## UPDATE 18 March 2014: this document is out of date and could use some rewriting

# ui library implementation information

All platform-specific functionality is isolated in a mega-type `sysData` that stores OS toolkit handles and provides methods that do the work for the frontend API. The file `sysdata.go` defines a type `cSysData` that contains everything all platforms have in common and dummy definitions of the `sysData` functions that panic. The platform-specific `sysData` embeds `cSysData`.

The key `sysData` function is `sysData.make()`. It takes two arguments: the initial text of the control (if any), and a pointer to a `sysData` that represents the window that holds the control. If this pointer is `nil`, we are creating a window instead, so any window-specific actions are taken here.

`cSysData` contains the control type as a number, an `event` channel where the object's standard event (close button for `Window`, click for `Button`, etc.) is stored, and a `resize()` function variable that is called to resize child controls on window resize.

Controls need only two functions: a `make()` function that builds the control, and a `setRect()` function that positions the control in its parent window. `make()` takes a single argument: the parent window. This window's `sysData` field gets passed to the control's `sysdata.make()` to indicate that it is a child control.

To keep things thread safe, all UI functions should be run on a separate thread whose OS thread is locked. This thread is goroutine `ui()`, presently started by `init()` (but it may be started by a dedicated function later). This goroutine is defined per platform, but takes the general form of
``` go
func ui(initErrors chan error) {
    initErrors <- doPlatformInit()    // inform init() of success or failure
    for {
        select {
        case message <- uitask:
`uitask` is a channel that transmits messages. These messages indicate platform-specific functions to call and their arguments.

All `sysData` methods except `sysData.setRect()` and `sysData.preferredSize()` dispatch through `uitask`. Control resizing is handled within the UI goroutine itself, so `sysData.setRect()` (and thus `sysData.resize()`) call resizing functions directly. (The GTK+ backend broke spectacularly otherwise.) `sysData.preferredSize()` is called by the resizing functions, so thus must also run on directly.

## Windows
On Windows, all controls are windows, window classes are used to define their type, and messages are used to perform actions on windows and dispatch(different word? TODO) events. The data that we need to store, then, is the class name, initial styles, and combobox/listbox messages.

For `Window`s, a new window class is created for each window that you open. This window class is only different by its message handling function, or window procedure/WndProc. The WndProc is generated as a closure, so that it can safely absorb the window's `sysData` (so we don't need t look it up manually). This is all in `stdwndclass_windows.go`.

For controls, Windows uses an ID number to identify controls to the parent window, rather than passing around the window handles directly. The `sysData` for a window takes care of all this.

`uitask` transmits structures of type `uimsg`, which contain three things:
<ul><li> A `syscall.LazyProc` to call
<li> The parameters, as a `[]uintptr` (just like `syscall.LazyProc.Call()`)
<li> A channel to transmit `system.LazyProc.Call()`'s return values on</ul>
The `sysData` functions create the return channel, wait for results on it, then destroy the channel. As all DLL dispatch is done through `syscall.LazyDLL`, the Windows backend does not use cgo.

## Unix (except Mac OS X)
GTK+ is strange: there are constructor functions that return `GtkWidget *`, but anything that actually accesses a control requires the `GtkWidget *` to be cast to the appropriate control type. Fortunately, we can do this at time of call and just store `GtkWidget *`s for everything. And as most of these control methods take the same form, we can just store a list of functions to call for each control type.

`uitask` is a channel that takes `func()` literals. These are closures generated by the `sysData` functions that contain the GTK+ calls and a channel send for return values (like with Windows above). If no return value is needed, the channel send just sends a `struct{}`. The UI goroutine merely calls these functions.

As the GTK+ main loop system does not quite run in a sane way (it allows recursion, and the `gtk_main_loop_iteration_do` function only onperates on the innermost call), we cannot use the `for`/`select` template for `ui()`. Fortunately, GDK provides gdk_threads_add_idle(), which allows us to run, and optionally (and importantly) run only once, a function on the `gtk_main()` thread when not processing events. We use this, combined with a goroutine for dispatching, to handle `uitask` requests. See `our_idle_callback` in callbacks_unix.go for details.

GTK+ layout managers are not used since the UI library's layout managers are coded in a portable way. (A `GtkLayout` in a `GtkScrolledWindow` is used instead. This is done instead of just a `GtkFixed` so that a window can be resized smaller than the size requests of its contents.) This isn't ideal, but it works for now.

All event handlers take the `sysData` as their user data parameter; this means all the event-handling code is stored in static functions in callbacks_unix.go. (Early versions of the package generated signal handlers for each control on the fly, but this needed to be changed to accommodoate Area, which not only needs the `sysData` but also needs to connect to a subwidget of a subwidget (specifically the subwidget of the `GtkViewport` of a `GtkScrolledWindow`); the current setup also avoids creating closures for each and every Window and Button created, and also means we can stop having to shove those callbacks in an ever-growing slice to prevent them from being garbage collected.) Should the widget actually be a child widget of a `GtkScrolledWindow`, the `child` function and `childsigs` signal list are used to assign signals as well.

The only major snag with the GTK+ implementation is the implementation of `Listbox`; see `listbox_unix.go` for details.

## Mac OS X
The Mac OS X backend uses Cocoa. As Cocoa uses Objective-C, we work through the Objective-C runtime, whose various methods are called directly from the Go code. The biggest problem is that the message dispatch function, `objc_msgSend`, takes a variable number of arguments, and cgo can't handle this. Consequently, I have to use a bunch of wrapper functions, made in `objc_darwin.h` and `bleh_darwin.m`, instead. `bleh_darwin.m` implements a bunch of edge cases where limitations of cgo or problems with the documentation or implementation do not allow otherwise (hence the filename).

Before the Mac OS X backend was written, you put your code in `main.main()`. Unfortunately, Cocoa **requires** that you place its event loop on the very first OS thread created, called the "main thread", and provides no way to move things to another thread. (Windows and GTK+ don't seem to care which thread you use so long as you use one thread.) This is why you have to put your code in another function and call `ui.Go()` to use the library.

Otherwise, the `sysData` for Cocoa just uses a bunch of functions that call the necessary Objective-C functions ("selectors") to create and modify controls.

Event handling is done with a delegate class in `delegate_darwin.go`. This class is created at runtime (a feature that seems to have been introduced in Mac OS X 10.5) and a single instance is shared by everything. This instance is also responsible for `uitask` dispatch: Cocoa provides facilities for running an object's selector on the main thread. `uitask` communicates `func()` literals, just like the GTK+ backend.

Cocoa coordinate systems have (0,0) at the bottom-left corner of each rectangle (be it the screen, a window, or a control) and has Y go up as it increases; everything else places (0,0) at the top-left and has Y go down as it increases. The various `setSize()` methods have thus been adorned with the window's content area's height to do the necessary fixup. This was done to avoid polling the window's height many times each time a window is resized.

The biggest problem with Cocoa is that you were never intended to use it directly for GUI work: you were intended to use Interface Builder for everything. For the most part, we can get by, as there aren't too many functions and most things are documented well enough. Listboxes and other cases of NSTableView, on the other hand, are not. Read `listbox_darwin.go` for more details.

Other limitations caused by Cocoa are described in their respective soruce files.