// 28 july 2014 package ui import ( "fmt" "unsafe" "reflect" ) // #include "winapi_windows.h" import "C" type table struct { *tablebase _hwnd C.HWND } func finishNewTable(b *tablebase, ty reflect.Type) Table { t := &table{ _hwnd: C.newControl(C.xWC_LISTVIEW, C.LVS_REPORT | C.LVS_OWNERDATA | C.LVS_NOSORTHEADER | C.LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | C.WS_HSCROLL | C.WS_VSCROLL, C.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE), // WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE without WS_BORDER will show the canonical visual styles border (thanks to MindChild in irc.efnet.net/#winprog) tablebase: b, } C.setTableSubclass(t._hwnd, unsafe.Pointer(t)) // LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT gives us selection across the whole row, not just the leftmost column; this makes the list view work like on other platforms // LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES gives us images in subitems, which will be important when both images and checkboxes are added C.tableAddExtendedStyles(t._hwnd, C.LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | C.LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES) for i := 0; i < ty.NumField(); i++ { C.tableAppendColumn(t._hwnd, C.int(i), toUTF16(ty.Field(i).Name)) } return t } func (t *table) Unlock() { t.unlock() // TODO RACE CONDITION HERE // I think there's a way to set the item count without causing a refetch of data that works around this... t.RLock() defer t.RUnlock() C.tableUpdate(t._hwnd, C.int(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(t.data)).Len())) } //export tableGetCellText func tableGetCellText(data unsafe.Pointer, row C.int, col C.int, str *C.LPWSTR) { t := (*table)(data) t.RLock() defer t.RUnlock() d := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(t.data)) datum := d.Index(int(row)).Field(int(col)) s := fmt.Sprintf("%v", datum) *str = toUTF16(s) } func (t *table) hwnd() C.HWND { return t._hwnd } func (t *table) setParent(p *controlParent) { basesetParent(t, p) } func (t *table) allocate(x int, y int, width int, height int, d *sizing) []*allocation { return baseallocate(t, x, y, width, height, d) } const ( // from C++ Template 05 in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb226818%28v=vs.85%29.aspx as this is the best I can do for now... (TODO see if I can reliably get item width/height from text size) tableWidth = 183 tableHeight = 50 ) func (t *table) preferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) { return fromdlgunitsX(tableWidth, d), fromdlgunitsY(tableHeight, d) } func (t *table) commitResize(a *allocation, d *sizing) { basecommitResize(t, a, d) } func (t *table) getAuxResizeInfo(d *sizing) { basegetAuxResizeInfo(t, d) }