Go to file
Willem Toorop 4230961e9f Basic usage of unbound pluggable event loop 2016-03-01 16:29:37 +01:00
doc Rename return_call_debugging to return_call_reporting. Update index.html with change of content. 2015-12-16 14:20:35 +00:00
getdns.pmdoc fixed install prefix problems for osx 2014-04-02 09:19:56 -04:00
m4 Rearange link lib order for mingw 2016-02-04 15:25:01 +01:00
project-doc Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/getdnsapi/getdns 2014-06-30 15:13:23 -04:00
spec Basic usage of unbound pluggable event loop 2016-03-01 16:29:37 +01:00
src Basic usage of unbound pluggable event loop 2016-03-01 16:29:37 +01:00
.dir-locals.el tell emacs users how to follow coding conventions 2015-07-19 12:22:11 +02:00
.gitignore ignore getdns.pc 2015-12-09 16:13:32 +01:00
.indent.pro Ran indent with the indent.pro committed 2013-11-05 15:03:44 -05:00
.travis.yml tpkg tests do their own autoreconf & libtoolize 2015-12-18 13:15:45 +01:00
AUTHORS fixed license and copyright notices 2014-02-20 09:12:19 -05:00
COPYING another file required by automake. using a symlink to LICENSE 2013-08-08 17:39:45 -08:00
ChangeLog Update README, ChangeLog and bumb version 2015-12-30 15:36:28 +01:00
CodingStyle added extension validation to the primary entry point to catch bogus 2013-11-04 18:37:54 -05:00
INSTALL Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #112 from saradickinson/features/tls_auth"" 2015-09-04 10:56:30 +02:00
LICENSE Fill in <organization> place holder. 2014-02-25 14:23:19 +01:00
Makefile.in Miscellaneous Makefile issues 2015-12-31 11:53:46 +01:00
NEWS separated libunbound test in configure.ac to give better diag msg 2013-11-03 16:40:24 -05:00
README automake version dep noted 2013-08-30 14:19:03 -04:00
README.md Update README.md 2015-12-30 15:42:24 +01:00
configure.ac Basic usage of unbound pluggable event loop 2016-03-01 16:29:37 +01:00
getdns.pc.in pkg-config support 2015-12-02 13:15:16 -05:00


getdns API

getdns is an implementation of a modern asynchronous DNS API specification originally edited by Paul Hoffman. It is intended to make all types of DNS information easily available to application developers and non-DNS experts. The project home page at getdnsapi.net provides documentation, binary downloads and new regarding the getdns API implementation. This implementation is licensed under the New BSD License (BSD-new).

Download the sources from our github repo or from getdnsapi.net and verify the download using the checksums (SHA1 or MD5) or using gpg to verify the signature. Our keys are available from the pgp keyservers

We have a users list for this implementation.

The getdns-api mailing list is a good place to engage in discussions regarding the design of the API.

If you are just getting started with the library take a look at the section below that describes building and handling external dependencies for the library. Once it is built you should take a look at src/examples to see how the library is used.

This file captures the goals and direction of the project and the current state of the implementation.

The goals of this implementation of the getdns API are:

  • Provide an open source implementation, in C, of the formally described getdns API by getdns API team at https://getdnsapi.net/spec.html
  • Initial support for FreeBSD, OSX, Linux (CentOS/RHEL, Ubuntu) via functional "configure" script
  • Initial support for Windows 8.1
  • Initial support to include the Android platform
  • Include examples and tests as part of the build
  • Document code using doxygen
  • Leverage github as much as possible for project coordination
  • Coding style/standards follow the BSD coding style ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-current/src/share/misc/style

Non-goals (things we will not be doing at least initially) include:

  • implementation of the traditional DNS related routines (gethostbyname, etc.)

Language Bindings

In parallel, the team is actively developing bindings for various languages. For more information, visit the wiki.

Motivation for providing the API

The developers are of the opinion that DNSSEC offers a unique global infrastructure for establishing and enhancing cryptographic trust relations. With the development of this API we intend to offer application developers a modern and flexible way that enables end-to-end trust in the DNS architecture and will inspire application developers towards innovative security solutions in their applications.


Release numbering follows the Semantic Versioning approach. The code is currently under active development.

The following requirements were met as conditions for the present release:

  • code compiles cleanly on at least the primary target platforms: OSX, RHEL/CentOS Linux, FreeBSD
  • examples must compile and run clean
  • clearly document supported/unsupported elements of the API

Tickets/Bug Reports

Tickets and bug reports should be reported via the GitHub issues list.

Additionally, we have a mailing list at users@getdns.net.

Building/External Dependencies

External dependencies are linked outside the getdns API build tree (we rely on configure to find them). We would like to keep the dependency tree short. Please refer to section for building on Windows for separate dependency and build instructions.

You have to install the library and also the library-devel (or -dev) for your package management system to install the compile time files. If you checked out our git you need to copy the libtool helper scripts and rebuild configure with:

# libtoolize -ci
# autoreconf -fi

Minimal dependencies

  • getdns can be configured for stub resolution mode only with the --enable-stub-only option to configure. This removed the dependency on libunbound.
  • Currently getdns only offers two helper functions to deal with IDN: getdns_convert_ulabel_to_alabel and getdns_convert_alabel_to_ulabel. If you do not need these functions, getdns can be configured to compile without them with the --without-libidn option to configure.
  • When both --enable-stub-only and --with-libidn options are used, getdns has only one dependency left, which is OpenSSL.

Extensions / Event loop dependencies

The implementation works with a variety of event loops, each built as a separate shared library. See the wiki for more details.

  • libevent. Note: the examples require this and should work with either libevent 1.x or 2.x. 2.x is preferred.
  • libuv
  • libev

NOTE: The current Windows implementation does not support the above.

Regression Tests

A suite of regression tests are included with the library, if you make changes or just want to sanity check things on your system take a look at src/test. You will need to install libcheck and libldns from NLnet Labs version 1.6.17 or later. Both libraries are also available from many of the package repositories for the more popular operating systems.

NOTE: The current Windows implementation does not support the above.


For the library to be DNSSEC capable, it needs to know the root trust anchor. The library will try to load the root trust anchor from /etc/unbound/getdns-root.key by default. This file is expected to have one or more DS or DNSKEY resource records in presentation (i.e. zone file) format. Note that this is different than the format of BIND.keys.

The best way to setup or update the root trust anchor is by using unbound-anchor. To setup the library with the root trust anchor at the default location, execute the following steps as root:

# mkdir -p /etc/unbound
# unbound-anchor -a /etc/unbound/getdns-root.key

#Unsupported Features

The following API calls are documented in getDNS but not supported by the implementation at this time:

  • Disabling following of CNAMEs with getdns_context_set_follow_redirects()
  • Detecting changes to resolv.conf and hosts
  • MDNS, NIS and NetBIOS namespaces (only DNS and LOCALFILES are supported)

#Known Issues

There are a few known issues which we have summarized below - the most recent and helpful list is being maintained in the git issues list in the repository. Other known issues are being managed in the git repository issue list.

  • When doing a synchronous lookup with a context that has outstanding asynchronous lookups, the callbacks for the asynchronous lookups might get called as a side effect of the synchronous lookup.

#Supported Platforms

The primary platforms targeted are Linux and FreeBSD, other platform are supported as we get time. The names listed here are intended to help ensure that we catch platform specific breakage, not to limit the work that folks are doing.

  • RHEL/CentOS 6.4
  • OSX 10.8
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (initial support for DNSSEC but no TLS provided for version 0.5.1)

We intend to add Android and other platforms to the releases as we have time to port it.

##Platform Specific Build Reports

Build Status


If you're using FreeBSD, you may install getdns via the ports tree by running: cd /usr/ports/dns/getdns && make install clean

If you are using FreeBSD 10 getdns can be intalled via 'pkg install getdns'.

###CentOS/RHEL 6.5

We rely on the most excellent package manager fpm to build the linux packages which means that the packaging platform requires ruby 2.1.0. There are other ways to build the packages, this is simplythe one we chose to use.

# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
# uname -a
Linux host-10-1-1-6 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Feb 22 00:31:26 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# cd getdns-0.2.0rc1
# ./configure --prefix=/home/deploy/build
# make; make install
# cd /home/deploy/build
# mv lib lib64
# . /usr/local/rvm/config/alias
# fpm -x "*.la" -a native -s dir -t rpm -n getdns -v 0.2.0rc1 -d "unbound" -d "ldns" -d "libevent" -d "libidn" --prefix /usr --vendor "Verisign Inc., NLnet Labs" --license "BSD New" --url "https://getdnsapi.net" --description "Modern asynchronous API to the DNS" .


# sw_vers
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.8.5
BuildVersion:	12F45

Built using PackageMaker, libevent2.

# ./configure --with-libevent --prefix=$HOME/getdnsosx/export
# make
# make install

edit/fix hardcoded paths in lib/*.la to reference /usr/local

update getdns.pmdoc to match release info

build package using PackageMaker

create dmg

A self-compiled version of OpenSSL or the version installed via Homebrew is required.
Note: If using a self-compiled version manual configuration of certificates into /usr/local/etc/openssl/certs is required for TLS authentication to work.


If you're using Homebrew, you may run brew install getdns. By default, this will only build the core library without any 3rd party event loop support.

To install the event loop integration libraries that enable support for libevent, libuv, and libev, run: brew install getdns --with-libevent --with-libuv --with-libev. All switches are optional.

Note that in order to compile the examples, the --with-libevent switch is required.

As of the 0.2.0 release, when installing via Homebrew, the trust anchor is expected to be located at $(brew --prefix)/etc/getdns-root.key. Additionally, the OpenSSL library installed by Homebrew is linked against. Note that the Homebrew OpenSSL installation clones the Keychain certificates to the default OpenSSL location so TLS certificate authentication should work out of the box.

Microsoft Windows 8.1

This section has some Windows specific build instructions.

Build tested using Mingw(3.21.0) and Msys 1.0 on Windows 8.1

Dependencies: The following dependencies are built from source on Mingw openssl1.0.2a libidn

The windows version of getdns currently only is supported in the stub only mode.

To configure:

./configure --enable-stub-only --with-trust-anchor="c:\\\MinGW\\\msys\\\1.0\\\etc\\\unbound\\\getdns-root.key" --with-ssl=/c/OpenSSL --with-getdns_query

The trust anchor is also installed by unbound on c:\program Files (X86)\unbound\root.key and can be referenced from there or anywhere else that the user chooses to configure it.

After configuring, do a make and make install to build getdns for Windows.

Example test queries:

./getdns_query.exe -s gmadkat.com A @  +return_call_reporting (UDP)
./getdns_query.exe -s gmadkat.com A @ -T  +return_call_reporting (TCP)
./getdns_query.exe -s gmadkat.com A -l L @  +return_call_reporting (TLS without authentication)
./getdns_query.exe -s www.huque.com A +dnssec_return_status +return_call_reporting (DNSSEC)


  • Theogene Bucuti
  • Andrew Cathrow, Verisign Labs
  • Neil Cook
  • Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
  • Craig Despeaux, Verisign, Inc.
  • John Dickinson, Sinodun
  • Sara Dickinson, Sinodun
  • Angelique Finan, Verisign, Inc.
  • Daniel Kahn Gillmor
  • Neel Goyal, Verisign, Inc.
  • Bryan Graham, Verisign, Inc.
  • Paul Hoffman
  • Scott Hollenbeck, Verising, Inc.
  • Shumon Huque, Verisign Labs
  • Shane Kerr
  • Anthony Kirby
  • Olaf Kolkman, NLnet Labs
  • Sanjay Mahurpawar, Verisign, Inc.
  • Allison Mankin, Verisign, Inc. - Verisign Labs.
  • Sai Mogali, Verisign, Inc.
  • Benno Overeinder, NLnet Labs
  • Joel Purra
  • Prithvi Ranganath, Verisign, Inc.
  • Rushi Shah, Verisign, Inc.
  • Vinay Soni, Verisign, Inc.
  • Melinda Shore, No Mountain Software LLC
  • Bob Steagall, Verisign, Inc.
  • Willem Toorop, NLnet Labs
  • Gowri Visweswaran, Verisign Labs
  • Wouter Wijngaards, NLnet Labs
  • Glen Wiley, Verisign, Inc.
  • Paul Wouters


The development team explicitly acknowledges Paul Hoffman for his initiative and efforts to develop a consensus based DNS API. We would like to thank the participants of the mailing list for their contributions.