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51 lines
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container.go: add Group to the list of controls in the description of container
Mac OS X: NSBox
container_darwin.m: figure out if our setFrameSize: thing applies to resizing the groupbox as well
more column types: "// As such, a Table renders a []struct{...} where each field of the struct can be a string, a number, an image, or a checkbox."
table_darwin.m: constructor
table_unix.c: goTableModel_get_column_type(), goTableModel_get_value()
multiple selection
figure out if we can safely refresh view during Unlock() regardless of calling goroutine
document header behavior in general comment
add functions for header manipulation
// [TODO if each tab of your Tab is going to have the same content Controls, then use LikeTab instead, to conserve resources]
// Delete removes the given tab.
// It panics if index is out of range.
// After Delete(), the effect of accessing the Control of the deleted tab or any of its children is undefned. [TODO reword?]
investigate close buttons (especially for LikeTab)
Repaint(rect image.Rectangle)
Mac OS X: make sure newScrollView() has the correct parameters for Table and Tree (and that Area has the appropriate ones from both + its own no border)
Mac OS X: be sure to call disableAutocorrect()
Mac OS X
label alignment
// in the other case, the most correct thing would be for Label to be aligned to the alignment rect, but I can't get this working, and it looks fine as it is anyway
other controls
same rules? checkboxes seem damning...
add events (figure out which of the following are appropriate: changed, enter pressed)
provide some facility to mark invalid values
figure out numerics because you CAN paste into numeric boxes on Windows and GTK+ has no built-in number validator as far as I know
Stack, Grid
method calls should trigger re-layout of windows
default buttons
figure out how they interact with Areas (especially on GTK+, where GtkEntry somehow has special handling for this)
in general
new moving stack and future moving heap make package ui a pain in general
so I don't forget, some TODOs:
- backgrounds are not transparent
- tab order is backwards
mac os x
- applicationShouldTerminate: not handled