325 lines
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325 lines
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// 1 march 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "objc_darwin.h"
import "C"
type sysData struct {
id C.id
trackingArea C.id // for Area
type classData struct {
make func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id
getinside func(scrollview C.id) C.id
show func(what C.id)
hide func(what C.id)
settext func(what C.id, text C.id)
text func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id
append func(id C.id, what string, alternate bool)
insertBefore func(id C.id, what string, before int, alternate bool)
selIndex func(id C.id) int
selIndices func(id C.id) []int
selTexts func(id C.id) []string
delete func(id C.id, index int)
len func(id C.id) int
func addControl(parentWindow C.id, control C.id) {
C.addControl(parentWindow, control)
func controlShow(what C.id) {
func controlHide(what C.id) {
// By default some controls do not use the correct font.
// These functions set the appropriate control font.
// Which one is used on each control was determined by comparing https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AppleHIGuidelines/Characteristics/Characteristics.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002721-SW10 to what Interface Builder says for each control.
// (not applicable to ProgressBar, Area)
// Button, Checkbox, Combobox, LineEdit, Label, Listbox
func applyStandardControlFont(id C.id) {
var classTypes = [nctypes]*classData{
c_window: &classData{
make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id {
return C.makeWindow(appDelegate)
show: func(what C.id) {
hide: func(what C.id) {
settext: func(what C.id, text C.id) {
C.windowSetTitle(what, text)
text: func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id {
return C.windowTitle(what)
c_button: &classData{
make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id {
button := C.makeButton()
C.buttonSetTargetAction(button, appDelegate)
addControl(parentWindow, button)
return button
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
settext: func(what C.id, text C.id) {
C.buttonSetText(what, text)
text: func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id {
return C.buttonText(what)
c_checkbox: &classData{
make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id {
checkbox := C.makeCheckbox()
addControl(parentWindow, checkbox)
return checkbox
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
settext: func(what C.id, text C.id) {
C.buttonSetText(what, text)
text: func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id {
return C.buttonText(what)
c_combobox: &classData{
make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id {
combobox := C.makeCombobox(toBOOL(alternate))
addControl(parentWindow, combobox)
return combobox
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
text: func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id {
return C.comboboxText(what, toBOOL(alternate))
append: func(id C.id, what string, alternate bool) {
C.comboboxAppend(id, toBOOL(alternate), toNSString(what))
insertBefore: func(id C.id, what string, before int, alternate bool) {
C.comboboxInsertBefore(id, toBOOL(alternate),
toNSString(what), C.intptr_t(before))
selIndex: func(id C.id) int {
return int(C.comboboxSelectedIndex(id))
delete: func(id C.id, index int) {
C.comboboxDelete(id, C.intptr_t(index))
len: func(id C.id) int {
return int(C.comboboxLen(id))
c_lineedit: &classData{
make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id {
lineedit := C.makeLineEdit(toBOOL(alternate))
addControl(parentWindow, lineedit)
return lineedit
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
settext: func(what C.id, text C.id) {
C.lineeditSetText(what, text)
text: func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id {
return C.lineeditText(what)
c_label: &classData{
make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id {
label := C.makeLabel()
addControl(parentWindow, label)
return label
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
settext: func(what C.id, text C.id) {
C.lineeditSetText(what, text)
text: func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id {
return C.lineeditText(what)
c_listbox: &classData{
make: makeListbox,
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
append: listboxAppend,
insertBefore: listboxInsertBefore,
selIndices: listboxSelectedIndices,
selTexts: listboxSelectedTexts,
delete: listboxDelete,
len: listboxLen,
c_progressbar: &classData{
make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id {
pbar := C.makeProgressBar()
addControl(parentWindow, pbar)
return pbar
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
c_area: &classData{
make: makeArea,
getinside: areaInScrollView,
show: controlShow,
hide: controlHide,
// I need to access sysData from appDelegate, but appDelegate doesn't store any data. So, this.
var (
sysdatas = make(map[C.id]*sysData)
sysdatalock sync.Mutex
func addSysData(key C.id, value *sysData) {
sysdatas[key] = value
func getSysData(key C.id) *sysData {
defer sysdatalock.Unlock()
v, ok := sysdatas[key]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("internal error: getSysData(%v) unknown", key))
return v
func (s *sysData) make(window *sysData) error {
var parentWindow C.id
ct := classTypes[s.ctype]
if window != nil {
parentWindow = window.id
s.id = ct.make(parentWindow, s.alternate, s)
if ct.getinside != nil {
addSysData(ct.getinside(s.id), s)
} else {
addSysData(s.id, s)
return nil
// used for Windows; nothing special needed elsewhere
func (s *sysData) firstShow() error {
return nil
func (s *sysData) show() {
func (s *sysData) hide() {
func (s *sysData) setText(text string) {
classTypes[s.ctype].settext(s.id, toNSString(text))
func (s *sysData) setRect(x int, y int, width int, height int, winheight int) error {
// winheight - y because (0,0) is the bottom-left corner of the window and not the top-left corner
// (winheight - y) - height because (x, y) is the bottom-left corner of the control and not the top-left
C.intptr_t(x), C.intptr_t((winheight-y)-height),
C.intptr_t(width), C.intptr_t(height))
return nil
func (s *sysData) isChecked() bool {
return C.isCheckboxChecked(s.id) != C.NO
func (s *sysData) text() string {
str := classTypes[s.ctype].text(s.id, s.alternate)
return fromNSString(str)
func (s *sysData) append(what string) {
classTypes[s.ctype].append(s.id, what, s.alternate)
func (s *sysData) insertBefore(what string, before int) {
classTypes[s.ctype].insertBefore(s.id, what, before, s.alternate)
func (s *sysData) selectedIndex() int {
return classTypes[s.ctype].selIndex(s.id)
func (s *sysData) selectedIndices() []int {
return classTypes[s.ctype].selIndices(s.id)
func (s *sysData) selectedTexts() []string {
return classTypes[s.ctype].selTexts(s.id)
func (s *sysData) setWindowSize(width int, height int) error {
C.windowSetContentSize(s.id, C.intptr_t(width), C.intptr_t(height))
return nil
func (s *sysData) delete(index int) {
classTypes[s.ctype].delete(s.id, index)
func (s *sysData) setProgress(percent int) {
C.setProgress(s.id, C.intptr_t(percent))
func (s *sysData) len() int {
return classTypes[s.ctype].len(s.id)
func (s *sysData) setAreaSize(width int, height int) {
return C.setAreaSize(s.id, C.intptr_t(width), C.intptr_t(height))
func (s *sysData) repaintAll() {
return C.display(s.id)
func (s *sysData) center() {
return C.center(s.id)
func (s *sysData) setChecked(checked bool) {
C.setCheckboxChecked(s.id, toBOOL(checked))