/* 17 july 2014 */ #include "winapi_windows.h" static ULONG_PTR comctlManifestCookie; static HMODULE comctl32; /* these are listed as WINAPI in both Microsoft's and MinGW's headers, but not on MSDN for some reason */ BOOL (*WINAPI fv_SetWindowSubclass)(HWND, SUBCLASSPROC, UINT_PTR, DWORD_PTR); BOOL (*WINAPI fv_RemoveWindowSubclass)(HWND, SUBCLASSPROC, UINT_PTR); LRESULT (*WINAPI fv_DefSubclassProc)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); DWORD initCommonControls(LPCWSTR manifest, char **errmsg) { ACTCTX actctx; HANDLE ac; INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icc; FARPROC f; /* this is listed as WINAPI in both Microsoft's and MinGW's headers, but not on MSDN for some reason */ BOOL (*WINAPI ficc)(const LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); ZeroMemory(&actctx, sizeof (ACTCTX)); actctx.cbSize = sizeof (ACTCTX); actctx.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_SET_PROCESS_DEFAULT; actctx.lpSource = manifest; ac = CreateActCtx(&actctx); if (ac == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { *errmsg = "error creating activation context for synthesized manifest file"; return GetLastError(); } if (ActivateActCtx(ac, &comctlManifestCookie) == FALSE) { *errmsg = "error activating activation context for synthesized manifest file"; return GetLastError(); } ZeroMemory(&icc, sizeof (INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX)); icc.dwSize = sizeof (INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); icc.dwICC = ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS | ICC_TAB_CLASSES; comctl32 = LoadLibraryW(L"comctl32.dll"); if (comctl32 == NULL) { *errmsg = "error loading comctl32.dll"; return GetLastError(); } /* GetProcAddress() only takes a multibyte string */ #define LOAD(fn) f = GetProcAddress(comctl32, fn); \ if (f == NULL) { \ *errmsg = "error loading " fn "()"; \ return GetLastError(); \ } LOAD("InitCommonControlsEx"); ficc = (BOOL (*WINAPI)(const LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX)) f; LOAD("SetWindowSubclass"); fv_SetWindowSubclass = (BOOL (*WINAPI)(HWND, SUBCLASSPROC, UINT_PTR, DWORD_PTR)) f; LOAD("RemoveWindowSubclass"); fv_RemoveWindowSubclass = (BOOL (*WINAPI)(HWND, SUBCLASSPROC, UINT_PTR)) f; LOAD("DefSubclassProc"); fv_DefSubclassProc = (LRESULT (*WINAPI)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM)) f; if ((*ficc)(&icc) == FALSE) { *errmsg = "error initializing Common Controls (comctl32.dll)"; return GetLastError(); } return 0; }