// 11 july 2014 package ui // wfunc kernel32 GetModuleHandleW *uint16 uintptr // wfunc kernel32 GetStartupInfoW *s_STARTUPINFOW void // wfunc user32 LoadIconW uintptr uintptr uintptr // wfunc user32 LoadCursorW uintptr uintptr uintptr // wfunc user32 GetMessageW *s_MSG uintptr t_UINT t_UINT t_BOOL // these two don't technically return void but let's pretend they do since their return values are irrelevant/not indicative of anything useful // wfunc user32 TranslateMessage *s_MSG void // wfunc user32 DispatchMessageW *s_MSG void // wfunc user32 PostMessageW uintptr t_UINT t_WPARAM t_LPARAM uintptr // wfunc user32 RegisterClassW *s_WNDCLASSW uintptr // TODO narrow down argument types // wfunc user32 CreateWindowExW uintptr *uint16 *uint16 uintptr uintptr uintptr uintptr uintptr uintptr uintptr uintptr unsafe.Pointer uintptr // wfunc user32 DefWindowProcW uintptr t_UINT t_WPARAM t_LPARAM t_LRESULT,noerr // this one doesn't technically return void but let's pretend it does since its return value is irrelevant/not indicative of anything useful // wfunc user32 ShowWindow uintptr uintptr void // wfunc user32 SendMessageW uintptr t_UINT t_WPARAM t_LPARAM t_LRESULT,noerr // wfunc user32 UpdateWindow uintptr uintptr // wfunc user32 DestroyWindow uintptr uintptr // wfunc user32 PostQuitMessage uintptr void // wfunc user32 GetClientRect uintptr *s_RECT uintptr // wfunc user32 SetParent uintptr uintptr uintptr // wfunc gdi32 GetTextMetricsW uintptr *s_TEXTMETRICW uintptr // TODO int here will be wrong on 64-bit systems // wfunc kernel32 MulDiv int int int int,noerr // wfunc user32 MoveWindow uintptr int int int int t_BOOL uintptr // wfunc user32 GetDC uintptr uintptr // wfunc gdi32 SelectObject uintptr uintptr uintptr // wfunc user32 ReleaseDC uintptr uintptr uintptr // wfunc user32 IsChild uintptr uintptr uintptr,noerr