// 28 july 2014

package ui

import (

// Table is a Control that displays a list of like-structured data in a grid where each row represents an item and each column represents a bit of data.
// Tables store and render a slice of struct values.
// Each field of the struct of type *image.RGBA is rendered as an icon.
// The Table itself will resize the image to an icon size if needed; the original *image.RGBA will not be modified and the icon size is implementation-defined.
// Each field whose type is bool or equivalent to bool is rendered as a checkbox.
// All other fields are rendered as strings formatted with package fmt's %v format specifier.
// Tables are read-only by default, except for checkboxes, which are user-settable.
// Tables have headers on top of all columns.
// By default, the name of the header is the same as the name of the field.
// If the struct field has a tag "uicolumn", its value is used as the header string instead.
// Tables maintain their own storage behind a sync.RWMutex-compatible sync.Locker; use Table.Lock()/Table.Unlock() to make changes and Table.RLock()/Table.RUnlock() to merely read values.
type Table interface {

	// Lock and Unlock lock and unlock Data for reading or writing.
	// RLock and RUnlock lock and unlock Data for reading only.
	// These methods have identical semantics to the analogous methods of sync.RWMutex.
	// In addition, Unlock() will request an update of the Table to account for whatever was changed.

	// Data returns the internal data.
	// The returned value will contain an object of type pointer to slice of some structure; use a type assertion to get the properly typed object out.
	// Do not call this outside a Lock()..Unlock() or RLock()..RUnlock() pair.
	Data() interface{}

	// Selected and Select get and set the currently selected item in the Table.
	// Selected returns -1 if no item is selected.
	// Pass -1 to Select to deselect all items.
	Selected() int
	Select(index int)

	// OnSelected is an event that gets triggered after the selection in the Table changes in whatever way (item selected or item deselected).

type tablebase struct {
	lock sync.RWMutex
	data interface{}

// NewTable creates a new Table.
// Currently, the argument must be a reflect.Type representing the structure that each item in the Table will hold, and the Table will be initially empty.
// This will change in the future.
func NewTable(ty reflect.Type) Table {
	if ty.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown or unsupported type %v given to NewTable()", ty))
	b := new(tablebase)
	// we want a pointer to a slice
	b.data = reflect.New(reflect.SliceOf(ty)).Interface()
	return finishNewTable(b, ty)

func (b *tablebase) Lock() {

// Unlock() is defined on each backend implementation of Table
// they should all call this, however
func (b *tablebase) unlock() {

func (b *tablebase) RLock() {

func (b *tablebase) RUnlock() {

func (b *tablebase) Data() interface{} {
	return b.data