRetryExp int
func newKadDb ( addr Address , params * KadParams ) * KadDb {
return & KadDb {
Address : addr ,
Nodes : make ( [ ] [ ] * NodeRecord , params . MaxProx + 1 ) , // overwritten by load
cursors : make ( [ ] int , params . MaxProx + 1 ) ,
index : make ( map [ Address ] * NodeRecord ) ,
purgeInterval : params . PurgeInterval ,
initialRetryInterval : params . InitialRetryInterval ,
connRetryExp : params . ConnRetryExp ,
func ( self * KadDb ) findOrCreate ( index int , a Address , url string ) * NodeRecord {
defer self . lock . Unlock ( )
self . lock . Lock ( )
record , found := self . index [ a ]
if ! found {
record = & NodeRecord {
Addr : a ,
Url : url ,
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Info ( fmt . Sprintf ( "add new record %v to kaddb" , record ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
// insert in kaddb
self . index [ a ] = record
self . Nodes [ index ] = append ( self . Nodes [ index ] , record )
} else {
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Info ( fmt . Sprintf ( "found record %v in kaddb" , record ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
// update last seen time
record . setSeen ( )
// update with url in case IP/port changes
record . Url = url
return record
// add adds node records to kaddb (persisted node record db)
func ( self * KadDb ) add ( nrs [ ] * NodeRecord , proximityBin func ( Address ) int ) {
defer self . lock . Unlock ( )
self . lock . Lock ( )
var n int
var nodes [ ] * NodeRecord
for _ , node := range nrs {
_ , found := self . index [ node . Addr ]
if ! found && node . Addr != self . Address {
node . setSeen ( )
self . index [ node . Addr ] = node
index := proximityBin ( node . Addr )
dbcursor := self . cursors [ index ]
nodes = self . Nodes [ index ]
// this is inefficient for allocation, need to just append then shift
newnodes := make ( [ ] * NodeRecord , len ( nodes ) + 1 )
copy ( newnodes [ : ] , nodes [ : dbcursor ] )
newnodes [ dbcursor ] = node
copy ( newnodes [ dbcursor + 1 : ] , nodes [ dbcursor : ] )
2017-02-22 06:56:09 -06:00
log . Trace ( fmt . Sprintf ( "new nodes: %v, nodes: %v" , newnodes , nodes ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
self . Nodes [ index ] = newnodes
n ++
if n > 0 {
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%d/%d node records (new/known)" , n , len ( nrs ) ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
/ *
next return one node record with the highest priority for desired
connection .
This is used to pick candidates for live nodes that are most wanted for
a higly connected low centrality network structure for Swarm which best suits
for a Kademlia - style routing .
* Starting as naive node with empty db , this implements Kademlia bootstrapping
* As a mature node , it fills short lines . All on demand .
The candidate is chosen using the following strategy :
We check for missing online nodes in the buckets for 1 upto Max BucketSize rounds .
On each round we proceed from the low to high proximity order buckets .
If the number of active nodes ( = connected peers ) is < rounds , then start looking
for a known candidate . To determine if there is a candidate to recommend the
kaddb node record database row corresponding to the bucket is checked .
If the row cursor is on position i , the ith element in the row is chosen .
If the record is scheduled not to be retried before NOW , the next element is taken .
If the record is scheduled to be retried , it is set as checked , scheduled for
checking and is returned . The time of the next check is in X ( duration ) such that
X = ConnRetryExp * delta where delta is the time past since the last check and
ConnRetryExp is constant obsoletion factor . ( Note that when node records are added
from peer messages , they are marked as checked and placed at the cursor , ie .
given priority over older entries ) . Entries which were checked more than
purgeInterval ago are deleted from the kaddb row . If no candidate is found after
a full round of checking the next bucket up is considered . If no candidate is
found when we reach the maximum - proximity bucket , the next round starts .
node record a is more favoured to b a > b iff a is a passive node ( record of
offline past peer )
| proxBin ( a ) | < | proxBin ( b ) |
|| ( proxBin ( a ) < proxBin ( b ) && | proxBin ( a ) | == | proxBin ( b ) | )
|| ( proxBin ( a ) == proxBin ( b ) && lastChecked ( a ) < lastChecked ( b ) )
The second argument returned names the first missing slot found
* /
func ( self * KadDb ) findBest ( maxBinSize int , binSize func ( int ) int ) ( node * NodeRecord , need bool , proxLimit int ) {
// return nil, proxLimit indicates that all buckets are filled
defer self . lock . Unlock ( )
self . lock . Lock ( )
var interval time . Duration
var found bool
var purge [ ] bool
var delta time . Duration
var cursor int
var count int
var after time . Time
// iterate over columns maximum bucketsize times
for rounds := 1 ; rounds <= maxBinSize ; rounds ++ {
// iterate over rows from PO 0 upto MaxProx
for po , dbrow := range self . Nodes {
// if row has rounds connected peers, then take the next
if binSize ( po ) >= rounds {
continue ROUND
if ! need {
// set proxlimit to the PO where the first missing slot is found
proxLimit = po
need = true
purge = make ( [ ] bool , len ( dbrow ) )
// there is a missing slot - finding a node to connect to
// select a node record from the relavant kaddb row (of identical prox order)
for cursor = self . cursors [ po ] ; ! found && count < len ( dbrow ) ; cursor = ( cursor + 1 ) % len ( dbrow ) {
count ++
node = dbrow [ cursor ]
// skip already connected nodes
if node . node != nil {
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "kaddb record %v (PO%03d:%d/%d) already connected" , node . Addr , po , cursor , len ( dbrow ) ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
continue ROW
// if node is scheduled to connect
2017-11-10 11:06:45 -06:00
if node . After . After ( time . Now ( ) ) {
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "kaddb record %v (PO%03d:%d) skipped. seen at %v (%v ago), scheduled at %v" , node . Addr , po , cursor , node . Seen , delta , node . After ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
continue ROW
2017-11-10 11:06:45 -06:00
delta = time . Since ( node . Seen )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
if delta < self . initialRetryInterval {
delta = self . initialRetryInterval
if delta > self . purgeInterval {
// remove node
purge [ cursor ] = true
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "kaddb record %v (PO%03d:%d) unreachable since %v. Removed" , node . Addr , po , cursor , node . Seen ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
continue ROW
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "kaddb record %v (PO%03d:%d) ready to be tried. seen at %v (%v ago), scheduled at %v" , node . Addr , po , cursor , node . Seen , delta , node . After ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
// scheduling next check
2017-11-10 11:06:45 -06:00
interval = delta * time . Duration ( self . connRetryExp )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
after = time . Now ( ) . Add ( interval )
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "kaddb record %v (PO%03d:%d) selected as candidate connection %v. seen at %v (%v ago), selectable since %v, retry after %v (in %v)" , node . Addr , po , cursor , rounds , node . Seen , delta , node . After , after , interval ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
node . After = after
found = true
} // ROW
self . cursors [ po ] = cursor
self . delete ( po , purge )
if found {
return node , need , proxLimit
} // ROUND
return nil , need , proxLimit
// deletes the noderecords of a kaddb row corresponding to the indexes
// caller must hold the dblock
// the call is unsafe, no index checks
func ( self * KadDb ) delete ( row int , purge [ ] bool ) {
var nodes [ ] * NodeRecord
dbrow := self . Nodes [ row ]
for i , del := range purge {
if i == self . cursors [ row ] {
//reset cursor
self . cursors [ row ] = len ( nodes )
// delete the entry to be purged
if del {
delete ( self . index , dbrow [ i ] . Addr )
// otherwise append to new list
nodes = append ( nodes , dbrow [ i ] )
self . Nodes [ row ] = nodes
// save persists kaddb on disk (written to file on path in json format.
func ( self * KadDb ) save ( path string , cb func ( * NodeRecord , Node ) ) error {
defer self . lock . Unlock ( )
self . lock . Lock ( )
var n int
for _ , b := range self . Nodes {
for _ , node := range b {
n ++
node . After = time . Now ( )
node . Seen = time . Now ( )
if cb != nil {
cb ( node , node . node )
data , err := json . MarshalIndent ( self , "" , " " )
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil . WriteFile ( path , data , os . ModePerm )
if err != nil {
2017-02-22 06:56:09 -06:00
log . Warn ( fmt . Sprintf ( "unable to save kaddb with %v nodes to %v: %v" , n , path , err ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
} else {
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Info ( fmt . Sprintf ( "saved kaddb with %v nodes to %v" , n , path ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
return err
// Load(path) loads the node record database (kaddb) from file on path.
func ( self * KadDb ) load ( path string , cb func ( * NodeRecord , Node ) error ) ( err error ) {
defer self . lock . Unlock ( )
self . lock . Lock ( )
var data [ ] byte
data , err = ioutil . ReadFile ( path )
if err != nil {
err = json . Unmarshal ( data , self )
if err != nil {
var n int
var purge [ ] bool
for po , b := range self . Nodes {
purge = make ( [ ] bool , len ( b ) )
for i , node := range b {
if cb != nil {
err = cb ( node , node . node )
if err != nil {
purge [ i ] = true
continue ROW
n ++
2017-12-04 04:07:10 -06:00
if node . After . IsZero ( ) {
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
node . After = time . Now ( )
self . index [ node . Addr ] = node
self . delete ( po , purge )
2017-02-22 06:10:07 -06:00
log . Info ( fmt . Sprintf ( "loaded kaddb with %v nodes from %v" , n , path ) )
2016-08-29 14:18:00 -05:00
// accessor for KAD offline db count
func ( self * KadDb ) count ( ) int {
defer self . lock . Unlock ( )
self . lock . Lock ( )
return len ( self . index )