# btc-crawl Bitcoin node network crawler (written in golang). This is a for-fun project to explore the Bitcoin protocol and network. Current status: * **XXX:*** Broken. In the process of a major refactor which has a bug that keeps thinking it's done prematurely. * JSON streaming is in place, and graceful shutdown. * ~~It crawls with all kinds of nice parameters but stores everything in memory until dumping a giant JSON blob at the end.~~ * ~~It crawls from hard-coded values and spits a bunch of stuff to stdout.~~ ## Usage ``` $ go get github.com/shazow/btc-crawl $ btc-crawl --help ... $ btc-crawl --concurrency 100 --output btc-crawl.json --verbose ... ``` **Estimated crawl time:** Unknown. There should be under 10,000 active network nodes at any given time, according to [bitnodes.io](https://getaddr.bitnodes.io/). Each node returns around ~2,500 known nodes, but usually only several have timestamps within the last hour. ## Todo (In approximate order of priority) * Apply peer-age filter to results * Add timeout option. * Namespace useful sub-packages properly (outside of `main`) ## License MIT (see LICENSE file).