
163 lines
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// 6 april 2015
// This is not an IDL file for the conventional RPC or Microsoft IDLs.
// Instead, this is for a custom IDL of my own creation.
// You can find it at
package ui {
// TODO autogenerate this somehow
// TODO alternatively, move AFTER typedefs
raw "#ifndef __UI_UI_H__";
raw "#define __UI_UI_H__";
raw "#include <stdint.h>";
// TODO note that should be initialized to zero
struct InitOptions {
// TODO cbSize
// If nonzero, allocations will be logged to stderr.
// See leaks.awk.
field debugLogAllocations int;
// TODO const char
raw "const char *uiInit(uiInitOptions *);";
raw "void uiFreeInitError(const char *);";
func Main(void);
func Quit(void);
func FreeText(text *char);
raw "typedef struct uiSizingSys uiSizingSys;";
struct Sizing {
field xPadding intmax_t;
field yPadding intmax_t;
field sys *uiSizingSys;
interface Control {
field Data *void; // for use by implementations only
field Internal *void; // for use by ui only
func Destroy(void);
func Handle(void) uintptr_t;
func SetParent(p *Parent);
func PreferredSize(d *Sizing, width *intmax_t, height *intmax_t);
func Resize(x intmax_t, y intmax_t, width intmax_t, height intmax_t, d *Sizing);
func Visible(void) int;
func Show(void);
func Hide(void);
func ContainerShow(void);
func ContainerHide(void);
func Enable(void);
func Disable(void);
func ContainerEnable(void);
func ContainerDisable(void);
// Parent represents an OS control that hosts other OS controls.
// It is used internally by package ui and by implementations.
// Window, Tab, and Group all use uiParents to store their controls.
interface Parent {
// Internal points to internal data.
// Do not access or alter this field.
field Internal *void;
// TODO destroy
// TODO object destruction debug handler
// Handle returns the window handle of the uiParent.
// On Windows, this is a HWND.
// On GTK+, this is a GtkContainer.
// On Mac OS X, this is a NSView.
func Handle(void) uintptr_t;
// TODO rename and clean this up
// SetChild sets the uiControl that this uiParent relegates.
// It calls uiControl.SetParent() which should, in turn, call uiParent.Update().
// The uiParent should already not have a child and the uiControl should already not have a parent.
// child can be NULL, in which case the uiParent has no children.
// This version should also call uiControl.SetParent(), passing NULL.
// If this uiParent has a child already, then the current child is replaced with the new one.
func SetChild(c *Control);
// SetMargins sets the margins of the uiParent to the given margins.
// It does not call uiParent.Update(); its caller must.
// The units of the margins are backend-defined.
// The initial margins are all 0.
func SetMargins(left intmax_t, top intmax_t, right intmax_t, bottom intmax_t);
// TODO Resize?
// Update tells the uiParent to re-layout its children immediately.
// It is called when a widget is shown or hidden or when a control is added or removed from a container such as uiStack.
func Update(void);
func uiNewParent(osParent uintptr_t) *Parent;
interface uiWindow {
field Internal *void;
func Destroy(void);
func Handle(void) uintptr_t;
func Title(void) *char;
func SetTitle(title *const char);
func Show(void);
func Hide(void);
func OnClosing(f *func(w *Window, data *void), data *void);
func SetChild(c *Control);
func Margined(void) int;
func SetMargined(margined int);
func uiNewWindow(title *const char, width int, height int) *Window;
interface Button from Control {
func Text(void) *char;
func SetText(text *const char);
func OnClicked(f *func(b *Button, data *void), data *void);
func NewButton(text *const char) *Button;
interface Stack from Control {
func Append(c *Control, stretchy int);
func Delete(index uintmax_t);
func Padded(void) int;
func SetPadded(padded int);
func NewHorizontalStack(void) *Stack;
func NewVerticalStack(void) *Stack;
interface Entry from Control {
func Text(void) *char;
func SetText(text *const char);
func NewEntry(void) *Entry;
interface Checkbox from Control {
func Text(void) *char;
func SetText(text *const char);
func OnToggled(f *func(c *Checkbox, data *void), data *void);
func Checked(void) int;
func SetChecked(checked int);
func NewCheckbox(text *const char) *Checkbox;
interface Label from Control {
func Text(void) *char;
func SetText(text *const char);
func NewLabel(void) *Label;
interface Tab from Control {
func AddPage(name *const char, c *Control);
func NewTab(void) *Tab;
raw "#endif";