
46 lines
1016 B

// 12 december 2015
package ui
import (
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include "util.h"
import "C"
// We want Go itself to complain when we're out of memory.
// The allocators in cgo *should* do this, but there isn't a
// C.CMalloc(). There *is* a C.CBytes(), however, for transferring
// binary blobs from Go to C. If we pass this an arbitrary slice
// of the desired length, we get our C.CMalloc(). Using a slice
// that's always initialized to zero gives us the memset(0)
// (or ZeroMemory()) for free.
var allocBytes = make([]byte, 1024) // 1024 bytes first
//export pkguiAlloc
func pkguiAlloc(n C.size_t) unsafe.Pointer {
if n > C.size_t(len(allocBytes)) {
// TODO round n up to a multiple of a power of 2?
// for instance 0x1234 bytes -> 0x1800 bytes
allocBytes = make([]byte, n)
return C.CBytes(allocBytes[:n])
func freestr(str *C.char) {
func tobool(b bool {
return b != 0
func frombool(b bool) {
if b {
return 1
return 0