190 lines
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190 lines
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// 24 february 2014
package ui
// #include "winapi_windows.h"
import "C"
type sizing struct {
// for size calculations
baseX int
baseY int
// for the actual resizing
// possibly the HDWP
const (
marginDialogUnits = 7
paddingDialogUnits = 4
// only windows are containers, so only windows get beginResize()
func (w *window) beginResize() (d *sizing) {
d = new(sizing)
dc := C.getDC(w.hwnd)
defer C.releaseDC(w.hwnd, dc)
C.getTextMetricsW(dc, &tm)
d.baseX = int(tm.tmAveCharWidth) // TODO not optimal; third reference below has better way
d.baseY = int(tm.tmHeight)
if w.spaced {
d.xmargin = int(C.MulDiv(marginDialogUnits, C.int(d.baseX), 4))
d.ymargin = int(C.MulDiv(marginDialogUnits, C.int(d.baseY), 8))
d.xpadding = int(C.MulDiv(paddingDialogUnits, C.int(d.baseX), 4))
d.ypadding = int(C.MulDiv(paddingDialogUnits, C.int(d.baseY), 8))
return d
func (c *container) translateAllocationCoords(allocations []*allocation, winwidth, winheight int) {
// no translation needed on windows
// TODO move this to sizing.go
// TODO when doing so, account for margins
func (w *widgetbase) allocate(x int, y int, width int, height int, d *sizing) []*allocation {
return []*allocation{&allocation{
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
this: w,
func (w *widgetbase) commitResize(c *allocation, d *sizing) {
yoff := stdDlgSizes[s.ctype].yoff
if s.alternate {
yoff = stdDlgSizes[s.ctype].yoffalt
if yoff != 0 {
yoff = int(C.MulDiv(C.int(yoff), C.int(d.baseY), 8))
c.y += yoff
C.moveWindow(w.hwnd, C.int(c.x), C.int(c.y), C.int(c.width), C.int(c.height))
func (w *widgetbase) getAuxResizeInfo(d *sizing) {
// do nothing
// For Windows, Microsoft just hands you a list of preferred control sizes as part of the MSDN documentation and tells you to roll with it.
// These sizes are given in "dialog units", which are independent of the font in use.
// We need to convert these into standard pixels, which requires we get the device context of the OS window.
// References:
// - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa511279.aspx#controlsizing for control sizes
// - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms645502%28VS.85%29.aspx - the calculation needed
// - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/125681 - to get the base X and Y
// (thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58620/default-button-size)
// For push buttons, date/time pickers, links (which we don't use), toolbars, and rebars (another type of toolbar), Common Controls version 6 provides convenient methods to use instead, falling back to the old way if it fails.
// As we are left with incomplete data, an arbitrary size will be chosen
const (
defaultWidth = 100 // 2 * preferred width of buttons
type dlgunits struct {
width int
height int
longest bool // TODO actually use this
getsize uintptr
area bool // use area sizes instead
yoff int
yoffalt int
var stdDlgSizes = [nctypes]dlgunits{
c_button: dlgunits{
width: 50,
height: 14,
c_checkbox: dlgunits{
// widtdh is not defined here so assume longest
longest: true,
height: 10,
c_combobox: dlgunits{
// technically the height of a combobox has to include the drop-down list (this is a historical accident: originally comboboxes weren't drop-down)
// but since we're forcing Common Controls version 6, we can take advantage of one of its mechanisms to automatically fix this mistake (bad practice but whatever)
// see also: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2006/03/10/548537.aspx
// note that the Microsoft guidelines pages don't take the list size into account
longest: true,
height: 12, // from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb226818%28v=vs.85%29.aspx; the page linked above says 14
c_lineedit: dlgunits{
longest: true,
height: 14,
c_label: dlgunits{
longest: true,
height: 8,
yoff: 3,
yoffalt: 0,
c_listbox: dlgunits{
longest: true,
// height is not clearly defined here ("an integral number of items (3 items minimum)") so just use a three-line edit control
height: 14 + 10 + 10,
c_progressbar: dlgunits{
width: 237, // the first reference says 107 also works; TODO decide which to use
height: 8,
c_area: dlgunits{
area: true,
func (w *widgetbase) preferredSize(d *sizing) (width int, height int) {
// the preferred size of an Area is its size
if stdDlgSizes[s.ctype].area {
return s.areawidth, s.areaheight
if msg := stdDlgSizes[s.ctype].getsize; msg != 0 {
var size _SIZE
r1, _, _ := _sendMessage.Call(
if r1 != uintptr(_FALSE) { // success
return int(size.cx), int(size.cy)
// otherwise the message approach failed, so fall back to the regular approach
println("message failed; falling back")
width = stdDlgSizes[s.ctype].width
if width == 0 {
width = defaultWidth
height = stdDlgSizes[s.ctype].height
width = int(C.MulDiv(C.int(width), C.int(d.baseX), 4)) // equivalent to right of rect
height = int(C.MulDiv(C.int(height), C.int(d.baseY), 8)) // equivalent to bottom of rect
return width, height
// note on MulDiv():
// div will not be 0 in the usages above
// we also ignore overflow; that isn't likely to happen for our use case anytime soon