2024-12-30 05:58:39 -06:00
// Copyright 2021 The go-ethereum Authors
2024-06-03 05:30:27 -05:00
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package tracetest
import (
// Force-load live packages, to trigger registration
_ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/eth/tracers/live"
type supplyInfoIssuance struct {
GenesisAlloc *hexutil.Big `json:"genesisAlloc,omitempty"`
Reward *hexutil.Big `json:"reward,omitempty"`
Withdrawals *hexutil.Big `json:"withdrawals,omitempty"`
type supplyInfoBurn struct {
EIP1559 *hexutil.Big `json:"1559,omitempty"`
Blob *hexutil.Big `json:"blob,omitempty"`
Misc *hexutil.Big `json:"misc,omitempty"`
type supplyInfo struct {
Issuance *supplyInfoIssuance `json:"issuance,omitempty"`
Burn *supplyInfoBurn `json:"burn,omitempty"`
// Block info
Number uint64 `json:"blockNumber"`
Hash common.Hash `json:"hash"`
ParentHash common.Hash `json:"parentHash"`
func emptyBlockGenerationFunc(b *core.BlockGen) {}
func TestSupplyOmittedFields(t *testing.T) {
var (
config = *params.MergedTestChainConfig
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: &config,
gspec.Config.TerminalTotalDifficulty = big.NewInt(0)
out, _, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, func(b *core.BlockGen) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
expected := supplyInfo{
Number: 0,
2024-11-28 04:48:50 -06:00
Hash: common.HexToHash("0x3055fc27d6b4a08eb07033a0d1ee755a4b2988086f28a6189eac1b507525eeb1"),
2024-06-03 05:30:27 -05:00
ParentHash: common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
actual := out[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
func TestSupplyGenesisAlloc(t *testing.T) {
var (
key1, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
key2, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("8a1f9a8f95be41cd7ccb6168179afb4504aefe388d1e14474d32c45c72ce7b7a")
addr1 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key1.PublicKey)
addr2 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key2.PublicKey)
eth1 = new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big1, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
config = *params.AllEthashProtocolChanges
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: &config,
Alloc: types.GenesisAlloc{
addr1: {Balance: eth1},
addr2: {Balance: eth1},
expected := supplyInfo{
Issuance: &supplyInfoIssuance{
GenesisAlloc: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big2, big.NewInt(params.Ether))),
Number: 0,
Hash: common.HexToHash("0xbcc9466e9fc6a8b56f4b29ca353a421ff8b51a0c1a58ca4743b427605b08f2ca"),
ParentHash: common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
out, _, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, emptyBlockGenerationFunc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
actual := out[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
func TestSupplyRewards(t *testing.T) {
var (
config = *params.AllEthashProtocolChanges
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: &config,
expected := supplyInfo{
Issuance: &supplyInfoIssuance{
Reward: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big2, big.NewInt(params.Ether))),
Number: 1,
Hash: common.HexToHash("0xcbb08370505be503dafedc4e96d139ea27aba3cbc580148568b8a307b3f51052"),
ParentHash: common.HexToHash("0xadeda0a83e337b6c073e3f0e9a17531a04009b397a9588c093b628f21b8bc5a3"),
out, _, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, emptyBlockGenerationFunc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
actual := out[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
func TestSupplyEip1559Burn(t *testing.T) {
var (
config = *params.AllEthashProtocolChanges
aa = common.HexToAddress("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000aaaa")
// A sender who makes transactions, has some eth1
key1, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
addr1 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key1.PublicKey)
gwei5 = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(params.GWei))
eth1 = new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big1, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: &config,
BaseFee: big.NewInt(params.InitialBaseFee),
Alloc: types.GenesisAlloc{
addr1: {Balance: eth1},
signer := types.LatestSigner(gspec.Config)
eip1559BlockGenerationFunc := func(b *core.BlockGen) {
txdata := &types.DynamicFeeTx{
ChainID: gspec.Config.ChainID,
Nonce: 0,
To: &aa,
Gas: 21000,
GasFeeCap: gwei5,
GasTipCap: big.NewInt(2),
tx := types.NewTx(txdata)
tx, _ = types.SignTx(tx, signer, key1)
out, chain, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, eip1559BlockGenerationFunc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
var (
head = chain.CurrentBlock()
reward = new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big2, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
burn = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(21000), head.BaseFee)
expected = supplyInfo{
Issuance: &supplyInfoIssuance{
Reward: (*hexutil.Big)(reward),
Burn: &supplyInfoBurn{
EIP1559: (*hexutil.Big)(burn),
Number: 1,
Hash: head.Hash(),
ParentHash: head.ParentHash,
actual := out[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
func TestSupplyWithdrawals(t *testing.T) {
var (
config = *params.MergedTestChainConfig
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: &config,
withdrawalsBlockGenerationFunc := func(b *core.BlockGen) {
Validator: 42,
Address: common.Address{0xee},
Amount: 1337,
out, chain, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, withdrawalsBlockGenerationFunc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
var (
head = chain.CurrentBlock()
expected = supplyInfo{
Issuance: &supplyInfoIssuance{
Withdrawals: (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(1337000000000)),
Number: 1,
Hash: head.Hash(),
ParentHash: head.ParentHash,
actual = out[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
// Tests fund retrieval after contract's selfdestruct.
// Contract A calls contract B which selfdestructs, but B receives eth1
// after the selfdestruct opcode executes from Contract A.
// Because Contract B is removed only at the end of the transaction
// the ether sent in between is burnt before Cancun hard fork.
func TestSupplySelfdestruct(t *testing.T) {
var (
config = *params.TestChainConfig
aa = common.HexToAddress("0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111")
bb = common.HexToAddress("0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222")
dad = common.HexToAddress("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000dad")
key1, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
addr1 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key1.PublicKey)
gwei5 = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(params.GWei))
eth1 = new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big1, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: &config,
BaseFee: big.NewInt(params.InitialBaseFee),
Alloc: types.GenesisAlloc{
addr1: {Balance: eth1},
aa: {
Code: common.FromHex("0x61face60f01b6000527322222222222222222222222222222222222222226000806002600080855af160008103603457600080fd5b60008060008034865af1905060008103604c57600080fd5b5050"),
// Nonce: 0,
Balance: big.NewInt(0),
bb: {
Code: common.FromHex("0x6000357fface000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000808203602f57610dad80ff5b5050"),
Nonce: 0,
Balance: eth1,
gspec.Config.TerminalTotalDifficulty = big.NewInt(0)
signer := types.LatestSigner(gspec.Config)
testBlockGenerationFunc := func(b *core.BlockGen) {
txdata := &types.LegacyTx{
Nonce: 0,
To: &aa,
Value: gwei5,
Gas: 150000,
GasPrice: gwei5,
Data: []byte{},
tx := types.NewTx(txdata)
tx, _ = types.SignTx(tx, signer, key1)
// 1. Test pre Cancun
preCancunOutput, preCancunChain, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, testBlockGenerationFunc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Pre-cancun failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
// Check balance at state:
// 1. 0x0000...000dad has 1 ether
// 2. A has 0 ether
// 3. B has 0 ether
statedb, _ := preCancunChain.State()
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(dad), eth1; got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Pre-cancun address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", dad, got, exp)
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(aa), big.NewInt(0); got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Pre-cancun address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", aa, got, exp)
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(bb), big.NewInt(0); got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Pre-cancun address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", bb, got, exp)
head := preCancunChain.CurrentBlock()
// Check live trace output
expected := supplyInfo{
Burn: &supplyInfoBurn{
EIP1559: (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(55289500000000)),
Misc: (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(5000000000)),
Number: 1,
Hash: head.Hash(),
ParentHash: head.ParentHash,
actual := preCancunOutput[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
// 2. Test post Cancun
cancunTime := uint64(0)
gspec.Config.ShanghaiTime = &cancunTime
gspec.Config.CancunTime = &cancunTime
postCancunOutput, postCancunChain, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, testBlockGenerationFunc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Post-cancun failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
// Check balance at state:
// 1. 0x0000...000dad has 1 ether
// 3. A has 0 ether
// 3. B has 5 gwei
statedb, _ = postCancunChain.State()
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(dad), eth1; got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Post-shanghai address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", dad, got, exp)
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(aa), big.NewInt(0); got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Post-shanghai address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", aa, got, exp)
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(bb), gwei5; got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Post-shanghai address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", bb, got, exp)
// Check live trace output
head = postCancunChain.CurrentBlock()
expected = supplyInfo{
Burn: &supplyInfoBurn{
EIP1559: (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(55289500000000)),
Number: 1,
Hash: head.Hash(),
ParentHash: head.ParentHash,
actual = postCancunOutput[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
// Tests selfdestructing contract to send its balance to itself (burn).
2024-06-05 04:07:37 -05:00
// It tests both cases of selfdestructing succeeding and being reverted.
2024-06-03 05:30:27 -05:00
// - Contract A calls B and D.
// - Contract B selfdestructs and sends the eth1 to itself (Burn amount to be counted).
// - Contract C selfdestructs and sends the eth1 to itself.
// - Contract D calls C and reverts (Burn amount of C
// has to be reverted as well).
func TestSupplySelfdestructItselfAndRevert(t *testing.T) {
var (
config = *params.TestChainConfig
aa = common.HexToAddress("0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111")
bb = common.HexToAddress("0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222")
cc = common.HexToAddress("0x3333333333333333333333333333333333333333")
dd = common.HexToAddress("0x4444444444444444444444444444444444444444")
key1, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
addr1 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key1.PublicKey)
gwei5 = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(params.GWei))
eth1 = new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big1, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
eth2 = new(big.Int).Mul(common.Big2, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
eth5 = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(params.Ether))
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: &config,
// BaseFee: big.NewInt(params.InitialBaseFee),
Alloc: types.GenesisAlloc{
addr1: {Balance: eth1},
aa: {
// Contract code in YUL:
// object "ContractA" {
// code {
// let B := 0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222
// let D := 0x4444444444444444444444444444444444444444
// // Call to Contract B
// let resB:= call(gas(), B, 0, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0)
// // Call to Contract D
// let resD := call(gas(), D, 0, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0)
// }
// }
Code: common.FromHex("0x73222222222222222222222222222222222222222273444444444444444444444444444444444444444460006000600060006000865af160006000600060006000865af150505050"),
Balance: common.Big0,
bb: {
// Contract code in YUL:
// object "ContractB" {
// code {
// let self := address()
// selfdestruct(self)
// }
// }
Code: common.FromHex("0x3080ff50"),
Balance: eth5,
cc: {
Code: common.FromHex("0x3080ff50"),
Balance: eth1,
dd: {
// Contract code in YUL:
// object "ContractD" {
// code {
// let C := 0x3333333333333333333333333333333333333333
// // Call to Contract C
// let resC := call(gas(), C, 0, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0)
// // Revert
// revert(0, 0)
// }
// }
Code: common.FromHex("0x73333333333333333333333333333333333333333360006000600060006000855af160006000fd5050"),
Balance: eth2,
gspec.Config.TerminalTotalDifficulty = big.NewInt(0)
signer := types.LatestSigner(gspec.Config)
testBlockGenerationFunc := func(b *core.BlockGen) {
txdata := &types.LegacyTx{
Nonce: 0,
To: &aa,
Value: common.Big0,
Gas: 150000,
GasPrice: gwei5,
Data: []byte{},
tx := types.NewTx(txdata)
tx, _ = types.SignTx(tx, signer, key1)
output, chain, err := testSupplyTracer(t, gspec, testBlockGenerationFunc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to test supply tracer: %v", err)
// Check balance at state:
// 1. A has 0 ether
// 2. B has 0 ether, burned
// 3. C has 2 ether, selfdestructed but parent D reverted
// 4. D has 1 ether, reverted
statedb, _ := chain.State()
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(aa), common.Big0; got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", aa, got, exp)
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(bb), common.Big0; got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", bb, got, exp)
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(cc), eth1; got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", bb, got, exp)
if got, exp := statedb.GetBalance(dd), eth2; got.CmpBig(exp) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("address \"%v\" balance, got %v exp %v\n", bb, got, exp)
// Check live trace output
block := chain.GetBlockByNumber(1)
expected := supplyInfo{
Burn: &supplyInfoBurn{
EIP1559: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Mul(block.BaseFee(), big.NewInt(int64(block.GasUsed())))),
Misc: (*hexutil.Big)(eth5), // 5ETH burned from contract B
Number: 1,
Hash: block.Hash(),
ParentHash: block.ParentHash(),
actual := output[expected.Number]
compareAsJSON(t, expected, actual)
func testSupplyTracer(t *testing.T, genesis *core.Genesis, gen func(*core.BlockGen)) ([]supplyInfo, *core.BlockChain, error) {
var (
engine = beacon.New(ethash.NewFaker())
traceOutputPath := filepath.ToSlash(t.TempDir())
traceOutputFilename := path.Join(traceOutputPath, "supply.jsonl")
// Load supply tracer
tracer, err := tracers.LiveDirectory.New("supply", json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf(`{"path":"%s"}`, traceOutputPath)))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create call tracer: %v", err)
2024-09-04 08:03:06 -05:00
chain, err := core.NewBlockChain(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase(), core.DefaultCacheConfigWithScheme(rawdb.PathScheme), genesis, nil, engine, vm.Config{Tracer: tracer}, nil)
2024-06-03 05:30:27 -05:00
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tester chain: %v", err)
defer chain.Stop()
_, blocks, _ := core.GenerateChainWithGenesis(genesis, engine, 1, func(i int, b *core.BlockGen) {
if n, err := chain.InsertChain(blocks); err != nil {
return nil, chain, fmt.Errorf("block %d: failed to insert into chain: %v", n, err)
// Check and compare the results
file, err := os.OpenFile(traceOutputFilename, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
if err != nil {
return nil, chain, fmt.Errorf("failed to open output file: %v", err)
defer file.Close()
var output []supplyInfo
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
blockBytes := scanner.Bytes()
var info supplyInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(blockBytes, &info); err != nil {
return nil, chain, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal result: %v", err)
output = append(output, info)
return output, chain, nil
func compareAsJSON(t *testing.T, expected interface{}, actual interface{}) {
core/state: move state log mechanism to a separate layer (#30569)
This PR moves the logging/tracing-facilities out of `*state.StateDB`,
in to a wrapping struct which implements `vm.StateDB` instead.
In most places, it is a pretty straight-forward change:
- First, hoisting the invocations from state objects up to the statedb.
- Then making the mutation-methods simply return the previous value, so
that the external logging layer could log everything.
Some internal code uses the direct object-accessors to mutate the state,
particularly in testing and in setting up state overrides, which means
that these changes are unobservable for the hooked layer. Thus, configuring
the overrides are not necessarily part of the API we want to publish.
The trickiest part about the layering is that when the selfdestructs are
finally deleted during `Finalise`, there's the possibility that someone
sent some ether to it, which is burnt at that point, and thus needs to
be logged. The hooked layer reaches into the inner layer to figure out
these events.
In package `vm`, the conversion from `state.StateDB + hooks` into a
hooked `vm.StateDB` is performed where needed.
Co-authored-by: Gary Rong <garyrong0905@gmail.com>
2024-10-23 01:03:36 -05:00
2024-06-03 05:30:27 -05:00
want, err := json.Marshal(expected)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to marshal expected value to JSON: %v", err)
have, err := json.Marshal(actual)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to marshal actual value to JSON: %v", err)
if !bytes.Equal(want, have) {
core/state: move state log mechanism to a separate layer (#30569)
This PR moves the logging/tracing-facilities out of `*state.StateDB`,
in to a wrapping struct which implements `vm.StateDB` instead.
In most places, it is a pretty straight-forward change:
- First, hoisting the invocations from state objects up to the statedb.
- Then making the mutation-methods simply return the previous value, so
that the external logging layer could log everything.
Some internal code uses the direct object-accessors to mutate the state,
particularly in testing and in setting up state overrides, which means
that these changes are unobservable for the hooked layer. Thus, configuring
the overrides are not necessarily part of the API we want to publish.
The trickiest part about the layering is that when the selfdestructs are
finally deleted during `Finalise`, there's the possibility that someone
sent some ether to it, which is burnt at that point, and thus needs to
be logged. The hooked layer reaches into the inner layer to figure out
these events.
In package `vm`, the conversion from `state.StateDB + hooks` into a
hooked `vm.StateDB` is performed where needed.
Co-authored-by: Gary Rong <garyrong0905@gmail.com>
2024-10-23 01:03:36 -05:00
t.Fatalf("incorrect supply info:\nwant %s\nhave %s", string(want), string(have))
2024-06-03 05:30:27 -05:00