important things: - NSComboBox scans the entered text to see if it matches one of the items and returns the index of that item if it does; find out how to suppress this so that it returns -1 unless the item was chosen from the list (like the other platforms) - make sure mouse events trigger when we move the mouse over an Area with a button held on OS X super ultra important things: - window sizes are inconsistent and wrong: we need to see on which platforms the titlebars/borders/etc. count... - formalize what happens if Modifiers by themselves are held - OS X: find out if multiple DIFFERENT modifiers released at once produces multiple events - in general, figure out what to do on multiple events, period - OS X: the behavior of Modifiers and other keys is broken: keyDown:/keyUp: events stop being sent when the state of Modifiers changes, which is NOT what we want - [13:44] pietro10: nope, the system decides - welp; this changes everything - OS X: handle Insert/Help key change in a sane and deterministic way - will need old and new Mac keyboards... - make sure MouseEvent's documentation has dragging described correctly (both Windows and GTK+ do) - fix OS X so that it follows these rules - cap click count to 2 on all platforms - cap mouse button count to 3? or should a function be used instead? - the windows build appears to be unstable: - 64-bit crashes in malloc in wine with heap corruption warnings aplenty during DLL loading; in windows 7 it works fine - 32-bit: it works, but if I save the class name converted to UTF-16 beforehand, wine indicates that the class name is replaced with the window title, so something there is wrong... - david wendt is telling me he's getting frequent crashes on his end with the GTK+ amd64 build... TODO re-evaluate; I think I fixed them all ages ago now - GTK+: stderr is flooded with ``` (test:17575): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_device_ungrab: assertion 'GDK_IS_DEVICE (device)' failed (test:17575): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_device_grab_remove: assertion 'GDK_IS_DEVICE (device)' failed ``` figure out why - Cocoa: NSScrollView support is hacky at best - the warning about pixel alignment may or may not be heeded, not sure - frame sizes are a bit of a hack: the preferred size of a NSScrollView is the preferred size of its document view; the frameSize method described on the above link might be better but a real solution is optimal - make sure the image drawn on an Area looks correct on all platforms (is not cropped incorrectly or blurred) - when resizing a GTK+ window smaller than a certain size, the controls inside will start clipping in bizarre ways (progress bars/entry lines will just cut off; editable comboboxes will stretch slightly longer than noneditable ones; the horizontal scrollbar in Area will disappear smoothly; etc.) - see update 18 March 2014 in README - resizing seems to be completely and totally broken in the Wayland backend - TODO find out if this is a problem on the GTK+/Wayland side (no initial window-configure event?) - redrawing controls after a window resize on Windows does not work properly - clicking on Areas in GTK+ don't bring keyboard focus to them? - make sure keyboard events on numpad off on all platforms don't switch between controls - on Windows, Shift+(num pad key) triggers the shifted key code when num lock is off; will need to reorder key code tests on all platforms to fix this - pressing global keycodes (including kwin's zoom in/out) when running the keyboard test in wine causes the Area to lose keyboard focus; this doesn't happen on the GTK+ version (fix the Windows version to behave like the GTK+ version) - GTK+ indefinite progress bar animation is choppy: make sure the speed we have now is the conventional speed for GTK+ programs (HIG doesn't list any) and that the choppiness is correct - Message boxes are not application-modal on some platforms - cast all objc_msgSend() direct invocations to the approrpiate types; this is how you're supposed to do things: and many others other things: - on windows 7, progress bars seem to animate from 0 -> pos when you turn off marquee mode and set pos; see if that's documented or if I'm doing something wrong - intentional: - these links have workarounds but blah; more proof that progressbars were programmatically intended to be incremented in steps - clean up windows struct field names (holdover from when the intent was to make a wrapper lib first and then use it rather than using the windows API directly) - make all widths and heights parameters in constructors in the same place (or drop the ones in Window entirely?)