126 lines
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126 lines
3.4 KiB
// 28 october 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "winapi_windows.h"
import "C"
// TODO do we have to manually monitor user changes to the edit control?
// TODO WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE on the updown?
type spinbox struct {
hwndEdit C.HWND
hwndUpDown C.HWND
changed *event
// updown state
updownVisible bool
// keep these here to avoid having to get them out
value int
min int
max int
func newSpinbox(min int, max int) Spinbox {
s := new(spinbox)
s.hwndEdit = C.newControl(editclass,
C.textfieldStyle | C.ES_NUMBER,
s.changed = newEvent()
s.updownVisible = true // initially shown
s.min = min
s.max = max
s.value = s.min
return s
func (s *spinbox) cap() {
if s.value < s.min {
s.value = s.min
if s.value > s.max {
s.value = s.max
func (s *spinbox) Value() int {
return s.value
func (s *spinbox) SetValue(value int) {
// UDM_SETPOS32 is documented to do what we want, but since we're keeping a copy of value we need to do it anyway
s.value = value
C.SendMessageW(s.hwndUpDown, C.UDM_SETPOS32, 0, C.LPARAM(s.value))
func (s *spinbox) OnChanged(e func()) {
//export spinboxUpDownClicked
func spinboxUpDownClicked(data unsafe.Pointer, nud *C.NMUPDOWN) {
// this is where we do custom increments
s := (*spinbox)(data)
s.value = int(nud.iPos + nud.iDelta)
// this can go above or below the bounds (the spinbox only rejects invalid values after the UDN_DELTAPOS notification is processed)
// because we have a copy of the value, we need to fix that here
func (s *spinbox) setParent(p *controlParent) {
C.controlSetParent(s.hwndEdit, p.hwnd)
C.controlSetParent(s.hwndUpDown, p.hwnd)
// an up-down control will only properly position itself the first time
// stupidly, there are no messages to force a size calculation, nor can I seem to reset the buddy window to force a new position
// alas, we have to make a new up/down control each time :(
// TODO we'll need to store a copy of the current position and range for this
func (s *spinbox) remakeUpDown() {
// destroying the previous one, setting the parent properly, and subclassing are handled here
s.hwndUpDown = C.newUpDown(s.hwndUpDown, unsafe.Pointer(s))
// for this to work, hwndUpDown needs to have rect [0 0 0 0]
C.moveWindow(s.hwndUpDown, 0, 0, 0, 0)
C.SendMessageW(s.hwndUpDown, C.UDM_SETBUDDY, C.WPARAM(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.hwndEdit))), 0)
C.SendMessageW(s.hwndUpDown, C.UDM_SETRANGE32, C.WPARAM(s.min), C.LPARAM(s.max))
C.SendMessageW(s.hwndUpDown, C.UDM_SETPOS32, 0, C.LPARAM(s.value))
if s.updownVisible {
C.ShowWindow(s.hwndUpDown, C.SW_SHOW)
func (s *spinbox) preferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return 20, 20
func (s *spinbox) resize(x int, y int, width int, height int, d *sizing) {
C.moveWindow(s.hwndEdit, C.int(x), C.int(y), C.int(width), C.int(height))
func (s *spinbox) nTabStops() int {
// TODO does the up-down control count?
return 1
// TODO be sure to modify this when we add Show()/Hide()
func (s *spinbox) containerShow() {
C.ShowWindow(s.hwndEdit, C.SW_SHOW)
C.ShowWindow(s.hwndUpDown, C.SW_SHOW)
s.updownVisible = true
// TODO be sure to modify this when we add Show()/Hide()
func (s *spinbox) containerHide() {
C.ShowWindow(s.hwndEdit, C.SW_HIDE)
C.ShowWindow(s.hwndUpDown, C.SW_HIDE)
s.updownVisible = false