2022-05-24 13:39:40 -05:00
// Copyright 2020 The go-ethereum Authors
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package discover
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
const (
lookupRequestLimit = 3 // max requests against a single node during lookup
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
findnodeResultLimit = 16 // applies in FINDNODE handler
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
totalNodesResponseLimit = 5 // applies in waitForNodes
nodesResponseItemLimit = 3 // applies in sendNodes
respTimeoutV5 = 700 * time.Millisecond
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// codecV5 is implemented by v5wire.Codec (and testCodec).
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// The UDPv5 transport is split into two objects: the codec object deals with
// encoding/decoding and with the handshake; the UDPv5 object handles higher-level concerns.
type codecV5 interface {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// Encode encodes a packet.
Encode(enode.ID, string, v5wire.Packet, *v5wire.Whoareyou) ([]byte, v5wire.Nonce, error)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// decode decodes a packet. It returns a *v5wire.Unknown packet if decryption fails.
// The *enode.Node return value is non-nil when the input contains a handshake response.
Decode([]byte, string) (enode.ID, *enode.Node, v5wire.Packet, error)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// UDPv5 is the implementation of protocol version 5.
type UDPv5 struct {
// static fields
conn UDPConn
tab *Table
netrestrict *netutil.Netlist
priv *ecdsa.PrivateKey
localNode *enode.LocalNode
db *enode.DB
log log.Logger
clock mclock.Clock
validSchemes enr.IdentityScheme
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// talkreq handler registry
trlock sync.Mutex
2021-03-01 03:24:20 -06:00
trhandlers map[string]TalkRequestHandler
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// channels into dispatch
packetInCh chan ReadPacket
readNextCh chan struct{}
callCh chan *callV5
callDoneCh chan *callV5
respTimeoutCh chan *callTimeout
// state of dispatch
codec codecV5
activeCallByNode map[enode.ID]*callV5
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
activeCallByAuth map[v5wire.Nonce]*callV5
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
callQueue map[enode.ID][]*callV5
// shutdown stuff
closeOnce sync.Once
closeCtx context.Context
cancelCloseCtx context.CancelFunc
wg sync.WaitGroup
2021-03-01 03:24:20 -06:00
// TalkRequestHandler callback processes a talk request and optionally returns a reply
type TalkRequestHandler func(enode.ID, *net.UDPAddr, []byte) []byte
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// callV5 represents a remote procedure call against another node.
type callV5 struct {
node *enode.Node
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
packet v5wire.Packet
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
responseType byte // expected packet type of response
reqid []byte
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
ch chan v5wire.Packet // responses sent here
err chan error // errors sent here
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// Valid for active calls only:
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
nonce v5wire.Nonce // nonce of request packet
handshakeCount int // # times we attempted handshake for this call
challenge *v5wire.Whoareyou // last sent handshake challenge
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
timeout mclock.Timer
// callTimeout is the response timeout event of a call.
type callTimeout struct {
c *callV5
timer mclock.Timer
// ListenV5 listens on the given connection.
func ListenV5(conn UDPConn, ln *enode.LocalNode, cfg Config) (*UDPv5, error) {
t, err := newUDPv5(conn, ln, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go t.tab.loop()
go t.readLoop()
go t.dispatch()
return t, nil
// newUDPv5 creates a UDPv5 transport, but doesn't start any goroutines.
func newUDPv5(conn UDPConn, ln *enode.LocalNode, cfg Config) (*UDPv5, error) {
closeCtx, cancelCloseCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cfg = cfg.withDefaults()
t := &UDPv5{
// static fields
conn: conn,
localNode: ln,
db: ln.Database(),
netrestrict: cfg.NetRestrict,
priv: cfg.PrivateKey,
log: cfg.Log,
validSchemes: cfg.ValidSchemes,
clock: cfg.Clock,
2021-03-01 03:24:20 -06:00
trhandlers: make(map[string]TalkRequestHandler),
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// channels into dispatch
packetInCh: make(chan ReadPacket, 1),
readNextCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
callCh: make(chan *callV5),
callDoneCh: make(chan *callV5),
respTimeoutCh: make(chan *callTimeout),
// state of dispatch
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
codec: v5wire.NewCodec(ln, cfg.PrivateKey, cfg.Clock),
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
activeCallByNode: make(map[enode.ID]*callV5),
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
activeCallByAuth: make(map[v5wire.Nonce]*callV5),
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
callQueue: make(map[enode.ID][]*callV5),
// shutdown
closeCtx: closeCtx,
cancelCloseCtx: cancelCloseCtx,
tab, err := newTable(t, t.db, cfg.Bootnodes, cfg.Log)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.tab = tab
return t, nil
// Self returns the local node record.
func (t *UDPv5) Self() *enode.Node {
return t.localNode.Node()
// Close shuts down packet processing.
func (t *UDPv5) Close() {
t.closeOnce.Do(func() {
// Ping sends a ping message to the given node.
func (t *UDPv5) Ping(n *enode.Node) error {
_, err := t.ping(n)
return err
// Resolve searches for a specific node with the given ID and tries to get the most recent
// version of the node record for it. It returns n if the node could not be resolved.
func (t *UDPv5) Resolve(n *enode.Node) *enode.Node {
if intable := t.tab.getNode(n.ID()); intable != nil && intable.Seq() > n.Seq() {
n = intable
// Try asking directly. This works if the node is still responding on the endpoint we have.
if resp, err := t.RequestENR(n); err == nil {
return resp
// Otherwise do a network lookup.
result := t.Lookup(n.ID())
for _, rn := range result {
if rn.ID() == n.ID() && rn.Seq() > n.Seq() {
return rn
return n
2020-04-16 08:58:37 -05:00
// AllNodes returns all the nodes stored in the local table.
func (t *UDPv5) AllNodes() []*enode.Node {
defer t.tab.mutex.Unlock()
nodes := make([]*enode.Node, 0)
for _, b := range &t.tab.buckets {
for _, n := range b.entries {
nodes = append(nodes, unwrapNode(n))
return nodes
// LocalNode returns the current local node running the
// protocol.
func (t *UDPv5) LocalNode() *enode.LocalNode {
return t.localNode
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// RegisterTalkHandler adds a handler for 'talk requests'. The handler function is called
// whenever a request for the given protocol is received and should return the response
// data or nil.
2021-03-01 03:24:20 -06:00
func (t *UDPv5) RegisterTalkHandler(protocol string, handler TalkRequestHandler) {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
defer t.trlock.Unlock()
t.trhandlers[protocol] = handler
// TalkRequest sends a talk request to n and waits for a response.
func (t *UDPv5) TalkRequest(n *enode.Node, protocol string, request []byte) ([]byte, error) {
req := &v5wire.TalkRequest{Protocol: protocol, Message: request}
resp := t.call(n, v5wire.TalkResponseMsg, req)
defer t.callDone(resp)
select {
case respMsg := <-resp.ch:
return respMsg.(*v5wire.TalkResponse).Message, nil
case err := <-resp.err:
return nil, err
// RandomNodes returns an iterator that finds random nodes in the DHT.
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) RandomNodes() enode.Iterator {
if t.tab.len() == 0 {
// All nodes were dropped, refresh. The very first query will hit this
// case and run the bootstrapping logic.
return newLookupIterator(t.closeCtx, t.newRandomLookup)
// Lookup performs a recursive lookup for the given target.
// It returns the closest nodes to target.
func (t *UDPv5) Lookup(target enode.ID) []*enode.Node {
return t.newLookup(t.closeCtx, target).run()
// lookupRandom looks up a random target.
// This is needed to satisfy the transport interface.
func (t *UDPv5) lookupRandom() []*enode.Node {
return t.newRandomLookup(t.closeCtx).run()
// lookupSelf looks up our own node ID.
// This is needed to satisfy the transport interface.
func (t *UDPv5) lookupSelf() []*enode.Node {
return t.newLookup(t.closeCtx, t.Self().ID()).run()
func (t *UDPv5) newRandomLookup(ctx context.Context) *lookup {
var target enode.ID
return t.newLookup(ctx, target)
func (t *UDPv5) newLookup(ctx context.Context, target enode.ID) *lookup {
return newLookup(ctx, t.tab, target, func(n *node) ([]*node, error) {
return t.lookupWorker(n, target)
// lookupWorker performs FINDNODE calls against a single node during lookup.
func (t *UDPv5) lookupWorker(destNode *node, target enode.ID) ([]*node, error) {
var (
dists = lookupDistances(target, destNode.ID())
nodes = nodesByDistance{target: target}
err error
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
var r []*enode.Node
r, err = t.findnode(unwrapNode(destNode), dists)
2022-06-07 10:27:21 -05:00
if errors.Is(err, errClosed) {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
return nil, err
for _, n := range r {
if n.ID() != t.Self().ID() {
nodes.push(wrapNode(n), findnodeResultLimit)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
return nodes.entries, err
// lookupDistances computes the distance parameter for FINDNODE calls to dest.
// It chooses distances adjacent to logdist(target, dest), e.g. for a target
// with logdist(target, dest) = 255 the result is [255, 256, 254].
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func lookupDistances(target, dest enode.ID) (dists []uint) {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
td := enode.LogDist(target, dest)
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
dists = append(dists, uint(td))
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
for i := 1; len(dists) < lookupRequestLimit; i++ {
if td+i < 256 {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
dists = append(dists, uint(td+i))
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if td-i > 0 {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
dists = append(dists, uint(td-i))
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
return dists
// ping calls PING on a node and waits for a PONG response.
func (t *UDPv5) ping(n *enode.Node) (uint64, error) {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
req := &v5wire.Ping{ENRSeq: t.localNode.Node().Seq()}
resp := t.call(n, v5wire.PongMsg, req)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
defer t.callDone(resp)
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
select {
case pong := <-resp.ch:
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
return pong.(*v5wire.Pong).ENRSeq, nil
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
case err := <-resp.err:
return 0, err
2022-07-10 03:15:54 -05:00
// RequestENR requests n's record.
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) RequestENR(n *enode.Node) (*enode.Node, error) {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
nodes, err := t.findnode(n, []uint{0})
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(nodes) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d nodes in response for distance zero", len(nodes))
return nodes[0], nil
// findnode calls FINDNODE on a node and waits for responses.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) findnode(n *enode.Node, distances []uint) ([]*enode.Node, error) {
resp := t.call(n, v5wire.NodesMsg, &v5wire.Findnode{Distances: distances})
return t.waitForNodes(resp, distances)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// waitForNodes waits for NODES responses to the given call.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) waitForNodes(c *callV5, distances []uint) ([]*enode.Node, error) {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
defer t.callDone(c)
var (
nodes []*enode.Node
seen = make(map[enode.ID]struct{})
received, total = 0, -1
for {
select {
case responseP := <-c.ch:
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
response := responseP.(*v5wire.Nodes)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
for _, record := range response.Nodes {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
node, err := t.verifyResponseNode(c, record, distances, seen)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if err != nil {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.log.Debug("Invalid record in "+response.Name(), "id", c.node.ID(), "err", err)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
nodes = append(nodes, node)
if total == -1 {
total = min(int(response.Total), totalNodesResponseLimit)
if received++; received == total {
return nodes, nil
case err := <-c.err:
return nodes, err
// verifyResponseNode checks validity of a record in a NODES response.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) verifyResponseNode(c *callV5, r *enr.Record, distances []uint, seen map[enode.ID]struct{}) (*enode.Node, error) {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
node, err := enode.New(t.validSchemes, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := netutil.CheckRelayIP(c.node.IP(), node.IP()); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.node.UDP() <= 1024 {
return nil, errLowPort
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
if distances != nil {
nd := enode.LogDist(c.node.ID(), node.ID())
if !containsUint(uint(nd), distances) {
return nil, errors.New("does not match any requested distance")
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if _, ok := seen[node.ID()]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate record")
seen[node.ID()] = struct{}{}
return node, nil
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func containsUint(x uint, xs []uint) bool {
for _, v := range xs {
if x == v {
return true
return false
// call sends the given call and sets up a handler for response packets (of message type
// responseType). Responses are dispatched to the call's response channel.
func (t *UDPv5) call(node *enode.Node, responseType byte, packet v5wire.Packet) *callV5 {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
c := &callV5{
node: node,
packet: packet,
responseType: responseType,
reqid: make([]byte, 8),
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
ch: make(chan v5wire.Packet, 1),
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
err: make(chan error, 1),
// Assign request ID.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// Send call to dispatch.
select {
case t.callCh <- c:
case <-t.closeCtx.Done():
c.err <- errClosed
return c
// callDone tells dispatch that the active call is done.
func (t *UDPv5) callDone(c *callV5) {
2020-11-25 15:16:36 -06:00
// This needs a loop because further responses may be incoming until the
// send to callDoneCh has completed. Such responses need to be discarded
// in order to avoid blocking the dispatch loop.
for {
select {
case <-c.ch:
// late response, discard.
case <-c.err:
// late error, discard.
case t.callDoneCh <- c:
case <-t.closeCtx.Done():
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// dispatch runs in its own goroutine, handles incoming packets and deals with calls.
// For any destination node there is at most one 'active call', stored in the t.activeCall*
// maps. A call is made active when it is sent. The active call can be answered by a
// matching response, in which case c.ch receives the response; or by timing out, in which case
// c.err receives the error. When the function that created the call signals the active
// call is done through callDone, the next call from the call queue is started.
// Calls may also be answered by a WHOAREYOU packet referencing the call packet's authTag.
// When that happens the call is simply re-sent to complete the handshake. We allow one
// handshake attempt per call.
func (t *UDPv5) dispatch() {
defer t.wg.Done()
// Arm first read.
t.readNextCh <- struct{}{}
for {
select {
case c := <-t.callCh:
id := c.node.ID()
t.callQueue[id] = append(t.callQueue[id], c)
case ct := <-t.respTimeoutCh:
active := t.activeCallByNode[ct.c.node.ID()]
if ct.c == active && ct.timer == active.timeout {
ct.c.err <- errTimeout
case c := <-t.callDoneCh:
id := c.node.ID()
active := t.activeCallByNode[id]
if active != c {
panic("BUG: callDone for inactive call")
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
delete(t.activeCallByAuth, c.nonce)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
delete(t.activeCallByNode, id)
case p := <-t.packetInCh:
t.handlePacket(p.Data, p.Addr)
// Arm next read.
t.readNextCh <- struct{}{}
case <-t.closeCtx.Done():
for id, queue := range t.callQueue {
for _, c := range queue {
c.err <- errClosed
delete(t.callQueue, id)
for id, c := range t.activeCallByNode {
c.err <- errClosed
delete(t.activeCallByNode, id)
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
delete(t.activeCallByAuth, c.nonce)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// startResponseTimeout sets the response timer for a call.
func (t *UDPv5) startResponseTimeout(c *callV5) {
if c.timeout != nil {
var (
timer mclock.Timer
done = make(chan struct{})
timer = t.clock.AfterFunc(respTimeoutV5, func() {
select {
case t.respTimeoutCh <- &callTimeout{c, timer}:
case <-t.closeCtx.Done():
c.timeout = timer
// sendNextCall sends the next call in the call queue if there is no active call.
func (t *UDPv5) sendNextCall(id enode.ID) {
queue := t.callQueue[id]
if len(queue) == 0 || t.activeCallByNode[id] != nil {
t.activeCallByNode[id] = queue[0]
if len(queue) == 1 {
delete(t.callQueue, id)
} else {
copy(queue, queue[1:])
t.callQueue[id] = queue[:len(queue)-1]
// sendCall encodes and sends a request packet to the call's recipient node.
// This performs a handshake if needed.
func (t *UDPv5) sendCall(c *callV5) {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// The call might have a nonce from a previous handshake attempt. Remove the entry for
// the old nonce because we're about to generate a new nonce for this call.
if c.nonce != (v5wire.Nonce{}) {
delete(t.activeCallByAuth, c.nonce)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
addr := &net.UDPAddr{IP: c.node.IP(), Port: c.node.UDP()}
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
newNonce, _ := t.send(c.node.ID(), addr, c.packet, c.challenge)
c.nonce = newNonce
t.activeCallByAuth[newNonce] = c
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// sendResponse sends a response packet to the given node.
// This doesn't trigger a handshake even if no keys are available.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) sendResponse(toID enode.ID, toAddr *net.UDPAddr, packet v5wire.Packet) error {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
_, err := t.send(toID, toAddr, packet, nil)
return err
// send sends a packet to the given node.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) send(toID enode.ID, toAddr *net.UDPAddr, packet v5wire.Packet, c *v5wire.Whoareyou) (v5wire.Nonce, error) {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
addr := toAddr.String()
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
enc, nonce, err := t.codec.Encode(toID, addr, packet, c)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if err != nil {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.log.Warn(">> "+packet.Name(), "id", toID, "addr", addr, "err", err)
return nonce, err
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
_, err = t.conn.WriteToUDP(enc, toAddr)
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.log.Trace(">> "+packet.Name(), "id", toID, "addr", addr)
return nonce, err
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// readLoop runs in its own goroutine and reads packets from the network.
func (t *UDPv5) readLoop() {
defer t.wg.Done()
buf := make([]byte, maxPacketSize)
for range t.readNextCh {
nbytes, from, err := t.conn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
if netutil.IsTemporaryError(err) {
// Ignore temporary read errors.
t.log.Debug("Temporary UDP read error", "err", err)
} else if err != nil {
// Shut down the loop for permament errors.
2022-06-07 10:27:21 -05:00
if !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
t.log.Debug("UDP read error", "err", err)
t.dispatchReadPacket(from, buf[:nbytes])
// dispatchReadPacket sends a packet into the dispatch loop.
func (t *UDPv5) dispatchReadPacket(from *net.UDPAddr, content []byte) bool {
select {
case t.packetInCh <- ReadPacket{content, from}:
return true
case <-t.closeCtx.Done():
return false
// handlePacket decodes and processes an incoming packet from the network.
func (t *UDPv5) handlePacket(rawpacket []byte, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) error {
addr := fromAddr.String()
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
fromID, fromNode, packet, err := t.codec.Decode(rawpacket, addr)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if err != nil {
t.log.Debug("Bad discv5 packet", "id", fromID, "addr", addr, "err", err)
return err
if fromNode != nil {
// Handshake succeeded, add to table.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
if packet.Kind() != v5wire.WhoareyouPacket {
// WHOAREYOU logged separately to report errors.
t.log.Trace("<< "+packet.Name(), "id", fromID, "addr", addr)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.handle(packet, fromID, fromAddr)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
return nil
// handleCallResponse dispatches a response packet to the call waiting for it.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
func (t *UDPv5) handleCallResponse(fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr, p v5wire.Packet) bool {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
ac := t.activeCallByNode[fromID]
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
if ac == nil || !bytes.Equal(p.RequestID(), ac.reqid) {
t.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Unsolicited/late %s response", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
return false
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if !fromAddr.IP.Equal(ac.node.IP()) || fromAddr.Port != ac.node.UDP() {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%s from wrong endpoint", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
return false
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
if p.Kind() != ac.responseType {
t.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong discv5 response type %s", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
return false
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
ac.ch <- p
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
return true
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// getNode looks for a node record in table and database.
func (t *UDPv5) getNode(id enode.ID) *enode.Node {
if n := t.tab.getNode(id); n != nil {
return n
if n := t.localNode.Database().Node(id); n != nil {
return n
return nil
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// handle processes incoming packets according to their message type.
func (t *UDPv5) handle(p v5wire.Packet, fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
switch p := p.(type) {
case *v5wire.Unknown:
t.handleUnknown(p, fromID, fromAddr)
case *v5wire.Whoareyou:
t.handleWhoareyou(p, fromID, fromAddr)
case *v5wire.Ping:
t.handlePing(p, fromID, fromAddr)
case *v5wire.Pong:
if t.handleCallResponse(fromID, fromAddr, p) {
t.localNode.UDPEndpointStatement(fromAddr, &net.UDPAddr{IP: p.ToIP, Port: int(p.ToPort)})
case *v5wire.Findnode:
t.handleFindnode(p, fromID, fromAddr)
case *v5wire.Nodes:
t.handleCallResponse(fromID, fromAddr, p)
case *v5wire.TalkRequest:
t.handleTalkRequest(p, fromID, fromAddr)
case *v5wire.TalkResponse:
t.handleCallResponse(fromID, fromAddr, p)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// handleUnknown initiates a handshake by responding with WHOAREYOU.
func (t *UDPv5) handleUnknown(p *v5wire.Unknown, fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
challenge := &v5wire.Whoareyou{Nonce: p.Nonce}
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if n := t.getNode(fromID); n != nil {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
challenge.Node = n
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
challenge.RecordSeq = n.Seq()
t.sendResponse(fromID, fromAddr, challenge)
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
var (
errChallengeNoCall = errors.New("no matching call")
errChallengeTwice = errors.New("second handshake")
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// handleWhoareyou resends the active call as a handshake packet.
func (t *UDPv5) handleWhoareyou(p *v5wire.Whoareyou, fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
c, err := t.matchWithCall(fromID, p.Nonce)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if err != nil {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.log.Debug("Invalid "+p.Name(), "addr", fromAddr, "err", err)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
// Resend the call that was answered by WHOAREYOU.
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.log.Trace("<< "+p.Name(), "id", c.node.ID(), "addr", fromAddr)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
c.challenge = p
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
p.Node = c.node
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// matchWithCall checks whether a handshake attempt matches the active call.
func (t *UDPv5) matchWithCall(fromID enode.ID, nonce v5wire.Nonce) (*callV5, error) {
c := t.activeCallByAuth[nonce]
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
if c == nil {
return nil, errChallengeNoCall
if c.handshakeCount > 0 {
return nil, errChallengeTwice
return c, nil
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// handlePing sends a PONG response.
func (t *UDPv5) handlePing(p *v5wire.Ping, fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
2021-04-23 11:18:10 -05:00
remoteIP := fromAddr.IP
// Handle IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses in the
// event the local node is binded to an
// ipv6 interface.
if remoteIP.To4() != nil {
remoteIP = remoteIP.To4()
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
t.sendResponse(fromID, fromAddr, &v5wire.Pong{
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
ReqID: p.ReqID,
2021-04-23 11:18:10 -05:00
ToIP: remoteIP,
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
ToPort: uint16(fromAddr.Port),
ENRSeq: t.localNode.Node().Seq(),
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// handleFindnode returns nodes to the requester.
func (t *UDPv5) handleFindnode(p *v5wire.Findnode, fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
nodes := t.collectTableNodes(fromAddr.IP, p.Distances, findnodeResultLimit)
for _, resp := range packNodes(p.ReqID, nodes) {
t.sendResponse(fromID, fromAddr, resp)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// collectTableNodes creates a FINDNODE result set for the given distances.
func (t *UDPv5) collectTableNodes(rip net.IP, distances []uint, limit int) []*enode.Node {
var nodes []*enode.Node
var processed = make(map[uint]struct{})
for _, dist := range distances {
// Reject duplicate / invalid distances.
_, seen := processed[dist]
if seen || dist > 256 {
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// Get the nodes.
var bn []*enode.Node
if dist == 0 {
bn = []*enode.Node{t.Self()}
} else if dist <= 256 {
bn = unwrapNodes(t.tab.bucketAtDistance(int(dist)).entries)
processed[dist] = struct{}{}
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// Apply some pre-checks to avoid sending invalid nodes.
for _, n := range bn {
// TODO livenessChecks > 1
if netutil.CheckRelayIP(rip, n.IP()) != nil {
nodes = append(nodes, n)
if len(nodes) >= limit {
return nodes
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
return nodes
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// packNodes creates NODES response packets for the given node list.
func packNodes(reqid []byte, nodes []*enode.Node) []*v5wire.Nodes {
if len(nodes) == 0 {
return []*v5wire.Nodes{{ReqID: reqid, Total: 1}}
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
total := uint8(math.Ceil(float64(len(nodes)) / 3))
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
var resp []*v5wire.Nodes
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
for len(nodes) > 0 {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
p := &v5wire.Nodes{ReqID: reqid, Total: total}
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
items := min(nodesResponseItemLimit, len(nodes))
for i := 0; i < items; i++ {
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
p.Nodes = append(p.Nodes, nodes[i].Record())
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
nodes = nodes[items:]
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
resp = append(resp, p)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
return resp
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
// handleTalkRequest runs the talk request handler of the requested protocol.
func (t *UDPv5) handleTalkRequest(p *v5wire.TalkRequest, fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
handler := t.trhandlers[p.Protocol]
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
var response []byte
if handler != nil {
2021-03-01 03:24:20 -06:00
response = handler(fromID, fromAddr, p.Message)
2020-10-14 05:28:17 -05:00
resp := &v5wire.TalkResponse{ReqID: p.ReqID, Message: response}
t.sendResponse(fromID, fromAddr, resp)
2020-04-08 02:57:23 -05:00