// 28 february 2014 package ui import ( "unsafe" ) // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lobjc -framework Foundation // #include // #include "objc_darwin.h" import "C" func toNSString(str string) C.id { cstr := C.CString(str) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr)) return C.toNSString(cstr) } func fromNSString(str C.id) string { return C.GoString(C.fromNSString(str)) } func toBOOL(what bool) C.BOOL { if what { return C.YES } return C.NO } // These consolidate the NSScrollView code (used by listbox_darwin.go and area_darwin.go) into a single place. func makeScrollView(content C.id) C.id { return C.makeScrollView(content) } func getScrollViewContent(scrollview C.id) C.id { return C.scrollViewContent(scrollview) }