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// 24 august 2018
package ui
// #include "ui.h"
// extern int doTableModelNumColumns(uiTableModelHandler *, uiTableModel *);
// extern uiTableValueType doTableModelColumnType(uiTableModelHandler *, uiTableModel *, int);
// extern int doTableModelNumRows(uiTableModelHandler *, uiTableModel *);
// extern uiTableValue *doTableModelCellValue(uiTableModelHandler *mh, uiTableModel *m, int row, int column);
// extern void doTableModelSetCellValue(uiTableModelHandler *, uiTableModel *, int, int, uiTableValue *);
// // deal with cgo being dumb
// static inline void realDoTableModelSetCellValue(uiTableModelHandler *mh, uiTableModel *m, int row, int column, const uiTableValue *value)
// {
// doTableModelSetCellValue(mh, m, row, column, (uiTableValue *) value);
// }
// // TODO why can't this be static?
// const uiTableModelHandler pkguiTableModelHandler = {
// .NumColumns = doTableModelNumColumns,
// .ColumnType = doTableModelColumnType,
// .NumRows = doTableModelNumRows,
// .CellValue = doTableModelCellValue,
// .SetCellValue = realDoTableModelSetCellValue,
// };
import "C"
// TableValue is a type that represents a piece of data that can come
// out of a TableModel.
type TableValue interface {
toLibui() *C.uiTableValue
// TableString is a TableValue that stores a string. TableString is
// used for displaying text in a Table.
type TableString string
func (s TableString) toLibui() *C.uiTableValue {
cs := C.CString(string(s))
defer freestr(cs)
return C.uiNewTableValueString(cs)
// TableImage is a TableValue that represents an Image. Ownership
// of the Image is not copied; you must keep it alive alongside the
// TableImage.
type TableImage struct {
I *Image
func (i TableImage) toLibui() *C.uiTableValue {
return C.uiNewTableValueImage(i.I.i)
// TableInt is a TableValue that stores integers. These are used for
// progressbars. Due to current limitations of libui, they also
// represent checkbox states, via TableFalse and TableTrue.
type TableInt int
// TableFalse and TableTrue are the Boolean constants for TableInt.
const (
TableFalse TableInt = 0
TableTrue TableInt = 1
func (i TableInt) toLibui() *C.uiTableValue {
return C.uiNewTableValueInt(
// TableColor is a TableValue that represents a color.
type TableColor struct {
R float64
G float64
B float64
A float64
func (c TableColor) toLibui() *C.uiTableValue {
return C.uiNewTableValueColor(C.double(c.R), C.double(c.G), C.double(c.B), C.double(c.A))
func tableValueFromLibui(value *C.uiTableValue) TableValue {
if value == nil {
return nil
switch C.uiTableValueGetType(value) {
case C.uiTableValueTypeString:
cs := C.uiTableValueString(value)
return TableString(C.GoString(cs))
case C.uiTableValueTypeImage:
case C.uiTableValueTypeInt:
return TableInt(C.uiTableValueInt(value))
case C.uiTableValueTypeColor:
// no need to lock these; only the GUI thread can access them
var modelhandlers = make(map[*C.uiTableModel]TableModelHandler)
var models = make(map[*C.uiTableModel]*TableModel)
// TableModel is an object that provides the data for a Table.
// This data is returned via methods you provide in the
// TableModelHandler interface.
// TableModel represents data using a table, but this table does
// not map directly to Table itself. Instead, you can have data
// columns which provide instructions for how to render a given
// Table's column — for instance, one model column can be used
// to give certain rows of a Table a different background color.
// Row numbers DO match with uiTable row numbers.
// Once created, the number and data types of columns of a
// TableModel cannot change.
// Row and column numbers start at 0. A TableModel can be
// associated with more than one Table at a time.
type TableModel struct {
m *C.uiTableModel
// TableModelHandler defines the methods that TableModel
// calls when it needs data.
type TableModelHandler interface {
// ColumnTypes returns a slice of value types of the data
// stored in the model columns of the TableModel.
// Each entry in the slice should ideally be a zero value for
// the TableValue type of the column in question; the number
// of elements in the slice determines the number of model
// columns in the TableModel. The returned slice must remain
// constant through the lifetime of the TableModel. This
// method is not guaranteed to be called depending on the
// system.
ColumnTypes(m *TableModel) []TableValue
// NumRows returns the number or rows in the TableModel.
// This value must be non-negative.
NumRows(m *TableModel) int
// CellValue returns a TableValue corresponding to the model
// cell at (row, column). The type of the returned TableValue
// must match column's value type. Under some circumstances,
// nil may be returned; refer to the various methods that add
// columns to Table for details.
CellValue(m *TableModel, row, column int) TableValue
// SetCellValue changes the model cell value at (row, column)
// in the TableModel. Within this function, either do nothing
// to keep the current cell value or save the new cell value as
// appropriate. After SetCellValue is called, the Table will
// itself reload the table cell. Under certain conditions, the
// TableValue passed in can be nil; refer to the various
// methods that add columns to Table for details.
SetCellValue(m *TableModel, row, column int, value TableValue)
//export doTableModelNumColumns
func doTableModelNumColumns(umh *C.uiTableModelHandler, um *C.uiTableModel) {
mh := modelhandlers[um]
//export doTableModelColumnType
func doTableModelColumnType(umh *C.uiTableModelHandler, um *C.uiTableModel, n C.uiTableValueType {
mh := modelhandlers[um]
c := mh.ColumnTypes(models[um])
switch c[n].(type) {
case TableString:
return C.uiTableValueTypeString
case TableImage:
return C.uiTableValueTypeImage
case TableInt:
return C.uiTableValueTypeInt
case TableColor:
return C.uiTableValueTypeColor
//export doTableModelNumRows
func doTableModelNumRows(umh *C.uiTableModelHandler, um *C.uiTableModel) {
mh := modelhandlers[um]
//export doTableModelCellValue
func doTableModelCellValue(umh *C.uiTableModelHandler, um *C.uiTableModel, row, column *C.uiTableValue {
mh := modelhandlers[um]
v := mh.CellValue(models[um], int(row), int(column))
if v == nil {
return nil
return v.toLibui()
//export doTableModelSetCellValue
func doTableModelSetCellValue(umh *C.uiTableModelHandler, um *C.uiTableModel, row, column, value *C.uiTableValue) {
mh := modelhandlers[um]
v := tableValueFromLibui(value)
mh.SetCellValue(models[um], int(row), int(column), v)
// NewTableModel creates a new TableModel.
func NewTableModel(handler TableModelHandler) *TableModel {
m := &TableModel{
m: C.uiNewTableModel(&C.pkguiTableModelHandler),
modelhandlers[m.m] = handler
models[m.m] = m
return m
// Free frees m. It is an error to Free any models associated with a
// Table.
func (m *TableModel) Free() {
delete(models, m.m)
delete(modelhandlers, m.m)
// RowInserted tells any Tables associated with m that a new row
// has been added to m at index index. You call this method when
// the number of rows in your model has changed; after calling it,
// NumRows should returm the new row count.
func (m *TableModel) RowInserted(index int) {
// RowChanged tells any Tables associated with m that the data in
// the row at index has changed. You do not need to call this in
// your SetCellValue handlers, but you do need to call this if your
// data changes at some other point.
func (m *TableModel) RowChanged(index int) {
// RowDeleted tells any Tables associated with m that the row at
// index index has been deleted. You call this function when the
// number of rows in your model has changed; after calling it,
// NumRows should returm the new row count.
func (m *TableModel) RowDeleted(index int) {