161 lines
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161 lines
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// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include <time.h>
// #include "ui.h"
// static inline struct tm *allocTimeStruct(void)
// {
// /* TODO handle error */
// return (struct tm *) malloc(sizeof (struct tm));
// }
// extern void doDateTimePickerChanged(uiDateTimePicker *, void *);
// static inline void realuiDateTimePickerOnChanged(uiDateTimePicker *d)
// {
// uiDateTimePickerOnChanged(d, doDateTimePickerOnChanged, NULL);
// }
import "C"
// DateTimePicker is a Control that represents a field where the user
// can enter a date and/or a time.
type DateTimePicker struct {
c *C.uiControl
d *C.uiDateTimePicker
onChanged func(*DateTimePicker)
// NewDateTimePicker creates a new DateTimePicker that shows
// both a date and a time.
func NewDateTimePicker() *DateTimePicker {
d := new(DateTimePicker)
d.d = C.uiNewDateTimePicker()
d.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(d.d))
return d
// NewDatePicker creates a new DateTimePicker that shows
// only a date.
func NewDatePicker() *DateTimePicker {
d := new(DateTimePicker)
d.d = C.uiNewDatePicker()
d.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(d.d))
return d
// NewTimePicker creates a new DateTimePicker that shows
// only a time.
func NewTimePicker() *DateTimePicker {
d := new(DateTimePicker)
d.d = C.uiNewTimePicker()
d.c = (*C.uiControl)(unsafe.Pointer(d.d))
return d
// Destroy destroys the DateTimePicker.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Destroy() {
// LibuiControl returns the libui uiControl pointer that backs
// the Window. This is only used by package ui itself and should
// not be called by programs.
func (d *DateTimePicker) LibuiControl() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(d.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this DateTimePicker.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API
// DATETIMEPICK_CLASS class (as provided by Common Controls
// version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a libui-internal class.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSDatePicker.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Handle() uintptr {
return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(d.c))
// Show shows the DateTimePicker.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Show() {
// Hide hides the DateTimePicker.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Hide() {
// Enable enables the DateTimePicker.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Enable() {
// Disable disables the DateTimePicker.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Disable() {
// Time returns the time stored in the uiDateTimePicker.
// The time is assumed to be local time.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Time() time.Time {
tm := C.allocTimeStruct()
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(tm))
C.uiDateTimePickerTime(d.d, tm)
return time.Date(
int(tm.tm_year + 1900),
time.Month(tm.tm_mon + 1),
0, time.Local)
// SetTime sets the time in the DateTimePicker to t.
// t's components are read as-is; no time zone manipulations
// are done.
func (d *DateTimePicker) SetTime(t time.Time) {
tm := C.allocTimeStruct()
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(tm))
year, mon, mday := t.Date()
tm.tm_year = C.int(year - 1900)
tm.tm_mon = C.int(mon - 1)
tm.tm_mday = C.int(mday)
hour, min, sec := t.Time()
tm.tm_hour = C.int(hour)
tm.tm_min = C.int(min)
tm.tm_sec = C.int(sec)
tm.tm_isdst = -1
C.uiDateTimePickerSetTime(d.d, tm)
// OnChanged registers f to be run when the user changes the time in the DateTimePicker.
// Only one function can be registered at a time.
func (d *DateTimePicker) OnChanged(f func(*DateTimePicker)) {
d.onChanged = f
//export doDateTimePickerOnChanged
func doDateTimePickerOnChanged(dd *C.uiDateTimePicker, data unsafe.Pointer) {
d := dateTimePickers[dd]
if d.onChanged != nil {