// +build !windows,!darwin // 16 august 2014 package ui import ( "fmt" "unsafe" "image" ) // #include "gtk_unix.h" import "C" type imagelist struct { list []*C.GdkPixbuf } func newImageList() ImageList { return new(imagelist) } // this is what GtkFileChooserWidget uses // technically it uses max(width from that, height from that) if the call below fails and 16x16 otherwise, but we won't worry about that here (yet?) const scaleTo = C.GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU func (i *imagelist) Append(img *image.RGBA) { var width, height C.gint surface := C.cairo_image_surface_create(C.CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, C.int(img.Rect.Dx()), C.int(img.Rect.Dy())) if status := C.cairo_surface_status(surface); status != C.CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS { panic(fmt.Errorf("cairo_create_image_surface() failed in ImageList.Append(): %s\n", C.GoString(C.cairo_status_to_string(status)))) } C.cairo_surface_flush(surface) toARGB(img, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(C.cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface))), int(C.cairo_image_surface_get_stride(surface))) C.cairo_surface_mark_dirty(surface) basepixbuf := C.gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface(surface, 0, 0, C.gint(img.Rect.Dx()), C.gint(img.Rect.Dy())) if basepixbuf == nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface() failed in ImageList.Append() (no reason available)")) } if C.gtk_icon_size_lookup(scaleTo, &width, &height) == C.FALSE { panic(fmt.Errorf("gtk_icon_size_lookup() failed in ImageList.Append() (no reason available)")) } if int(width) == img.Rect.Dx() && int(height) == img.Rect.Dy() { // just add the base pixbuf; we're good i.list = append(i.list, basepixbuf) C.cairo_surface_destroy(surface) return } // else scale pixbuf := C.gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(basepixbuf, C.int(width), C.int(height), C.GDK_INTERP_NEAREST) if pixbuf == nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple() failed in ImageList.Append() (no reason available)")) } i.list = append(i.list, pixbuf) C.gdk_pixbuf_unref(basepixbuf) C.cairo_surface_destroy(surface) } func (i *imagelist) Len() ImageIndex { return ImageIndex(len(i.list)) } type imageListApply interface { apply(*[]*C.GdkPixbuf) } func (i *imagelist) apply(out *[]*C.GdkPixbuf) { *out = make([]*C.GdkPixbuf, len(i.list)) copy(*out, i.list) }