109 lines
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109 lines
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// 27 february 2014
package ui
import (
// ...
This creates a class goAppDelegate that will be used as the delegate for /everything/. Specifically, it:
- runs uitask requests (uitask:)
- handles window close events (windowShouldClose:)
- handles window resize events (windowDidResize:)
- handles button click events (buttonClicked:)
- handles the application-global Quit event (such as from the Dock) (applicationShouldTerminate)
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lobjc -framework Foundation -framework AppKit
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include "objc_darwin.h"
// extern void appDelegate_uitask(id, SEL, id); /* from uitask_darwin.go */
// extern BOOL appDelegate_windowShouldClose(id, SEL, id);
// extern void appDelegate_windowDidResize(id, SEL, id);
// extern void appDelegate_buttonClicked(id, SEL, id);
import "C"
var (
appDelegate C.id
const (
_goAppDelegate = "goAppDelegate"
var (
_uitask = sel_getUid("uitask:") // used by uitask_darwin.go
_buttonClicked = sel_getUid("buttonClicked:") // used by sysdata_darwin.go
var appDelegateSels = []selector{
selector{"uitask:", uintptr(C.appDelegate_uitask), sel_void_id,
"performing/dispatching UI events"},
selector{"windowShouldClose:", uintptr(C.appDelegate_windowShouldClose), sel_bool_id,
"handling window close button events"},
selector{"windowDidResize:", uintptr(C.appDelegate_windowDidResize), sel_void_id,
"handling window resize events"},
selector{"buttonClicked:", uintptr(C.appDelegate_buttonClicked), sel_bool_id,
"handling button clicks"},
selector{"applicationShouldTerminate:", uintptr(C._appDelegate_applicationShouldTerminate), sel_terminatereply_id,
"handling Quit menu items (such as from the Dock)/the AppQuit channel"},
func mkAppDelegate() error {
id, err := makeClass(_goAppDelegate, _NSObject, appDelegateSels,
"application delegate (handles events)")
if err != nil {
return err
appDelegate = C.objc_msgSend_noargs(id, _new)
return nil
//export appDelegate_windowShouldClose
func appDelegate_windowShouldClose(self C.id, sel C.SEL, win C.id) C.BOOL {
sysData := getSysData(win)
return C.BOOL(C.NO) // don't close
var (
_object = sel_getUid("object")
_display = sel_getUid("display")
//export appDelegate_windowDidResize
func appDelegate_windowDidResize(self C.id, sel C.SEL, notification C.id) {
win := C.objc_msgSend_noargs(notification, _object)
s := getSysData(win)
wincv := C.objc_msgSend_noargs(win, _contentView) // we want the content view's size, not the window's; selector defined in sysdata_darwin.go
r := C.objc_msgSend_stret_rect_noargs(wincv, _frame)
if s.resize != nil {
// winheight is used here because (0,0) is the bottom-left corner, not the top-left corner
s.resizes = s.resizes[0:0] // set len to 0 without changing cap
s.resize(0, 0, int(r.width), int(r.height), &s.resizes)
for _, s := range s.resizes {
err := s.sysData.setRect(s.x, s.y, s.width, s.height, int(r.height))
if err != nil {
panic("child resize failed: " + err.Error())
C.objc_msgSend_noargs(win, _display) // redraw everything; TODO only if resize() was called?
//export appDelegate_buttonClicked
func appDelegate_buttonClicked(self C.id, sel C.SEL, button C.id) {
sysData := getSysData(button)
//export appDelegate_applicationShouldTerminate
func appDelegate_applicationShouldTerminate() {
// asynchronous so as to return control to the event loop
go func() {
AppQuit <- struct{}{}
// xxx in bleh_darwin.m tells Cocoa not to quit