380 lines
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380 lines
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// 14 march 2014
package ui
import (
// Area represents a blank canvas upon which programs may draw anything and receive arbitrary events from the user.
// An Area has an explicit size, represented in pixels, that may be different from the size shown in its Window; Areas have both horizontal and vertical scrollbars that are hidden when not needed.
// The coordinate system of an Area always has an origin of (0,0) which maps to the top-left corner; all image.Points and image.Rectangles sent across Area's channels conform to this.
// The size of an Area must be at least 1x1 (that is, neither its width nor its height may be zero or negative).
// To handle events to the Area, an Area must be paired with an AreaHandler.
// See AreaHandler for details.
// Do not use an Area if you intend to read text.
// Area reads keys based on their position on a standard
// 101-key keyboard, and does no character processing.
// Character processing methods differ across operating
// systems; trying ot recreate these yourself is only going
// to lead to trouble.
// [Use TextArea instead, providing a TextAreaHandler.]
// To facilitate development and debugging, for the time being, Areas only work on GTK+.
type Area struct {
lock sync.Mutex
created bool
sysData *sysData
handler AreaHandler
initwidth int
initheight int
// AreaHandler represents the events that an Area should respond to.
// These methods are all executed on the main goroutine, not necessarily the same one that you created the AreaHandler in; you are responsible for the thread safety of any members of the actual type that implements ths interface.
// (Having to use this interface does not strike me as being particularly Go-like, but the nature of Paint makes channel-based event handling a non-option; in practice, deadlocks occur.)
type AreaHandler interface {
// Paint is called when the Area needs to be redrawn.
// The part of the Area that needs to be redrawn is stored in cliprect.
// Before Paint() is called, this region is cleared with a system-defined background color.
// You MUST handle this event, and you MUST return a valid image, otherwise deadlocks and panicking will occur.
// The image returned must have the same size as rect (but does not have to have the same origin points).
// Example:
// imgFromFile, _, err := image.Decode(file)
// if err != nil { panic(err) }
// img := image.NewRGBA(imgFromFile.Rect)
// draw.Draw(img, img.Rect, imgFromFile, image.ZP, draw.Over)
// // ...
// func (h *myAreaHandler) Paint(rect image.Rectangle) *image.RGBA {
// return img.SubImage(rect).(*image.RGBA)
// }
Paint(cliprect image.Rectangle) *image.RGBA
// Mouse is called when the Area receives a mouse event.
// You are allowed to do nothing in this handler (to ignore mouse events).
// See MouseEvent for details.
// If repaint is true, the Area is marked as needing to be redrawn.
// After handling the mouse event, package ui will decide whether to perform platform-dependent event chain continuation based on that platform's designated action (so it is not possible to override global mouse events this way).
Mouse(e MouseEvent) (repaint bool)
// Key is called when the Area receives a keyboard event.
// You are allowed to do nothing in this handler (to ignore keyboard events).
// See KeyEvent for details.
// If repaint is true, the Area is marked as needing to be redrawn.
// After handling the key event, package ui will decide whether to perform platform-dependent event chain continuation based on that platform's designated action (so it is not possible to override global key events, such as Alt-Tab this way).
Key(e KeyEvent) (repaint bool)
// MouseEvent contains all the information for a mous event sent by Area.Mouse.
// Mouse button IDs start at 1, with 1 being the left mouse button, 2 being the middle mouse button, and 3 being the right mouse button.
// If additional buttons are supported, they will be returned with 4 being the first additional button.
// For example, on Unix systems where mouse buttons 4 through 7 are pseudobuttons for the scroll wheel directions, the next button, button 8, will be returned as 4, 9 as 5, etc.
// The association between button numbers and physical buttons are system-defined.
// For example, on Windows, buttons 4 and 5 are mapped to what are internally referred to as "XBUTTON1" and "XBUTTON2", which often correspond to the dedicated back/forward navigation buttons on the sides of many mice.
// The examples here are NOT a guarantee as to how many buttons maximum will be available on a given system.
// (TODO find out if there's a way to query available button count)
type MouseEvent struct {
// Pos is the position of the mouse in the Area at the time of the event.
Pos image.Point
// If the event was generated by a mouse button being pressed, Down contains the ID of that button.
// Otherwise, Down contains 0.
// If Down contains nonzero, the Area will also receive keyboard focus.
Down uint
// If the event was generated by a mouse button being released, Up contains the ID of that button.
// Otherwise, Up contains 0.
// If both Down and Up are 0, the event represents mouse movement (with optional held buttons for dragging; see below).
// Down and Up shall not both be nonzero.
Up uint
// If Down is nonzero, Count indicates the number of clicks: 1 for single-click, 2 for double-click, 3 for triple-click, and so on.
// The order of events will be Down:Count=1 -> Up -> Down:Count=2 -> Up -> Down:Count=3 -> Up -> ...
Count uint
// Modifiers is a bit mask indicating the modifier keys being held during the event.
Modifiers Modifiers
// Held is a slice of button IDs that indicate which mouse buttons are being held during the event.
// Held will not include Down and Up.
// Held will be sorted.
// Only buttons 1, 2, and 3 are guaranteed to be detected by Held properly; whether or not any others are is implementation-defined.
// If Held is non-empty but Up and Down are both zero, the mouse is being dragged, with all the buttons in Held being held.
// Whether or not a drag into an Area generates MouseEvents is implementation-defined.
// Whether or not a drag over an Area when the program is inactive generates MouseEvents is also implementation-defined.
// Moving the mouse over an Area when the program is inactive and no buttons are held will, however, generate MouseEvents.
Held []uint
// HeldBits returns Held as a bit mask.
// Bit 0 maps to button 1, bit 1 maps to button 2, etc.
func (e MouseEvent) HeldBits() (h uintptr) {
for _, x := range e.Held {
h |= uintptr(1) << (x - 1)
return h
// A KeyEvent represents a keypress in an Area.
// Key presses are based on their positions on a standard
// 101-key keyboard found on most computers. The
// names chosen for keys here are based on their names
// on US English QWERTY keyboards; see Key for details.
// If a key is pressed that is not supported by Key, ExtKey,
// or Modifiers, no KeyEvent will be produced.
type KeyEvent struct {
// Key is a byte representing a character pressed
// in the typewriter section of the keyboard.
// The value, which is independent of whether the
// Shift key is held, is a constant with one of the
// following (case-sensitive) values, drawn according
// to the key's position on the keyboard.
// ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
// q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \
// a s d f g h j k l ; '
// z x c v b n m , . /
// The actual key entered will be the key at the respective
// position on the user's keyboard, regardless of the actual
// layout. (Some keyboards move \ to either the row above
// or the row below but in roughly the same spot; this is
// accounted for. Some keyboards have an additonal key
// to the left of 'z' or additional keys to the right of '='; these
// cannot be read.)
// In addition, Key will contain
// - ' ' (space) if the spacebar was pressed
// - '\t' if Tab was pressed, regardless of Modifiers
// - '\n' if the typewriter Enter key was pressed
// - '\b' if the typewriter Backspace key was pressed
// If this value is zero, see ExtKey.
Key byte
// If Key is zero, ExtKey contains a predeclared identifier
// naming an extended key. See ExtKey for details.
// If both Key and ExtKey are zero, a Modifier by itself
// was pressed. Key and ExtKey will not both be nonzero.
ExtKey ExtKey
// If both Key and ExtKey are zero, Modifier will contain exactly one of its bits set, indicating which Modifier was pressed or released.
// As with Modifiers itself, there is no way to differentiate between left and right modifier keys.
// As such, the result of pressing and/or releasing both left and right of the same Modifier is system-defined.
// Furthermore, the result of holding down a Key or ExtKey, then pressing a Modifier, and then releasing the original key is system-defined.
// Under no condition shall Key, ExtKey, AND Modifier all be zero.
Modifier Modifiers
// Modifiers contains all the modifier keys currently being held at the time of the KeyEvent.
// If Modifier is nonzero, Modifiers will not contain Modifier itself.
Modifiers Modifiers
// If Up is true, the key was released; if not, the key was pressed.
// There is no guarantee that all pressed keys shall have
// corresponding release events (for instance, if the user switches
// programs while holding the key down, then releases the key).
// Keys that have been held down are reported as multiple
// key press events.
Up bool
// ExtKey represents keys that are not in the typewriter section of the keyboard.
type ExtKey uintptr
const (
Escape ExtKey = iota + 1
F1 // F1..F12 are guaranteed to be consecutive
N0 // numpad keys; independent of Num Lock state
N1 // N0..N9 are guaranteed to be consecutive
_nextkeys // for sanity check
// EffectiveKey returns e.Key if it is set.
// Otherwise, if e.ExtKey denotes a numpad key,
// EffectiveKey returns the equivalent e.Key value
// ('0'..'9', '.', '\n', '+', '-', '*', or '/').
// Otherwise, EffectiveKey returns zero.
func (e KeyEvent) EffectiveKey() byte {
if e.Key != 0 {
return e.Key
k := e.ExtKey
switch {
case k >= N0 && k <= N9:
return byte(k - N0) + '0'
case k == NDot:
return '.'
case k == NEnter:
return '\n'
case k == NAdd:
return '+'
case k == NSubtract:
return '-'
case k == NMultiply:
return '*'
case k == NDivide:
return '/'
return 0
// Modifiers indicates modifier keys being held during an event.
// There is no way to differentiate between left and right modifier keys.
// As such, what KeyEvents get sent if the user does something unusual with both of a certain modifier key at once is undefined.
type Modifiers uintptr
const (
Ctrl Modifiers = 1 << iota // the keys labelled Ctrl or Control on all platforms
Alt // the keys labelled Alt or Option or Meta on all platforms
Shift // the Shift keys
Super // the Super keys on platforms that have one, or the Windows keys on Windows, or the Command keys on Mac OS X
func checkAreaSize(width int, height int, which string) {
if width <= 0 || height <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid size %dx%d in %s", width, height, which))
// NewArea creates a new Area with the given size and handler.
// It panics if handler is nil or if width or height is zero or negative.
func NewArea(width int, height int, handler AreaHandler) *Area {
checkAreaSize(width, height, "NewArea()")
if handler == nil {
panic("handler passed to NewArea() must not be nil")
return &Area{
sysData: mksysdata(c_area),
handler: handler,
initwidth: width,
initheight: height,
// SetSize sets the Area's internal drawing size.
// It has no effect on the actual control size.
// SetSize is safe for concurrent use; if the Area is being repainted or is handling an event, SetSize will wait for that to complete before changing the Area's size.
// It panics if width or height is zero or negative.
func (a *Area) SetSize(width int, height int) {
defer a.lock.Unlock()
checkAreaSize(width, height, "Area.SetSize()")
if a.created {
a.sysData.setAreaSize(width, height)
a.initwidth = width
a.initheight = height
func (a *Area) make(window *sysData) error {
defer a.lock.Unlock()
a.sysData.handler = a.handler
err := a.sysData.make(window)
if err != nil {
return err
a.sysData.setAreaSize(a.initwidth, a.initheight)
a.created = true
return nil
func (a *Area) setRect(x int, y int, width int, height int, rr *[]resizerequest) {
*rr = append(*rr, resizerequest{
sysData: a.sysData,
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
func (a *Area) preferredSize() (width int, height int) {
return a.sysData.preferredSize()
// internal function, but shared by all system implementations: &img.Pix[0] is not necessarily the first pixel in the image
func pixelDataPos(img *image.RGBA) int {
return img.PixOffset(img.Rect.Min.X, img.Rect.Min.Y)
func pixelData(img *image.RGBA) *uint8 {
return &img.Pix[pixelDataPos(img)]
// some platforms require pixels in ARGB order in their native endianness (because they treat the pixel array as an array of uint32s)
// this does the conversion
// you need to convert somewhere (Windows and cairo give us memory to use; Windows has stride==width but cairo might not)
func toARGB(i *image.RGBA, memory uintptr, memstride int) {
var realbits []byte
rbs := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&realbits))
rbs.Data = memory
// TODO BUG (we're lucky this didn't break on GTK+) - use stride here
rbs.Len = 4 * i.Rect.Dx() * i.Rect.Dy()
rbs.Cap = rbs.Len
p := pixelDataPos(i)
q := 0
for y := i.Rect.Min.Y; y < i.Rect.Max.Y; y++ {
nextp := p + i.Stride
nextq := q + memstride
for x := i.Rect.Min.X; x < i.Rect.Max.X; x++ {
argb := uint32(i.Pix[p + 3]) << 24 // A
argb |= uint32(i.Pix[p + 0]) << 16 // R
argb |= uint32(i.Pix[p + 1]) << 8 // G
argb |= uint32(i.Pix[p + 2]) // B
// the magic of conversion
native := (*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&argb))
realbits[q + 0] = native[0]
realbits[q + 1] = native[1]
realbits[q + 2] = native[2]
realbits[q + 3] = native[3]
p += 4
q += 4
p = nextp
q = nextq