// 8 december 2014 struct drawCellParams { intptr_t row; intptr_t column; LONG x; LONG y; LONG width; // of column LONG height; // rowHeight() LRESULT xoff; // result of HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN }; static void drawCell(struct table *t, HDC dc, struct drawCellParams *p) { RECT r; WCHAR msg[200]; int n; HBRUSH background; int textColor; POINT pt; int cbState; RECT cellrect; // TODO verify these two background = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1); textColor = COLOR_WINDOWTEXT; if (t->selectedRow == p->row) { // these are the colors wine uses (http://source.winehq.org/source/dlls/comctl32/listview.c) // the two for unfocused are also suggested by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10428710/windows-forms-inactive-highlight-color background = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT + 1); textColor = COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT; if (GetFocus() != t->hwnd) { background = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); textColor = COLOR_BTNTEXT; } // TODO disabled } r.left = p->x; r.right = p->x + p->width; r.top = p->y; r.bottom = p->y + p->height; if (FillRect(dc, &r, background) == 0) panic("error filling Table cell background"); cellrect = r; // save for drawing the focus rect switch (t->columnTypes[p->column]) { case tableColumnText: case tableColumnImage: // TODO toCellContentRect(t, &r, p->xoff, 0, 0); // TODO get the text height if (SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(textColor)) == CLR_INVALID) panic("error setting Table cell text color"); if (SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT) == 0) panic("error setting transparent text drawing mode for Table cell"); n = wsprintf(msg, L"(%d,%d)", p->row, p->column); if (DrawTextExW(dc, msg, n, &r, DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE, NULL) == 0) panic("error drawing Table cell text"); break; case tableColumnCheckbox: toCheckboxRect(t, &r, p->xoff); cbState = 0; if (p->row == lastCheckbox.row && p->column == lastCheckbox.column) cbState |= checkboxStateChecked; if (t->checkboxMouseDown) if (p->row == t->checkboxMouseDownRow && p->column == t->checkboxMouseDownColumn) cbState |= checkboxStatePushed; if (t->checkboxMouseOverLast) { pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(t->checkboxMouseOverLastPoint); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(t->checkboxMouseOverLastPoint); if (PtInRect(&r, pt) != 0) cbState |= checkboxStateHot; } drawCheckbox(t, dc, &r, cbState); break; } // TODO in front of or behind the cell contents? if (t->selectedRow == p->row && t->selectedColumn == p->column) if (DrawFocusRect(dc, &cellrect) == 0) panic("error drawing focus rect on current Table cell"); } // TODO use cliprect static void draw(struct table *t, HDC dc, RECT cliprect, RECT client) { intptr_t i, j; int x = 0; HFONT prevfont, newfont; struct drawCellParams p; prevfont = selectFont(t, dc, &newfont); client.top += t->headerHeight; ZeroMemory(&p, sizeof (struct drawCellParams)); p.height = rowHeight(t, dc, FALSE); p.xoff = SendMessageW(t->header, HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN, 0, 0); p.y = client.top; for (i = t->vscrollpos; i < t->count; i++) { p.row = i; p.x = client.left - t->hscrollpos; for (j = 0; j < t->nColumns; j++) { p.column = j; p.width = columnWidth(t, p.column); drawCell(t, dc, &p); p.x += p.width; } p.y += p.height; if (p.y >= client.bottom) // >= because RECT.bottom is the first pixel outside the rect break; } deselectFont(dc, prevfont, newfont); } HANDLER(drawHandlers) { HDC dc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT client; RECT r; if (uMsg != WM_PAINT && uMsg != WM_PRINTCLIENT) return FALSE; if (GetClientRect(t->hwnd, &client) == 0) panic("error getting client rect for Table painting"); if (uMsg == WM_PAINT) { dc = BeginPaint(t->hwnd, &ps); if (dc == NULL) panic("error beginning Table painting"); r = ps.rcPaint; } else { dc = (HDC) wParam; r = client; } draw(t, dc, r, client); if (uMsg == WM_PAINT) EndPaint(t->hwnd, &ps); // this is correct for WM_PRINTCLIENT; see http://stackoverflow.com/a/27362258/3408572 *lResult = 0; return TRUE; } // TODO redraw selected row on focus change // TODO here or in select.h?