112 lines
2.3 KiB
112 lines
2.3 KiB
package main
import (
const subsidy = 10
// Transaction represents a Bitcoin transaction
type Transaction struct {
ID []byte
Vin []TXInput
Vout []TXOutput
// IsCoinbase checks whether the transaction is coinbase
func (tx Transaction) IsCoinbase() bool {
return len(tx.Vin) == 1 && len(tx.Vin[0].Txid) == 0 && tx.Vin[0].Vout == -1
// SetID sets ID of a transaction
func (tx Transaction) SetID() {
var encoded bytes.Buffer
var hash [32]byte
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&encoded)
err := enc.Encode(tx)
if err != nil {
hash = sha256.Sum256(encoded.Bytes())
tx.ID = hash[:]
// TXInput represents a transaction input
type TXInput struct {
Txid []byte
Vout int
ScriptSig string
// TXOutput represents a transaction output
type TXOutput struct {
Value int
ScriptPubKey string
// CanUnlockOutputWith checks whether the address initiated the transaction
func (in *TXInput) CanUnlockOutputWith(unlockingData string) bool {
return in.ScriptSig == unlockingData
// CanBeUnlockedWith checks if the output can be unlocked with the provided data
func (out *TXOutput) CanBeUnlockedWith(unlockingData string) bool {
return out.ScriptPubKey == unlockingData
// NewCoinbaseTX creates a new coinbase transaction
func NewCoinbaseTX(to, data string) *Transaction {
if data == "" {
data = fmt.Sprintf("Reward to '%s'", to)
txin := TXInput{[]byte{}, -1, data}
txout := TXOutput{subsidy, to}
tx := Transaction{nil, []TXInput{txin}, []TXOutput{txout}}
return &tx
// NewUTXOTransaction creates a new transaction
func NewUTXOTransaction(from, to string, value int, bc *Blockchain) *Transaction {
var inputs []TXInput
var outputs []TXOutput
acc, validOutputs := bc.FindUTXOs(from, value)
if acc < value {
log.Panic("ERROR: Not enough funds")
// Build a list of inputs
for txid, outs := range validOutputs {
for _, out := range outs {
txID, err := hex.DecodeString(txid)
if err != nil {
input := TXInput{txID, out, from}
inputs = append(inputs, input)
// Build a list of outputs
outputs = append(outputs, TXOutput{value, to})
if acc > value {
outputs = append(outputs, TXOutput{acc - value, from}) // a change
tx := Transaction{nil, inputs, outputs}
return &tx