// 28 february 2014 package ui import ( "fmt" "runtime" "unsafe" ) // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lobjc -framework Foundation -framework AppKit // #include "objc_darwin.h" // #include "delegateuitask_darwin.h" import "C" var uitask chan func() func ui(main func()) error { runtime.LockOSThread() uitask = make(chan func()) err := initCocoa() if err != nil { return err } // Cocoa must run on the first thread created by the program, so we run our dispatcher on another thread instead go func() { for f := range uitask { C.douitask(appDelegate, unsafe.Pointer(&f)) } }() go func() { main() uitask <- func() { C.breakMainLoop() } }() C.cocoaMainLoop() return nil } // TODO move to init_darwin.go? func initCocoa() (err error) { makeAppDelegate() if C.initCocoa(appDelegate) != C.YES { return fmt.Errorf("error setting NSApplication activation policy (basically identifies our program as a separate program; needed for several things, such as Dock icon, application menu, window resizing, etc.) (unknown reason)") } return nil } //export appDelegate_uitask func appDelegate_uitask(p unsafe.Pointer) { f := (*func ())(unsafe.Pointer(p)) (*f)() }