getdns API ========== * Date: 2013-06-20 * GitHub: getdns is a [modern asynchronous DNS API] intended to make all types of DNS information easily available as described by Paul Hoffman. This implementation is licensed under the [MIT license]( This file captures the goals and direcxtion of the project and the current state of the implementation. The goals of this implemtation of the getdns API are: * Provide an open source implementation, in C, of the formally described getdns API described by Paul Hoffman at * Initial support for FreeBSD x.y, MS-Windows Ver. X, OSX 10.x, Linux (CentOS/RHEL R6uX, Ubuntu Ver X) via functional "configure" script * Include examples and tests as part of the build * Document code using doxygen * Leverage github as much as possible for project coordination * Coding style/standards follow the BSD coding style * Follow the git flow branching model described at * Both synchronous and asynchronous entry points with an early focus on the asynchronous model Contributors ============ Neel Goyal, Verisign, Inc. Allison Mankin, Verisign, Inc. Melinda Shore Glen Wiley, Verisign, Inc. External Dependencies ===================== External dependencies are linked outside the getdns API build tree (we rely on configure to find them). The project relies on [libdns from NL]( for parsing and constructing DNS packets. Version 1.6.16 Although [libevent]( is used initially to implement the asynchronous model, future work may include a move to other mechanisms (epoll based etc.). Version 2.0.21 stable Current State of the Implementation =================================== TBD -- end README