// 29 july 2014 #import "objc_darwin.h" #import "_cgo_export.h" #import #define toNSTableView(x) ((NSTableView *) (x)) // NSTableColumn provides no provision to store an integer data // it does provide an identifier tag, but that's a NSString, and I'd rather not risk the conversion overhead @interface goTableColumn : NSTableColumn { @public intptr_t gocolnum; } @end @implementation goTableColumn @end @interface goTableDataSource : NSObject { @public void *gotable; } @end @implementation goTableDataSource - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)view { return (NSInteger) goTableDataSource_getRowCount(self->gotable); } - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)view objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)col row:(NSInteger)row { char *str; NSString *s; intptr_t colnum; colnum = ((goTableColumn *) col)->gocolnum; str = goTableDataSource_getValue(self->gotable, (intptr_t) row, colnum); s = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]; free(str); // allocated with C.CString() on the Go side return s; } @end id newTable(void) { NSTableView *t; t = [[NSTableView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; [t setAllowsColumnReordering:NO]; [t setAllowsColumnResizing:YES]; [t setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; [t setAllowsEmptySelection:YES]; [t setAllowsColumnSelection:NO]; return (id) t; } void tableAppendColumn(id t, intptr_t colnum, char *name) { goTableColumn *c; c = [[goTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil]; c->gocolnum = colnum; [c setEditable:NO]; [[c headerCell] setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:name]]; setSmallControlFont((id) [c headerCell]); setStandardControlFont((id) [c dataCell]); // TODO text layout options [toNSTableView(t) addTableColumn:c]; } void tableUpdate(id t) { [toNSTableView(t) reloadData]; } void tableMakeDataSource(id table, void *gotable) { goTableDataSource *model; model = [goTableDataSource new]; model->gotable = gotable; [toNSTableView(table) setDataSource:model]; } // -[NSTableView sizeToFit] does not actually size to fit // -[NSTableColumn sizeToFit] is just for the header // -[NSTableColumn sizeToFit] can work for guessing but overrides user settings // -[[NSTableColumn headerCell] cellSize] does NOT (despite being documented as returning the minimum needed size) // Let's write our own to prefer: // - width of the sum of all columns's current widths // - height of 5 rows (arbitrary count; seems reasonable) + header view height // Hopefully this is reasonable. struct xsize tablePreferredSize(id control) { NSTableView *t; NSArray *columns; struct xsize s; NSUInteger i, n; NSTableColumn *c; t = toNSTableView(control); columns = [t tableColumns]; n = [columns count]; s.width = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CGFloat width; c = (NSTableColumn *) [columns objectAtIndex:i]; s.width += (intptr_t) [c width]; } s.height = 5 * (intptr_t) [t rowHeight]; s.height += (intptr_t) [[t headerView] frame].size.height; return s; }