// 8 december 2014 static void addColumn(struct table *t, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { t->nColumns++; t->columnTypes = (int *) tableRealloc(t->columnTypes, t->nColumns * sizeof (int), "adding the new column type to the current Table's list of column types"); t->columnTypes[t->nColumns - 1] = (int) wParam; // TODO make a panicNoErrCode() or panicArg() for this if (t->columnTypes[t->nColumns - 1] >= nTableColumnTypes) panic("invalid column type passed to tableAddColumn"); headerAddColumn(t, (WCHAR *) lParam); updateTableWidth(t); } HANDLER(apiHandlers) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_SETFONT: // don't free the old font; see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2008/09/12/8945692.aspx t->font = (HFONT) wParam; SendMessageW(t->header, WM_SETFONT, wParam, lParam); // TODO how to properly handle LOWORD(lParam) != FALSE? // TODO depending on the result of the above, update table width to refresh t->headerHeight? *lResult = 0; return TRUE; case WM_GETFONT: *lResult = (LRESULT) (t->font); return TRUE; case tableAddColumn: addColumn(t, wParam, lParam); *lResult = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }