143 lines
3.7 KiB
143 lines
3.7 KiB
// 13 may 2014
#include "objc_darwin.h"
#include <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#include <AppKit/NSArrayController.h>
#include <AppKit/NSTableColumn.h>
#include <AppKit/NSTableView.h>
#include <Foundation/NSIndexSet.h>
#define to(T, x) ((T *) (x))
#define toNSMutableDictionary(x) to(NSMutableDictionary, (x))
#define toNSArrayController(x) to(NSArrayController, (x))
#define toNSTableColumn(x) to(NSTableColumn, (x))
#define toNSTableView(x) to(NSTableView, (x))
#define toNSIndexSet(x) to(NSIndexSet, (x))
#define toNSInteger(x) ((NSInteger) (x))
#define fromNSInteger(x) ((intptr_t) (x))
#define toNSUInteger(x) ((NSUInteger) (x))
#define fromNSUInteger(x) ((uintptr_t) (x))
extern NSRect dummyRect;
id toListboxItem(id key, id value)
return [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:value forKey:key];
id fromListboxItem(id item, id key)
return [toNSMutableDictionary(item) objectForKey:key];
id makeListboxArray(void)
NSArrayController *ac;
ac = [NSArrayController new];
[ac setAutomaticallyRearrangesObjects:NO];
// we don't want Cocoa to change the selection when items are inserted
// found via TODO_get_Stack_Overflow_link; not sure how I missed it the first time
[ac setSelectsInsertedObjects:NO];
// TODO figure out how to inhibit this behavior on delete
return ac;
void listboxArrayAppend(id ac, id item)
[toNSArrayController(ac) addObject:item];
void listboxArrayInsertBefore(id ac, id item, uintptr_t before)
[toNSArrayController(ac) insertObject:item atArrangedObjectIndex:toNSUInteger(before)];
void listboxArrayDelete(id ac, uintptr_t index)
[toNSArrayController(ac) removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndex:toNSUInteger(index)];
id listboxArrayItemAt(id ac, uintptr_t index)
NSArrayController *array;
array = toNSArrayController(ac);
return [[array arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:toNSUInteger(index)];
void bindListboxArray(id tableColumn, id bindwhat, id ac, id keyPath)
[toNSTableColumn(tableColumn) bind:bindwhat
options:nil]; // no options
id boundListboxArray(id tableColumn, id boundwhat)
return [[toNSTableColumn(tableColumn) infoForBinding:boundwhat]
id makeListboxTableColumn(id identifier)
NSTableColumn *column;
NSCell *dataCell;
column = [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier];
[column setEditable:NO];
// to set the font for each item, we set the font of the "data cell", which is more aptly called the "cell template"
dataCell = [column dataCell];
// technically not a NSControl, but still accepts the selector, so we can call it anyway
[column setDataCell:dataCell];
// TODO other properties?
return column;
id listboxTableColumn(id listbox, id identifier)
return [toNSTableView(listbox) tableColumnWithIdentifier:identifier];
id makeListbox(id tableColumn, BOOL multisel)
NSTableView *listbox;
listbox = [[NSTableView alloc]
[listbox addTableColumn:tableColumn];
[listbox setAllowsMultipleSelection:multisel];
[listbox setAllowsEmptySelection:YES];
[listbox setHeaderView:nil];
// TODO other prperties?
return listbox;
id listboxSelectedRowIndexes(id listbox)
return [toNSTableView(listbox) selectedRowIndexes];
uintptr_t listboxIndexesCount(id indexes)
return fromNSUInteger([toNSIndexSet(indexes) count]);
uintptr_t listboxIndexesFirst(id indexes)
return fromNSUInteger([toNSIndexSet(indexes) firstIndex]);
uintptr_t listboxIndexesNext(id indexes, uintptr_t prev)
return fromNSUInteger([toNSIndexSet(indexes) indexGreaterThanIndex:toNSUInteger(prev)]);
intptr_t listboxLen(id listbox)
return fromNSInteger([toNSTableView(listbox) numberOfRows]);