// +build !windows,!darwin,!plan9 // 7 february 2014 package ui import ( "unsafe" ) // #cgo pkg-config: gtk+-3.0 // #include <stdlib.h> // #include <gtk/gtk.h> // /* because cgo seems to choke on ... */ // /* TODO does NULL parent make the box application-global? docs are unclear */ // /* TODO does secondary text appear in the titlebar or above the message? if the latter, will gtk_window_set_title() work? */ // GtkWidget *gtkNewMsgBox(GtkMessageType type, GtkButtonsType buttons, char *title, char *text) { GtkWidget *k = gtk_message_dialog_new(NULL, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, type, buttons, "%s", (gchar *) title); gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text((GtkMessageDialog *) k, "%s", (gchar *) text); return k; } import "C" func _msgBox(text string, title string, msgtype C.GtkMessageType, buttons C.GtkButtonsType) (result C.gint) { ret := make(chan C.gint) defer close(ret) uitask <- func() { ctitle := C.CString(title) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctitle)) ctext := C.CString(text) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctext)) box := C.gtkNewMsgBox(msgtype, buttons, ctitle, ctext) response := C.gtk_dialog_run((*C.GtkDialog)(unsafe.Pointer(box))) C.gtk_widget_destroy(box) ret <- response } return <-ret } func msgBox(title string, text string) { // TODO add an icon? _msgBox(text, title, C.GtkMessageType(C.GTK_MESSAGE_OTHER), C.GtkButtonsType(C.GTK_BUTTONS_OK)) } func msgBoxError(title string, text string) { _msgBox(text, title, C.GtkMessageType(C.GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR), C.GtkButtonsType(C.GTK_BUTTONS_OK)) }