// 8 july 2014 package ui // This file is called zz_test.go to keep it separate from the other files in this package (and because go test won't accept just test.go) import ( "flag" "fmt" "image" "image/color" "image/draw" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "time" ) var closeOnClick = flag.Bool("close", false, "close on click") var smallWindow = flag.Bool("small", false, "open a small window (test Mac OS X initial control sizing)") type dtype struct { Name string Address string } var ddata = []dtype{ {"alpha", "beta"}, {"gamma", "delta"}, {"epsilon", "zeta"}, {"eta", "theta"}, {"iota", "kappa"}, } type testwin struct { t Tab w Window repainter *repainter fe *ForeignEvent festack Stack festart Button felabel Label festop Button vedit TextField openbtn Button fnlabel Label icons []icon il ImageList icontbl Table group2 Group group Group simpleGrid SimpleGrid nt Tab a Area spw Stack sph Stack s Stack l Label table Table b Button c Checkbox e TextField e2 TextField wsmall Window } type areaHandler struct { handled bool } func (a *areaHandler) Paint(r image.Rectangle) *image.RGBA { i := image.NewRGBA(r) draw.Draw(i, r, &image.Uniform{color.RGBA{128, 0, 128, 255}}, image.ZP, draw.Src) return i } func (a *areaHandler) Mouse(me MouseEvent) { fmt.Printf("%#v\n", me) } func (a *areaHandler) Key(ke KeyEvent) bool { fmt.Printf("%#v %q\n", ke, ke.Key); return a.handled } func (tw *testwin) openFile(fn string) { if fn == "" { fn = "<no file selected>" } tw.fnlabel.SetText(fn) } func (tw *testwin) addfe() { tw.festart = NewButton("Start") tw.festart.OnClicked(func() { if tw.fe != nil { tw.fe.Stop() } ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) tw.fe = NewForeignEvent(ticker.C, func(d interface{}) { t := d.(time.Time) tw.felabel.SetText(t.String()) }) }) tw.felabel = NewStandaloneLabel("<stopped>") tw.festop = NewButton("Stop") tw.festop.OnClicked(func() { if tw.fe != nil { tw.fe.Stop() tw.felabel.SetText("<stopped>") tw.fe = nil } }) tw.vedit = NewTextField() tw.vedit.OnChanged(func() { if strings.Contains(tw.vedit.Text(), "bad") { tw.vedit.Invalid("bad entered") } else { tw.vedit.Invalid("") } }) tw.openbtn = NewButton("Open") tw.openbtn.OnClicked(func() { OpenFile(tw.w, tw.openFile) }) tw.fnlabel = NewStandaloneLabel("<no file selected>") tw.festack = NewVerticalStack(tw.festart, tw.felabel, tw.festop, NewCheckbox("This is a checkbox test"), Space(), tw.vedit, Space(), NewCheckbox("This is a checkbox test"), tw.openbtn, tw.fnlabel) tw.festack.SetStretchy(4) tw.festack.SetStretchy(6) tw.festack = NewHorizontalStack(tw.festack, Space()) tw.festack.SetStretchy(0) tw.festack.SetStretchy(1) tw.t.Append("Foreign Events", tw.festack) } func (tw *testwin) make(done chan struct{}) { tw.t = NewTab() tw.w = NewWindow("Hello", 320, 240, tw.t) tw.w.OnClosing(func() bool { if *closeOnClick { panic("window closed normally in close on click mode (should not happen)") } println("window close event received") Stop() done <- struct{}{} return true }) tw.icons, tw.il = readIcons() // repainter uses these tw.repainter = newRepainter(15) tw.t.Append("Repaint", tw.repainter.grid) tw.addfe() tw.icontbl = NewTable(reflect.TypeOf(icon{})) tw.icontbl.Lock() idq := tw.icontbl.Data().(*[]icon) *idq = tw.icons tw.icontbl.Unlock() tw.icontbl.LoadImageList(tw.il) tw.icontbl.OnSelected(func() { s := fmt.Sprintf("%d ", tw.icontbl.Selected()) tw.icontbl.RLock() defer tw.icontbl.RUnlock() idq := tw.icontbl.Data().(*[]icon) for _, v := range *idq { s += strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Bool)[0:1]) + " " } tw.w.SetTitle(s) }) tw.t.Append("Image List Table", tw.icontbl) tw.group2 = NewGroup("Group", NewButton("Button in Group")) tw.t.Append("Empty Group", NewGroup("Group", Space())) tw.t.Append("Filled Group", tw.group2) tw.group = NewGroup("Group", NewVerticalStack(NewCheckbox("Checkbox in Group"))) tw.t.Append("Group", tw.group) tw.simpleGrid = NewSimpleGrid(3, NewLabel("0,0"), NewTextField(), NewLabel("0,2"), NewButton("1,0"), NewButton("1,1"), NewButton("1,2"), NewLabel("2,0"), NewTextField(), NewStandaloneLabel("2,2")) tw.simpleGrid.SetFilling(2, 1) tw.simpleGrid.SetFilling(1, 2) tw.simpleGrid.SetStretchy(1, 1) tw.t.Append("Simple Grid", tw.simpleGrid) tw.t.Append("Blank Tab", NewTab()) tw.nt = NewTab() tw.nt.Append("Tab 1", Space()) tw.nt.Append("Tab 2", Space()) tw.t.Append("Tab", tw.nt) tw.t.Append("Space", Space()) tw.a = NewArea(200, 200, &areaHandler{false}) tw.t.Append("Area", tw.a) tw.spw = NewHorizontalStack( NewButton("hello"), NewCheckbox("hello"), NewTextField(), NewPasswordField(), NewTable(reflect.TypeOf(struct{ A, B, C int }{})), NewStandaloneLabel("hello")) tw.t.Append("Pref Width", tw.spw) tw.sph = NewVerticalStack( NewButton("hello"), NewCheckbox("hello"), NewTextField(), NewPasswordField(), NewTable(reflect.TypeOf(struct{ A, B, C int }{})), NewStandaloneLabel("hello ÉÀÔ")) tw.t.Append("Pref Height", tw.sph) stack1 := NewHorizontalStack(NewLabel("Test"), NewTextField()) stack1.SetStretchy(1) stack2 := NewHorizontalStack(NewLabel("ÉÀÔ"), NewTextField()) stack2.SetStretchy(1) stack3 := NewHorizontalStack(NewLabel("Test 2"), NewTable(reflect.TypeOf(struct{ A, B, C int }{}))) stack3.SetStretchy(1) tw.s = NewVerticalStack(stack1, stack2, stack3) tw.s.SetStretchy(2) tw.t.Append("Stack", tw.s) tw.l = NewStandaloneLabel("hello") tw.t.Append("Label", tw.l) tw.table = NewTable(reflect.TypeOf(ddata[0])) tw.table.Lock() dq := tw.table.Data().(*[]dtype) *dq = ddata tw.table.Unlock() tw.t.Append("Table", tw.table) tw.b = NewButton("There") if *closeOnClick { tw.b.SetText("Click to Close") } tw.b.OnClicked(func() { println("in OnClicked()") if *closeOnClick { tw.w.Close() Stop() done <- struct{}{} } }) tw.t.Append("Button", tw.b) tw.c = NewCheckbox("You Should Now See Me Instead") tw.c.OnToggled(func() { tw.w.SetTitle(fmt.Sprint(tw.c.Checked())) }) tw.t.Append("Checkbox", tw.c) tw.e = NewTextField() tw.t.Append("Text Field", tw.e) tw.e2 = NewPasswordField() tw.t.Append("Password Field", tw.e2) tw.w.Show() if *smallWindow { tw.wsmall = NewWindow("Small", 80, 80, NewVerticalStack( NewButton("Small"), NewButton("Small 2"), NewArea(200, 200, &areaHandler{true}))) tw.wsmall.Show() } } // this must be on the heap thanks to moving stacks // soon even this won't be enough... var tw *testwin // because Cocoa hates being run off the main thread, even if it's run exclusively off the main thread func init() { flag.BoolVar(&spaced, "spaced", false, "enable spacing") flag.Parse() go func() { tw = new(testwin) done := make(chan struct{}) Do(func() { tw.make(done) }) <-done }() err := Go() if err != nil { panic(err) } } func TestDummy(t *testing.T) { // do nothing }