218 lines
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218 lines
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// 25 february 2014
package ui
import (
// A SimpleGrid arranges Controls in a two-dimensional grid.
// The height of each row and the width of each column is the maximum preferred height and width (respectively) of all the controls in that row or column (respectively).
// Controls are aligned to the top left corner of each cell.
// All Controls in a SimpleGrid maintain their preferred sizes by default; if a Control is marked as being "filling", it will be sized to fill its cell.
// Even if a Control is marked as filling, its preferred size is used to calculate cell sizes.
// One Control can be marked as "stretchy": when the Window containing the SimpleGrid is resized, the cell containing that Control resizes to take any remaining space; its row and column are adjusted accordingly (so other filling controls in the same row and column will fill to the new height and width, respectively).
// A stretchy Control implicitly fills its cell.
// All cooridnates in a SimpleGrid are given in (row,column) form with (0,0) being the top-left cell.
type SimpleGrid interface {
// SetFilling marks the given Control of the SimpleGrid as filling its cell instead of staying at its preferred size.
// It panics if the given coordinate is invalid.
SetFilling(row int, column int)
// SetStretchy marks the given Control of the SimpleGrid as stretchy.
// Stretchy implies filling.
// Only one control can be stretchy per SimpleGrid; calling SetStretchy multiple times merely changes which control is stretchy (preserving the previous filling value).
// It panics if the given coordinate is invalid.
SetStretchy(row int, column int)
type simpleGrid struct {
controls [][]Control
filling [][]bool
stretchyrow, stretchycol int
stretchyfill bool
widths, heights [][]int // caches to avoid reallocating each time
rowheights, colwidths []int
container *container
// NewSimpleGrid creates a new SimpleGrid with the given Controls.
// NewSimpleGrid needs to know the number of Controls in a row (alternatively, the number of columns); it will determine the number in a column from the number of Controls given.
// NewSimpleGrid panics if not given a full grid of Controls.
// Example:
// grid := NewSimpleGrid(3,
// control00, control01, control02,
// control10, control11, control12,
// control20, control21, control22)
func NewSimpleGrid(nPerRow int, controls ...Control) SimpleGrid {
if len(controls)%nPerRow != 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("incomplete simpleGrid given to NewSimpleGrid() (not enough controls to evenly divide %d controls into rows of %d controls each)", len(controls), nPerRow))
nRows := len(controls) / nPerRow
cc := make([][]Control, nRows)
cf := make([][]bool, nRows)
cw := make([][]int, nRows)
ch := make([][]int, nRows)
i := 0
for row := 0; row < nRows; row++ {
cc[row] = make([]Control, nPerRow)
cf[row] = make([]bool, nPerRow)
cw[row] = make([]int, nPerRow)
ch[row] = make([]int, nPerRow)
for x := 0; x < nPerRow; x++ {
cc[row][x] = controls[i]
g := &simpleGrid{
controls: cc,
filling: cf,
stretchyrow: -1,
stretchycol: -1,
widths: cw,
heights: ch,
rowheights: make([]int, nRows),
colwidths: make([]int, nPerRow),
container: newContainer(),
p := g.container.parent()
for _, cc := range g.controls {
for _, c := range cc {
return g
func (g *simpleGrid) SetFilling(row int, column int) {
if row < 0 || column < 0 || row > len(g.filling) || column > len(g.filling[row]) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("coordinate (%d,%d) out of range passed to SimpleGrid.SetFilling()", row, column))
g.filling[row][column] = true
func (g *simpleGrid) SetStretchy(row int, column int) {
if row < 0 || column < 0 || row > len(g.filling) || column > len(g.filling[row]) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("coordinate (%d,%d) out of range passed to SimpleGrid.SetStretchy()", row, column))
if g.stretchyrow != -1 || g.stretchycol != -1 {
g.filling[g.stretchyrow][g.stretchycol] = g.stretchyfill
g.stretchyrow = row
g.stretchycol = column
g.stretchyfill = g.filling[g.stretchyrow][g.stretchycol] // save previous value in case it changes later
g.filling[g.stretchyrow][g.stretchycol] = true
func (g *simpleGrid) setParent(parent *controlParent) {
func (g *simpleGrid) resize(x int, y int, width int, height int, d *sizing) {
max := func(a int, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
g.container.resize(x, y, width, height, d)
if len(g.controls) == 0 {
// 0) inset the available rect by the needed padding and reset x/y for children
width -= (len(g.colwidths) - 1) * d.xpadding
height -= (len(g.rowheights) - 1) * d.ypadding
// TODO get the correct client rect
x = 0
y = 0
// 1) clear data structures
for i := range g.rowheights {
g.rowheights[i] = 0
for i := range g.colwidths {
g.colwidths[i] = 0
// 2) get preferred sizes; compute row/column sizes
for row, xcol := range g.controls {
for col, c := range xcol {
w, h := c.preferredSize(d)
g.widths[row][col] = w
g.heights[row][col] = h
g.rowheights[row] = max(g.rowheights[row], h)
g.colwidths[col] = max(g.colwidths[col], w)
// 3) handle the stretchy control
if g.stretchyrow != -1 && g.stretchycol != -1 {
for i, w := range g.colwidths {
if i != g.stretchycol {
width -= w
for i, h := range g.rowheights {
if i != g.stretchyrow {
height -= h
g.colwidths[g.stretchycol] = width
g.rowheights[g.stretchyrow] = height
// 4) draw
startx := x
for row, xcol := range g.controls {
for col, c := range xcol {
w := g.widths[row][col]
h := g.heights[row][col]
if g.filling[row][col] {
w = g.colwidths[col]
h = g.rowheights[row]
c.resize(x, y, w, h, d)
x += g.colwidths[col] + d.xpadding
x = startx
y += g.rowheights[row] + d.ypadding
// filling and stretchy are ignored for preferred size calculation
func (g *simpleGrid) preferredSize(d *sizing) (width int, height int) {
max := func(a int, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
width -= (len(g.colwidths) - 1) * d.xpadding
height -= (len(g.rowheights) - 1) * d.ypadding
// 1) clear data structures
for i := range g.rowheights {
g.rowheights[i] = 0
for i := range g.colwidths {
g.colwidths[i] = 0
// 2) get preferred sizes; compute row/column sizes
for row, xcol := range g.controls {
for col, c := range xcol {
w, h := c.preferredSize(d)
g.widths[row][col] = w
g.heights[row][col] = h
g.rowheights[row] = max(g.rowheights[row], h)
g.colwidths[col] = max(g.colwidths[col], w)
// 3) now compute
for _, w := range g.colwidths {
width += w
for _, h := range g.rowheights {
height += h
return width, height