// 28 february 2014 package ui import ( "fmt" "runtime" "unsafe" ) /* We will create an Objective-C class goAppDelegate. It contains two methods: - (void)applicationDidFinishLoading:(NSNotification *)unused will signal to ui() that we are now in the Cocoa event loop; we make our goAppDelegate instance the NSApplication delegate - (void)uitask:(NSValue *)functionPointer the function that actually performs our UI task functions; it is called with NSObject's performSelectorOnMainThread system */ // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lobjc -framework Foundation -framework AppKit // #include "objc_darwin.h" // extern void appDelegate_uitask(id, SEL, id); import "C" // temporary for now func msgBox(string, string){} func msgBoxError(string, string){} var uitask chan func() var ( _NSAutoreleasePool = objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool") _NSValue = objc_getClass("NSValue") _uitask = sel_getUid("uitask:") _valueWithPointer = sel_getUid("valueWithPointer:") _performSelectorOnMainThread = sel_getUid("performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:") _pointerValue = sel_getUid("pointerValue") _run = sel_getUid("run") ) func ui(main func()) error { runtime.LockOSThread() uitask = make(chan func()) NSApp, appDelegate, err := initCocoa() if err != nil { return err } // Cocoa must run on the first thread created by the program, so we run our dispatcher on another thread instead go func() { for f := range uitask { // we need to make an NSAutoreleasePool, otherwise we get leak warnings on stderr pool := objc_new(_NSAutoreleasePool) fp := C.objc_msgSend_ptr(_NSValue, _valueWithPointer, unsafe.Pointer(&f)) C.objc_msgSend_sel_id_bool( appDelegate, _performSelectorOnMainThread, _uitask, fp, C.BOOL(C.YES)) // wait so we can properly drain the autorelease pool; on other platforms we wind up waiting anyway (since the main thread can only handle one thing at a time) so objc_release(pool) } }() go main() C.objc_msgSend_noargs(NSApp, _run) return nil } // TODO move to init_darwin.go? const ( _goAppDelegate = "goAppDelegate" ) var ( _NSApplication = objc_getClass("NSApplication") _sharedApplication = sel_getUid("sharedApplication") ) func initCocoa() (NSApp C.id, appDelegate C.id, err error) { var appdelegateclass C.Class NSApp = C.objc_msgSend_noargs(_NSApplication, _sharedApplication) appdelegateclass, err = makeDelegateClass(_goAppDelegate) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("error creating NSApplication delegate: %v", err) return } err = addDelegateMethod(appdelegateclass, _uitask, C.appDelegate_uitask) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("error adding NSApplication delegate uitask: method (to do UI tasks): %v", err) return } // TODO using objc_new() causes a segfault; find out why // TODO make alloc followed by init (I thought NSObject provided its own init?) appDelegate = objc_alloc(objc_getClass(_goAppDelegate)) return } //export appDelegate_uitask func appDelegate_uitask(self C.id, sel C.SEL, arg C.id) { p := C.objc_msgSend_noargs(arg, _pointerValue) f := (*func ())(unsafe.Pointer(p)) (*f)() }