#ifndef _check_getdns_list_get_int_h_ #define _check_getdns_list_get_int_h_ /* ************************************************************************** * * * T E S T S F O R G E T D N S _ L I S T _ G E T _ I N T * * * ************************************************************************** */ START_TEST (getdns_list_get_int_1) { /* * list = NULL * expect: GETDNS_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER */ struct getdns_list *list = NULL; size_t index = 0; uint32_t answer; ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_get_int(list, index, &answer), GETDNS_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Return code from getdns_list_get_int()"); } END_TEST START_TEST (getdns_list_get_int_2) { /* index is out of range * create a list and set index 0 to an int with a value of 100 * Call getdns_get_list() for index 1 * expect: GETDNS_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER */ struct getdns_list *list = NULL; size_t index = 0; LIST_CREATE(list); ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_set_int(list, index, 1), GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD, "Return code from getdns_list_set_int()"); index++; ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_get_list(list, index, NULL), GETDNS_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Return code from getdns_list_get_list()"); LIST_DESTROY(list); } END_TEST START_TEST (getdns_list_get_int_3) { /* data type at index is not int * create a list * Create some bindata containing "bindata" and add it to the list with name = "bindata" * expect: GETDNS_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER */ struct getdns_list *list = NULL; struct getdns_bindata bindata = { 8, (void *)"bindata" }; size_t index = 0; uint32_t answer; LIST_CREATE(list); ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_set_bindata(list, index, &bindata), GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD, "Return code from getdns_list_set_bindata()"); ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_get_int(list, index, &answer), GETDNS_RETURN_WRONG_TYPE_REQUESTED, "Return code from getdns_list_get_list()"); LIST_DESTROY(list); } END_TEST START_TEST (getdns_list_get_int_4) { /* answer is NULL * expect: GETDNS_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER */ struct getdns_list *list = NULL; size_t index = 0; ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_get_int(list, index, NULL), GETDNS_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Return code from getdns_list_get_int()"); } END_TEST START_TEST (getdns_list_get_int_5) { /* create a list * expect: GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD */ struct getdns_list *list = NULL; size_t index = 0; uint32_t answer; LIST_CREATE(list); ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_set_int(list, index, 1), GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD, "Return code from getdns_list_set_int()"); ASSERT_RC(getdns_list_get_int(list, index, &answer), GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD, "Return code from getdns_list_get_int()"); ck_assert_msg(answer == 100, "Expected retrieved int == 100, got: %d", answer); LIST_DESTROY(list); } END_TEST Suite * getdns_list_get_int_suite (void) { Suite *s = suite_create ("getdns_list_get_int()"); /* Negative test caseis */ TCase *tc_neg = tcase_create("Negative"); tcase_add_test(tc_neg, getdns_list_get_int_1); tcase_add_test(tc_neg, getdns_list_get_int_2); tcase_add_test(tc_neg, getdns_list_get_int_3); tcase_add_test(tc_neg, getdns_list_get_int_4); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_neg); /* Positive test cases */ TCase *tc_pos = tcase_create("Positive"); tcase_add_test(tc_pos, getdns_list_get_int_5); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_pos); return s; } #endif