High level release procedure that we follow to make a formal release for the getdns API project. This is a recipe - if you have a better way to do it then update this document and share it with us. - code freeze confirm with core team that all commits are in, from this point forward only bug fixes will be included in the release branch - create a release branch in git repository named for the release, e.g. "v0.1.2" we do this because folks may want to continue to work in the master branch and be free to commit changes without injuring the release process. Since building and testing binaries for a release takes a few days we don't want to force changes to queue up. One might argue that a release can be cut more quickly, however there are inevitably little tweaks that need to be made that get uncovered as a result of the binary builds - these tweaks need to be included in the souces for this release so building the source tarball can't be done until all of the binaries have been built and tested. - clone repo release branch to a clean local repo this should be a brand spanking new directory - don't try to shortcut it and use a working directory with lots of cruft - crap will find its way into the release and embarass you: # git clone -b v0.1.2 https://github.com/getdnsapi/getdns.git getdns-0.1.2 - update files to reflect release number/date ./README.md ./ChangeLog ./configure.ac (AC_INIT) # autoreconf commit these changes to the release branch # git commit -a -m "release number and date updates" # git push - build binaries for each target platform - create clean local repo - build code (no additional libraries, note that regression tests will not build) if you are building a simple binary tar then something like this works # ./configure --prefix=/Users/gwiley/getdnsox/export # make # make install # tar -C /Users/gwiley/getdnsosx/export -cvf getdns-0.1.2.tar * - build code (with libevent) # ./configure --with-libevent2 - run regression tests and verify that alls well if you have do do anything even mildly interesting to get the build or install to work then we either have to add it to the README.md or, preferably, fix it and update the branch - install on each target platform - make sure and use a user that was NOT used for the build, this will uncover any silliness related to absolute paths in the build - if a build breaks or an install fails then commit fixes to the relase branch - rebuild EVERY binary using the changed release branch - once all binaries are built and tested clean, create source tar ball - generate checksums for each binary/source tar - upload source and binaries to the getdnsapi.net site - update getdnsapi.net web site news entry for the release main page download links main page checksums - announce message to getdns mailing list stub-resolvers mailing list Verisign internal via the matrix - merge branch changes back into master