// 7 february 2014 package main import ( "fmt" "syscall" "unsafe" ) // MessageBox button types. const ( _MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 0x00000002 _MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE = 0x00000006 _MB_HELP = 0x00004000 _MB_OK = 0x00000000 _MB_OKCANCEL = 0x00000001 _MB_RETRYCANCEL = 0x00000005 _MB_YESNO = 0x00000004 _MB_YESNOCANCEL = 0x00000003 ) // MessageBox icon types. const ( _MB_ICONEXCLAMATION = 0x00000030 _MB_ICONWARNING = 0x00000030 _MB_ICONINFORMATION = 0x00000040 _MB_ICONASTERISK = 0x00000040 _MB_ICONQUESTION = 0x00000020 _MB_ICONSTOP = 0x00000010 _MB_ICONERROR = 0x00000010 _MB_ICONHAND = 0x00000010 ) // MessageBox default button types. const ( _MB_DEFBUTTON1 = 0x00000000 _MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 0x00000100 _MB_DEFBUTTON3 = 0x00000200 _MB_DEFBUTTON4 = 0x00000300 ) // MessageBox modality types. const ( _MB_APPLMODAL = 0x00000000 _MB_SYSTEMMODAL = 0x00001000 _MB_TASKMODAL = 0x00002000 ) // MessageBox miscellaneous types. const ( _MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY = 0x00020000 _MB_RIGHT = 0x00080000 _MB_RTLREADING = 0x00100000 _MB_SETFOREGROUND = 0x00010000 _MB_TOPMOST = 0x00040000 _MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION = 0x00200000 ) // MessageBox return values. const ( _IDABORT = 3 _IDCANCEL = 2 _IDCONTINUE = 11 _IDIGNORE = 5 _IDNO = 7 _IDOK = 1 _IDRETRY = 4 _IDTRYAGAIN = 10 _IDYES = 6 ) var ( _messageBox = user32.NewProc("MessageBoxW") ) func msgBox(lpText string, lpCaption string, uType uint32) (result int) { r1, _, err := _messageBox.Call( uintptr(_NULL), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(lpText))), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(lpCaption))), uintptr(uType)) if r1 == 0 { // failure panic(fmt.Sprintf("error displaying message box to user: %v\nstyle: 0x%08X\ntitle: %q\ntext:\n%s", err, uType, lpCaption, lpText)) } return int(r1) } // MsgBox displays an informational message box to the user with just an OK button. func MsgBox(title string, textfmt string, args ...interface{}) { // TODO add an icon? msgBox(fmt.Sprintf(textfmt, args...), title, _MB_OK) } // MsgBoxError displays a message box to the user with just an OK button and an icon indicating an error. func MsgBoxError(title string, textfmt string, args ...interface{}) { // TODO add an icon? msgBox(fmt.Sprintf(textfmt, args...), title, _MB_OK | _MB_ICONERROR) }