85 lines
2.3 KiB
85 lines
2.3 KiB
// +build !windows,!darwin,!plan9
// 16 february 2014
package ui
import (
// #cgo pkg-config: gtk+-3.0
// #include "gtk_unix.h"
// /* unfortunately, there's no way to differentiate between the main thread and other threads; in fact, doing what we do on other platforms is discouraged by the GTK+ devs!
// but I can't avoid this any other way... so we have structures defined on the C side to skirt the garbage collector */
// struct uitaskParams {
// void *window; /* createWindow */
// void *control; /* createWindow */
// gboolean show; /* createWindow */
// };
// static struct uitaskParams *mkParams(void)
// {
// /* g_malloc0() will abort on not enough memory */
// return (struct uitaskParams *) g_malloc0(sizeof (struct uitaskParams));
// }
// static void freeParams(struct uitaskParams *p)
// {
// g_free(p);
// }
// extern gboolean our_createWindow_callback(gpointer);
// /* this is called when we're done */
// static inline gboolean our_quit_callback(gpointer data)
// {
// gtk_main_quit();
// return FALSE; /* remove from idle handler (not like it matters) */
// }
// /* I would call gdk_threads_add_idle() directly from ui() but cgo whines, so; trying to access our_quit_callback() in any way other than a call would cause _cgo_main.c to complain too */
// static inline void signalQuit(void)
// {
// gdk_threads_add_idle(our_quit_callback, NULL);
// }
import "C"
//export our_createWindow_callback
func our_createWindow_callback(what C.gpointer) C.gboolean {
uc := (*C.struct_uitaskParams)(unsafe.Pointer(what))
w := (*Window)(unsafe.Pointer(uc.window))
c := *(*Control)(unsafe.Pointer(uc.control))
s := fromgbool(uc.show)
w.create(c, s)
return C.FALSE // remove this idle function; we're finished
func (_uitask) createWindow(w *Window, c Control, s bool) {
uc := C.mkParams()
uc.window = unsafe.Pointer(w)
uc.control = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
uc.show = togbool(s)
gdk_threads_add_idle(C.our_createWindow_callback, unsafe.Pointer(uc))
func gdk_threads_add_idle(f unsafe.Pointer, what unsafe.Pointer) {
C.gdk_threads_add_idle(C.GCallback(f), C.gpointer(what))
func uiinit() error {
err := gtk_init()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("gtk_init() failed: %v", err)
return nil
func ui() {
go func() {
// TODO wait for it to return?