/* * Functions for MDNS resolving. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Christian Huitema * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include "debug.h" #include "context.h" #include "general.h" #include "gldns/pkthdr.h" #include "util-internal.h" #include "mdns.h" #ifdef HAVE_MDNS_SUPPORT #ifdef USE_WINSOCK typedef u_short sa_family_t; #define _getdns_EWOULDBLOCK (WSAGetLastError() == WSATRY_AGAIN ||\ WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) #define _getdns_EINPROGRESS (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINPROGRESS) #else #define _getdns_EWOULDBLOCK (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) #define _getdns_EINPROGRESS (errno == EINPROGRESS) #endif uint64_t _getdns_get_time_as_uintt64(); /* * Constants defined in RFC 6762 */ #define MDNS_MCAST_IPV4_LONG 0xE00000FB /* */ #define MDNS_MCAST_PORT 5353 static uint8_t mdns_mcast_ipv6[] = { 0xFF, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFB }; static uint8_t mdns_suffix_dot_local[] = { 5, 'l', 'o', 'c', 'a', 'l', 0 }; static uint8_t mdns_suffix_254_169_in_addr_arpa[] = { 3, '2', '5', '4', 3, '1', '6', '9', 7, 'i', 'n', '-', 'a', 'd', 'd', 'r', 4, 'a', 'r', 'p', 'a', 0 }; static uint8_t mdns_suffix_8_e_f_ip6_arpa[] = { 1, '8', 1, 'e', 1, 'f', 3, 'i', 'p', '6', 4, 'a', 'r', 'p', 'a', 0 }; static uint8_t mdns_suffix_9_e_f_ip6_arpa[] = { 1, '9', 1, 'e', 1, 'f', 3, 'i', 'p', '6', 4, 'a', 'r', 'p', 'a', 0 }; static uint8_t mdns_suffix_a_e_f_ip6_arpa[] = { 1, 'a', 1, 'e', 1, 'f', 3, 'i', 'p', '6', 4, 'a', 'r', 'p', 'a', 0 }; static uint8_t mdns_suffix_b_e_f_ip6_arpa[] = { 1, 'b', 1, 'e', 1, 'f', 3, 'i', 'p', '6', 4, 'a', 'r', 'p', 'a', 0 }; /* * Compare function for the netreq_by_query_id, * used in the red-black tree of all netreq by continuous query. */ static int mdns_cmp_netreq_by_query_id(const void * id1, const void * id2) { int ret = 0; if (id1 != id2) { ret = (((intptr_t)id1) < ((intptr_t)id2)) ? -1 : 1; } return ret; } /* * Compare function for the getdns_mdns_known_record type, * used in the red-black tree of known records per query. */ static int mdns_cmp_known_records(const void * nkr1, const void * nkr2) { int ret = 0; getdns_mdns_known_record * kr1 = (getdns_mdns_known_record *)nkr1; getdns_mdns_known_record * kr2 = (getdns_mdns_known_record *)nkr2; if (kr1->request_class != kr2->request_class) { ret = (kr1->request_class < kr2->request_class) ? -1 : 1; } else if (kr1->request_type != kr2->request_type) { ret = (kr1->request_type < kr2->request_type) ? -1 : 1; } else if (kr1->name_len != kr2->name_len) { ret = (kr1->name_len < kr2->name_len) ? -1 : 1; } else if (kr1->record_len != kr2->record_len) { ret = (kr1->record_len < kr2->record_len) ? -1 : 1; } else if ((ret = memcmp((void*)kr1->name, (void*)kr2->name, kr2->name_len)) == 0) { ret = memcmp((const void*)kr1->record_data, (const void*)kr2->record_data, kr1->record_len); } return ret; } /* * Compare function for the mdns_continuous_query_by_name_rrtype, * used in the red-black tree of all ongoing queries. */ static int mdns_cmp_continuous_queries_by_name_rrtype(const void * nqnr1, const void * nqnr2) { int ret = 0; getdns_mdns_continuous_query * qnr1 = (getdns_mdns_continuous_query *)nqnr1; getdns_mdns_continuous_query * qnr2 = (getdns_mdns_continuous_query *)nqnr2; if (qnr1->request_class != qnr2->request_class) { ret = (qnr1->request_class < qnr2->request_class) ? -1 : 1; } else if (qnr1->request_type != qnr2->request_type) { ret = (qnr1->request_type < qnr2->request_type) ? -1 : 1; } else if (qnr1->name_len != qnr2->name_len) { ret = (qnr1->name_len < qnr2->name_len) ? -1 : 1; } else { ret = memcmp((void*)qnr1->name, (void*)qnr2->name, qnr1->name_len); } return ret; } /* * Create the two required multicast sockets */ static int mdns_open_ipv4_multicast() { getdns_return_t ret = 0; SOCKET fd4 = -1; SOCKADDR_IN ipv4_dest; SOCKADDR_IN ipv4_port; uint8_t so_reuse_bool = 1; uint8_t ttl = 255; IP_MREQ mreq4; memset(&ipv4_dest, 0, sizeof(ipv4_dest)); memset(&ipv4_port, 0, sizeof(ipv4_dest)); ipv4_dest.sin_family = AF_INET; ipv4_dest.sin_port = htons(MDNS_MCAST_PORT); ipv4_dest.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(MDNS_MCAST_IPV4_LONG); ipv4_port.sin_family = AF_INET; ipv4_port.sin_port = htons(MDNS_MCAST_PORT); fd4 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (fd4 != -1) { /* * No need to test the output of the so_reuse call, * since the only result that matters is that of bind. */ (void)setsockopt(fd4, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR , (const char*)&so_reuse_bool, (int) sizeof(BOOL)); if (bind(fd4, (SOCKADDR*)&ipv4_port, sizeof(ipv4_port)) != 0) { ret = -1; } else { mreq4.imr_multiaddr = ipv4_dest.sin_addr; mreq4.imr_interface = ipv4_port.sin_addr; if (setsockopt(fd4, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP , (const char*)&mreq4, (int) sizeof(mreq4)) != 0) { ret = -1; } else if (setsockopt(fd4, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)) != 0) { ret = -1; } } } if (ret != 0 && fd4 != -1) { #ifdef USE_WINSOCK closesocket(fd4); #else close(fd4); #endif fd4 = -1; } return fd4; } static int mdns_open_ipv6_multicast() { getdns_return_t ret = 0; SOCKET fd6 = -1; SOCKADDR_IN6 ipv6_dest; SOCKADDR_IN6 ipv6_port; uint8_t so_reuse_bool = 1; uint8_t ttl = 255; IPV6_MREQ mreq6; memset(&ipv6_dest, 0, sizeof(ipv6_dest)); memset(&ipv6_port, 0, sizeof(ipv6_dest)); ipv6_dest.sin6_family = AF_INET6; ipv6_dest.sin6_port = htons(MDNS_MCAST_PORT); ipv6_port.sin6_family = AF_INET6; ipv6_port.sin6_port = htons(MDNS_MCAST_PORT); memcpy(&ipv6_dest.sin6_addr , mdns_mcast_ipv6, sizeof(mdns_mcast_ipv6)); fd6 = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (fd6 != -1) { /* * No need to test the output of the so_reuse call, * since the only result that matters is that of bind. */ (void)setsockopt(fd6, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR , (const char*)&so_reuse_bool, (int) sizeof(BOOL)); if (bind(fd6, (SOCKADDR*)&ipv6_port, sizeof(ipv6_port)) != 0) { ret = -1; } else { memcpy(&mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr , &ipv6_dest.sin6_addr, sizeof(mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr)); memcpy(&mreq6.ipv6mr_interface , &ipv6_port.sin6_addr, sizeof(mreq6.ipv6mr_interface)); if (setsockopt(fd6, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP , (const char*)&mreq6, (int) sizeof(mreq6)) != 0) { ret = -1; } else if (setsockopt(fd6, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)) != 0) { ret = -1; } } } if (ret != 0 && fd6 != -1) { #ifdef USE_WINSOCK closesocket(fd6); #else close(fd6); #endif fd6 = -1; } return fd6; } /* * Delayed opening of the MDNS sockets, and launch of the MDNS listeners */ static getdns_return_t mdns_delayed_network_init(struct getdns_context *context) { getdns_return_t ret = 0; if (context->mdns_extended_support == 2) { context->mdns_fdv4 = mdns_open_ipv4_multicast(); context->mdns_fdv6 = mdns_open_ipv6_multicast(); if (context->mdns_fdv4 == -1 || context->mdns_fdv6 == -1) { if (context->mdns_fdv4 != -1) #ifdef USE_WINSOCK closesocket(context->mdns_fdv4); #else close(context->mdns_fdv4); #endif ret = GETDNS_RETURN_GENERIC_ERROR; } else { /* TODO: launch the receive loops */ } } return ret; } /* * Initialize a continuous query from netreq */ static getdns_return_t mdns_initialize_continuous_request(getdns_network_req *netreq) { int ret = 0; getdns_mdns_continuous_query temp_query, *continuous_query, *inserted_query; getdns_dns_req *dnsreq = netreq->owner; struct getdns_context *context = dnsreq->context; /* * Fill the target request, but only initialize name and request_type */ temp_query.request_class = dnsreq->request_class; temp_query.request_type = netreq->request_type; temp_query.name_len = dnsreq->name_len; /* TODO: check that dnsreq is in canonical form */ memcpy(temp_query.name, dnsreq->name, dnsreq->name_len); /* * Check whether the continuous query is already in the RB tree. * if there is not, create one. * TODO: should lock the context object when doing that. */ continuous_query = (getdns_mdns_continuous_query *) _getdns_rbtree_search(&context->mdns_continuous_queries_by_name_rrtype, &temp_query); if (continuous_query == NULL) { continuous_query = (getdns_mdns_continuous_query *) GETDNS_MALLOC(context->mf, getdns_mdns_continuous_query); if (continuous_query != NULL) { continuous_query->node.parent = NULL; continuous_query->node.left = NULL; continuous_query->node.right = NULL; continuous_query->node.key = (void*)continuous_query; continuous_query->request_class = temp_query.request_class; continuous_query->request_type = temp_query.request_type; continuous_query->name_len = temp_query.name_len; memcpy(continuous_query->name, temp_query.name, temp_query.name_len); continuous_query->netreq_first = NULL; /* Add the new continuous query to the context */ inserted_query = (getdns_mdns_continuous_query *) _getdns_rbtree_insert(&context->mdns_continuous_queries_by_name_rrtype, &continuous_query->node); if (inserted_query == NULL) { /* Weird. This can only happen in a race condition */ GETDNS_FREE(context->mf, &continuous_query); ret = GETDNS_RETURN_GENERIC_ERROR; } } else { ret = GETDNS_RETURN_MEMORY_ERROR; } } /* insert netreq into query list */ netreq->mdns_netreq_next = continuous_query->netreq_first; continuous_query->netreq_first = netreq; /* to do: queue message request to socket */ return ret; } /* * Initialize the MDNS part of the context structure. */ void _getdns_mdns_context_init(struct getdns_context *context) { context->mdns_extended_support = 2; /* 0 = no support, 1 = supported, 2 = initialization needed */ context->mdns_fdv4 = -1; /* invalid socket, i.e. not initialized */ context->mdns_fdv6 = -1; /* invalid socket, i.e. not initialized */ _getdns_rbtree_init(&context->mdns_continuous_queries_by_name_rrtype , mdns_cmp_continuous_queries_by_name_rrtype); _getdns_rbtree_init(&context->mdns_known_records_by_value , mdns_cmp_known_records); } /* * Delete all the data allocated for MDNS in a context */ void _getdns_mdns_context_destroy(struct getdns_context *context) { /* Close the sockets */ /* Clear all the continuous queries */ /* Clear all the cached records */ } /* TODO: actualy delete what is required.. */ static void mdns_cleanup(getdns_network_req *netreq) { DEBUG_MDNS("%s %-35s: MSG: %p\n", MDNS_DEBUG_CLEANUP, __FUNCTION__, netreq); getdns_dns_req *dnsreq = netreq->owner; GETDNS_CLEAR_EVENT(dnsreq->loop, &netreq->event); } void _getdns_cancel_mdns_request(getdns_network_req *netreq) { mdns_cleanup(netreq); if (netreq->fd >= 0) { #ifdef USE_WINSOCK closesocket(netreq->fd); #else close(netreq->fd); #endif } } static void mdns_timeout_cb(void *userarg) { getdns_network_req *netreq = (getdns_network_req *)userarg; DEBUG_MDNS("%s %-35s: MSG: %p\n", MDNS_DEBUG_CLEANUP, __FUNCTION__, netreq); /* TODO: do we need a retry logic here? */ /* Check the required cleanup */ mdns_cleanup(netreq); if (netreq->fd >= 0) #ifdef USE_WINSOCK closesocket(netreq->fd); #else close(netreq->fd); #endif netreq->state = NET_REQ_TIMED_OUT; if (netreq->owner->user_callback) { netreq->debug_end_time = _getdns_get_time_as_uintt64(); (void)_getdns_context_request_timed_out(netreq->owner); } else _getdns_check_dns_req_complete(netreq->owner); } /**************************/ /* UDP callback functions */ /**************************/ static void mdns_udp_read_cb(void *userarg) { getdns_network_req *netreq = (getdns_network_req *)userarg; getdns_dns_req *dnsreq = netreq->owner; ssize_t read; DEBUG_MDNS("%s %-35s: MSG: %p \n", MDNS_DEBUG_READ, __FUNCTION__, netreq); GETDNS_CLEAR_EVENT(dnsreq->loop, &netreq->event); read = recvfrom(netreq->fd, (void *)netreq->response, netreq->max_udp_payload_size + 1, /* If read == max_udp_payload_size * then all is good. If read == * max_udp_payload_size + 1, then * we receive more then requested! * i.e. overflow */ 0, NULL, NULL); if (read == -1 && _getdns_EWOULDBLOCK) return; if (read < GLDNS_HEADER_SIZE) return; /* Not DNS */ if (GLDNS_ID_WIRE(netreq->response) != netreq->query_id) return; /* Cache poisoning attempt ;) */ // TODO: check whether EDNS server cookies are required for MDNS // TODO: check that the source address originates from the local network. // TODO: check TTL = 255 #ifdef USE_WINSOCK closesocket(netreq->fd); #else close(netreq->fd); #endif /* * TODO: how to handle an MDNS response with TC bit set? * Ignore it for now, as we do not support any kind of TCP fallback * for basic MDNS. */ netreq->response_len = read; netreq->debug_end_time = _getdns_get_time_as_uintt64(); netreq->state = NET_REQ_FINISHED; _getdns_check_dns_req_complete(dnsreq); } static void mdns_udp_write_cb(void *userarg) { getdns_network_req *netreq = (getdns_network_req *)userarg; getdns_dns_req *dnsreq = netreq->owner; size_t pkt_len = netreq->response - netreq->query; struct sockaddr_in mdns_mcast_v4; int ttl = 255; int r; DEBUG_MDNS("%s %-35s: MSG: %p \n", MDNS_DEBUG_WRITE, __FUNCTION__, netreq); GETDNS_CLEAR_EVENT(dnsreq->loop, &netreq->event); netreq->debug_start_time = _getdns_get_time_as_uintt64(); netreq->debug_udp = 1; netreq->query_id = (uint16_t) arc4random(); GLDNS_ID_SET(netreq->query, netreq->query_id); /* do we need to handle options valid in the MDNS context? */ /* Probably no need for TSIG in MDNS */ /* Always use multicast address */ mdns_mcast_v4.sin_family = AF_INET; mdns_mcast_v4.sin_port = htons(MDNS_MCAST_PORT); mdns_mcast_v4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(MDNS_MCAST_IPV4_LONG); /* Set TTL=255 for compliance with RFC 6762 */ r = setsockopt(netreq->fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, (const char *)&ttl, sizeof(ttl)); if (r != 0 || (ssize_t)pkt_len != sendto( netreq->fd, (const void *)netreq->query, pkt_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&mdns_mcast_v4, sizeof(mdns_mcast_v4))) { #ifdef USE_WINSOCK closesocket(netreq->fd); #else close(netreq->fd); #endif return; } GETDNS_SCHEDULE_EVENT( dnsreq->loop, netreq->fd, dnsreq->context->timeout, getdns_eventloop_event_init(&netreq->event, netreq, mdns_udp_read_cb, NULL, mdns_timeout_cb)); } /* * MDNS Request Submission */ getdns_return_t _getdns_submit_mdns_request(getdns_network_req *netreq) { DEBUG_MDNS("%s %-35s: MSG: %p TYPE: %d\n", MDNS_DEBUG_ENTRY, __FUNCTION__, netreq, netreq->request_type); int fd = -1; getdns_dns_req *dnsreq = netreq->owner; /* Open the UDP socket required for the request */ if ((fd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1) return -1; /* TODO: do we need getdns_sock_nonblock(fd); */ /* Schedule the MDNS request */ netreq->fd = fd; GETDNS_CLEAR_EVENT(dnsreq->loop, &netreq->event); GETDNS_SCHEDULE_EVENT( dnsreq->loop, netreq->fd, dnsreq->context->timeout, getdns_eventloop_event_init(&netreq->event, netreq, NULL, mdns_udp_write_cb, mdns_timeout_cb)); return GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD; } /* * MDNS name space management */ static int mdns_suffix_compare(register const uint8_t *d1, register const uint8_t *d2) { int ret = 0; uint8_t *d1_head = (uint8_t *) d1; uint8_t *d1_current; uint8_t *d2_current; int is_matching = 0; int part_length; int i; uint8_t c; /* Skip the first name part, since we want at least one label before the suffix */ if (*d1_head != 0) d1_head += *d1_head + 1; while (*d1_head != 0) { /* check whether we have a match at this point */ d1_current = d1_head; d2_current = (uint8_t *) d2; is_matching = 0; /* compare length and value of all successive labels */ while (*d1_current == *d2_current) { part_length = *d1_current; if (part_length == 0) { /* We have reached the top label, there is a match */ ret = 1; break; } /* The label's lengths are matching, check the content */ is_matching = 1; d1_current++; d2_current++; for (i = 0; i < part_length; i++) { c = d1_current[i]; if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c); if (c != d2_current[i]) { is_matching = 0; break; } } /* move the pointers to the next label */ if (is_matching) { d1_current += part_length; d2_current += part_length; } } /* if no match found yet, move to the next label of d1 */ if (is_matching) break; else d1_head += *d1_head + 1; } return ret; } getdns_return_t _getdns_mdns_namespace_check( getdns_dns_req *dnsreq) { getdns_return_t ret = GETDNS_RETURN_GENERIC_ERROR; /* Checking the prefixes defined in RFC 6762 */ if (mdns_suffix_compare(dnsreq->name, mdns_suffix_dot_local) || mdns_suffix_compare(dnsreq->name, mdns_suffix_254_169_in_addr_arpa) || mdns_suffix_compare(dnsreq->name, mdns_suffix_8_e_f_ip6_arpa) || mdns_suffix_compare(dnsreq->name, mdns_suffix_9_e_f_ip6_arpa) || mdns_suffix_compare(dnsreq->name, mdns_suffix_a_e_f_ip6_arpa) || mdns_suffix_compare(dnsreq->name, mdns_suffix_b_e_f_ip6_arpa)) ret = GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD; return ret; } #endif /* HAVE_MDNS_SUPPORT */