diff --git a/spec/getdns-0.383.tgz b/spec/getdns-0.383.tgz
deleted file mode 100644
index 37162a1b..00000000
Binary files a/spec/getdns-0.383.tgz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/spec/getdns-0.384.tgz b/spec/getdns-0.384.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb9908f4
Binary files /dev/null and b/spec/getdns-0.384.tgz differ
diff --git a/spec/getdns_core_only.h b/spec/getdns_core_only.h
index 32c18905..4c239114 100644
--- a/spec/getdns_core_only.h
+++ b/spec/getdns_core_only.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Created at 2014-02-03-21-44-05*/
+/* Created at 2014-02-03-21-52-29*/
#ifndef GETDNS_H
#define GETDNS_H
diff --git a/spec/index.html b/spec/index.html
index ba30a3b1..b978a40b 100644
--- a/spec/index.html
+++ b/spec/index.html
@@ -1869,8 +1869,144 @@ as it is for the synchronous example, it is just done in main()
to get names from the DNS reverse tree.
-[[[[ Something will go here soon ]]]]]
- +#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <getdns_libevent.h>
+#define UNUSED_PARAM(x) ((void)(x))
+/* Set up the callback function, which will also do the processing of the results */
+void this_callbackfn(struct getdns_context *this_context,
+ uint16_t this_callback_type,
+ struct getdns_dict *this_response,
+ void *this_userarg,
+ getdns_transaction_t this_transaction_id)
+ getdns_return_t this_ret; /* Holder for all function returns */
+ UNUSED_PARAM(this_userarg); /* Not looking at the userarg for this example */
+ UNUSED_PARAM(this_context); /* Not looking at the context for this example */
+ UNUSED_PARAM(this_ret); /* Set, but not read */
+ if (this_callback_type == GETDNS_CALLBACK_COMPLETE) /* This is a callback with data */
+ {
+ /* Be sure the search returned something */
+ uint32_t this_error;
+ this_ret = getdns_dict_get_int(this_response, "status", &this_error); // Ignore any error
+ if (this_error != GETDNS_RESPSTATUS_GOOD) // If the search didn't return "good"
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "The search had no results, and a return value of %d. Exiting.\n", this_error);
+ getdns_dict_destroy(this_response);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct getdns_list *replies_tree;
+ this_ret = getdns_dict_get_list(this_response, "replies_tree", &replies_tree); // Ignore any error
+ size_t num_replies;
+ this_ret = getdns_list_get_length(replies_tree, &num_replies); // Ignore any error
+ /* Go through each reply */
+ for ( size_t reply_count = 0; reply_count < num_replies; ++reply_count)
+ {
+ struct getdns_dict * this_reply;
+ this_ret = getdns_list_get_dict(replies_tree, reply_count, &this_reply); // Ignore any error
+ /* Just print the address */
+ struct getdns_list* reply_answers;
+ this_ret = getdns_dict_get_list(this_reply, "answer", &reply_answers); // Ignore any error
+ size_t num_answers;
+ this_ret = getdns_list_get_length(reply_answers, &num_answers); // Ignore any error
+ /* Go through each answer */
+ for ( size_t answer_count = 0; answer_count < num_answers; ++answer_count)
+ {
+ struct getdns_dict * this_rr;
+ this_ret = getdns_list_get_dict(reply_answers, answer_count, &this_rr);
+ /* Get the RDATA type */
+ uint32_t this_type;
+ this_ret = getdns_dict_get_int(this_rr, "type", &this_type); // Ignore any error
+ if (this_type == GETDNS_RRTYPE_PTR)
+ {
+ struct getdns_dict *this_rdata;
+ this_ret = getdns_dict_get_dict(this_rr, "rdata", &this_rdata); // Ignore any error
+ struct getdns_bindata * this_dname;
+ this_ret = getdns_dict_get_bindata(this_rdata, "rdata_raw", &this_dname);
+ char *this_dname_str = getdns_convert_dns_name_to_fqdn((char *)this_dname->data);
+ printf("The dname is %s\n", this_dname_str);
+ free(this_dname_str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this_callback_type == GETDNS_CALLBACK_CANCEL)
+ fprintf(stderr, "The callback with ID %"PRIu64" was cancelled. Exiting.", this_transaction_id);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "The callback got a callback_type of %d. Exiting.", this_callback_type);
+ getdns_dict_destroy(this_response);
+int main()
+ /* Create the DNS context for this call */
+ struct getdns_context *this_context = NULL;
+ getdns_return_t context_create_return = getdns_context_create(&this_context, 1);
+ if (context_create_return != GETDNS_RETURN_GOOD)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Trying to create the context failed: %d", context_create_return);
+ }
+ /* Create an event base and put it in the context using the unknown function name */
+ struct event_base *this_event_base;
+ this_event_base = event_base_new();
+ if (this_event_base == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Trying to create the event base failed.");
+ getdns_context_destroy(this_context);
+ }
+ (void)getdns_extension_set_libevent_base(this_context, this_event_base);
+ /* Set up the getdns call */
+ struct getdns_dict * this_addr_to_look_up = getdns_dict_create();
+ // TODO: check the return value above
+ struct getdns_bindata this_type = { 4, (void *)"IPv4" };
+ getdns_return_t this_ret = getdns_dict_set_bindata(this_addr_to_look_up, "address_type", &this_type);
+ UNUSED_PARAM(this_ret);
+ struct getdns_bindata this_ipv4_addr = { 4, (void *)"\x08\x08\x08\x08" };
+ this_ret = getdns_dict_set_bindata(this_addr_to_look_up, "address_data", &this_ipv4_addr);
+ char* this_userarg = "somestring"; // Could add things here to help identify this call
+ getdns_transaction_t this_transaction_id = 0;
+ /* Make the call */
+ getdns_return_t dns_request_return = getdns_hostname(this_context, this_addr_to_look_up,
+ NULL, this_userarg, &this_transaction_id, this_callbackfn);
+ if (dns_request_return == GETDNS_RETURN_BAD_DOMAIN_NAME)
+ {
+ char *ip_address_str = getdns_display_ip_address(&this_ipv4_addr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "A bad IP address was used: %s. Exiting.\n", ip_address_str);
+ free(ip_address_str);
+ getdns_dict_destroy(this_addr_to_look_up);
+ event_base_free(this_event_base);
+ getdns_context_destroy(this_context);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Call the event loop */
+ int dispatch_return = event_base_dispatch(this_event_base);
+ UNUSED_PARAM(dispatch_return);
+ // TODO: check the return value above
+ }
+ /* Clean up */
+ getdns_dict_destroy(this_addr_to_look_up);
+ event_base_free(this_event_base);
+ getdns_context_destroy(this_context);
+ /* Assuming we get here, leave gracefully */
There is a tarball that includes the .h files, +
There is a tarball that includes the .h files, the examples, and so on. The examples all make, even though there is no API implementation, based on a pseudo-implementation in the tarball; see make-examples-PLATFORM.sh. Note that this currently builds fine on the Macintosh and Ubuntu; help is definitely appreciated on making the build process